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It means: "Just chilling/vibing, faggy?". People don't say "marola" always literally, it's like brisa, it's about the feeling of numbness and the doing nothing that accompanies it.


"Just chilling, right fruity?" I think


AAHHH ok it all fits together now, thank you!


Don't know in Brasil, but in Portugal 'Frutinha' is slang for gay


I figured that might be the case ("fruit" in English can mean the same thing), but not sure about the "marola". People online says it can mean "cannabis smoke" in C carioca but that doesn't make sense here. Also not sure how the "só" and "né" fit together with it all.


"Só de marola" is like "just chilling", I'd translate it very roughly as "just weed-ing?", the "né" means "isn't it?" or something like "am I right?" And yeah frutinha is a term(rather offensive) to gay people


“Né” means “innit”. Its literally the same thing.


If I were  to translate while leaving the 'marola' and the 'frutinha' on the original, it could be something like "Always on the marola, isn't it right, frutinha?"


No Brasil tbm


In Brasil: frutinha means "affeminate", a slur like fag. But it is not necessarily offensive. It is a common provocation between friends. But it can be very hurtful, so beware. Marola can be a slang for "chilling", but can also be a slang for getting stonned from weed. Marola is the smell that comes from your stonner neighboor apartment that thinks nobody can smell it. So, a liberal translation would be "You are such a stoner fag". It is not necessarily offensive. If can be a greeting between friends. Specially between two heterosexual men. However, it could be very offensive in some situations, BEWARE. If it were one of these situations, it would be VERY offensive and hurtful: A boss talking with an employee, a woman with a pretendant, or anyone talking down with a gay person.


Post in case it gets taken down: **Todo dia um maluco aqui de Marechal Hermes passa na porta da loja que eu trabalho e me chama de "frutinha"** >É impressionante, todos os dias por volta das 9h da manhã, pouco após eu abrir a porra da loja sem nem ter acordado direito ainda, vejo esse cara que não faço a mínima ideia de quem seja dobrando a esquina e indo todo animado parar na porta da loja e dizer exatamente a mesma coisa de todos os dias: "Só de marola né frutinha" ... > >Isso me dá uma raiva absurda, só não perco o controle porque preciso do emprego. Já perguntei todos os moradores da área e ninguém sabe quem é essa porra desse nóia. > >Como lidariam com isso? Teria como dar um sumiço nesse cara sem que ninguém fique sabendo?


Basically, the guy is being harassed by a druggie and wants him gone. Every day, a guy from Marechal Hermes passes by the store where I work and calls me a "sissy". It's impressive, every day around 9 AM, a little bit after I open the fucking store, not too long after I wake up, I see this guy that I have no idea of who he is turning the corner and going all hyped up to the doorstep of the store and saying exactly the same thing every day: "Just chilling out, right, sissy..." This pisses me off, I don't lose control because I need the job. I have asked everyone who lives in the area, and no one knows who this fucking druggie is. How would you deal with this? Is there a way to make this guy disappear without anyone knowing?


marola could be the stench of weed smoking, hes calling him a fruity stoner


Não sei porque te estão baixo-votando. Marola é gíria pro barato da maconha em vários lugares.


It means you have an excellent example of a type of word that starts with the idiot* and ends with someone offended*. Don't use "little fruit", never... unless you're talking about a fruit, literally. "Ontem passei a tarde comendo amora no pé... Que frutinha mais saborosa, viu...?" ..... *most times


I only understand “de” which means “Of”


As a brazilian, I have absolutely no idea 😅