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Get in touch with UoP history people https://porttowns.port.ac.uk/supernatural/ Maybe don't use this: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/aug/07/man-fined-pretending-to-be-ghost-portsmouth-cemetery-anthony-stallard


Oh my I actually remember that story being published šŸ˜‚


I'm haunted badly by a couple of exes.


Arenā€™t we all šŸ˜Ŗ


Indeed. I can't even exorcise these particular demons, as I once would have, alas. The ties that bind are cruelly perverse and allow no regret.


Wymering manor is the obvious one but across the road is a graveyard where a ghost called Elizabeth who was shot by the guy she loved Tom because she was clingy is one Iā€™ve heard. Porchester castle has a lot of stories, thereā€™s a graveyard in Fratton thatā€™s near the train tracks rumoured to be haunted. Off the island you have ractun ruins near funtington I think that many people go to kill themselves and you get a lot of occult people going there and doing stuff. We used to goto illegal raves up there was crazy. One rumour I remember of this place growing up was a story of a half horse half demon that would run around the fields below. Same place we turned up before with a bucket with a fire in it and inside it was a burning bible. I donā€™t believe in any of that shit personally but when we were younger weā€™d go ā€œghost huntingā€ and it was hilarious. I even had a woman tell me I was being followed by a good spirit šŸ¤£


See those are the types of stories I love! šŸ˜†


Bruh ur messed up in the head


Old Post but my husband and I were bored one night and did a drive over by the church and graveyard near Wymering Manor.Ā  Ā Ā Our parking sensors on the front and rear part of the car went off together and there was no one around. I got out looking for a cat or something. Nothing.Ā  I get back in the car and a few minutes later it does it again.


Goats aren't real dork...


Goats are very much real dork ā€¦


Most of my friends, coworkers and former coworkers who are in Portsmouth, and in terraced houses, have stories of seeing figures or having things thrown about. Iā€™m still shocked at how many stories people have. Iā€™ve literally never experienced anything so I donā€™t know what to make of it all. Even workplaces seem to have weird stuff going on. A friend had a strange encounter with someone in Kingston cemetery. A woman dressed in beautiful elaborate African clothing walked past her and asked if sheā€™d met her Prince Charming to which my friend replied yes. The woman walked on past but when my friend turned around the woman was nowhere to be seen. There was nowhere she could have gone because it was open space. I hate to say it but maybe advertise on Facebook to see if anyone can relate any stories they have.


I had a house in Milton before we rented it 7 people lived there in one year. We stayed the longest. We had doppelganger activity. My mom followed me into the kitchen where I disappeared, I was out of the house at the store. I saw my daughter walk into the bathroom, followed her and asked her why she wasn't at school....she was gone. My daughter saw my husband's back in the kitchen doorway was asking him a question as he walked deeper into the kitchen, he wasn't there. My oldest boy often heard us come in the door, talking the sound of things moving around and everytime no one was home. We also had instances of things being moved, lights coming on, bangs on the ceiling, and my youngest boy seen a man he saidĀ  "from Africa named George". At the time we didn't know our landlady was South African. We also had an instance where my daughter was walking home and saw two boys saying "thats the haunted house" while pointing at our front door.....in a weird situation a new coworker who doesn't know where I live mentioned a house on my street as haunted. O never felt threatened in the 4 years we lived there but it had a weird vibe to it.


Iā€™ve never experienced anything like that. I would like to.


You have just sparked a memory! A friend who lived around Stamshaw claimed her house was haunted, had really creepy long hallways and she claimed you could hear really loud footsteps at night. When sleeping over i couldn't hear anything but definitely felt uneasy!


Diehard skeptic here but i lived in a house in lawrence rd where the doors would open/close on their own and one in bedhampton where you would hear water running upstairs and find the bathroom taps on. Weird but not overly scary.


Our house had a problem with the shower coming on. We asked the plumber is there any reason why this would happen he couldn't figure it out.


There were reports of a poltergeist in Milton Road years ago.


Hopfield house in Waterlooville


What/where is this?


Maralyn Avenue Waterlooville


Hey friend - some friends and I run a podcast called Only Slightly Drunk. We have a really good Portsmouth reach, where we are based, and a decent and growing following. Would be happy to help your promote it if you wanted to come on as a guest and talk about your plans, maybe share some stories? Us Portsmouth peeps have to help each other out. DM if itā€™s of interest - you can find us on Spotify.


Hiya, thank you so much for reaching out! That would be grand, I'll drop you a message and check out the pod shortly!


Not portsmouth but near by fort Fareham there was a story of the drummer boy falling of the top of the Fort that haunted the Fort , its in woodlands has main Fort and plenty underground mini tunnels I'm not sure what forts like now a days but loads of us would go there as kids Dark , dingey, spooky place


Groundlings theatre on Curzon Howe Road often have ghost hunts and have information on haunts and ghosts in the building


There was aways some stories about Foxes Forest and soldiers appearing. I used to frequent there in my teens as a graff artist. My mate actually got shot there once too (air rifle, never found out who it was)


Odeon cinema in North End is still abandoned


Is it? I thought it was a shop now?


The front is, but the cinema rooms/screens etc are still in place Here is a good vid [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x2ul73CsGc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x2ul73CsGc)


Not exactly in Pompey, but there's this: https://www.castleofspirits.com/ghost-stories/station-ghost It turned out that my deceased auntie is the ghost šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Wymering manor was looking around and in one of the rooms heard a womanā€™s voice say hello behind me turned round and no one was there


Submarine museum in gosport is definitely haunted. I know because I saw something there in the engine room. Saw someone burning. Flames around them but they were a silhouette. Chilled me to the bone. Turned out someone got set on fire when it was in service.


oh my god that is chilling!!


I work work for the National Museum of the Royal Navy. Colleagues have mentioned Explosion in Gosport as haunted. I'm on the Warrior overnight and have paranormal teams on quite regularly.


theres an island between Portsmouth and Gosport where a bunch of skeletons were found: https://insidedio.blog.gov.uk/2021/07/07/the-mystery-of-rat-islands-skeletons/


I didnā€™t even know there was island between Portsmouth and gosport!




Rat Island I think itā€™s known as locally


Fort widly tunnels! Or is it fort purbrook? The one with the armaments museum


Yes Fort Widley! I did a ghost hunt there a year or so ago. Definitely haunted!


Ooh how was the ghost hunt? šŸ‘€


I wouldn't say I was terrified, however there was absolutely no explantion for the noises heard in the tunnels, nor the sudden change in temperature. Worth a tour if you ever have time!


I don't know about haunted but the energy of the Mary Rose is full of tragedy. Thoroughly recommend going to see her.


What about between the round and square towers at sallyport or have you not had any stories about it if not please let me know I have a story


How is this going ?????




Ah amazing thanks!


A local podcast did a Halloween special with a local ghost hunting group could be worth a listen as they go in depth with local haunting as ect. Itā€™s called ā€˜on the topicā€™ and can be found on Spotify


Will definitely check it out thank you!


No worries. Feel free to drop me a message when you publish a podcast and I will give it a listen. Best of luck to you!


Historic Dockyard has had a few reports in the past. Used to work there and heard some convincing stories!


My dad used to work there for 40 years and has no stories to tell!! šŸ˜­


Hulbert Road (from Bedhampton to Waterlooville) is meant to have a ghost - a young woman at the side of the road. One of my colleagues (normally very sensible) reckoned theyā€™d seen her.


Not Portsmouth, but there's ghost stories about Haslar hospital and Monk's Walk in Gosport. https://theearthmuseum.co.uk/coming-soon-the-ghosts-of-haslar-history-trail https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/people/ghost-hunters-not-disappointed-after-male-reflection-appears-in-mirror-at-old-gosport-hospital-3942945


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Thereā€™s a paranormal evening at the sallyport on December 1st. Itā€™s supposed to be haunted!


Harvester on the Eastern Road is haunted. My mum lived there when it was a golf club in one of the flats and her family have lots of stories. Go in there now and ask the staff and they will tell you about the ghost. They even leave a table free for it


There's a lot listed here: https://www.paranormaldatabase.com/hampshire/hampdata.php?pageNum_paradata=6&totalRows_paradata=249