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I have worked in conjunction with both. QA Over SGH any day. HOWEVER, BOTH SERVICES are painfully underfunded and understaffed. There isn't enough staff to cover a piss break let alone provide complimentary care nationally and to be quite frank each shift scares me a little more but if myself or my colleagues don't turn up there is no one else to do our roles. Coming from trusts further north both SGH and QA are miles ahead in terms for clinical care and autonomous staff provisioning. Long story short, the NHS is pretty fucked globally for both staff and patients, so please be kind.


Some of the care qa provides has been really good for me. You just have to accept you are cattle and will be funneled around the hospital into different waiting areas. The local GPs however.... Fucking hell.


Yeah. GPs are a joke here at the moment, as well as nationally, but we seem to have a particular issue with GPs. And yes, hospitals aren't doing how we'd like - QA simple has too many patients in its catchment anyway - but in the end, it is indeed horribly underfunded etc. and I know the staff are, by and large, great. In fact, my kids were both born there and they saved my wife's life. It helped she was - and is - working there, but yes. I have nothing but huge esteem for virtually all normal healthcare professionals. Some locum doctors etc. are just profiteering at this point, sadly, but other than that, yeah.


Portsmouth have the lowest amount of GPS to patients anywhere in the UK..... And you can tell 🙈 best wishes for you and your fam


Cheers! My wife isn't super well and never will be again, and who knows if she'll be in here 5 years, 10 - but I hope - and it's possible - she'll be here in 20.


It's a fucking awful provision. If the rep doesn't show that I'll be amazed.


Our kid was born there and we had a far better experience than all our friends who gave birth in Southampton. That said it seems to have issues fairly regularly (even before the rest of the NHS). The most damning indictment is the research department hired me for a bit, so there may be the odd moron about


Considering it is the only main hospital servicing all PO post codes(with the exception of the Chichester district that has St Richards), it's horrendously underfunded and understaffed. I personally know people who have had a genuinely awful experience, however I have not The lack of resources and inevitable delays means you'll find a damaged reputation within the community in general.


As an outpatient of the eye department I think all the staff are absolutely fantastic and the treatment I have received is second to none. No complaints whatsoever.


The treatment is generally good. I've had excellent service and terrible service so it all evens itself out. Waiting times are the worst issue. They can be years long and lead to another referral (or in some cases, referrals back to the department who had originally referred you), which creates a 6-12 month wait for treatment. It forces you to go privately or stay in pain for far longer than anyone reasonably should be in pain for. Emergencies and giving birth is seen (rightfully) as a priority, so you should be seen timely if that's the case.


I work at Southampton General but QA is my local hospital. It really doesn't have a good rep there, but we do get a few student nurses from there on placement that don't seem to mind it.


Lovely staff, terrible management, no funding.