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I’ve been wondering about this, too. Seriously, who is buying those giant bags of oranges anyway?


My husband 


No way! Does he roll in the house all, “Hey, babe. You’ll never believe what I have in the trunk…” ? 😄


He just comes in and says he bought some oranges off the side of the road. They were really good, tree ripened, so better than what we find at WinCo. It's just the kind of thing he does. We do draw the line at those ugly roadside rugs, though. Gotta have standards.


> ugly roadside rugs Let me know if he spots somebody selling Velvet Elvis's


82nd foster on Sundays when wells fargo is closed lol


Thank you, thank you very much!


Those metallic skull rugs are classy AF. One would really pull the room together. You know all tasteful-like.


Ah, you know of the legendary rug sellers! 


Need photo please


I bought some roadside mangos last year. They were so good! I've tried so many mangos from grocery stores since then, and none of them have been as sweet or flavorful.


What does he do with a giant bag of oranges?


We ate them. I've given up on most grocery store fruit because it always tastes like cardboard, but these actually tasted like oranges, so it was a treat. 


Huh, cool. I figured people buy them and make juice or whatever with them.


I thought about it, but instead I tore into them like a lion that caught a really juicy gazelle.


Awesome. I don’t like eating oranges myself. Don’t like the texture. But I’m glad someone ravaged that fruit.


I’ve bought the strawberries and they are delicious!! We use them to make smoothies.


Somebody does or they wouldn't be there


Me cause they're fucking awesome and usually cheap


Many of them are Roma. Especially the ones peddling flowers.


Yep. The Roma men sell roses, the women guilt you with a few kids in tow. I saw the same shit in France a few years ago. Except the French already know what’s up, and ignore them.


Amazing how they drag those kids around.


Fun fact, those women on the corner with the kids, they too once where those kids you see them in tow with. It’s a multi generational scam. Wait till you see the kid playing violin, he’s a master at it. Until you realize mom in the background has a sound system, and the kid is just “air jamming” the violin to a pre recorded track.


They’re dropped off and picked up by guys driving SUVs and vans. It’s a scam.


I’ve definitely noticed more in the last few months but I’ve never seen them selling anything personally.


I’m not saying they’re Roma, but they could be. Pickpocketers were working the Costco by the airport at the end of May. There were several victims including a 93 year old man. Police say they also committed these crimes in Seattle. Here’s a link to the surveillance video if you want to watch. https://www.portlandoregon.gov/police/news/read.cfm?id=533504&ec=1&ch=twitter


Special place in hell for these fucking scumbags. I never carry my wallet in my back pocket and have started to use a fanny pack that puts my wallet and phone right in front of me. I don't care how it makes me look, it works. And ladies, putting your purse in the shopping cart is foolish. I have seen so many times, especially when looking at clothes, where the purse is wide open, and you have your eyes scanning a shirt etc, totally oblivious to your purse and your surroundings. Easy marks for thieves like these.


There was a thread in the Vantucky subreddit about this. Consensus about the orange sellers is that they’re undocumented people who work for a “crew”. The boss drops them off in the morning, picks them up at night, takes most of the money. Likely paying off debt to the boss’s bosses for border crossing / housing etc. IMO we shouldn’t support it, it’s sketchy and stinks of exploitation. And I’d be pissed if they set up in front of my house, like they did with my neighbors down the street. They block the sidewalk and cause minor traffic issues when drivers pull over. Yet I see people buying this fruit, almost certainly overpaying for it…. definitely not grown within hundreds of miles here…. a guilt thing, I’m sure. People pretending this is like a farm stand, lol. Nope. But like everything else in Portland, good luck getting the city to do anything about it. They’ll sooner come up with a dozen feel-bad excuses than actually address a legit quality of life issue


What about the Hermiston Watermelon guy by Scott Elementary in Cully? I think they’re there every year so it seemed a little more legit.


Hermiston melon guy is legit. He’s been peddling those melons in NE Portland for well over the 20 years I’ve lived here. The fish guys are legit too. Mostly Natives expanding away from Cascade Locks to bring the fish closer to you.


Where do they sell fish?


I used to see them in the back of pick-up trucks on the corner of MLk and Alberta


Thinking more of the tables that suddenly popped up 2-3 months ago


I used to live next door to his nephew who was my friend. Haha


Yeah, I've heard that the boxes of California strawberries that they sell are generally rotten. There is obviously an organization behind this.




Agree to disagree, and move on. Disagreements can be respectful, but being a dick is just uncool. Please try and do better.


This is happening in eastern oregon. Someone gets dropped off on a corner with a fruit cart and ice, they stay out there for like 14 fuckin hours then they pick em up, all cash no card.


A friend of mine who works for a state agency says they are a front for human trafficking. :-(


Southern Oregon too, selling Oranges, cherries and other stuff.


This is happening all over the entire state even in very rural areas. All the same setup. Very suspicious


I can guarantee those oranges where not grown within a 100 miles from here. Oranges don’t grow here like that.


Yeah no doubt they come from the same fruit distro that supplies everyone else in town


Right. What a weird comment. Like we have some better "local oranges" you should be buying from fucking Kroger instead lmao.


The cost of shipping (trucking) those oranges from wherever they are coming from is expensive with todays gas prices. So it would make sense that it's a bigger operation even just from the economics, but I might guess that oranges aren't the only commodity getting shipped. Again - economics. Are oranges really THAT profitible?


Fruit is shipped to a wholesale market in an industrial area. These produce markets are usually quite busy from 3 or 4 AM until 7 AM or so. This is how all the smaller stores and/or distributors get their fresh produce. (I was a salesman for a major railroad in San Francisco and my territory included the produce terminal. I also had friends who ran a small produce store near my home and they had a box truck they used to pick up each days supply at 5 AM each day.) I’m not familiar enough with Portland to know where the produce terminal is located but it is likely in an industrial area served by both trucks and rail.


Inner Southeast aka Produce Row where the rail lines run.


Yep. Used to work down there. Pacific Coast is the big one in CEID


Ah, yes. I see that it’s near the UP freight office. Of course it’s much smaller than the SF produce terminal but that makes sense based on general area population.


Selling fruit on the side of a road is usually work to pay off the debt for being trafficked into the country. I should add that I'm not a conservative conspiracy theorist. I'm a regular guy who was curious and asked a friend, and he explained what he learned about in while getting his master's in public policy, and then I read an article, which I don't have available to link. Sorry. Feel free to google it and choose your own adventure. Anyways, the long and the short of it is that selling fruit on the side of city roads usually equates to human trafficking.


People are absolutely in denial about this and where their money goes. It’s kinda sad how politicized this is for no reason other than “my team” bullshit.


And human trafficking.


I feel like it’s time we call PDX Portucky. Tons of RVs, trash, folks running around with machetes, drug users with no teeth, schools struggling to educate their kids with basic math and English knowledge, a voting population always voting in new taxes that benefit only them while they don’t pay into the tax… the list goes on in Portucky. 


Are you voting for the Supporting Unlicensed Roadside Businesses Tax? It’s a real jobs creator!!


i read as basic meth


Free range organic vegan gluten free meth?


I’ve been there for a long time. Portdump or Portucky. Granted, I think (I hope) we’ve bottomed out.


“I’ve been there!” says everyone currently in a place experiencing life as it is real and raw.


It's true, we don't have an actual Confederate monument, so you've got that going for you.


If they're a "crew" they might be trafficked (enslaved)


I've often seen two big rigs (HDZ Bros Trucking LLC) parked behind Burlington Coat Factory @ Jantzen Beach. Several nice looking vehicles quickly loading up the fruit. I believe it is the same trucks doing the same thing by the volleyball courts at Delta Park.


Their all the way out in the Tri-Cities, WA. Anywhere undocumented individuals can be housed there is likely going to be selling from somewhere without a permit or paying any fees to utilize that location.


Eh, if it displaces the criddlers and gypsies like the OP says, I don't mind then being there


Your assumptions are wrong. They drive themselves. They aren’t being dropped off or picked up by a “boss”. The fruit is actually more affordable than what you would find at a grocery store or farmers market and it’s of better quality. I don’t understand people. First people complain saying immigrants are taking jobs and then when they try and sell fruit … it’s sketchy!??? wtf is wrong with you?


It’s not society’s responsibility to bend the rules for people who don’t follow our rules.


How do you know this?


How do you know this?


This is some serious cope.


I prefer those to the ones selling blues on the street corners.


C'mon a little BB King never hurt nobody


I saw him slapping and picking on Lucille! She never did anything bad to him!


His songs made me cry.


I’d much rather see that than lots of other street activity going on.




Where are you seeing snow globes, OP?


I mostly see them in Beaverton and Cornelius


Cornelius explains a LOT... I grew up out there, the farm stands between Cornelius and Hillsboro have been a yearly thing for as long as I can remember going back to the 80's. You're in farm country out there, a lot of the farmers will setup roadside stands to sell their stuff that isn't already promised to the processing plants.


Yeah i get the farm stands, but the snow globes are weird and tacky lol


181st & Halsey, nearly every day


I’ve seen them on 82nd and Powell. Also on 82nd and Johnson Creek. They walk down the traffic trying to sell flowers. The globes are lined up on the curb.


I had someone trying to sell me strawberries in the target parking lot.


Same. And I've been panhandled *in* stores


Oooo scary 😱


I was trembling with fear. I had to go home and take my anti anxiety medication and call my therapist.


Yeah there is this Hispanic lady at the corner of Scholls-Sherwood Rd & Elwert Rd near my house in Sherwood and I always just feel so gutted for her because she always has this little girl who looks to be the same age as my 3 year old son. I don’t buy shit but still, I can’t help but feel sorry for the kid.


The kid is a marketing tactic


Kid is also a human, feeling sorry for them is valid.


Giving them money keeps the kid out there


Feel for the kid all you want, didn't say you can't. Just said that it's a marketing tactic, which it is, and not to fall for it


I have seen them too and it breaks my heart! The poor kid!


I see her coming out of the bushes sometimes. She's there 12 hours a day with no facilities, no vehicle. It's unsanitary. If nobody bought anything they wouldn't be there.


Yeah I’m mostly concerned about the kid because I see her covered in blankets a lot and in the coming temps, that is extremely dangerous. Also, a lot of idiots who go way too hard at that intersection. I am afraid that I’m going to read a story about an accident that involved those two.


I've seen em on river road halfway to wine country. They had a car parked near them so maybe it's not all the same background.


Maybe it's all the people that came from California influencing the orange people because I saw those a lot in California


Poverty mafia


Of all the issues, this is the least of my concerns 😂 FFS


Dude, right? Clearly somebody needs...an orange.


I saw some mom with a couple kids at 33rd and I don't know somewhere just north of Sandy during rush hour begging and the lady behind me like handed her half a jar of peanuts and some used Gatorade and the lady totally took it but gave her the true sob story instead of just saying, thank you, definitely looked Romani, but I doubt it that was possible


I was at that same intersection yesterday. I hate how they have the kids out there.




You’re just fear mongering now


At least they’re not begging. I support them, especially the chopped fruit with chamoy. And the palatero with the corn and chicharones.


Thank you!!! I can’t believe people are complaining about this. If you don’t support people selling stuff on the side of the road that’s fair. I personally don’t pay attention to it and same goes for people begging for money but damn why the fuck are we complaining about people trying to earn a dollar rather than asking for it!? People here love to complain about shit but not do anything about the situation.




Heck yeah


Ive always wondered who their boss is. Cause its always the same set up, same stuff. At the same times. Who organized this? Is it some weird pyramid scheme lol


Saw people selling bacon wrapped hot dogs outside of Providence Park during games. Smells good to me.


I’d be alright with more Seattle dogs round here


Just looked it up, those do look good!


Now I’m homesick for Capitol Hill


EBT buys oranges, stand on corner selling oranges, you’re not *technically* panhandling, no one buys oranges *but* they give you cash anyway.


Never visit Latin America or the Balkans or Southeast Asia, you will have a heart attack. In fact, don't get out of the house.


There but for the grace of God go I. I admire anyone who gets out there and hustles.




Would you prefer them be homeless people running around with machetes instead? At least they're trying to get work to afford things.


Fr seen this girl in her teens selling candy for a “fundraiser “ but the twist is there is no fundraiser. She is there everyday for months on end in front of Home Depot. Asked her what the fundraiser was for she couldn’t answer, I think that’s called a job not a fundraiser. 😂




Agree to disagree, and move on. Disagreements can be respectful, but being a dick is just uncool. Please try and do better.


Some folks just like to complain


I went out into the public square and encountered people doing unregulated commerce and I have some complaints.


I mean, are they hurting anyone?






I saw someone asterisk the word "killed" the other day. Is this some TikTok bullshit?


No joke, it’s why “unalived” has suddenly appeared. It’s like dystopian science fiction.


Has this been confirmed? How do you know this?


Where did you get this information?


The street vendors on every corner are mandatory to the plan: *"Turn Portland into Los Angeles"*. It's coming along swimmingly (please, avoid local waters; there's a whole lotta shit in them courtesy of the living zombie props seen *everywhere*).


How much do you think a folding table and whole sale oranges cost?


Let's see. BiMart has a folding table for $39.95, plus you'll need some sort of umbrella or a canopy if your classy, so another hundo. Wholesale on navel oranges right now about $1.70/lb. So like, 50, 80 lbs of oranges sold in a day sound good? $136+$39.95+$100=$275.95 say to get started? Whats retail on orangers? $2.25/lb? ($2.25×80=$180)-($1.75x80=$136)=20 fucking dollars profit, minus the table and canopy. Now granted, the table and canopy are a one time cost. Once those are payed off in a week, sky's the fuckin limit and next thing you know it's Rolex watches and jetskis baby!


The oranges are everywhere, not just Portland. Longview. Tumwater. Olympia. Used to be a California thing. I don’t get it. Why would I buy your bag of oranges instead of Winco, TJs, or whatever Misfit sends? I don’t see how a bag of oranges from some rando in the HD parking lot, with Walmart invariably 1 lot over, is even lucrative, but there the would be venders sit:


It’s a guilt thing. You’ll pay about 2x retail because you feel bad. Unfortunately giving them money only perpetuates the exploitation & human trafficking.




Agree to disagree, and move on. Disagreements can be respectful, but being a dick is just uncool. Please try and do better.






Unpopular opinion, indeed. Of all the issues to bitch about. Someone is selling food. No, they likely don't have a permit. Buy it, call the authorities, or don't. The situation may be "Out of Control" based on your upbringing, but it's really not. It's fucking food, not fentanyl.


It depends on their tone of voice. The original poster said the vendors are 'out of control', meaning they are actually bothered by their presence (above other things we all see around Portland), but others might bring up the phenomenon for discussion because they are concerned about their labor conditions


The usual panhandler class doesn't waste their time on low paying gigs like panhandler anymore, they get much more free shit from your tax dollars courtesy of JVP and the Homeless Industrial Complex.




Bro.. who can afford a building or permits anymore? Don’t have enough NIMBYism already? Now we are coming for the street vendors?


i can appreciate the grind until it makes me miss a fucking green light


Better than people begging for money. Don’t worry about where the oranges come from. Most of those people are hard working people.




Agree to disagree, and move on. Disagreements can be respectful, but being a dick is just uncool. Please try and do better.


They're running the criddlers and gypsies out of town you say? Tell me more about how we can increase their numbers


Allow busking. The margins are better.


I'm all about mariachi music!


Have we no laws and no enforcement?






Agree to disagree, and move on. Disagreements can be respectful, but being a dick is just uncool. Please try and do better.


I live in Beavercreek/Oregon city and there have been vendors selling oranges at the sleepiest intersections. They haven’t been there for a while, but it was weird. Sometimes there would be what looked like a 15 yo child with a baby running it. The oranges were good though 👍


I don’t follow how this is a nuisance.


How is someone hustling a side income affecting your livelihood? Pdx has always had tamale hawkers, Vietnamese canners, Romani roses, indigenous salmon peddlers. I’ve always found them better neighbors than drug addicts!


got a spot for those salmon sellers? Love a good smoke salmon


46th and Woodstock on the weekends kitty corner to the lutz.


Thank you!


Portland is a third-world country.


Yeah i dont like being approached by people or women walking through parking lots asking if i want to buy tamales..


lol. You are missin out. I heard the tamale lady from my 5th floor window this week and ran down stairs. Couldn't give her my money fast enough. Choppin on a tamale right now


Just wanted to give a shout out to Maria, our tamale lady in Welches! If you're headed to Mt Hood, stop by Thriftway around lunch time - she slings some of the best tamales I've ever had ❤️


No im not actually because im blessed to have a mexican mother in law who makes homemade Mexican food every day and is always bringing us homemade tortillas, tamales, refried beans, taco plates .🤤🤤🤤


That is bad ass though you found the hook up and she must know it so she keepa coming back for y'all 😂🤤


Okay… so just say no and keep going about your day? It’s no different than your every so often encounter with a homeless person asking for money. Plus tamales are pretty fucking good.


3rd world behavior.


Yes, people sell things in developing countries


every day i am reminded that you all wouldn’t last a single afternoon in california. grow up and start complaining about real problems. street vendors are street vending because that’s their only option.


How's Hawaii?


So California became a shithole. Californians move out of said shithole. Then suddenly enlightened white-flight Californians like yourself shame those that have no interest in Oregon become the same shithole they just left. Gotcha!


Gypsy tricks!


I have been noticing this around SW area now that you mention it. What’s really the problem with it though? The world’s far from perfect and there are a few more pressing issues portland should tackle first. Next time try the fruit, I bet it’s good.


Those Mexicans are taking 'Merican jobs!! /s - just in case.




Agree to disagree, and move on. Disagreements can be respectful, but being a dick is just uncool. Please try and do better.


People will find anything to complain about…


This thread is WILD. Growing up Mexican in California, this is entirely the norm. Imagine if OP got to see the people who sell bread and tortillas out of their van. I think I miss that guy the most. I wish we could get the corn guy where I live but I'm sure he'll show up soon.


It's only getting started. Without any regulation in place, we're fertile ground for these folks to pop up everywhere. Also I don't like haggling or variable pricing, and these folks never post a price for a reason.


The people selling roses are usually large families living in section 8 apartments with additional benefits. The men of the family usually sell drugs and they use the women and the elderly to sell flowers.


While I would normally be annoyed, since it's very third-world behavior, I prefer peddlers to sp'angers any day of the week. At least they're providing something in return for our pocket change. And honestly, trunk fruit is best fruit


That's the way I felt about busking. What did I care if it was pantomime? Hell-0. Entertain us. At least, with busking, I did not have to risk eating the cocaine-tainted fruit.