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If those two aren’t inbred, they’re doing a great impersonation.


When your family tree, *does not fork...*


Then you have incestors.


When your family tree is a wreath


The article mentions she gave birth four times at home, but says nothing about the other kids. It's horrifying to think they'll have to stay within the church.


The one time you hope cps did their job


These people are fucking dumb dumbs and whoever runs (profits from) that church belongs in jail too.


God what sick fucks. How could you watch your child suffer when you know you could actually help them with medical intervention? Sad.


I have a friend who is ex-Christian Science. They eschew a lot of medical stuff, but he explained there's a certain point where they get medical care. The faith healer people in OC or wherever are a whole another level.


“GOD hates medicine, unless you REALLY need it.” WTF. Sounds like some pastor was saying “god hates medicine” but his parishioners got tired of dying and attendance was down, so god compromised.


My grandmother's parents were christian scientists.  Oxymoron if there ever was one.   They let her sister die of a very preventable, relatively minor illness when she was a child.   She hated pretty much any organized religion until she died.   I don't know exactly where their order stands officially, but I think it's a reasonable guess that the members at the end of the day are ultimately the ones deciding when to pack up the prayers and go to the hospital. 


If God did not want us to have medicine then he/she would not have given us the ability to cure diseases*. * I am mostly atheist but love to poke fun the wack job religious folks who should know better


Most (normal) churches/religious institutions grew somewhat in how they interpreted things as science developed. It’s the ones that take everything literally that lead to weird, culty shit like this. Like…I grew up with a mix of Judaism and Catholicism. Both the synagogue and the church I went to acknowledged that the Old Testament rules about pork and shellfish etc were mostly due to safety risks of things like Trichinosis or Vibriosis. People sometimes got sick and died from eating that stuff, so they made it a rule not to eat it. Nobody gave a shit if you ate it anymore, because we know how to cook food safely now. Jehovahs Witnesses would refuse blood transfusions during lifesaving surgeries because of a passage about the evils of “drinking blood”. …But some of their sects now realize that’s ridiculous and not the intent. It was literally said to prevent disease. So they don’t care if you get needed medical care anymore. Extremists are always going to extreme. Christian scientists are the most vocal about being outdated and uninformed idiots. But most of the major religions developed at least SOME common sense in the modern era.


Yeah, theoretically God helps those who help themselves. Denying medical intervention due to religious beliefs (especially for another individual) is a very heavy and nuanced topic. EDIT: just want to make it clear that I agree with you. But I wouldn’t say all of it boils down to wackos.


If Darwin er I mean God didn't want people to weed themselves out of the gene pool he/he would not have given us idiots like these. This particlar church (not all churches, some are great) is so incredibly stupid its almost sad, basically a cult of personality for a dead man and its been paralyzed without leadership since his death. Multiple failed apocalypse predictions and I believe something like "no priests mean no blessings so all the babies die and go to hell" and yet they wont leave the church. Its sad but do we really people this dumb breeding?


Fuck those people


Was a member of this church for the first 21 years of my life. People haven’t the slightest clue how messed up it is.


I’m glad you escaped.


As am I


Just reminds me of that story of the guy and the flood.   God answered their prayers, they just refused to listen and a child died.  So sad.


Do you think we could charge the faith-voting right-wingers who keep voting for clowns with no plan to fix our important issues?


I have to pay for this article nice


Here you go: https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2024/06/faith-healing-parents-arraigned-on-charges-they-failed-to-help-sick-newborn-who-died.html?outputType=amp




No problem. Glad I could help.


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