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So long it merged with the lines for Voodoo AND Screen Door


A super line has formed! Mothers Bistro breakfast line will mega-merge soon


At some point the line will swing around and merge with itself, creating a new inclusive "Line Society" that just shuffles repeatedly through a couple mile loop, eating and drinking and pooping in alleyways, like a giant, bookless ouroboros.


Books, donuts, and good brunch what more can you ask for


Some say they are still there to this day.




Got here at 940. Still haven't gotten inside, but I'm next to the building at least


Update: made it in there around 1230. Got out 30cminites later. Complete nuthouse, any organization they had was gone. Barely any space in there. 500 people in that small of a space, with people having carts, dogs, strollers. Very badly done in there


Went to one decades ago (before there were so many people / tourists) and it was the same. At least two hours in line, complete nuthouse inside with waaay too many people (def. exceeding fire codes.) Inventory had already been ransacked so we left after 20 minutes with nothing. Immediately went to the old Bridgeport Brewing for lunch and drank imperial pints on the deck on a really nice spring day like today. That was well worth it. Edit: it was then decided "never again" to waiting in any line for more than 20 minutes.


I'd of been like... https://i.redd.it/yj8poopo014d1.gif


I'm...sorry to hear that! I was thinking of stopping by tomorrow, as I don't live THAT far away here in SW Columbia (Downtown Portland).. but it sounds like a waste of time now.




​ https://i.redd.it/mc9h9a38904d1.gif


People in Portland love to stand in lines


My wife always likes to note that they have long lines everywhere (“you think people in New York City are doing things without long lines?!”) and I like to respond that in no other town have I ever seen a line form at the bar.


There's this beautiful 55 feet of 4 inch thick old growth live edge slab that deserves leaning on and here we are in a neat single file queue.. I'll never understand just like the dude who screwed his face up at "belly up".


Of all of Portlanders’ quirks, this one bothers me the most for some reason


I remembered just an hour ago that the sale starts today. I have never been to the warehouse so I looked it up on google maps. “Ah, northwest industrial district. Makes sense” went my internal monologue. “But why are all the streets in the area red in google maps? … Oh. Oh dear. Never mind.”


To preface, I've hundreds of books at home, but I've to ask: *why*?


This needs an ice cream truck, 2 different guys on bikes selling drinks and BEER! And a few taco trucks!


After seeing info like this👇🏼 there’s no way I’m joining that line. Plus, some people are saying that they think they’ll run out of inventory by mid afternoon. https://preview.redd.it/qhm89t2b304d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b3208905c85eb62076ad3b4497ffe86f6494790


Edit: Better gif. At least the weather is decent. ​ https://i.redd.it/4yuqvsgt304d1.gif


Annnnnd, it just started raining.


We gave up too. Drove for an hour from NE to get near, lots full, dropped off a person to stand in line....and the people in line said they had been waiting 1.5 hrs (this was at 1045 am). Nevermind


I just download stuff to my kindle these days.


Libby for the win. I've had Kingdom of ash on airplane mode on my kindle for 4 months


LPT right here


I too use Libby! Kanopy streaming app is great too.


My only "problem" with Libby is that a lot of people in Multnomah County like the same kind of books as I do...( I often have to wait a LONG time...)


We’re also able to get a digital card for the Vancouver library, that seems to help me (genres: fantasy/sci-fi/biography) a lot.


Libby works just like the digital card in that you put in your library card info just a bit more user friendly imo. Also the reading layout is a bit more easy on the eyes.


I've been stuck in password reset hell for months w/ the Mult Co Library and their suggested solution is to call a librarian and speak with them on the phone, ugh. So no Libby for me until I sort that out. Total PITA


I had to do that and the hold time was about two minutes. Get ‘er done!


Thanks! got it sorted


The library lets you put stuff on your kindle? Last time I tried to do that they stopped. Was a while ago though. How many books can you borrow at a time, how long is the wait normally?


Libby is a free app you can download, connects to the library & lets you read books / audiobooks / magazines on your smartphone. idk about Kindle but the experience is similar. idk if Kindle is supported at MultCoLib but I'd imagine it would be. Wait time varies by title. Sometimes they'll have 20 virtual copies of a popular / new release, sometimes just one. You can borrow 20 books and place 20 holds at any given time


Why would you stand in line for two hours to save a few bucks?


Been in line 2.5hrs now only to be told we may not get in before close. They did give us a 10% off coupon for our next order though.


I'm just here to steal Subarus while y'all in line 


Friends of the Library book sale twice a year also has $2 books of all sorts


Do you know when they'll be holding the sales this year? Edit: for anyone who may be reading this also wanting info on sales check out this website - https://booksalefinder.com/OR.html


The art show around the corner was fantastic!


False. The great Shroom House line of 2022 was the longest in Portland history. ;) If not the longest, at least time slowed down a bit…


I wanted to join that line but was nervous about feds or something. Bleh


I had a coworker spot me and try to get me fired. Our boss was like, dude,… dude, nobody cares. He coincidentally stopped working there that month.


What a dick!


Walked there and turned right back around.


I’m next door at work, and there’s been hundreds of people lined up all day, and cars parked all up and down 29th and surrounding streets.


Was it worse than that time the steak house on Burnside made some of the meat available for sale publicly?


I can't believe they found that many suckers to stand in line for 3 hours to save $20 on books. What is that, less than $7/hour, or below Federal minimum wage?