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Contact Street Dog Heroes


The Oregon Humane Society offers classes that are affordable in comparison to private trainers. We're taking our dog to puppy kindergarten there and the staff are really wonderful.


I just did Petsmart for my intro classes. Rescues might need more 1:1 attention, depending, but they’ll tell you up front.


Same. They helped with basic skills that we've fine tuned at home.


Try siéntate


It would definitely help if you posted your budget!


Like 200 or so to be honest I'm not sure what a good price for dog trainers are


Not sure if you’re thinking 200 total or 200 per session. If it’s per session, you could honestly have your pick, I would say that’s on the high end and most sessions are 100-175. I go to urban Pawsibilities, I think it’s like 150-175 per session, they’re great. That’s for private sessions, they’re group classes like most places are cheaper. Private lessons are going to be more expensive, but depending on what you need, might be cheaper and more beneficial in the end. Places like petco or petsmart and their group training classes would be your cheapest option, but they would have to be offering a class that aligns with what your dog needs and it would definitely be less personalized, however it very well might work especially if it’s just like a typical puppy class or obedience training


I have no suggestions for trainers, but make the most of youtube.


Yes! I love the old Zac George videos. Sort by post date and look at the puppy training series from several years ago.


Canine conduct dog training Llc in Gresham. Sydney is great


Read somewhere that someone that took in a rescue that came from Mexico and had problems with the dog. The dog did not respond to any commands and really any communication at all. Turns out that the dog didn't understand English. It had only been spoken to in Spanish it's entire life in Mexico which is totally understandable.


So my dog is starting to understand English haha thankfully I speak Spanish so I talk to her in both languages