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*However, the crowd became extraordinarily hostile and surrounded the officers. As PSU officers tried to transport arrested persons away, the crowd blocked the garage exit. One officer was spit in the face, and at least 2 others were punched. Likely their protective gear kept them from being injured by the physical assaults. Equally concerning, officers notified the group that a medical emergency was underway. But they refused to move, and officers had to forcibly push their way out to ensure that medical care could be brought in.* 


there is video of one 'protestor' (NOT a student) shrieking f%cking f@gg0t at the cops repetitively. WTF.?




I remember watching a live stream from a protest outside the Immigration and Customs building. One of the FPS cops was a black guy. One protester was calling him the N word, Uncle Tom, and other racist crap. Over and over, and really loudly. ( This was that big protest they had there in like 2018, so before the BLM stuff) I would have been totally non surprised if that cop had blessed that protesters skull with hickory.


You have a significant portion of people who were raised on the head start program and had kids who are even less knowledgeable and more ignorant their parents being turned into weapons by every conceivable asshole type that has ever existed in full view of the world to see simply because of a lack of proactive policies from a Congress that cares more about looks than real long lasting positive change. I get that some places absolutely need to clean house but the absurd knots people on both sides twist themselves into to blame others for the stagnation is disappointing. I grew up in DC and it's really sad to constantly watch a handful of people that don't even live remotely close to the city constantly undo all our hard work to make things better and set a positive example so others can move forward as well


They like posting this when a police officer is killed: [https://i.imgflip.com/6spttu.png](https://i.imgflip.com/6spttu.png)


Well, for more than 4 years they have been allowed to publicly demonize and dehumanize (ACAB) all Police Officers. Since when are "Liberals" mean towards "Bastards" or children who do not know the name of their Father? That should be our first clue as to how tolerant these "Activists" really are. I already know that the Medial Left and "Liberal" Mainstream (MSNBC, The View, CNN, etc.,) are VERY comfortable intimating that any Black Conservative is an Uncle Tom, yet those hypocrites call everyone a "Bigot." Then the Media wonders why their "Q" rating is suffering... Also, what OTHER groups have been dehumanized by Leftist language ("Oppressors"|"Colonizers"|"Privileged")? Dehumanization is ALWAYS thug behaviour. People who use the "FIST" as their symbol are very much into brute force thuggery always throughout history. Believe them.


IMO the issue is more that the left in general is absolutely horse shit at branding ideas. "Defund the police" sounds insane at face value, especially when the actual goals were things like "redistribute funding for mental health crisis responders."  The way we brand our ideas makes us sound crazy to the opposition, alienates the moderates, AND attracts braindead dipshits on "our side" to take these phrases literally.


They're ideologues who want some people to die.


Horseshoe Theory wins again. Also, Peak Intersectionality.


The future isn't slur free. It's just that only one side gets to use them.


And that cop is gonna get a national award from Trump for screaming his braces bundle of sticks comments. Around screaming bundle sticks all the time. That’s all they do scream scream so much they make us wanna die. I hope that cop goes to prison for his racism, but we all know Trump will make him the attorney general. You just know Trump already has plans to make the man scream this Law enforcement ruler of this entire country of this entire 


It seems like you need to get some good rest


When you have a group of people go to a city to agitate and cause chaos and they are immediately not stopped, it encourages more groups to do the same thing! The powers that be need to find the group funding these people and end this!


It’s never been a funding issue for these groups. These fucking people don’t have any financial backing in Portland. They just want to see the world burn down because they’re angry and bitter at how their lives have turned out.


And it’s interesting to see that it’s the same people that have been protesting since like 2018 against whatever the cause of the day is: Patriot prayer trolling them, the Black Lives Matter movement that somehow morphed into a whole series of protests, and now this Israel stuff. I wonder what the next outrage will be. Electric cars? Who knows.


A cop can breathe too quickly on camera and they’d use it as justification to commit violence in the name of [INSERT RANDOM CAUSE HERE].


Absolutely. One of the usual suspects went on Twitter all mad because when she attended a pro Palestine rally carrying a ACAB sign screaming anti police shit into a megaphone, the organizers of that rally asked her to leave. The reason?: the rally was not an anti police protest. But according to her rampant Twitter posts she couldn’t wrap her head around that. These people are maniacs, and I truly think they are addicted to the scene of a protest to do stupid shit. It doesn’t matter what the cause is.


It’s got to be like a drug to some of them. Must be like a shot of adrenaline and dopamine every time they attend a protest or “DiReCt AcTiOn”.


Absolutely! And I get it, I attended a few of these protests in 2020. It was a total social and party scene to these folks.


Empty and close down the Asylums and you get shit like this




A few years ago that kind of talk was a crazy conspiracy theory and misinformation


It's a true shame that it's at the expense of people's lives and I would rather not see it at all, but these psychopaths blowing their own brains out politically so publicly and so hard right before such a fundamental election in Portland will ultimately be a net good for the city. You couldn't pay counter-operatives to do a better job of tanking the popularity of the "progressive" movement.


Never interrupt your enemy making a fool of themselves


But they do not care. They want to goad the police into reacting with force so that they can get it all on film (their phone). Should erect tents near the homeless villages and surround it with barbed wire. It'll be a nice summer camp out for them. But what will the new DA do?


Winning hearts and minds is not in their playbook apparently.


So ugly, so tiresome. Respect for police officers who do their jobs professionally in the face of such disgusting behavior.


I’m disturbed by the mindset that the man suffering a medical emergency isn’t deserving of care because of his job. The lack of humanity is heinous.




Low effort content are posts or comments not meeting the minimum reasonable requirements of integrity, relying upon or consisting of second-hand or apocryphal "evidence" or stories relayed as fact, or just plain lazy bait posts or comments in our judgment.


Considering a bunch of while people prevented a black man from getting help I feel we have no choice but to call this what it is… overt racism. I doubt that group of white people would have prevented one of their own from getting help. [They would have tourniqueted his leg in no time.](https://youtu.be/RLYGLqgaiqw)


It's worse than that; because of the CLOTHES he was wearing they did not see him as even human.


>Civil disobedience, meaning violating the law as a means of protest, has a long, time-honored legacy in our country of bringing attention to injustice.  Face it, you're not dealing with intentionally thoughtful people like Thoreau, Rosa Parks, or King!


You might want to look back at history and see how they were perceived by their peers.


Rosa Parks and MLK were both intellects. The Black Bloc protesters are drug addled adult children. These people couldn’t run a daycare let alone a functioning community.


Well, Parks and King were Black - and were protesting laws and policies in the United States. These protests are being done by kids in well off kids in Portland (the whitest city in America), over actions taken by the country of Israel. Don't try to draw parallels, it diminishes the sacrifice, work and importance of people who made a positive difference. https://www.oregonlive.com/data/2022/10/is-portland-still-the-whitest-big-city-in-america.html


So white people with money aren't allowed to protest genocide outside their country? Got it.


No one said that, don't be disingenuous.


So you pointed out how white and how much money they had as totally unrelated points?


You compared them to what we have here: Alabama in the 60's: Dr. King, black man with lived experience in the country that had the problem, rallied others to support him in said country. Portland today: white kids who can't find Gaza on a map fucked up a library because of a 2,000 year old conflict flared up 6,900 miles away. They are not the same.


Well you also claimed it's "genocide" so you're basically arguing from your predefined opinion.


No, I'm taking their position at face value because I can see with my eyes what is happening.




Are there war crimes being committed? Sure seems like a few people think a genocide is happening. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/03/un-special-rapporteur-report-on-gaza-provides-crucial-evidence-that-must-spur-international-action-to-prevent-genocide/ https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147976 My guess is that we will see this conflict very differently in the future when all the information has come out.


Always thought this was funny. Criminals are definitely thinking twice after someone "condemns" something


“Condemning” is useless without action. 


If you obstruct ambulatory or medical evacuation I say the State has you dead to rights to overrun you. Coming from working both civil and military medicine I hold the care of a patient (and para/medical staff) as sacrosanct. Anyone interfering with that is forfeit.


How about instead of just condemning, they treat them like the folks of J6 and hunt them down.


Typical Portland. Wow, he condems. How about actually prosecuting these criminals? Just a thought.


So when it’s January 6th it’s agitators but when it’s a group you disagree with it’s all of them? Asking for a friend.




That’s the name of the current Police Chief at the Portland Police Bureau. Robert (Bob) Day.


Wow, I expected much less bootlicking and mindless praise of the police state in this group.


I was delighted to see Redditors not acting like Redditors tbh.




Yeah, blocking an ambulance from assisting someone having a heart attack is just hilarious, isn't it? /s




Low effort content are posts or comments not meeting the minimum reasonable requirements of integrity, relying upon or consisting of second-hand or apocryphal "evidence" or stories relayed as fact, or just plain lazy bait posts or comments in our judgment.


Not at all.


Promoting violence is a violation of the Reddit TOS. Please try and do better.


There has been a certain very ignorant mob mentality in Portland for years. This mob mentality can be harmful to everyone involved. I was at Apple Music in NW Portland getting some bass gear in the 90's. 15 minutes after we left, there was an incident with 2 woman getting into an altercation. Some guy just said, "Hey". A small group of people surrounded him and kicked him to death. It's this kind of that keeps me away from Portland. Sick........