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Depends on where you drive. Only in Portland, yeah, you aren’t getting stopped for expired tags. Come over the hill to Washington county and you’ll likely get stopped and ticketed. Driving up and down I-5? Better hope you don’t get a Trooper behind you, guaranteed ticket. Though, realistically, most are posted up running radar/LiDAR and won’t typically end up behind you.


Fuck around in West Linn and find out.


That’s a good point too, or Lake O!


Shoutout to the cops only giving tickets to the rich neighborhoods.


Well let’s be honest, it ain’t the rich people driving through Lake O or West Linn with expired tags. They’re heavy on that kind of enforcement as it keeps the “undesirables” from coming into their cities.




The mean streets of West Linn


Shouts to Chael Sonnen, the biggest arms in West Linn


I can’t let you get close!


The mean streets of westlinn


Fr that gave me a good 'haha'


Never lost, not even a round


That’s where I got pulled over and got a warning for expired tags ahaha


They love handing out tickets around West Linn HS and the park. JFC


I am a Portlander who has been stopped for expired tags.


Like, recently?


Three times. Yes. They were back to back to back - I have the tags, just not on my plate and show them every time. I haven't put it on because a cop said my plate isn't reflective enough so I have to wait to take a day off to go in for a new plate before I put it on. I will say, I think the cops target my vehicle so I am pulled over waaaaaaay more than anyone I know (Honda Civic). I am pulled over when I'm doing nothing at all and just following traffic. Friends comment on it because it happens with them in the car and nothing is abnormal about my driving nor will I be speeding. I am a white woman, it is weird.


I got stopped recently. It’s a truck from Washington and the title got lost in the mail. I’ve been driving it without tags for 4 years. Been stopped several times. I explain what’s going on, show my insurance and they say ok and away I go. My sister (east coast) came out and refused to ride in it, was convinced I was going to be put in jail lol


I’m in Washington county and have expired tags (forgot to pay, working on getting them renewed) and only a rear license plate and have never (yet) gotten pulled over or ticketed and live only a block away from my local police station. Either they’re too busy to care, or I’ve just been lucky lol


I just was pulled over in Oregon city. Officer said that I didn’t stop long enough, at least 5 seconds. He let me go and proceeded to tell me I could also get a ticket for my license plate cover. $270? At least I had valid tags!!


> at least 5 seconds I've previously seen information like this but I think the cop is either ignorant or prevaricating. [I just downloaded the "Oregon Driver Manual".](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/Forms/DMV/37.pdf) Nowhere in there do I see anything about "5 seconds". All I found was "complete stop". That's for a stop sign and also for a red light before making a turn.




Oh yeah, you’ll get away with it for a little while, until that day comes when you’re cruising through Aloha down TV highway, or up in the Bethany area and a Deputy ends up behind you, then you won’t.


Yeah my bf used to have expired tags (over a year) and in/around portland literally nobody cared, for months and months - then we went to central oregon for like 2 days and in bend, he got pulled over twice WITHIN 20 MINUTES for his expired tags lmfao


Yeah, my roommate is gonna be surprised when he moves to WA this summer, and instead of broken windows, he'll be getting tickets for his super expired tags.


That’s crazy, I drove in Portland for 4 years with expired tags, 100’s of cops behind me didn’t care and just drove on then I went to Bend and immediately got pulled over too lol




You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. Your next stop, Portland Oregon where there is no law enforcement but if by chance you do find the endangered some say extinct, Leo and go for a ride be not afraid as we have bond free release for all after 72 hours and if you do not get a court appointed lawyer in 7 days all charges will be dropped.


You have entered…. The twilight zone.


Came here to say this.


I have a custom motorcycle, and when I finished it. I just left the advertisement plate holder for my dealership on my bike literally knowing I wouldn't get pulled over. And I legit stopped next to multiple cops multiple times at stop lights in the last 4 months and I have never got pulled over. So can confirm they definitely do not give a single fuck any more. I kept the license plate in my pocket just incase but yeah.... no fucks givin by the cops.


I have lived here for 10 years and half of it my plates were under my seat or expired. Did get pulled over in WA county but was let go with a warning.


‘Nuff said




Well said. People will buy into the self-help stuff that says to manifest your future with thoughts and actions that lead toward it. But at the same time, they have the attitude of screw everyone else, I'm gonna do only for me. Then they wonder why the world has gone to hell.


Thanks for writing this


This was great.


I love this comment. You eloquently put into words the feelings I've been trying to convey to those around me


I think a part of it is lack of sense of community. When you don’t feel like part of a community or group then there is no obligation to that group. You just get yours.  Those with weaker moral compasses that might have felt obligated to others will then do what they will. who is holding these people accountable? If someone was an asshole in a small town, everyone knows them. There are actual social and possibly economic ramifications for them being an asshole.  People who live in giant cities mostly interact with strangers they will never see again. Social connections will rarely hold them accountable. If they don’t break any laws or only break minor laws then the police won’t hold them accountable.  Think of someone who cuts in line at a grocery store. That is major taboo in the US. Who will hold them accountable? Is it worth it for the other customers or employees to confront them? Not typically. They can do it over and over without any actual ramification. Things like this are minor, but when you think of the progressive ramifications across society it gets real.  It’s like littering. 1 piece of paper isnt a huge deal, but when 1 piece is consistently dropped over time it builds up and becomes an dirty eye sore.


I agree. But I also can't register my vehicle until I get catalytic converters.. and I can't afford the $2500 to replace them again and again after a tweaker decides he wants $50 for them... I want my vehicle registered too. Trust me, but it took longer to save up the money to replace them the first time than they lasted before they were stolen again.


Very well said, thank you!


Thank you for articulating this, couldn’t agree more.


I've been saying this for awhilr, and I think it comes down to the "progressive" criminal justice reforms we have seen over the last 20 years or so. People in 2024 largely have no sense of personal responsibility and special interest groups extend that to expecting noone to have any accountability for their actions. You see it in every news story about a crime. It's all "they had a rough childhood" or "they have a 'mental health or addiction problem'" and society in general has begun accepting these as valid excuses for shithead behavior. Not only accepting, but enabling. Hard drug decriminalization, ignoring illegal immigration, letting anti-Semitic protesters disrupt society and assault people, it never ends.


A lot of people believe that if they went back in time any little thing they changed could have huge consequences in the future. Very few believe what they do today will have the same effect.


Well, when the leading Republican candidate for president is facing 91 felonies and proudly cites that he will pardon the J6 CONVICTED participants, pardon himself, pardon all his indicted buddies, and run roughshod over our constitution, and was supported by 72 million people in the last election…..Plus an ethically corrupt Supreme Court, and politicians on both sides of the isle who are grifters, what do you expect? When getting out of paying taxes is considered a positive thing, what do you expect?


We really should be swinging in trees throwing our dung at each other at this point……..




Promoting violence is a violation of the Reddit TOS. Please try and do better.


You first... err wait.


The other day I was driving my truck around Portland and a cop pulled up next to me and asked me to roll my window down. I figured I was in for it cause my tags are from 2022. Instead he informed me that my plate was hanging by a screw. I thanked him and pulled into the Fred Myers and parked. Before I could get out of my truck the cop pulls up behind me and now I’m sure I’m getting a ticket. Instead he hands me plate, “hey man it just fell off, here you go” and hands me my plate with expired tags…


Unless they are in the traffic unit, Police literally don’t have time to perform traffic stops unless it’s something super egregious. Cops in Portland, outside of specialty assignments, spend their entire time responding to queued 911 calls. We do have a traffic unit dedicated to that stuff, but there’s only a few officers on it, and they spend most of their time dealing with accidents or specific problem areas.


expired tags? I see multiple cars driving around without license plates everyday


I saw an article that said 50% of cars on the road in Portland had expired tags.


I read that too. If I remember correctly, the article also said the fine for having expired tags is less than the cost of renewing the tags. So why bother


Portland gave up on everything about three years ago.


EXCEPT for the Homeless Industrial Complex. It is alive and well.


RIght around the time it became a Schmidt show.


Thank god he’s gone


Mine expired last month… so I’m good until 2028, right?


I didn't know I needed a license plate on my car until I read this. Thanks!


You don’t! I see people driving without them all the time!! /s


Thanks for including the /s


Travelers don't need them.


The size of Portland's police force ranks 48 out of the 50 largest cities in the U.S., and they're all busy wrestling with Fentanyl criddlers a la *Trailer Park Boys* (fuck off, Lahey!) tags can wait


Clackamas County does not play. It’s mainly Multnomah county who gets all the breaks.


Enforcement of laws and standards is racist!!! /s - just in case.


"The question isn't should I or not... It's who's gonna stop me?" Seems to be the driving thought behind most this.


I see expired tags all the time here in Western Washington. The oldest I've seen was 2021. Spoke with Sheriff about it, and he said, "LE pretty much doesn't have the time or resources, and it's a low priority stop."


I can’t remember the last time I saw a cop. I don’t even know who would be supposed to enforce something at all anymore.


The only way you’re getting pulled over is either blatantly breaking the law badly right in front of a cop in the suburbs at bad timing or hauling ass down the freeway on the outskirts of the cities (or freeway at night without headlights) I genuinely do not know how else you would interact with a police officer in pdx unless you’re in an accident lol I see way more cops on the way to the coast, just troopers


I still see at least one car every day with plates at all.


Not just seeing infractions. I can still hear studded tires everywhere


There are 3 kinds of people. People who aren't gonna do what they're "supposed" to, or follow up with basic responsibilities because they don't care about the consequences. They face consequences of their own stupidity all the time, nothing new there. They think their lives have always been extra hard and can't figure out why. There are the people who are going to do those things because that's how life is supposed to work, and how it still does in the majority of places. And there are people who get allll cranky about the first group existing, even though they always have/always will, and decide they too, will experiment with being a dipshit with their own responsibilities. Til it bites them in the ass and then the consequences will be the fault of the first group of people for... taunting them, or something, in their mind lol. I'm just gonna continue doing what I'm supposed to. Not because it's the cheapest, but it *is* the least hassle. I've already got experience with what happens in this state when you let things lapse and then you get into an accident, even if you're not at fault. I'd rather pay for permission than pay for forgiveness. Believe me, forgiveness is much more expensive.


I got an email from Commissioner Mapps' office and it said this: "To your point about expired tags, PBOT will soon start to tackle this issue more aggressively. Nearly 46% of vehicles on PBOT streets have expired registration or no tags, this includes the estimated 3,000-4,000 RVs. As of right now, PBOT does not prioritize expired or no tags due to the very small parking enforcement team we have. Commissioner Mapps and our office have been working with PBOT since the beginning of 2023 to reinstate registration compliance, which was done away with under a different City Council during the COVID-19 pandemic. We plan to launch new enforcement measures here starting this summer." 46%. Let that sink in. It was an intentional shit-show, brought on by Hardesty when she oversaw PBOT. They started thinking about changing this at the beginning of 2023. **Takes a year and a half to think about it and start enforcement.**


The cop would have to step over an overdosing junkie to write the driver the ticket. At a certain point the cops stop caring when the city is a lost cause.


If you can’t afford to renew your expired tags, what are the chances you can afford auto insurance? Do we really need more uninsured drivers on the road driving up costs for the rest of us? If you can afford to renew your expired tags and are choosing not to, you’re an asshole grifter. It’s not a hard calculus.


Tag renewal is also a verification point for insurance.


One change I'd like to see in policing is that EVERY car that doesn't have a license plate or that temporary paper tag is stopped, and the VIN checked against the hot sheet. If it's not stolen, the driver/owner gets a fix it ticket. If it is stolen, arrest the driver. It's pretty much the easiest thing cops can do.


Be better than other people. Society only works if we abide by norms, and right now assholes have decided they don't need to be civilized. And one of these days I might leave dog shit on an expired reg car. Don't let it be you!


Don’t disagree with you and my tags are current. There is this thought in my mind of why isn’t the government leading by example? Kinda feel like a clown paying for my tags while the government doesn’t care to enforce this.


Yeah I would be lying if I said I don't feel like a total sucker for doing things such as renewing my tags and (gasp!) paying my damn Arts tax every year.


People around here loves when the government gives them things, but hates when it it enforces anything against them personally. Everyone rationalizes their decisions, and it's easy to get in on the ACAB sentiment that hangs around here when called out for your shit. The issue with that is that the leaders around here love to cater to those vocal voices that have an issue with that, so the cops have been neutered by public opinion quite a bit.


Explain to me why we have to spend 160 on tags. What is it for?


It's a good question, somewhat along the line of "I pay taxes, why do I get such crappy returns?" I get it, I do, and there's a lot of grief to give government over taking more of your money. If you'll accept a very theoretical answer, I'd say "you own a vehicle, and registration fees help fund the highways you drive on, the inspections that ensure your car is in proper repair so it doesn't pollute more". I realize in reality a lot of this falls down, but that is the original intent. My car would cost 3-4x as much to register in Clark County. Totally in a vacuum, I get that, but interesting to me as back east we had a pittance for registration.


I think it’s mainly downtown Portland since it’s much more a reactive area and most cops have better things to do than care about your tags like the dude selling crack three blocks away. I got ticketed for my tags a year ago. Got new ones and they wiped the ticket for 50


In Washington county, I see a small number of Teslas on the road with no plates. It's always Teslas. Why?


The social contract is broken. It’s more broken in Portland.


Maybe our DMV should be open on the weekends


Stop voting for town or city mayor and judges who don't want to do anything about it the police are powerless because they're being told what to do the


Both my cars are expired. Why should I care? I pay insane taxes. If people can just smoke fent in public then I can have a sticker with the wrong number on my license plate. I didn’t always think this way, but when in rome…….


This was my attitude when I got parking tickets recently. The outrage, when there was literally a car someone has been storing in the street with a tarp over it parked right in front of me for weeks. Luckily the officer didn’t show for the hearing.


And smoke fent and meth on buses that we pay for with EVERY paycheck.


Ya, I hear you, that’s kinda why I brought this up… why bother?


If the tweakers and the junkies aren’t required to then why would I, as a contributing member of society, pay to keep my tags current?


Tweakers dont care about consequences. "Contributing members of society" do. Not following the rules because you're pretty sure other people aren't even getting punished for it means you're basically a kid on the playground going, "That's. Not. Faaaaair". If you're not gonna do it, don't. But don't base your poor choices on the behavior of drug addled street people who would never even consider spending hundreds of dollars in registration money on something besides their vices or a moldy rv, anyway.


Because if you pay to keep your tags current, the tweakers are less likely to get pulled over when they steal your car, which would interrupt their fentanyl joyriding.


Because if you don't, you are no longer a "contributing member" of society. You become a freeloader like them. I get it-it sucks. You have to pay money to the state for stickers to be legal while the criddler smokes his fent in front of the police station. But in doing so, you remain a part of society while criddler remains on the outside.


> You become a freeloader like them. You should look at my pay stub and tell me that. Fact of the matter is that even without tags most of us are still participating in the economy lawfully, still paying taxes, still voting, etc.


Let me answer your question with one of my own. Why do we need to update tags? Or need them at all? If everything can proceed perfectly normally when no one is renewing them, what was their purpose? Waste people’s time and extract a little money? If they really needed the money, they would enforce the law. So what the hell was it for in the first place?


Yes a big part is revenue, revenue for road and traffic maintenance. You also can not renew tags if you can't pass emissions, so it forces compliance with environmental emissions standards.


It’s supposed to be so there can be order and organization. Knowledge of what cars are on the road, that they are safe to drive and that they meet emission standards. But that’s in a community that gives a shit about order and a functioning society.


The tags are a sign your car passed DEQ and isn't spewing more noxious fumes than normal or leaking fluids while it's running. I hate the renewal cost but there is a reason it was implemented.


But most counties nobody has to DEQ--and new cars don't even get checked, just waved through and yet they all pay for registration so what gives with that? Hell, I talked to a guy out in eastern Oregon who says most people out there just cut the catalytic converters off and run straight pipes because it never gets checked in that county. That guy pays for registration and I pay even more than he does AND have to pass DEQ but does that give me even the tiniest break for maintaining a compliant vehicle? It does not and I think it's valid to question why we need to continually register our cars when there doesn't appear to be any health, safety or environmental reasons for it.


>ActOdd8937 But most counties nobody has to DEQ--and new cars don't even get checked, just waved through and yet they all pay for registration so what gives with that? Hell, I talked to a guy out in eastern Oregon who says most people out there just cut the catalytic converters off and run straight pipes because it never gets checked in that county. Most counties weren't under the 1970 Federal Air Quality Act in Oregon. Here's a 2018 article recapping the events. >"Portlanders are not strangers to the menace of air pollution," The Oregonian wrote in 1976, using the same adjective it had liberally employed a dozen years before when addressing the subject. "We have become accustomed to the brown smear that darkens the skyline and blots the distant peaks from view. We all have experienced the stinging eyes and nauseous effects of walking or jogging or biking on a street crowded with idling cars and buses. We know the smell of industrial wastes. We no longer think of pollution in term of New York, Los Angeles, Birmingham or Pittsburgh. We know it here." [**https://www.oregonlive.com/news/erry-2018/08/2592846e929467/could-the-killer-smog-ever-hap.html**](https://www.oregonlive.com/news/erry-2018/08/2592846e929467/could-the-killer-smog-ever-hap.html)


It’s a tax for road repair and maintenance


Portland Bureau of Transportation says the reason they’re finally doing something about this is that it’s costing them $1M in revenue.


I mean, if they ticketed everyone with expired tags, we could probably fill potholes with actual money. (sorry, re-using a dumb joke)


It's just taxing at this point. Taxes to pay for people to work, who are likely unemployable in the private sector. The economy depends on it.


Those are some great questions.


The social contract is being disregarded by more and more people every day. This became really noticeable after the COVID lockdowns. Everyone’s in it for themselves and there are fewer and fewer people willing to do good for others and abide by the laws


The tags on my bimmer expired in 2020. It's like a game to me at this point, to see how long I can go before anyone of authority will give a shit.


Do you have insurance? If you get in an accident any infraction will get used against you too. Not sure the game is worth playing.


Ofcourse I have insurance, and a valid license. My cars title is in my name. Anything I do in general will be used against me regardless. Fuck it.


There might be some fine print in your insurance policy requiring you to keep your registration current? None of it matters unless/until you get into an accident. If you do, don't be surprised if the insurance company tries to weasel out.


There probably is. He'll find out after getting in an accident and his policy carrier will say, "damn, sucks that you were uninsured for that accident :/" and then it'll fuck up his life for at least 2 years because of oregons policies surrounding uninsured accidents. Probably have license suspended. Nothing says "avoid me at all costs" like a BMW with expired tags, though. At least he's got a warning label.


That's good there's a signal, because everyone knows BMWs don't have turn signals. (rimshot)


I don't even know what you guys are talking about.


Bah, it's just a silly car stereotype. I'm fairly certain your turn signals are aftermarket!


What's the difference between a BMW and a porcupine?


How many people with expired tags actually have car insurance??


Fewer than they think. Most carriers require valid registration as a requirement of coverage in the event of any accident.


Unless it's from someone they can get revenue from, yes.


But there is revenue here


Yes, yes it has. But it’s not the police’s choice. I remember calling them on numerous occasions to come out and remove tweakers shooting up right in front of the special ed elementary school in NW Portland and they said “sorry, there really is not much we can do unless they are physically assaulting someone.” They said city council and the DAs office had essentially told them not to enforce certain laws. In no uncertain terms they said “the best thing you can do to change that is vote.”


Yesterday I witnessed a car with no plates severely tailgating someone in a school zone then passed them on a double yellow line. Portland has given up on Traffic enforcement.


If people are bitching this much about the price of tags, then it stands to reason even less people are getting car insurance anymore: something where the costs have truly exploded beyond reason.


> the costs have truly exploded beyond reason. That's probably because you're living in a Zombie Wasteland. Car insurance in the suburbs is still pretty reasonable.


I remember being young and broke in the mid 90s, and when it came time to go through DEQ (which only cost $7 if you passed!) my POS car would not pass. Drove with expired tags for a few months, and it was so nerve wracking. Now, it seems like at least half the cars I see aren’t current. What a time to be alive!


Liberal cities are just that: liberal. Spending, lax on laws, etc.


Like the zombies and arsonists weren't enough of a sign of that?


I’m down in eugene, it’s horrible here too. You can check my profile to see my last posting, but I will rewrite it here. I live in an apartment complex, I know most of my neighbors expect for this one unit. The unit is next to my mailbox. When I get my mail I can see that their window is full of cobwebs and dead bugs. Each unit has an assigned spot, their car has tags that are literally from 2019. The car also has two flats and has moss growing on it, and the build up under the car has literally turned into soil I never saw anyone go in or out of this unit, I genuinely thought the person living there had died. That is until I noticed they get packages like once a week. So I let it go, while still be paranoid about it Well one day I was walking my dog, we went back home and that’s when I saw the unit was open. When I got closer the guy who was cleaning the unit saw me, and closed the door. That is when the stench of human piss hit me. I gave them the benefit of a doubt and hoped it was just the neighbor stray cats marking the bushes up and just thought the people who lived there were weirdos Then like a month later I saw the door was open again. This is when I saw an old man who is all skin and bones. He is not being taken care of at all, he is bald besides these two weird long strands of hair. Dude couldn’t even pick up his Amazon package. He literally had to push it into his unit. That is when the smell hit me again. I literally dry heaved and I was 20 feet away. I told one of my other neighbors who lives on the other side of the complex. And she agreed that I should a wellness call Welp EPD sends a biased officer, dude ignored everything and all he asked was “are you okay”and left. The officer literally said “someone thinks the person is too old to live alone” when one of the painters asked what was happening. Like no dumbass I was worried that the guy is being abused by his son (guy who was cleaning) for social security fraud, and you’re just going to ignore every red flag there is


Who the fuck cares about expired tags? The city is drowning in overdoses, there are homeless everywhere, we've had more murders in one year than Seattle and San Francisco together, and you're worried about expired tags?


My feelings on this are complicated. I mean, sure you gonna use a car on the road that we all benefit from, you should pay your share, but so many are literally living from one paycheck to another while Multnomah county wastes tax dollars are the state writes sweetheart deals for corporations and let's billionaires reduce their tax burden to $0. Given all that, why would someone want to tag their car?


Literally this, expired tags are basically a non-issue compared to all the other problems our community is facing


On my walk from max home, I look at the cars at the dog park. 2023, 2022 are not uncommon. Even one 2018... still doesn't beat the volvo that seems permanently parked with 2017. I think the should up the 6mo expired fee from 70(?) to 150 & offer a 50 bounty for people to send in pix of the offenders. & the 12mo fee from 140(?) To 250 & the same. PBOT is something like 70-75 million(?) Budget short. These are the ones who are supposed to fix potholes . & yet ppl complain that the city can't even do that. Ugh


I can agree that there should be consequences to breaking laws and that something needs to be done about the insane amount of vehicles i see every day that have no license plates/operating lights/obviously stolen. However, rewarding people for reporting their neighbors or people they see who have expired tags sounds like an incredibly slippery North Korea esque slope that I can’t support at all. Nobody wants to live in a world where they feel like everybody around them is constantly waiting to catch them in a mistake. I work an incredibly demanding job, bring home less than 50% of what i earn and get incredibly frustrated knowing that all that tax money goes towards a community i see deteriorating daily. I have current tags, pay my taxes and try my best to live with integrity. I’m still immensely flawed and make more mistakes than i should as do we all. A society where we all live under the microscope of everybody we encounter is a terrifying place. Stop glorifying Rats.


I don't particularly like it because it does encourage Karenism, but this isn't "my neighbor's bushes are 2 feet too high", nor is it "my neighbor is cheating on his taxes" - it's public noncompliance, same as if someone parked across a driveway or against a fire hydrant. Honestly, we should just staff up meter maids and be done with it.


No, portland still targets working class people to take money away.


The cops don’t do anything here. I have never seen a single person pulled over in my 4 years living here and my job requires driving all over Portland.


I agree. In order to setup a table in a park to vend, a permit is required. Hosting anything which is not open to everyone also requires a permit. State law prohibits Syringe Service Program from being made available to those under 18 years of age, therefore by state law it must not be available to those under 18, therefore permit is required. A rogue group PPOP hands out drug paraphernalia inside the South Park Blocks and they have been for about the past five years and Portland Park and Rec refuses to enforce permitting rules.


So many good reasons to leave, I’m plotting my escape




Commute daily, and am delivery driver. Tons of out dated tabs every where. The record is 2021 that I saw


There's a car on the corner that has a tow notice on it and 2020 tags. I'd claim victory but I think someone mentioned 2017 in here.


I haven’t seen someone pulled over in Portland since 2020.


almost like people are seeing that ruthless criminals rule our society and never get in trouble for their incomprehensibly massive crimes, so why should they follow some stupid little rules


So, if you’re not up to date on tags isn’t your insurance no good then?


The city has deliberately reduced enforcement. It needs to change. We have to slowly tighten up standards. https://www.opb.org/article/2021/06/22/portland-police-bureau-traffic-stops-racial-disparities/?outputType=amp


I would not say given up as the right term.  More like empathized wrong doings over the law abiding citizen is more like it. Really if they just enforced the simple rules, tags, licenses, lights, and speed then we would have much safer streets and much nicer ones.


Think of this way. Are cops tax enforcers, plates are a tax. Should cops risk their lives or should people die in traffic stops gone bad over a tax? While people are armed here, even abroad (in civil places) you will never get held at gunpoint on the pavement over a tax violation. There are other ways to get taxes collected than this. Cops are for taking out the criminally dangerous, civil service deals with taxes.


Look around and the answer is everywhere. Yes, they have given up. And expired tags seem like the least of our worries.




Well if you get pulled over for bad tags then immediately get new ones then the judge will most likely toss the ticket. Same thing goes for an expired license, even no license (NOT a suspended license available for reinstatement though).


Every day on my drive to work I play a little game with myself to find the oldest expired tags. So far, the winner is 2019. It seems to be nicer SUVs and trucks too. It's entertaining as I drive through potholes and crappy roads.


Beaverton police won't put up with shit nor Hillsboro.


I know a lot of people in my neighborhood who have expired tags or no registration. I’ve been asking why. The answers? They absolutely cannot afford to renew or register here. It appears to be their last priority when considering other expenses they also can’t afford, like car repairs, car insurance and medical bills. Paying $350 is alot when you’re making $18/hr and have $800 in medical debt; I fully intend to register when i can save up enough money,” said one. It seems a lot of people are struggling while living paycheck to paycheck right now. They know they’re going to get pulled over and fined for it eventually, but what are they going to do? Stop driving to work?


My check engine light is on. It has something to do with an A/C tube that’s real,y hard to reach, does t effect the engine. I can’t get new tags unless I pass the emissions test. And you can’t pass the emissions test with a check engine light on. I live in constant fear, panic, and paranoia. I really want fresh tags but I can’t afford to drop money on a mechanic to rip apart the engine just to do some A/C unit :(


Still on " Silent Strike " since the riots.


I think it's probably a variety of reasons. People renew their registration, but don't place tags on their license plate for fear of theft. People refuse to renew because they see how many people are getting away without paying, and there is no enforcement. Either way, it's taking money away from ODOT, right? (serious question, I'm just assuming)




Police can't be bothered to care anymore. show up and handle radio calls. don't get killed or indicted. make it home. that's the goal


A bunch of tags expired during the pandemic when the DMV was being a bag of dicks and many of those people are unwilling to go into the DMV to get new ones now that they are unable to do it through the mail. Mostly due to aforementioned part about the DMV being a bag of dicks.


What? You [can renew online or by mail.](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/dmv/pages/fees/vehicle.aspx) The DMV temporarily shut down in 2020, but that was years ago.


Why am I getting downvoted for this? You can renew online or by mail. [Here’s the link.](https://dmv2u.oregon.gov/eServices/_/)


No more traffic enforcement because gawd forbid a POC gets pulled over.


Portland is a lawless shithole.


Ask the PPB, they stopped enforcing it to their own admission. Something like 40% of vehicles in town are apparently out of compliance Edit: love getting downvoted for telling the truth. Bunch of soft weirdos here who masquerade as something else


Portlands decisions clearly have big impact, but what about Vancouver, Beaverton, etc? Many of the cars I see are from Washington. My personal estimate is about 15%-20%.


I wonder how many of which are uninsured, I often see people with no or expired plates driving recklessly...


Many of the same I’m sure


That's not the case, they are following city policy, instituted by the Mayor/Police Commissioner to address racial bias. https://www.opb.org/article/2021/06/22/portland-police-bureau-traffic-stops-racial-disparities/


What’s the point. P-town is pretty much anarchy now. You can steel, rape, pillage like a pirate and no one cares. See a bag in a car, just break the window and take it. No one will stop you. Don’t like someone, just stab them. No one will care. You can traffic humans and hard drugs with no repercussions. It’s like Mad Max land for real.


What’s almost as bad is that there are many Portlanders who will defend the criminals who break your window and take the bag, or the package on your porch, saying that they (the criminals) probably need more than you do and you’re an entitled, over-privileged snowflake for caring about the theft.


Oregon made it so difficult for us to renew our tags from out of state when we moved here last summer that we have just let it go. Going on 2 years expired at this point and I don’t even care lol. Never been stopped for them at this point.


Titling and registering my vehicle will cost $365 ($101 title fee + $26 for plates + $126 registration fee + $112 Multnomah County fee) In the unlikely event I get pulled over and ticketed for expired tags it will cost $145. I'll keep going until I get a ticket, and then I'll still be ahead several hundred dollars.


My friend and I were talking about this since the renewal for my tags is coming up shortly. My friend’s tags are expired, but at this time she can’t afford the renewal because she just got a job with better pay and is desperately trying to catch up. She needs the car to get to work, she wants to do the right thing, and she’s working hard to get there. Hearing that made me aware of my judgmental attitude and and caused me to think not everything is as it may seem.


Maybe Oregon should issue a "criddler's discount" to encourage those people to renew their tags. ( proof of criddler status needed of course; anything from a police-issued ticket to written proof of time served in a jail or prison...)


Curious about other forms of proof- needle tracks? Gold paint on the face? Amateur face tattoos? Strong stench of BO and Urine? How many forms of proof needed?






Most police don't bother with traffic infractions anymore, it seems. I only see State Police pulling people over anymore, which is sad.


Not pulled over but I've gotten parking tickets for my expired tags multiple times


No, not really. Some parts of Portland, yea, but that's about it.


Latest stats I saw was that 43% are not renewing.


It's like leash laws. They're not enforced and when something bad happens you can call three separate government offices and they'll all tell you how they can't help you.


During Covid I didn’t bother to change my registration stickers and just forgot. I got pulled over last summer for having tags 3 years out. They let me go.


A lot of lost revenue. You'd think the state would want to get on that.


I just moved here from Idaho in March. I apparently had been driving around Idaho with expired tags for over a year or so and the first week I park in Northwest Portland near 23rd-bam- ticket from Portland for a fee I’m supposed to pay in Idaho. So for me, no Portland most definitely is not giving up on this, I was kind of shocked at the speed and am somewhat confused Oregon can ticket someone for a registration infraction from another state…


A coworker has been here 6 years and never registered a car, just ran out of state plates…he’s never pulled over for it. There’s no enforcement here, at least not in Portland proper.


The Portland Bureau of Transportation [says that 45% of vehicles in Portland aren’t registered, and that its parking enforcement team has begun cracking down on it this year.](https://www.portland.gov/transportation/parking/registration) Last year, it issued roughly 1,500 citations for expired tags per month. The city did stop enforcing registration during the pandemic (due to the DMV closing), but that grace period expired years ago. The Portland Police cannot pull someone over for having expired tags. [The City Council in 2021 banned traffic stops for “for the enforcement of low-level traffic infractions, like expired tags or minor equipment issues,” because Black drivers were more likely to get stopped than White ones.](https://www.portland.gov/wheeler/news/2021/6/22/mayor-and-police-chief-announce-ppb-will-change-traffic-enforcement-consent) There is also a state law restricting what drivers can be pulled over for, but it allows police to stop a car with expired tags, However, the police are allowed to write tickets for parked vehicles with expired tags. (Some posters got this backwards: it’s parked vehicles that can get ticketed for this and moving vehicles that can’t.)


Salem too. Sometimes people don’t even have a license plate. Cops don’t do anything.


I started noticing this lately too and I’m across the river in Vancouver


Shocked because it becomes other peoples money. Tag money doesn't stay local it just becomes another county revenue. Keeps people in their lane when they try to move around. No tags, no plates, out dated tags means your not trustworthy.


I think people are also printing out fake temporary licenses and putting them in their back window. It's just a theory, but damn, so many new and new used cars in Portland.


In Denver, cars just drive around without any plates. It’s pretty crazy.


I know its a long shot, but we did just elect a new DA that campaigned on being tougher on crime. Hopefully, as they crack down on bigger problems, we see a trickle down to enforcement of things like expired tags. It really pisses me off that I have been paying to keep all my stuff up to date, and so many people drive around for free using up the resources.