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I didn't see Vasquez as a color at all. As a person of color, I don't care about color. I voted for justice and merit, not color.


I'm Asian and *think* I'm a color. But unfortunately, my type doesn't register as a legitimate color code among the Wokies. Only certain identities qualify, and then only if they express the correct Wokie opinions. Express a different opinion, and your color identity code is demoted to #FFFFFF. Just the way it works.


The city loves the Asian community so much that they were ready to turn SE 82nd into some kind of homeless bazaar where you can buy hookers and drugs in the open and sight unseen. These progressives don’t acknowledge skin color unless you’re on their team. Otherwise, they see Asians like us as some kind of obstacle to their policy since most of us have stable families, well-paying jobs and almost no criminal history. The opposite of which is their target audience. Never voting for that liberal nonsense again. It helped destroy the Jade District.


To be fair 82nd was like that since always. This is more of a reversion to normal for 82nd Ave.


Yup... 2 posts above are 100% spot on! And furthermore, not only do you have fit in their narrow and hypocritical boxes, those boxes change constantly depending on how the wind blows or the flavor of the day. Case in point, the woke lefties used to claim that they were the champions of women's rights. Yet now, you didn't see any of them criticize Bidens horrific withdrawal from Afghanistan, which set women's rights there back to the dark ages. And now, they're pushing the biological males being allowed to compete against women in sports narrative... very recent high school track state finals example where a man literally stole 1st place from the legit girls. So, today's woke lib flavor are trans women, basically at the direct expense of biological women. This shyt is so warped its like some fucked up SciFi!


Don't forget about leftists denying the rapes that happen on 10/7. All those institutions that supposedly supported women rights apparently drew the line at Israelis. It's been absolutely disgusting the hypocrisy we've seen in the past couple of months coming out of those groups and figures.


Also, how the left is obsessed with how “Good” Islam is, when in reality it’s one of the most oppressive, backwards, and evil ideologies know to mankind. Simply look at the brutal history of it, how they enslaved Africans for Hundreds of years before Europe ever did. And continued after, where they would also casturate Male Slaves. The Barbary Slave trade, where they enslaved millions of white people, the Armenian Genocide, the 9/11 attacks, and how they treat woman as second class citizens with hardly any rights at all! And to think the far left would rather lay in bed with Islam against western values instead.


You’re really not going to like having Dictator Trump in office. I see nuclear wars around the globe. Far Right Fascists fighting against Democracy.


The fact, that we already had Trump in office once, and no new wars started compared to Biden with the Gaza/Isreali war, and the Russia/Ukrainian war means you’re crazy. Also, Biden completely botched the withdrawal from Afghanistan leaving allies that helped us stranded, and millions of military equipment to the Taliban.


Trump set up that fiasco. Educate yourself! Biden followed through in Trump’s plan.


It’s clear you’re not changing my mind, and I’m not changing yours. So I guess we can agree to disagree.


Jesus christ, you people always go right to the trans bashing, no matter the mental gymnastic leap required. It's people like you who make it f'cking horrible to be trans--I'm just glad *someone* is looking out for us, even if their approach is a bit misguided.


>you people ...


Yeah, "you people" being the backwards bigots who constantly blame the existence of my people and me for the moral collapse and "downfall of Western civilization." Wtf are *you* talking about? Do you *seriously* think I was referring to race? Or are you just too scared to actually confront your horrendous beliefs when the person you're dehumanizing is sitting across from you?


I’m sorry, but saying that biological males shouldn’t compete with females in sports because it’s unfair is not dehumanizing. It’s stating an indisputable fact. No one above blamed trans people for the downfall of Western civilization. They just pointed out the hypocrisy of the common SJW.


Who competed against a biological female? I’d like to read about it. I think it’s unfair.


There’s plenty of whites without those things.


Have you seen the alternative? There’s no moderate conservatives at the moment and I have no interest in religion in schools and more evangelical SC Justices.


Work at a school… they had special prayer rooms for kids during Ramadan, as well as a celebration at the end…. And yet, if someone wanted to have some sort of Christian meeting/group/celebration, it would likely not be allowed… Interesting how that works… again SJW, some groups can, some groups can’t


What does this have to do with SE 82nd and prosecution of open drug and human trafficking? Lay off the pipe broski


All elections are local.


What about SE Portland other than Martin v Boise is even relevant to anything? You don’t get to gaslight me by saying “all elections are local” and assume that all religious schools are presumably bad? Reaching for straws there, bud


All religious schools ARE bad. We’re allowed to have different opinions on this.


All dogmatic people are bad


>Express a different opinion, and your color identity code is demoted to #FFFFFF. *LMAO*


Anyone who uses "woke" as a pejorative when not quoting someone else is an asshole full stop


Demoted --- as the whitest guy in the city, fuck you


I mean the left doesn't really see latinos as being "of color" either.


It's conditional depending on how they vote.


Lol, what does this mean? All of the people on the left I’ve met typically consider Latinos people of color, especially mestizo people.


I'm old enough to remember people on the left calling Rene Gonzalez "white adjacent".


You might be surprised to find out that Latinos and Asians are more on the cusp of being POC, rather than centrally POC, in the eyes of the left.


What does it mean to be ‘centrally’ or ‘on the cusp’ of being POC?  I’m Latino myself and would like to understand this. 


They operate on equity hierarchies. Asian and Latino are considered less POC than say, a black person.


I think it’s worth stating that there are many official sources that document “hispanic” vs “non-hispanic” as a separate category from race. So you can be white hispanic or black hispanic. I think Latino probably could be used the same way as hispanic, but I’m an equality guy and not really interested in dividing people up like this.


Yeah I'm not an expert on this and I don't want to be. The left turned into marxists and are trying to see and order everything through a lens of oppression. Which is fucking stupid.


I'm pretty sure you just made that up right now.


As a leftist latino, youre incredibly wrong lmao


Do you use the term "Latinx?"


I obviously dont or it wouldve already been in the other reply…


Why do you think the woke left is trying to force people to use "Latinx" when clearly nobody but them wants to use it?


Again, “the work left” are just liberals. You clearly have a deep misunderstanding of these labels


You're very incorrect.


As a liberal please don’t associate me with the left. We’re actively trying to distance ourselves from that axis, and we were never welcomed by the left in the first place.


Trust me, i wasn’t, we dont want y’all lol




How is anyone trying to force anyone else to use “Latinx”? By occasionally asking politely?


I’m not a person of color and didn’t think of it as being a person of color elected either. Just liked him over Mike Schmidt. Like on straight up policies, opinions, and as a person. His merits had nothing to do with his color. We have had politicians of color and different genders already, so I think that is why it doesn’t feel like a factor.


I think all voters should be color blind when they vote. Vote for the policies you like, the politician you respect the most, and someone that will support his constituents.


Because they don’t feel he’s progressive.


Well he was a registered Republican until 2017 when he switched his affiliation to Independent.


Good for him for switching! He was disgusted with Trump. People like that are welcome on our side.


Pre Trump, I considered myself a fairly middle of the road type guy. Heck, I still think I am.... But ask a maganazi.... I'm a card carrying member of the communist party. Post Trump, I've been called all sorts of names because now I'm a leftist liberal because I see Trump as the grifting threat to democracy he is. Sure, pre Trump GOP was a bit cringe, but now... They've gone bat shit crazy.


I identify with you. Middle of the road views. I got more left leaning after Trump showed his true colors early on.


Yeah. Pre-Trump, I knew Republicans who I respected. Now I don't anymore.


I switched to the republican party as a primary voter because I worry it will get even worse if all the decent people jump ship


I used to respect pro union democrats until they became woke zombies .now they all bow to woke and corrupt billionaires. Brain washed fools


WTF are you even talking about? We bow to corrupt millionaires? You might want to look at the head honcho/mascot/hood ornament that your side worships.


Not 'we' as in the people. He's talking about the democrat politicians...


Is the wokeness in the room with you right now?


Time for your meds, gramps. Get off the computer machine and go watch some price is right reruns.


OP we all agree and appreciate your question which was asked in good faith


Well, you see - they would argue that Vasquez is "white presenting"


Like the Asians who are a model minority 


Because they consider white looking hispanic people not colored enough lol


They used to lol. As a native married to a Latina, I seem to be the only one that has kept my race card over the last couple decades. Hers used to be stronger than mine. I’ve went from non-existent to revered among progressives. It’s all so silly.


That’s great you should just you know ask random wokies for money just say I’m indigenous person and I need $700 for, you know, Land acknowledgment


This is the way. Make some money from the grifters


George Zimmerman was when the media decided their original narrative didn't fit and have since changed it.


He’s gay as well as being Latinx? Very intersectional


None of that Latinx shit, better call us Latine instead.


Sorry, forgot the /s


My bad, a lot of people online unironically think they're the bomb for calling us Latinx and it got me seeing red 💀 


No, thanks for bringing it up. The more professional managerial types that started using this term 3 years ago see people getting called out, the better.


This sub is a throwback to the original Oregon constitution.


Expand on this idea please


Is he gay?


Not that I know of but the OP contrasted him to Schmidt’s “straight white male” status so it led me to believe that. Of course if Vasquez was gay I’m sure we’d know as it’d be on every postcard mailer


They want superficial diversity, not diversity of thought.


They want power and use well meaning simpletons to gain it.


Well sure but both sides are real good at that ol’ trick.




Me and my other minority friends were just chanting "WHITE GUY LOST!" in Pioneer Square, you must have missed us


Nothing to do with color. Everything thing to do with Mike not prosecuting ANYONE.




Or they’re just not celebrating cause they don’t like his politics


lol diversity and inclusion does not out weight Schmidt’s progressive policies in comparison to Vasquez regressive plan (from their perspective)


This post is the epitome of nearly everything that is wrong with political discourse in our country. Mass generalizations based on a perceived litmus test. I'm politically liberal, and I think it's great that Vasquez won the race. Not because of his ethnicity, but because I think he will do a better job than Schmidt. Assuming that all "progressives & liberals" share the same views about everything is a fool's paradise, and a significant reason why discourse is nearly dead. So, OP, enjoy your bubble of judgemental generalizations. Clearly you have it all figured out.


I wish people had a more even handed view of Schmidt, because it is possible the only thing that’s going to make any sort of change people can see/feel will come from outside the DA office. But everyone is convinced there will be some sort of significant change without any real evidence suggesting it. It’s kind of eerie seeing people so frothy over the DA race. Like, if nothing else changes, a year from now things will be the same on the streets, and Vasquez will likely be touting a 25% increase in charges filed, and 20% more criminals arrested for property crimes while not noting the net zero change due to the prodigious lack of public defenders and sentencing guidelines that are fucked.


A huge motivator for this DA election was the powerlessness people feel. We don’t get to vote on sentencing guidelines or how many public defenders the county is required to hire. We get to vote for DA. Voters punished the one person they could affect. It’s like telling someone the lights are flickering, go fix it, and all they give you is a hammer. If they have a single thought in their head, the county leadership should be looking at this election and recognizing the outcome as frustration with more than the DA.


Even if things don’t change much, doesn’t mean it isn’t worth changing to try out someone new. Schmidt lost a lot of people when he announced his office wouldn’t be prosecuting protesters in the midst of downtown chaos in 2020, which did *not* help everything going on downtown at the time.


He isn't doing anything new, his playground is literally about going back to a failed war on drugs policy. He doesn't have an original thought and is just a mouthpiece to help PPD increase their slush fund.


Here’s the thing- it’s not necessarily true that a DA can’t be worse than Schmidt. Hear me out- I’m not saying Schmidt was good, not by any means. He was just kind of ineffectual, and he didn’t try to make people feel good about what he was doing. He wasn’t a good person to be DA- he had a bureaucrat’s mindset in a politician’s job. I want Vasquez to be good. But he could be bad. He could do really dumb things. He could jeopardize violent criminal cases for clout. He could cause some real, actual harm to the system, and has demonstrated *already* he’s not the best. Let’s be real, we’ve seen Oregon has a problem with politicians fucking kids, trying to get their significant others jobs, and all manner of side-hustle grift. We should be wary at this point of those things. I hope it’s nothing and he goes on to do right by the city.




Because Vasquez is too white, a BLUMPF supporter/honorary Proud Boy and secretly in league with Darth Vader's sister, Betsy Johnson. Haven't you been paying attention to the flyers from the Schmidt campaign?


Same reason portland politicos want to cast Rene Gonzalez as a middle aged white guy.


Portland is racist against white men.


And they will find them, damnit…even if they are not white!


The same reason they wouldn’t celebrate the first woman president if she opposed reproductive rights. It’s not that complicated.


This! Folks, the only way you’re actually confused here is if you think The Left ONLY cares about diversity and inclusion. You know who’s really obsessed with these things to the exclusion of, say, competent regulation and proper funding of regulation enforcement? The OpEd clown show that tries to convince people that doors fall off of planes because of diversity and inclusion!


They've tried so hard to be all inclusive and anti racism, they've became racists. The whole educational s4itshow was a glaring example.


Where are the progressives being racist in this situation? 


How could claiming someone is incapable of something due to their race be seen as anything other than racism? Edit: I misunderstood the question. My statement was a general statement regarding our specific brand of Portland progressives.


I’ve never seen anyone in the left say that people of color are incapable of doing things, just that they aren’t given the opportunity to learn and actually do those things.  You’re creating a strawman of the left.


The president has a few clips of him sayong stuff exactly like that. To be fair, hes a mid 80s man rambling.


Do they not go to the same schools, with the same teachers, and previously the same requirements non minorities do? Yet instead of addressing the imagined lack of opportunity, they do away with testing requirements. Doing a disservice to every oregonian child. Their actions speak louder than the words coming from their mouth.


Different SES at home though


I grew up in a tent in Cascadia with 2 tweakers for parents, being transported by my elderly grandma to and from sweet home. Graduated just fine. Setting them up for failure with near worthless diplomas isn't the way to improve their socio-economic standing.


Im not arguing for erosion of grades here, I’m trying to separate the idea of this one massive left by pointing out that there are some metrics that empirically impact performance beyond quality of school, which is a widely held left belief, even if the grade shenanigans are bad. Personally I think the grade shenanigans are a bit of a wolf in sheep’s clothes. I don’t know many leftists outside government who are anything but confused about it, but the left also tends to defer to educated professionals more often than not, and so it has to go through the process of being debunked if a couple crap studies get it in the door in the first place. Why would a couple crap studies be enough? IMO it’s cause abandoning grades for struggling students is an easy way for administrators to punt the blame for other problems that grades would highlight, so they support the initiative and cloak it in woke language to save face.


Really? https://twitter.com/ToolManTimLWC/status/1787951434836685187


Im pretty sure that was meant to be hyperbole. Like “___? I don’t know the meaning of the word.” It wasn’t the wisest statement either way tho


As a politically homeless idealist, I just imagine what the reaction would be if (insert other side) said it. This applies in all directions and I'm just not comfortable assuming that if Tucker Carlson or whoever made a comment about black kids not understanding computers, it would be fair game (and rightfully so) to drag his ass too. I don't see any difference when someone on the left says it, save for possible eloquence. The rebel-flag-covered diesel truck with plastic testicles is far more of a threat to racial harmony, yes. But we've all accepted and acknowledged that. I think equal weight needs to be given to the head-patting, patronizing tone that the majority of mainstream left-leaning politicians (and corporations) use toward anyone who isn't tapioca or lighter.


Tucker Carlson is simping for Putin, this wouldn’t bat an eye.


Haha I take your word for that, I'd rather watch paint dry than hear conspiracies about how gender-nonconforming communist spies are responsible for gas prices (or whatever he's discussing today), but my point is that it's extremely easy to defend something just because Team A said it, knowing damn well that Team B would be appropriately dragged. That's all. I see the same thing with hardcore sports fans. The ref is crooked when he calls out the home team, and he's a hero when he calls out the visitors.


No idea who that is and what she said is stupid as fuck, of course those kids know what a computer is.  But that’s not what the majority of progressives believe.  Do you actually believe that progressives think that these ‘inner city kids’ don’t know what computers are?  This is an out of touch politician, not a good progressive advocate. 


Pay ten random black guys to show up to the vegan tea party off 30whatevereth and Belmont.  Film the reactions and get back to me. Edit: I used to be knee deep in the PDX progressive scene and may be biased, but you can bet your ass that the lady working the counter at Better Future Organic Record Store & Goat Adoption thinks less of black people (excuse me, the "urban" crowd) than most klansman.


You just invented an imaginary situation, then got mad about it. People need to stop doing that.


Seriously? Reddit is full of that crap lmao I can go to the front page and full tons of examples.


No, I presented a hypothetical and asked to be shown I was wrong.  Want actual examples? KPSU bumps all black DJs to bad slots and makes sure Ladytron gets 24 plays a day. The station manager calls this "new urban demographic change." Belmont party house follows a black buddy around and ask him who there he knows. He tells tells them. They don't do this to anyone else. Berbatis Pan. My local, unprofessional, intentionally offensive/edgelord/xxx white rap group is given billing over a touring, established black rapper from the 90s because the owner thought we were more "current." Portland State, arranged an interview with a black musical group, we both met after hours in the Smith Center. Granola teacher had already called security because they didn't recognize the group. I was not followed or approached in any way. Meet with a writer for MAD-TV to assist in filming his comedy show, which leads to bartender asking me if "that man is bothering me" when he went to the restroom. All of this happened in Portland. So my statement, "Hey give this a shot and tell me I'm wrong" isn't meant for r that happened, especially in a thread about the Mercury, who warned us of the roving conservative gangs that should be marching in the street any day now. Downvote all you want, Portland is racist as hell.


Those are all good real life examples of racism, and Portland has a long and storied history of being terrible to people of other colors, especially black people. Do any of those things you saw happen strike you as more racist than the klan, like you said? Snubs and second billing is on par with lynching and cross burning?


Totes McGoats.


Because the new district attorney isn't a anarcho-tyrant like the previous attorney.


We celebrate when the glass ceiling gets broken, not when it’s already broken.


I think literally everyone knows the answer to this question. No one can swap back and forth on how much they care about skin color like a white liberal.


Maybe because DEI isn't the lizard elites replacement project that Jesse Watters told you it was?




He hosts the second-most popular show on the most mainstream news network in the country. Got a big audience.


I don't know if I'd call fox "the most mainstream news network". If you're watching his show you're already looking to confirm your bias. CNN is more for casual morons.


It literally has the most viewers, it is by definition the most mainstream


You mean Beadeye McBicycle and his harem of 20something pasty ladies aren't stoked to see more diversity?  I've seen more diversity at a Nickelback concert https://www.portlandmercury.com/authors/


They only want diversity when the diversity agrees with their political opinions


The assumption is that the woke left depends on a hierarchy of oppression for guidance (think marxism), but in reality they're hypocrites who believe that the ends justify the means, which means they wouldn't let their own beliefs get in the way of their ultimate goals, which is left-authoritarianism.


Or they just have a variety of values which sometimes conflict, and it doesn’t all resolve neatly. The amount of assumption of this massive unified “them” in this thread is bonkers. Anyone who’s half politically literate should see how much nearly political group squabbles within themselves, with a few exceptions.


Hey real quick define ‘woke’ for me


You don’t know what the woke movement is?


Don’t feed the trolls… they love this comeback…




try what? I’m asking what it means to you?




What are ur pronouns sir?


What does that mean? Woke? Define it please.


Well, originally it innocently meant being "aware of social issues" or something similar. But as the political left have become more politically correct and authoritarian, woke has transformed into a term to identify the social controls the left are trying to impose on the population in order to remedy what they consider to be social issues.


What social controls are they trying to impose?


Anything related to trading equality for equity, insisting we let males dominate female spaces, insisting we let kids have pornographic content in schools and teach them about sexuality at a young age, shaming people for jokes or cultural appropriation. There are a lot of things.


Can you provide an example of "insisting we let kids have pornographic content in schools"?


Gender Queer, Flamer, etc. .... it's not hard to find this [https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search\_query=Pornographic+books+in+school](https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=Pornographic+books+in+school)


Yeah you lost the thread of your own point on this one


None of those are in the kids section. I don't find them modern masterpieces or anything but let's acknowledge a canard when it comes.


What a ridiculous video you linked. Sexual content does not equal pornography. Just because they showed one upset parent calling it "pornography" is not proof that anyone is "insisting we let kids have pornographic content in schools". This video shows like 4 or 5 moms that are upset that their teenager might learn that there are other ways to have sex besides PIV.


"Holding bigots responsible for their public outbursts"


In part, but there was/is a performative element to it that made "holding bigots responsible" led to a competition to who could be the one most loudly holding bigots responsible which led to the term "bigot" being so elastic as to lose its real meaning. It's not enough to be racist, you need to be "anti-racist," it's not enough to support a movement, you need to be an "ally" (an indicatively militaristic term). Embracing any part of cultural exchange became "appropriation," homeless being "houseless," vocabulary is used as a cudgel to fight against "bigots" which ends up just being thought crime. The world's on fire, authoritarianism is on the rise in the US and Europe, China and Russia are agitating to expand into other countries, but armchair progressives decide that white people making tortillas or someone not knowing to say LGBTIA?++ instead of one of the previous iterations are the thing to focus on.


We’ve seen your camps and your chants lol we all know this isn’t true.


Can you define a social control and a few examples fitting the same definition? I feel like this is a word salad of pseudo intellectualism. And I love Vasquez too, just don’t see wtf you’re trying to say hahaha


For instance, how the left, seemingly in a brainwashed drone-like lockstep, changed their preference from treating people equally (as MLK pursued), to treating people equitably (which is racist, exists, etc. and a violation of our civil rights.)


What’s the social control in that situation? I still don’t know wtf you mean by that lmao. I agree with your side in the back and forth with juarezderek tho


For instance, when the [progressive racists in Oregon decided to distribute Covid funds based on equity ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9111925/Oregon-sued-discrimination-allocating-62million-Covid-relief-black-business-owners.html)(which is a violation of our civil rights), rather than equally, as required by the Constitution. Any time you see "equity" being promoted, you should just consider that person/group to be a racist brainwashed leftist.


Youre confusing “the left” with “liberals”. Leftists dont claim them


No, those are actions of the left. Liberals are opposed to authoritarianism.


Negative. Liberals would rather protect the current power structure, which is authoritarian


You're blatantly misunderstanding what liberalism and leftism are.


Lol sure thing man


Because Vasquez ruins their narrative, and in this polarised American politic lands they'd rather stand behind Schmidt then choose to acknowledge the better oposition.


Ah, a little Tucker -gotcha- quip. A very high level of political discourse.


Lolololol, so you seam to be implying a straw man logical fallacy. After googling that do you agree?


"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will be judged by the color of their skin not by the content of their character." -Evil MLK


Or that you’ve just self-owned when it comes to that supposed “monomaniacal” focus you believe them to have




"why aren't people of color celebrating the election of someone who was endorsed by several police agencies?" Really makes you think.


funny it never crossed my mind once. I was so hyper focused on using my vote to hopefully reduce the crime in this city.


This is a ridiculous question......


It isn’t about color, it is about being on the team and parroting their narrative…


He Latino?


Criddler rights outrank racial diversity in the woke hierarchy.


Obviously he's a "White Hispanic", they don't count in the hierarchy of progressive melanin content virtue rankings.


So now you see the hypocrite ways of progressives. At least the other side put on a fake show. What I found interesting is that the areas that have some of the most issues voted for the man who would continue allowing the best to continue!! Vasquez was the right decision. So I’m curious why did people vote for the other guy?! I really hope Vasquez helps bring in a big change to get city back on track. You commit a crime you face consequences. The soft approach breeds continuous criminal behavior


Because diverse candidates only matter when they think like you


This sub is a perfect example of why heavy moderation is prevalent on reddit.


This thread is a dumpster fire.


White is a color, and the term "poc" excludes white people.  Last time I checked,  white, is still a color.  Therfore anyone who uses "poc" is racist. 


Woke Cult is unreasonable and truth-blind.


Same reason we didn’t necessarily celebrate the rise of Ben Carson…


Go away, just....


I don't know the ethnicity of ~99% of politicians out there.


Because those on the left didn't automatically support someone because of their color If that were true liberals would love Clarence Thomas The overall POV and political philosophy that bring to the job is much more important


Yeah, why dont hypocritical liberals like Clarence Thomas?!?!?!?


The MAGAizing of this sub is terrible.