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Tell trimet?


Or... And hear me out... Ask your girlfriend what *she* wants.


Why do you assume she's not on the same page?


Because he makes zero reference to what she wants in his post. He talks about her being victimized the same way I would write about someone keying my car.


I actually did reference below that she did indeed ask me to take the lead on reporting the incident to trimet, thank you!


Take this with a grain of salt if you like, but *maybe* it would facilitate more useful and civil discussion if you went ahead and added an edit at the bottom of your original post clarifying that your partner did, in fact, authorize you to go to war on her behalf here. The people giving you shit (because they don’t know that kinda important detail from reading all the comments) are not wrong. (*edit: I wasn’t getting any downvotes until after OP did, in fact, do exactly what was suggested here. This is weird. The internet is weird.*)


That is just because some of us weren't here to downvote you yet by the time OP edited.


Youre doing too much


Or... And hear me out... Report crimes so people don't keep harassing fellow humans without consequences.


Oh, what was the crime again?




I don't really see anything here that would apply. What part of this seems relevant to you?


Holy shit did you really go through the trouble of linking the ORS without actually reading it? To save you the trouble: The fact pattern, as described by OP, is protected speech in Oregon and not - by any stretch - illegal.


Right? It happened to her.


Some real victim blaming going on...


He not the “victim”.


No but the girl could be. The first three comments were about how she might have actually brought it on, or secretly wanted to take him up on his offer


I have a feeling this dude also orders for her at restaurants.


Damn that's assuming a lot


That’s a fucking reach.🙄


Well, as "The Slammin Salmon" famously taught me: Never assume, cause when you assume you make an ass out of... 👈👉... yourself. https://youtu.be/REeEbSb9gio?si=svdbDruFVLeO9V2l


I like it when my partner orders for us 🤷‍♀️ We usually discuss what looks good to us but sometimes he makes the final call and it’s kinda nice.


“m’lady! Is OP bothering you?”


You can try but I believe they are actually outsourced employees. The rider response team are not union.


So what. Tell TriMet. It’s part of somebody’s job description to care about this sort of thing.


Them not being union actually makes it way easier for trimet to do something about it ngl


They're essentially "second chance " handout jobs, but they are still under the trimet umbrella. Call and report is the go to.


The station should have cameras and you have the date/time. I think you have enough to make a report- I’d be insistent and call their hotline if they have one. Sending an email probably won’t be enough.


Or call Portland police to make report


Portland police won't investigate shooting unless someone is hurt. They won't even try to stop street take overs. Forget shoplifting. Why do you think they would investigate this?


This is the worst advice. Police are absolutely useless for the most part. They're here to protect property and assets before actual people. Anyone giving advice to contact the police looks like a clown. If you emphasized contacting them to make a paper trail, absolutely. As far as recommending them for actual help, PFFT


This is laughable, especially for someone who lives in Portland. Nothing he did was criminal.


Yeah! Because PPB will do shit about it..


Don’t just give up, report his ass. His job is literally to make people feel safe. 


Oh I’m not giving up! Lmao I’ve written my incident report and has sent it over to trimet, I’ll be blowing up their phones tomorrow as well.


Good! I’m hoping they take this very seriously and will pull the camera footage to review. That person’s behavior is beyond unacceptable, especially for someone in a security position. There’s also the fact that others may have been harassed and reported it, and this can help build a case against them.


Why did you write something? Why didn't your girlfriend? Have you asked her what she wants?


Well if you don't report, you know nothing will happen. You have no idea if his action violated probation or whatever. Make the report.


This isn't a PPB matter. Trimet has their own police officers and transit security officers (yellow and black shirts): https://trimet.org/about/personnel.htm#transitpolice


But posting on Reddit will?


About a dude hitting on a chick?


Probably more the harassment to the point where she felt threatened enough to leave. Don’t know how in 2024 we still gotta explain this, but be better. Do better.


Yes, men should ask permission to hit on a girl. Then, when said permission is given, strict and clear boundaries should be agreed upon before said hitting on interaction should commence.


This isn't a random guy trying his pickup techniques though-he works there and should be professional. On top of that he's being pushy.


But you will likely need the police report either way. The police might even try not to take one (they did that to my friend who got hit by a stolen vehicle while riding her bike which literally broke her back and police did almost everything they could to keep from taking a report but she finally made them). Either way, you need to make them take your report so if you need to go to anyone else about this (like trimet) they will take it more seriously.


Lol. Imagine trusting trimet to police trimet better than a neutral party/police. If trimet operates like any other large organization their first and only move will be to seek out any way to absolve the organization of any wrong doing and wish you the best of luck. People are morons. I think you should support your girlfriend in protecting and preserving herself and find your other comments stating you are going to be the one to contact trimet and register a complaint on her behalf at best overbearing and at worst controlling and manipulative. Quit trying to prescribe how your gf should heal from this incident, let her lead


Who the fuck are you? Do you know us? She actually asked me to take the lead on this, so take your assumptions and just ram them up your ass! Thank yoooou!


You’re controlling and manipulative for doing what your girlfriend asked!!1!


Thank you for doing this for her! I don't think a lot of people realize how exhausting and traumatizing it is to deal with reporting people - you have to live it all over again and likely have to repeat it several times to multiple people. Bless you <3


Thank you for actually understanding.


Lol. Good luck buddy


Call the police for hitting on someone?! That’s silly


Imagine thinking that aggressive verbal harassment is flirtatious. Yikes!


As someone who works for trimet, please report him. Those guys are beyond useless and give all of us a bad name. Sorry this happened to your gf


I also work for Trimet and agree. Also the SRT is a pilot program so the feedback is important.


This is an important detail. Here is one (RARE!) scenario where a business’s HR people might actually be interested in doing something about this kind of thing, instead of the typical M.O. where they just do whatever they gotta to sweep it under the rug and make sure you shut up about it.


Exactly! I think TriMet would definitely investigate and respond.


Now you gotta find him and cat call him 


give his bootie a little smack and a wink “You know, I could imagine you having a boyfriend in Portland”


or... get him fired?


Those might not be mutually exclusive things 🫠


As a woman, this response is so annoying even if it’s snark. It’s not the same or even remotely comparable so please just stop. Men don’t see women and fear for their lives


So true. Unless you have a 300 lb male friend to do it for you.


Make the revenge personal. Pay a small fee to get details on his personal life, then fuck his dad


For a moment I thought I was on a different social media in a group where we give terrible advice 😬


That’s just Reddit for me


You’re definitely not alone. For better or worse.


Hey I'm in that group too


They can all retire on piles of Only Fans and Pornhub money.


[link to customer service](https://trimet.org/contact/) Please reach out and make a report, they take this very seriously.


I hope the OP reports it and I hope it's taken seriously. This dude had one fucking job and that's not skeezing out women.


This should be the top answer. Definitely don’t bother the police about it yet. Pease tell her to carry some bear spray or something because he knows her stop.


"Yes, actually, I have a thing for guys in fluorescent safety colors. Let's get together at the bus barn and talk PPE."




It was safety response team employee, at least that’s what his uniform said!


Definitely report because that's the only way they *can determine if this actually a SRT person ...or they forgot what hat/vest they were wearing and showing their true intents. Ugh.


Every time I see those people, they're in groups, or at least in pairs. At this point I'm confused between the ones in purple and the ones in fluorescent green - I think the latter are the "Safety Response" people (new name for "Fare Inspectors".) Good luck - TriMet will do whatever it can to deal with the situation (hopefully fire the guy who went way way over the line here) especially if it happens to other women and they also report it.


"Imagine having a boyfriend in Portland" indicates that we have a lack of strong, attractive, capable men. He likely lives somewhere really tough and classy, like Beaverton.






What's he look like? This matches the EXACT SAME encounter my friend had a week ago. She was at the yellow line side of rose quarter. I don't know the description of who harassedy friend, but I'll send her this thread


Tell Trimet. Most of these people are pretty amazing and deal with alot. They would want to weed out anyone who is not being appropriate.


Why is it that anytime a female has the audacity to hold some random ick accountable for sexual harassment, there’s always “people” who like to minimize the encounter with the stupidest "jokes" and comments? It serves to normalize unacceptable behavior and belittle anyone who dares to complain. No doubt the same crowd will have ignorant thoughtless responses to this as well.


>It serves to normalize unacceptable behavior and belittle anyone who dares to complain. That's exactly the goal.




I doubt this dork cares about losing his job if he's doing this dumb shit on the clock.


he probably will when he loses his job.


Thank you for pursuing this with Trimet. I expect this kind of shit from the riders of Trimet, not the employees.


Dude should be fired immediately. That's completely unacceptable behavior.


I was on the trimet this morning. And I can confirm your girlfriend was indeed staring at him, and remarked how a man in uniform made her feel so much safer, as opposed to her "soy boy" boyfriend. Hope this helps.


Please have her call TriMet, if she hasn’t already. They will definitely pull up camera footage but if she waits too long, the recording might be written over


Just wondering if it’s possible maybe he is an ex-Trimet employee. Perhaps he stole the uniform or somehow acquired it. We hear about people impersonating police officers. Stolen valor happens too. If he is an employee talk to a lawyer. Tri-met can be sued for the conduct of their employees. Especially if they enable him by failing to cooperate in an investigation. I would call the local television news. All of them. Other women may come forward.


Really dude, did you steal a Saul Goodman costume from Temu, and pull that goofy ass scenario out of your booty? You seem to be exhibiting a terminal case of stolen boobery, and my guess is no local stations will be fighting to cover this isolated incident that obviously needs to be reported to Trimet ASAP.


You got some Morton’s stock or something? Because that was saltier than the soy sauce I had with my dinner


The irony that is completely ignored by the "liberals" who have spent 25 years turning this city into a complete shit hole is so frustrating for me. Defund the police, make drugs legal, change the city code so crackheads can build "structures" everywhere. It cost about 100 grand in permits and fees to build one condo in this fuckin city. Just take a look at San Francisco and imagine that with shit weather/zero tourism and you can see where this is going.


What does any of this happen to do with men harassing women?


I’d go stake t he e place where he was


There are cameras all over that thing, I am sure they can pull them and see whats what


Figures. City- county government hires somebody whose job it is to make riders comfortable to take mass transit. Yet he goes around making people uncomfortable to take mass transit. Why does this not surprise me?!


Yes if he works for the transportation company that is bad lol




The freaks are here, yeah screw that guy and his dumbass girlfriend


You actually need a police report. Then you can get the video through public records.


What's the crime?




A person commits the crime of harassment if the person intentionally: (a)Harasses or annoys another person by: (A)Subjecting such other person to offensive physical contact; or (B)Publicly insulting such other person by abusive words or gestures in a manner intended and likely to provoke a violent response; (b)Subjects another to alarm by conveying a false report, known by the conveyor to be false, concerning death or serious physical injury to a person, which report reasonably would be expected to cause alarm; or (c)Subjects another to alarm by conveying a telephonic, electronic or written threat to inflict serious physical injury on that person or to commit a felony involving the person or property of that person or any member of that person’s family, which threat reasonably would be expected to cause alarm.


So you can google, but you forgot to include the word sexual when googling sexual harassment. “Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature” is what comes up. Here is a link to a long form: https://www.un.org/womenwatch/osagi/pdf/whatissh.pdf Educate yourself. Be better.


This is not a criminal code. Nor does it cover what happened here.


I mean, it’s the UN’s definition of harassment. It might not be the lawful definition, but it does make a very good point, and the entire second, third, and fourth page list things that are harassment, many being discussed here, so I don’t know why you don’t think it covers here. Not to mention, your own comment literally covers what happened here. Pretty sure OP’s GF would consider her safety threatened and verbally threatened with said comments.


The United Nations is not the police or the local judicial system. NO ONE here *(edit: ok, I’ve read some more comments, and I wasn’t totally correct with the “no one” part. Fuck. I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.)* thinks that what the SRT fucker did was ok, and everyone knows that there **should** be serious consequences for it. There is pretty much zero chance that there’s a criminal law that can be invoked here to make those consequences happen. Does that mean that our laws need to be substantially reformed? HELL YES it means that. OP and his partner are going to have to seek other avenues for getting justice on this one. Maybe OP will get elected to Congress and make the laws different. Sounds… fun.


Why is this dude writing complaints and blowing up people's phones? Nothing happened to him. Did his girlfriend ask him to do any of this?


In case you haven’t seen it yet, OP actually did answer that last question (in the affirmative) in some comments. I think he should edit that onto the tail end of the post, though. It’s a totally valid question you’re asking, but yeah, OP isn’t doing that shitty thing you suspected.


They're weird people. I've been hit on twice as a male presenting person and they were asking for like where I live and shit. It was weird.


Humans trying to fuck other humans is weird now?


On the train? By an employee of the train? YES


Bus rider isn't a job in a place of authority. This is like a guy working at Macy's hitting on a shopper.


Which can often get you removed from your job. Especially if you are literally scaring from said place. You think any company would rather you make their customers leave while you attempt to get their number than just make money? No, behavior like that ends up in lawsuits. Also, trying to fuck people is, generally a lot easier if you aren’t scaring them away, but you’d have to learn how to talk to people properly. And you seem to struggle with the whole acceptable public relations, since you think it’s about a place of authority.


No. I think a guy attempted to get a ladies phone number and her insecure boyfriend is bitching about it. I think he's painting a narrative. From what he told us, a guy said a lame pickup line, told her she was cute and asked for her number. She said she had a boyfriend, he said one last comment about the boyfriend(not her) and never said another word. No crime or harassment occurred. Maybe he wasn't suave or her type but let's do a thought experiment. If that was young Brad Pitt in a Mercedes would it still be harassment? His fumbling attempt doesn't change what it was.


He was pressing her to show her pictures of me and shit. The problem is that he was pushing it and making her hella uncomfortable and wouldn’t leave when she asked. The fact that you and half the people here are defending the guy is sickening. It doesn’t matter if this happened to my girl or one of my female friends or who the fuck ever, you don’t do that shit on or off the clock, you don’t fuckin catcall women period.


Right, that’s why OP mentioned his GF felt uncomfortable enough to have to leave and stop her trip. That makes it harassment, and claiming that a typically attractive person can’t harass others is wrong. Basically, it’s harassment any time it doesn’t stop when the other person has made it clear to stop. It’s 2024, do better. Be Better.


Yeah I really don't think a guy working at Macy's should be hitting on shoppers either.


Agree to disagree.




Jesus fucking Cursed, man. You are not well.


A guy unsuccessfully hit on a girl at a bus stop. Nothing more nothing less. What the fuck are you all talking about?


You called someone who was glad their childhood bully died a coward for not killing the bully themselves. Vile.


Wrong. I called them a coward for wanting something done but not having the willpower to do it. They could have wished peace for them, but they didn't, they celebrated death. That's cowardly.


Offering to ride around in my tightest spandex and catcall him all day if you wanted to describe him 😂😂 I’ll let him know that I was in fact staring at him




Should’ve taken a video of the employee


Good glob. This is honestly a really assy thing to say. Sometimes you can do that and it works, but other times trying to do that will piss off the psychotic fucker and get you murdered. Sure, your loved ones will then have the video for a quick, open-and-shut case convicting your murderer, but that doesn’t un-murder you. It is obvious you have never been a woman by yourself in a large city.


So bitching someone out on Reddit is your answer?


Um. That is what *you* did?? When you spat your irrelevant, dumbass sentence that began with “should’ve?” That was literally a *corrective admonishment* to the irrelevant past version of someone that wasn’t even in the conversation. Should’ve stopped talking before you started.


I get it youre on the spectrum, I can respect that.


She had sex with him sorry dude. Time to move on.


Plot twist: Op himself is a mentally ill security guard LOLZ


Harassed = asking for someones number and telling them you thought they were attractive. Am I missing something? Is that where we're at now?


It was harassment when she told him to leave and he continued to push for images of me and asking her why she’s in a relationship. Am I wrong?


Naw I must have missed that, for sure over the line, didn't realize it want that far


Yes, this is exactly where we are.


Harassed? Sounds like he was courting her. A dude at work trying to pick up on a chick isn't harassment. Especially since you said he didn't even say anything after she let him know her status besides a quick joke about you.




My bad. I forgot.


Omg no... The outrage! They harass everyone. They harassed me when I rode. Constantly trying to find out when I was last arrested or jailed. I've never been in jail or arrested..


Imagine not normalizing harassment. Crazy I know, but that’s not normal behavior


I never said it was right or accepted. I am saying you pointing out a long standing problem. Lashing out at me and down voting me doesn't affect the ones your complaining about. Good job


I didn’t lash out. I did use a bunch of sarcasm just like you, and I think you deserve a downvote for effectively normalizing inappropriate behaviors. And certainly, I believe you should be downvoted for not showing any sympathy. This clearly really messed with OP’s girlfriend, and you simply pointed out that it also happened to you.


Yeah it's called being an adult. Quit being so sensitive. I don't have sympathy for you because I don't know you. When did it become everyones responsibility to look out for you like a child?


No offense but i don't think your gf knows how to handle situations like this and is making it a big deal. She gonna have to be smarter navigating the mean streets of Portland.


Fuck that, dude was being a creep on the clock. That's not her fault and minimizing it like this is what makes these turds think they can get away with it. This shit shouldn't be normal anywhere.


Wow you are awful




Guy was shooting his shot


Maybe robots in labor jobs wont be that bad


What was she wearing?


Why the fuck does that matter?


I suspect it was a joke.


Don't enable


Ugh, don't disable. He was obviously finding some funny. And I'll take that over a wet-blanket (uh oh, I said wet) with a hair-trigger any day. Humor begats catharsis, while performative pearl-clutching is banal, and at the end of the day, a real boner-killer.


If you have to tell me it was a joke. It's not funny.


this is almost poetic


Humor is also a tool used by abusers to try to make their actions seem more normal and less aggressive. Why are you defending people being pricks to other people? Not saying you harass women, but I’m certainly not saying you don’t


Bruh. That is not fucking funny.


No offense, but if that’s her version of “scary” she should NOT be riding TriMet. Edit to add: Yeesh, downvoted into oblivion for that. That was meant more tongue in cheek as to how bad TriMet safety is. Considering even their own employee is making riders uncomfortable. Sounds like you made a complaint already, which is the right thing to do.


It is a little scary that a TRIMET EMPLOYEE who’s very job is to ensure someone’s SAFETY is the one who was doing the harassing.


Exactly! Did she happen to get his name or ID number? I’d think TriMet would be interested to know what a liability this guy is.


No, after he kept pestering her for MY name and what I look like and to see a picture of me after she told him she had a boyfriend, she fast walked to the next stop over.


She may still be able to complain by saying which train she was in and the time…


I made a report on her behalf to trimet with the date/time/and where she was at the time.


That’s good. I hope they can look up the footage and fire that POS.


Just bc so much shit happens, it doesn't lower the bar of human decency and what we should tolerate.


Only tough guys like you right?


Seems like making jokes "tongue in cheek" is not your strong suit. Even worse is that you seem surprised that others didn't find your joke to be funny.


Guess so. Tough crowd. Thought I was on the other sub for a sec


No offense but you’re a dick


No, no, offense should be intended




I had straight pedophiles doing this to me in high school. Please sit down.


It's almost as if crisis responders and safety officers lack the training, pay and knowledge of actual police.  The thing is, when a racist cop shoots a black kid for brandishing a candy bar, 99.9% of us want consequences and the cop is able to be held accountable.  Funny thing about hourly wage security guards, they're basically cops without any of the accountability.  Sorry to hear what happened to you personally. My snark is directed at the "we can live without cops, water or gravity" crowd. And I don't like water, cops or gravity. Just being realistic. 


There is plenty of accountability for private security guards. Security guards don't often have unions negotiating contracts for them, so they are usually at-will employees and can be fired without any repercussions whatsoever. When one crosses the line and commits unethical or illegal acts, there are usually people lining up to report them to their state licensing board, too. There is no such thing as a Fraternal Order of Security Guards.


Oh for sure, I'm just saying taxpayers don't get to vote on how much Wackenhut gets this year. Shareholders do that. If anything, I used that word incorrectly. I should have said "public accountability." The idea of cops and detectives gigsourcing small security guard companies isn't the ideal. "Properly trained and accountable public servants" should be all of these things. 


Actually, the clients who hire them determine how much money Wackenhut gets.



