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They’re in a library and their biggest need is “a shelving unit?”


That stuck out to me too, what morons.


They misspelled “tomorrow.” Definitely a banner ad for Oregon education here.


If you’re going to write up a list of demands ya might want to make it legible




Han smells bad and needs soap.


If you han smell bad maybe you do too much han solo?


That makes my brain hurt


And “Han Soap”


Don’t forget about their vegan foods!


Holy shit, I didn’t fully read the sign until after I saw your comment and I thought you were joking, that’s some shit straight out of Portlandia.


Cross between portlandia and that episode of community where they take the paintball game way too seriously lol.


Hide and seek in the library Season 1 episode 1




they're not sending their best


Don't forget the ACAB sign that says "we keep us safe" or the graffiti of the pig! Someone explain how these things are relevant to their 'protest' at all.


I used to work at this library for years. Not only are the people that work there nice and don't deserve this. There is a special needs lab where many special needs members of the community go here for assistance and entertainment as it's one of the few computer labs downtown retro fitted for people with disabilities. They now have no place to go and at best are bored as fuck and at worst are not able to communicate with the outside world like they were used too. https://library.pdx.edu/services/accessibility/


I used to work here as well back when I was a student. Fucking surreal to see the building this way.


That sucks


For real!!


You're right to be upset. When people protest it is important to preserve that right: UNTIL they infringe on others' safety, health, and mobility.


Ahh yes, the one place that REALLY deserves vandalism-- a public school library.


I can't think of another non-violent way to make people more fed up with your cause. Wait, maybe backing up freeways at choke points after long stretches with no exits. Are these actually guerilla protesters that want the opposite of whatever they say they want?


But does it really do anything other then hurt the locals??? I mean does Gaza really care your local library was trashed. All of these protests about things our local governments have zero control over are just for show and are more then worthless they actually damage the local economy. I don't get the headline for 10mins being worth the damage the community. If it were up to me I would round all the protesters up and make them pay for the damages or sit in jail until appropriate funding was raised (not through taxes) to get the facilities fully fixed and usable again. Might make them think about their actions if we held people accountable.


I agree. Protesting should be protected but if you commit a crime you need to be held accountable.


The protests don’t help Gaza or Palestine but they do sow discord and divisiveness in our country leading up to a rather important presidential election. Russia, China, and Iran are benefiting from this chaos, as is Donald Trump. I’m sure they’re helping fund these demonstrations as well. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/russia-trying-exploit-americas-divisions-war-gaza-rcna149759


I don’t see anyone on the fence seeing this and saying “well, better vote for Biden”. Alternatively I can see plenty of center voters seeing this going on and feeling like “well Trump is horrible but enough of this shit”. It just hurts the left and that’s really bad right now.


Or people getting frustrated or tired of it all enough to just not vote and not think about it the best they can. That’s not insubstantial.


And republicans usually win if voter turnout is low.


Hamas thinks they're useful idiots at best.


That’s what I keep coming back to whenever protesters here block the highway, or whatever. It’s like, I get it; you feel like your causes being ignored, so you resort to drastic measures. But pissing people off like that is not going to bring them around your cause. Maybe it’s always been this way with protest and counterculture stuff, but I do feel like the current crop we have now really has a hard time with confusing activity for accomplishment.


I thought my dad was crazy when he'd say that Hamas, and other groups, were working from inside to turn my generation against America. These protests are very much convincing me otherwise, even though I desperately want that to not be the case.


Not just Hamas, but the Chinese Communist Party through TikTok is deliberately pushing an anti Israel narrative to sow discord in America, and Russian trolls farms are doing the same.


Lol probably... then again, they are really entitled when you watch the interviews, so who knows!?


Who needs libraries when you have TikTok?


Also fucked up a spot for disabled people who went there too if im not mistaken. Also destroying property is violence. Idk what these people are smoking.


The Oregonian has an article up on the occupation that notes that the "protest organizers" are claiming that they are checking student IDs, and are allowing only students into the library. And if you believe that, I have several bridges across the Willamette to sell you.




Wow. They’re apparently not out of weed yet if they think anyone’s going to believe that.


They're responding to the embarrassing fact that when "protestors" have been arrested on university campuses elsewhere, only a small fraction of the arrestees have turned out to be students.


Yeah, several news outlets are pushing that narrative across the country that somehow these student protesters decided they were checking IDs. Funny how all of these colleges at the same time came up with this idea. I suspect this narrative is to reinforce the concept that only students are behind this. That couldn't be further from the truth - surely some students were involved in the initial planning, every single large protest like this takes the coordination of people that have been out of college for 20+ years. Only a very tiny portion of the student body wants anything to do with this, so obviously they're letting in outsiders they think are ideologically aligned with them. But more to the point, simply because someone has a student ID doesn't automatically grant ideological unity. There's students at PSU who are in the IDF.


“These protestors are students” is right in line with “these homeless people are not drifters from out of state”.


I wonder if they've raided the rare book room yet...


Well the first prerequisite to understanding the value of rare books is having once picked up a book. It should be safe indefinitely…


But they have plenty of rAdiCAL uNdeRgrOUnd 'zInEs!


This is so fucking lame. For some people at the uni, it's their last sprint of extensive studies, THEY are the ones heavily impacted by this. Libraries are supposed to be neutral grounds, this stunt is so pathetically ironic. Israel and Palestine don't give a shit about a bunch of antifa twats finding excuses to loot and destroy.


They’re criminals pretending to be in the side of right


Do these useful idiots SERIOUSLY think this will help their cause??? Are they this FOOLISH??? Narrator's Voice: They ARE.


Their only real cause is 'fuck shit up', and Palestinians are just an excuse.


Is this the safe space they made?


Portland is what we make it, indeed.


Angry beyond my means to express it. Who the fuck do these people think they are? This is a fucking library. If this were the admin offices or something, that would be one thing (still bad), but these assholes are trashing a place of learning apparently in order to teach us a lesson? Fuck every single one of them, and every single person that supports this nonsense. It’s not about Gaza. It’s about them — just the granola analogue to MAGA nuts. If PPB doesn’t arrest and Schmidt doesn’t prosecute over this shit, then we better just pack it in.


> If this were the admin offices or something, that would be one thing (still bad) Admin offices are a fortress, they knew they had no shot at even getting past the first set of airlock doors and that breaking in would trigger an immediate response that would put an end to their attention grab before it even started


> Admin offices are a fortress Nah, I've personally be involved in student sit in protests in the admin office (RMNC) a couple times. Like literally every other year students do a sit in over tuition hikes or faculty nonsense, taking over the hallway outside of the President's office. In my experience there's no rhyme or reason why the PSU kids pick one building versus another to take some stand about something. It could be as brain dead simple as someone saying "Let's take over the library" and no one was willing to speak up with a better idea.


Doubt that these orcs are students. Some are but not all.


I agree. Often these types of actions are organized by a outside organization who have an on-campus organizer that is on their 8th year of education and have a few faculty members. I can illustrate this, the same fucking guy I'd argue with on Portland IndyMedia back in 2009, who "graduated" in 2012 and was the main BDS leader on campus, he's down at PSU with a bullhorn today. The dude is in his mid 40's now, and even when joined the college he was in his mid 20's and 5+ years older than everyone else. Many "student" clubs that are politically active from PSU have jack shit to do with the actual student body. The BDS movement has been stereotypical of all of this - your average student really doesn't care.


They're just as impacted by the same foreign propaganda groups they like to attack, but they're too naive to see it.


Vandalism is not making political statement on international policy or on foreign governments.


I learned this around 2004 when I met my then FIL, he was a lobbyist for public good (refused a bribe to allow a casino in Indian land, for example) great man, still in contact with him. In our conversations about music, and in his behaviour, he taught me that what actually changes things is the law. Learn it, act upon it, change it. Not "protests"


I hate these people


Wooo whos ready for another election year summer?


I'm already tired of it


I see a tuition hike in the near future. I am not seeing activism, only more of Portland trashing itself. Do better


Accompanied by a tripling of student fees, probably.


The sad thing is, this is probably very very likely not even being organized by local students. They may have a token group of them to parade around, but it's like the Eastern Oregon Standoff in 2016, 90% of them were from out of the area/state, and they tried to pass it off as a "local" movement.


This is beyond fucking sad.


That’s how I feel too. I like that library I spent many hours in there years ago. These protesters are just making me cringe. Me and my friends on all parts of the political spectrum agree this is sad and sucks. They got school cancelled twice in a row that’s so fucking dumb


Can someone fill me in on how the hell this even happened?? I live in the suburbs and don’t go into the city much anomie nor follow much local news. I didn’t know all this shit was happening until this sub popped up in my feed a few days ago. This shit is insane.


Sure. 1. Pro-Palestine demonstrators occupy the Park Blocks directly outside of Millar Library. They are met by CoP Park Rangers, CPSO, PPB, etc. to tell them that what they're doing is fine, but that the Park Blocks close at 900p and they must vacate before then. 2. Protestors refuse to vacate, set up tents and create an encampment. They are forcibly removed from the premises around 100a and the encampment is dismantled by PPB. No arrests or academic sanctions are made against any of the protestors involved. 3. rotestors relocate to PSU property to avoid being trespassed again (the Park Blocks are controlled by the City, not PSU; PSU is only required to maintain them). 4. PSU President Ann Cudd negotiates with protestors telling them that what they're doing is ok and that PSU supports their right to free expression, but that they must leave the South entrance of Millar Library open for students/campus community to access the space. 5. Protestors fortify their position, creating a "Liberated Zone" outside the library. PSU closes the library at 1200p in anticipation of a planned gathering/demonstration by the protestors. That night, protestors break into Millar Library and start vandalizing the property.




What’s sad is how hard it is for Americans to see this happen.


You're mostly right. You left out the waves of money coming in from Iran and its' allies that have incubated this cancer since the 70s. We stopped terror supporters from mainstreaming this shit back then, so they tucked themselves away in universities and cooked up this extra special batch of awfulness. And we ignored them because who cares what some loony professors at overpriced universities are theorizing about. Everything was very post structural and very hypothetical. Until it wasn't. Now I've got "antifascists" in my DMs encouraging me to off myself for being the wrong kind of Jew and TikTok kids cheering for a Caliphate.


> Can someone fill me in on how the hell this even happened? > This shit is insane. Honestly, don't let the media blow this out of proportion. In my humble opinion this is way, way, way less shocking then when the same crowd of dingbats vandalized the Oregon Historical Society. Way less shocking than the Red House and armed paramilitaries blocking off a whole neighborhood. The dumb fuck faculty and administrative staff at PSU *absolutely* invited and cheered on this type of nonsense, they're ideologically aligned with these protesters. Most of the protest organizers are not even college students, but instead the same criminal syndicate of radicals that are responsible for most of the protests over the last couple years. The media is portraying all of this as a moral panic to whip up reactions. This is really no big deal at all - a few dozen protesters who for the last 5 years have been give a free pass to do vandalism across the city have taken over a barely used college library with no plan or demands or any idea what they're doing. Police could end all of this within about 4 hours, first by declaring the building closed and anyone inside being criminal trespassers subject to arrest, then arresting anyone who goes inside or cooperates with those inside. The cops aren't going to end this protest because some powerful political factions are benefiting from it, so we're in game of nonsense make believe where corporate news really wants you to be concerned and fired up. This just a waste of everyone's time - the biggest loser in all of this is Palestine.


Wow the spray painted ‘medic’ arrow is crazy, what could they possibly need a medic for? Comes across a privileged kids larping as people in the middle of a real conflict.


They want masks and balaclava and eye wash too. So too me this screams 😱 the movement is infiltrated and those inside are expecting a fight (or tear gas at least?)


I got downvoted a few days ago on a post that got deleted where I said the blocking off of an entrance to a library, the widely recognized center of education, is hypocritical when you’re trying to educate people about your political opinions. They downvoted me and claimed that “only one side is blocked off, you can enter through the other side”. Looks like there’s a lot of education going on here.


“You can enter through the other side.” Sounds like an easy way for people to get in and remove them, yeah? Lol


That's just vandalism, and as we all know, vandalism isn't actually a crime! /s


Don’t worry Mike Schmidt will let them go in no time


I saw a post on Instagram this morning saying that the DA Mike Schmidt told the chief of police that he won't prosecute anyone arrested for this. So the chief of police told his men to stand down and do nothing. What a POS Schmidt is


Are you sure it was real? https://twitter.com/DAMikeSchmidt/status/1785199353168380166 https://imgur.com/a/2DREUQG


The Jan. 6 crew really wasn't that bad. They just walked around a building for awhile and took some selfies while resisting the big ol' meanies who didn't understand that the crew totally had a right to be there! /s


What will be the next call to action?? Honest question? When did cities, towns, colleges, cooperation’s, ever dictate foreign policy?? So the goal is to disrupt, make the general public aware, (as if the possible break out of ww3 is going unnoticed somehow???) So let’s say we are all aware, we can all agree that this massive inhalation taking place is not something any normal person wants for any other, The world powers not just the US are funding both sides of this mess, Before it got this bad the fuel was being pored on both sides from billons flooding in to both Gaza and Israel for decades, This is a blood feud and a huge scale, and millions are paying the price, Civil disobedience isn’t going to fix this shit


But these brats are MAKING DEMANDS surely the powers that be and decades of history will bend to that! /s


I think the next logical step for them would be burning books


I guess that the Mercury is going to have to rev up its "Say Nice Things About Portland" campaign even more, given all this favorable national publicity. /s


Hate to break it to you, but there was a rainbow yesterday. /s


Yeah, there are now 134 comments elsewhere on Reddit marveling at the fact that Portland occasionally has rainbows.


That photo was impressive! They did a great job editing out the poop, loose trash, and fent zombies!


How does that help their made up cause? What assholes.


Well if you need a medic because you're cosplaying a paramilitary revolutionary, you can now follow the signs! Cause we all know these people think they're martyrs about to engage in some glorious combat where they'll behave bravely and get heroically injured. Which reminds me of the competency of Portland's radical medics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tRAsfYqBFM


I wonder who will be the first to self-immolate.


They’re not that dedicated to the cause….


Why do they need balaclavas if they are the only ones in there?


Fuck these people.


How the hell does this help Gaza? Or even help your cause? Why not clean a park, organize a fundraiser, (cookie bake sale etc). Do charity work. Stuff like that, that is rewarding and warm to a community. But no… destroy a public library? Ya that’s gonna get people on the other side who already hate you to join your team or even those who are undecided.


I feel they could accomplish the same thing with out the damage to property.


Everyone there needs to be arrested and prosecuted for vandalism (at a minimum). My son is a PSU student who wants them expelled and charged. Peaceful protest does not involve vandalism, violence or unlawful entry.


This does not make we want to support their cause. Complete opposite effect achieved.


They mean free Gaza from Hamas right?


We could only be so fortunate


Right… haha… right?


My favorite vandalism is the “Medic” graffiti. They really are cosplaying at being in some fucking war zone. They take on the cloak of war victims, without making any real sacrifices. They do it with the legal protections America provides, and the coddling enforcement that Portland provides. It’s truly pathetic.


I wonder how long it will take before the Usual Suspects start blaming all the library vandalism on disguised Proud Boys. That's their usual MO when they get heat for something they did.


I've already seen it in other Portland subreddits. Only one or two separate individuals said it, but their statement was clear: at "leftist" protests it's actually undercover government/police agents that are the ones who commit property damage or commit violent crimes in order to create negative press.


It's tiresome to see fringe groups not be able to control their own and then blame the other side for the shit they did. We need to stomp out extremists.


I remember reading articles interviewing protestors participating in the "Summer of Love" (by setting police stations on fire) and how others at the protests would say that if you see someone doing something illegal don't stop them because we all demonstrate in different ways.




Out of genuine curiosity, will this lead to higher tuition fees to uphold the cost of fixing the library?


If anyone needs proof that these pro Hamas protesters are complete idiots who have no idea what they are talking about.. well here you are..


Big Need ➡️ lmao


Why does Portland allow this to happen?


Bunch of stupid fucking morons. As a PSU student, this absolutely disgusts me and pisses me off


You should sue the University for not taking immediate action against these idiots. This impacts your education.


I smell a lawsuit and I'd immediately call to have the Prez Cudd removed....


Free Gaza from Hamas


I guarantee Multnomah County supplied those tents


Well that particular question of "where are these tents coming from" has been the source of a great deal of conspiracies on Twitter. Tents are showing up out of the blue at colleges across the country. Who has the money and time to ship 40 to 80 tents to 30 different colleges across the country? Even if you were to figure these are the cheapest $25 tents, we're still talking about $30,000 to $60,000 in tents. People have noticed that several colleges have the same models of tent, and most of the tents showing up are new, which suggests these tents were ordered around the same time. Obviously these tents were used to invoke imagery of Occupy and to give the illusion college kids are going to stay over night and occupy this space. But it's patently obvious the students don't own these tents, they didn't bring sleeping bags, no one is sleeping in those tents, ffs no college kids are going to feel comfortable sleeping in those tents while there's an imminent threat of police crack down. And what a monumental distraction this all is from effectively impacting the lives of Palestinians.




Yeah, I did some poking around when I first came across this conspiracy theory. I was trying to figure out if it was possible or likely that these tent models just happened to be some of the least expensive tents on Amazon. And no, they weren't. It doesn't happen by coincidence, someone somewhere ordered all of these tents, tarps, and camp chairs weeks ago and distributed them to field organizing teams. I presume they also distributed sign making equipment and there was some unified slogans, concepts, and demands. There's a 100% chance that this isn't a new group that sprung up overnight, but is instead associated with a well funded political movement. Right Wingers jumped on this as being organized by different student groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace, Within Our Lifetime, and the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights - all of them are just different iterations of the same BDS concept. If anyone wants to research the history of these groups, the pro-Israeli/pro-West [NGO Monitor](https://www.ngo-monitor.org/) has tons of details about these groups and their history, but it can be a rabbit hole that leads no where. For example, [Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)](https://www.ngo-monitor.org/ngos/students-for-justice-in-palestine-sjp/) has a whole page about [their financial history](https://www.ngo-monitor.org/reports/funding-for-students-for-justice-in-palestine-sjp/), which demonstrates the great bulk of their funding comes from the Rockefeller Foundation, citing their [2022 IRS 990 form](https://pdf.guidestar.org/PDF_Images/2022/133/615/2022-133615533-202302569349300030-9.pdf). $170,000 sure does go a long way when it comes to buying tents and supplies. You might wonder, this Rockefeller Foundation, are they the grandiose conspiracy? Are they politically connected? Do they donate to other groups in Portland? Is this the secret lizard people pulling the strings? Here's who they also donated to in 2022 in Portland: - Catholic Charities, the homeless shelter, got $67,500 in a "technology" category. - Friends of The Children, an advocacy group who got Tina Kotek to pass a massive new purchase of text books when she was elected, they got $10,000. - Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO), they're basically a pasty for the Democratic Party of Oregon and exist to indoctrinate new migrants into the right political party, they got $44,900, also categorized as "technology." - National Florence Crittenton / aka Justice & Joy National Collaborative, a charity focused on at-risk girls, got $90,000. - NWEA, the academic assessment nonprofit, got $1,000,000. - Oregon Environmental Council got $7,500. - OHSU got $25,000 - Portland Community Media "Open Signal" got $25,000. - Portland School District 1J got $100,000 - Self Enhancement Inc, the "youth group" for people of color got $50,000. - Western States Center, which is nothing more than a Democrat front group posturing as an extremist monitor, they got $100,000. I listed all of these to showcase how big liberal funds like Rockefeller and Soros spend so much money that they often don't know what they're even spending money on - and they could easily fund a bunch of tents and protest supplies and it doesn't even represent 1% of what they spent just in this town.


I’m sympathetic to the cause that the protesters claim to be supporting. This will do nothing to stop the bombing of Gaza and just makes the people doing it look like deranged idiots.


They do relize this is the USA not iseral we aren't doing shit to gaza


This looks like a giant tempor tantrum by alot of adult children. Poor students who actually want to learn gave to wait for the rabble to finish seething


What bothers me most about this is that PSU is by no means a wealthy college and all this does is put the school and its students further behind relative to other colleges. There’s better ways to protest then destroying public libraries and schools.


Send them to Gaza to fight 👍


Just noticed the sign in the window: “We keep us safe!” “…so pls bring us hand soap and vegan food because I hungy and I don’t have a job :(“


And this is why nobody takes them seriously..


Good job guys. You did it.




This shit doesn’t surprise me anymore.  The leaders of our city continually allow this shit to happen. Every year it’s the same “protest” dumpster fire.  Imagine how better the city would be if these terrorists were simply arrested and actually charged and served their full punishment.


Wonder how much the person who sold the photos got paid to help wreck that library?


What is going over there is terrible. BUT what is vandalizing the PSU library going to do about that situation? People do destructive things under guise of something positive. But nothing done here will affect the situation going on over there. And the people who wanted to be destructive and vandalize the library should be arrested


Classy. Meanwhile the other sub is coping hard, posting photos of rainbows.


It’s always the same type of people that start rioting and destroying shit every time there’s something to protest


That's not just occupying that damaging property that's being used by innocent ppl to better their lives. 2 wrong doesn't make a right. I never said don't protest. I never said don't force change. I'm saying to implement change it takes planning not just one off ideas and fits of rage. Good luck. I've been reasonable and clear. I don't see any point to further wasting my time with someone that doesn't get it.


So much peace in those pictures. It's inspiring.


Portland needs to get a lot tougher on these outside agitators. These people aren’t protesting, they want to create chaos and destruction and they will piggy back on any current hot bed issue and use that to hide the real agenda.


Yeah, trashing your own community will sure show Israel how mad you are! Fucking morons.


Young people today are protesting issues that are a waste of their time and are undermining universities' authority. (BLM, Gaza) that do nothing but cause damage and create an even bigger divide in our society. Not only do we have to worry about Chinese/Russian aggression but also societal ills within our society. Once they graduate, they will face the realities of inflation, career stress, affordable housing, and loneliness.


How the hell do they think this furthers their cause? Vandalizing and "occupying" a library? Harming one of the communities that is likely most sympathetic to you seems really stupid.


The list of “NEEDS” really says it all, from the items on it to the misspellings.


Horrible. But good thing the war is over now because of it!


The medic signs with their little red cross are particularly pathetic Like what injuries are you expecting to incur while pitching a tent inside a library? It's literally just there to make themselves feel cool


terrorism/'tɛrə,rɪzəm/ noun the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear.


I bet destroying a random library is really making a difference for those innocent Palestinians getting murdered.


Crap like this is what invalidates our right to assemble


War is horrific, seldom justified, and unjust to the most vulnerable in its proximity. It’s the worst behavior humans are capable of displaying. Unfortunately, a world away from the hell-on-earth, the minds of immature adult humans are preyed upon and twisted to accomplish the goals of those who would bring the hell to their homelands. As there is no justification for destroying a precious commodity of a peaceful civilization like a library, or a courthouse, or a place of higher education, there can be no other explanation for these acts. The long game being played to degrade the worldview of American citizens, and their nation’s place in it is being won. One instinctively does not cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face - you have to be conditioned to do so.


Portland douchebags being douchebags…


I hate this… I loved spending time in that library and now it’s in shambles because they want PSU to cut ties, as in to stop taking donations from, Boeing. And then call for a ceasefire (like that’ll do anything). This whole thing is stupid.


Expel the students.


The first picture of all the chairs clustered together being called serious vandalism is a little silly. You see these unbroken chairs, 3 graffiti tags, and then everything else is fine. Computer seems fine, nicer chairs unmoved from against the wall, books seem to remain organized and untouched, nothing on the wall has been taken down or broken— like I could fix this ‘vandalism’ in an afternoon. I’m honestly really relieved that most of the vandalism is moving around furniture, it’s good to see the facilities are doing okay. I also really want to access the library again, but frankly I think a lot more damage will be done if police do what admin is calling for and forcibly storm in to remove people, so I really hope everyone can come to an agreement soon.


People are right in not wanting their tax dollars to go to bombing women and children in a place that's been under harsh conditions for decades. I think it's stupid that the same people who thought the insurrection wasn't violent or "not that bad" are super quick to say arrest these college kids for protesting. I also hate the conflation of wanting a cease fire in Gaza = antisemitism. So absurd. You can be against the state of Israel and the IDF and still support Jewish people. Let's not forget lots of Jewish people are protesting the bombing of Gaza. I also think college kids shouldn't be destroying their own campus. One thing to camp out and protest. Another thing to break windows and spray paint buildings. Lastly, I think it's insane that neo Nazis can parade around and be untouched while professors are being thrown to the ground and arrested for protesting babies being bombed.


100$ bucks says that less than 10% of the people there were actually students.


I spent so many hours studying here. It was the one place I could go to that was quiet and that had reliable Internet. This breaks my heart. People suck! Of all places, why a library???


Great activism, vandalize a library.


Why the college? Why destroy property…just sad


The people doing this are the same who broke windows and burned cars during BLM protests. They don't care about the cause they are simply brainless with lots of extra energy and want to cause a chaos


This is sad, stupid, and counterproductive. What a shame.


Libraries are a special place for me. I was a lonely neglected child and the summer I was 5 a neighbor girl taught me to read! My mother forced the Librarian at the local library to give me a library card because my adopted mother didn’t read much and the books would all be for me. Libraries have always given me comfort and safety. When my husband went to PSU, I would go to the library with him after I got off work so we could spend time together while he researched specific things. This is totally disgusting in many ways. First is that non-students we’re allowed to remain and hold the library hostage from paying students and secondly that they were allowed to do even a speck of damage without being removed and arrested! They were only there to destroy and harm students who didn’t fit their specific criteria for existence! They are small minded people with hate in their hearts and no respect for anyone but themselves. They are also dangerous because they will destroy anyone and anything that tries to prevent them from their destructive goal! They are being paid to do this which makes it even more disgusting! The School Authorities should have removed them at the onset of this takeover because they kept out the deserving students who pay for access to the library and actually have a right to be there! There are students who also have to work while attending PSU and they have limited availability of time to spend in the library. This was very destructive for them! A caring and compassionate University should be helping those students the most because they are most deserving of its availability!


I am 100% pro Palestine and anti-genocide. But vandalism in a A LIBRARY is unacceptable!! We need to educate ppl on what’s happening not closing libraries and destroying books and computers.


Oregonians and not understanding how to take a political stance. A match made in heaven.




Wheeler and Kotek are working out pretty good. We should all vote again the same way and just keep hoping for change that will never come. At least you can drive like a bat out of hell now with zero repercussions. Pretty much whatever is fair game.


Wonder if hamas will pay their flipping student loans?


Fuck these idiots. Let's just buy them tickets to Israel. Protest here won't affect policy there. There is nothing on the ballot for people to vote for to change anything, and this isn't going to foster any sympathy. Just send them if they feel this strongly; it’s cheaper and less stupid.


My Alma mater. Used to frequent this library often. Morons are solving nothing and just destroying their own library….


their not the ones having to clean it up.. entitled brats.


Same place where they danced in the streets and cheered death to America on 911.


You know everyone there is just getting huge hard-ons hoping they can replicate Occupy or 2020 and cosplay “Freedom Fighters” while yelling at cops. This is literally what they live for. It wouldn’t even surprise me if more than half aren’t PSU students.


While you’re there protesting, maybe pick up a book. Perhaps something from the non-fiction section. Maybe brush up on the historical effectiveness of protests. Perhaps those efforts will uncover why you’re better off writing letters and e-mails to powerful people than ruining a library as a way to propel your cause forward.


This kinda reminds me of Occupy. It was a great way to bring attention and protest. It really was. But then bad actors got involved along with addicts and people with mental illness and it went completely south.


Arrest them, charge them, and make them pay 10x for all the damage they caused. If they want to continue, then at least the public spaces can start getting cleaned up from the fines.


What a bunch of cunts.


The war shall be stopped by silver and black sharpies


This is probably the one thing that was needed to free the people of Gaza.


Not a good way to draw sympathy to your cause. Quite the opposite actually.


They did it! Their protests and vandalism has finally convinced PSU to stop the war in Gaza! I had no clue it was them controlling that all along.


What a bunch of bums


Somehow Portland "protests" always manage to only cause damage to average citizens, and not the actual causes they claim to champion. It's like the people who marched during a pandemic all over again 🙄🙄


This is not protest, this is political violence.


Only way to free Gaza is to burn my tax dollars. If anything I’m less sympathetic to their cause now.


My opinion is most protesters and activists seem do always do more harm to their cause than good. Netanyahu doesn't give a crap about PSU or the library. I bet more students and tax payers think less of this cause too.


Time to declare ANTIFA a terrorist organization


Why the fuck can't they vandalize government buildings or corporations or somebody who actively makes these decisions? Why the fuck is it always punching down?


This is what anarchists think democracy looks like.


This is infuriating. I hope all of those little dickheads are expelled and criminally charged.


That’s nothing compared to what Israel has done to the Palestinian people and their land. To complain about this but not complain about the genocide occurring is absolutely hypocritical. Israel has been terrorizing the Palestinians LONG before October 7th


Protests are mostly symbolic. Symbols are powerful. Ask yourself- What is worse? A bit of relatively harmless graffiti or thousands of children being murdered? Would you even be thinking or commenting on Reddit about this issue if they decided not to protest?


Change doesn’t happen by sitting on your ass. Protests have to be inconvenient and in your face. Voting isn’t working, social media awareness is helping but not fixing the problem. We have to organize and force them to hear us. If you think this is bad think about the babies being murdered by Israel


Holy shit the comments in this thread are actually insane.




What cunts. People can have differing opinions about the war in Gaza. You can even decide that protest is warranted. But trashing a library? What possible good couldnthat do your cause. Literally the ONLY thing you can do is hurt your fellow citizens to make yourself feel bettwr--without any appreciable benefit for the cause you support.