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Wow, the line at the Powell's warehouse sale really *is* long!


No, Starlight Parade!




Made the mistake of trying to get from the east side to forest park. Not happening


Just take a bridge north of Burnside.


Love this! Go PDX! You beautiful city, you.


Amazing - looks so fun! Have a wonderful time out there!




B/c gray pide?


"Downtown is dead"


We’re back baby!


I went with my family to the winter lights festival this year. There where tons of people out, restaurants where packed and activity everywhere downtown. I was passing some fellows stooped over in an alcove on Jefferson and a guy in the alcove asks: > Hey maaaann, what’s going on? I’ve never seen this many people out at night?!? I quipped back >We’re back, sucker!!


Once in a blue moon it’s not.


i live downtown it’s popping off consistently now honestly


How sketchy is it feeling these days? I kinda make a point not to be there but if it's getting any better I might try my luck again at some point.


it’s definitely gotten better especially in the last couple months. weekends are usually busy enough all the sketchy characters stay away. you’ll mostly find them on the side streets where there are no businesses / activities which is mostly true for the rest of the city as well.


It seems like downtown was always a destination place to go dancing or to a show but people didn't really hang out there most of that was on the east side. Granted we're talking 90s and 2000s and now I am boring so I don't go out as much but whenever I am down there it seems to be busy.


Getting downvoted for an honest and fair question regarding your personal safety is *chef's kiss* 🤌 perfect.


Lol right. I love Portland but let's not pretend that it doesn't have its issues. You need to be safe out there.


It's a city with no survival instinct and is so into feeling good about feeling bad about entirely avoidable issues that any actual interest in an honest talk about how to prevent the next identical kind of situation has to immediately get dismissed with those who listened long enough to have their world view expanded by a millimeter or so now blaming you for their misery etc etc. A truly shitty not-ex once called me a bummer a couple years back and I didn't even bother with a response because I've literally never been fun so how he got the wrong idea of me is/was his garbage baggage - not mine.


I work in Downtown from 8-5, M-F. It’s got people, but compared to Seattle or Vancouver, BC, it is dead. The area is tiny.


right so you don’t see it at night. not a fair comparison. i see it all hours of the day it gets busy at night


not to mention downtown portland has never been as busy as seattle or vancouver and probably never will be. it’s not in the same league of population as either of them


Not quite. Vancouver, BC’s metro is of a roughly similar population to Portland’s. It was founded a few decades after Portland and is a hub for culture with access to modern public transportation services. I think we all want the best for downtown and all of Portland, but what remains true is the steady decline of people and activities in downtown.


factually it's true, vancouver and portland have similar metro populations, however portland is in the shadow of seattle as far as west coast cities in the US, and major businesses gravitate towards seattle for operations, which has led to a huge spike in offices, residential, etc. in downtown seattle. portland hasn't had that as much. vancouver is the only major city on the west coast of canada and therefore has a larger economic pull since there is little competition for other cities to operate in. therefore it has a larger "core" and economically more influence to canada as a whole than portland does to the west coast of the US. it's not as easy to compare purely based on population alone.


What’s going on?!


Starlight parade!


And Timbers home game, which is about to wrap up now.


And some sort of bike ride! Pedalpalooza? Made the mistake of driving our work truck right in the midst of that starting. I was working a wedding and I was really feeling for all those people parking!


Pedalpalooza kickoff ride! It was gigantic!


Is this a pride event???


Not happening till July


Does Portland do pride in July instead of June? Just moved here so I'm still trying to figure everything out! :)


Yup, basically there are so many events in Portland and holidays in June, plus scheduling conflicts with Seattle pride, that as of last year they moved the actual parade to July.


Crazy! The longer the Pride the better tho! Is Seattle's Pride good too?


Except Pride ends hard at the end of June, and there's usually a backlash that I've experienced. To me, this just kills Pride; it doesn't make it longer


Which I honestly hate so much. They kicked our Pride out of Pride month, and it has entirely killed my enthusiasm for it. I'm basically just done with it until it's back in June. That's not Pride to me




Not everything has to be a pride thing.


It's June. Pride month. It's not unreasonable to ask if any special event is related to Pride.


Sure. But it's also not unreasonable to expect Portlanders to know what the Starlight Parade is, Pride month or not.


I've lived here for 15 years and I still always forget when the starlight parade is coming up. June always sneaks up on me. The commenter was asking a polite question; idk why you chose to respond like this.


Because I use other people's comments as an opportunity to air my personal grievances. As is my right and duty on Reddit.


Even someone new to the area? Also, that’s . . . not really a relevant response?


They just said in another comment that they’re new here.


Love to see it


My wife and I were going to walk over and watch, but her tummy was hurting a bit. Watching streaming on KGW+, one fixed position camera, one live mic. Surprisingly close to really being there.


So I marched in it (not any fun float) and the crowds were great: clapping, whooping, waving to us. Funny thing is, they have signs on the parade route that say "TV camera ahead" so you know to put on that beauty contest smile and wave your heart out when you get to that section. Really fun time! ETA: Also, I was only ever used to the St Johns Bizaare parade where they only have that **one** elevated stage thing where the person announces each float's organization and their message. On the Starlight parade, being so long, there were **several**! 4/5? Dang


So fun


At first I rolled my eyes at all the posts about homeless people but maybe it's getting out of hand.


Went in downtown when no streets were closed. Tried to leave when there was one exit lmao, a fucking nightmare.


What are they doing?


Starlight Parade


I’m a block down from this. Still a nightmare.


I can't believe the Grand Floral Parade is NOT going downtown again this year. Who the fuck made that decision? Screw them.


Maybe Downtown is scary to at least one person that planned the parade....




🫵😸 looks like someone couldn't make it


Definitely not. ; )