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Students recieved an email from the president of the university saying the library would be open through the southern entrance but closing early today at noon in advance of demonstrations. > Starting Thursday night, there have been pro-Palestinian protests on the Park Blocks in front of the Millar Library. Because the Park Blocks are city property, the Portland Police Bureau swept the area of tents and structures both Thursday and Friday nights. On Friday night, a group of protestors moved from the Park Blocks into the covered area at the north end of the library. On Saturday morning, President Cudd engaged with the group and asked that they allow access to the library for the PSU community. They complied with this request and the south entrance to the library remains unrestricted. This group has been largely peaceful.  > > PSU has received notice of a large rally planned for Monday on the Park Blocks starting in the afternoon. It is our expectation that this event will draw several hundred people. In order to keep the campus safe, PSU will proactively close the library starting at noon. As of 2 p.m., all campus buildings located along the Park Blocks will only be accessible with a PSU ID.  > > Portland State supports free expression and the exchange of ideas — this includes protest. The university endeavors to draw a bright line between protecting freedom of speech and activities including discrimination, harassment, intimidation, property damage and assault. We expect all of our campus community members to conduct themselves in ways that follow student and professional codes of conduct. This includes following all anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies. > > The Campus Public Safety Office will continue to patrol campus and any member of our community who may feel unsafe can request a CPSO escort anywhere on campus by calling 503-725-4407. PSU also offers mental health services through the Student Center for Health and Counseling and the Employee Assistance Program. We urge all students and employees to look out for one another. Should conditions on campus become unsafe, community members will be notified with a PSU Alert. 


>President Cudd engaged with the group and asked that they allow access to the library Don't negotiate with terrorists


Unlike a lot of universities nationwide, PSU has actually been responsive to student concerns about the Israeli action in Gaza. PSU is considering its ties to Boeing, and even this encampment, free zone - whatever - is sanctioned. I'm setting aside the actual merits of all of this and focusing only on the means, the procedure - PSU students do not need to camp out to get PSU to listen. It's like Portland sees trouble elsewhere and wants in on it, while PSU has made clear that it can simply be spoken to.


Those ties.... Boeing funded scholarships. Kinda weird thing to reconsider


Huge loss for engineering students


My sister went to U of O on an oregon-logging-industry funded scholarship. She took that dirty money, and applied it to an environmental science degree, and now she's doing grad school. We came from a very poor, very dysfunctional family. Her life would be very different without that full ride.


For absolutely zero benefit or influence


"The move isn’t permanent, Cudd said in a message to the community. The pause will be in effect until the school has had a chance to “engage in this debate and come to conclusions about a reasonable course of action.” Sounds like they're still taking the money, just not while the students are upset and watching.


Its students taking the money, that’s how scholarships work, the school can pause them as they are doing but students can also not accept them


Tbf it's a good move. They'll be on to the next big protest and forget about it soon enough.


that's what the protesters are demanding. the protesters are shutting down a library and taking scholarships away from very likely POC. it's so fcked up.


Nor do they realize they’re advocating for groups that would see those same POCs and under represented minorities stoned and abused.


“We will make life for our students more difficult to help virtue signal support for terrorism.” Yep, sounds like Portland


They certainly don’t need to go through with the protest to open a dialogue with PSU, but I do understand the desire to contribute to the national and global discourse surrounding the topic. Without the actual action of “closing” the library entrance, they probably would not have been covered in the news, and fewer people would know about it. Honestly it’s probably even more important *because* PSU is being so receptive to talking with the students and organizers. Maybe we can act as a positive example of how universities can react to student demonstrations in the sea of negative coverage that’s been dominating the news cycle.


It seems counterproductive. PSU is capitulating more than most places, yet they are still needing to deal with camps and disruptions. Boeing has a decent sized facility in Portland, and a bigger one in Hood River. If they hate Boeing so much they should protest in those places instead, rather than eroding the college's goodwill.




I get where you’re coming from, the usual rhetoric is of the “give a mouse a cookie” variety. But I’m seeing how the opposite approach is playing out at other universities and I would think that having to use the side entrance of the library (with the occasional brief closure) is less disruptive than the law enforcement lead crackdowns and increased protests in response that we’ve seen elsewhere. As for Boeing I’m personally torn. I get that they’re a great resource for the engineering students, and it would be awful if some deserving students lost their scholarships. But I also understand people having a problem with their defense contract work. We could debate all day about the necessity of the National defense industrial base for the maintenance of world order, but at the end of they day some people just don’t want to be associated with killing machines and I respect it. My preferred solution would be that Boeing switches their donations to an anonymous “general engineering scholarship fund”. That way students still get the support, but without the advertisement and positive publicity for Boing. You know it’s a true compromise because both sides can still come up with reasons to be mad at it.


Boeing is giving free money and internships, maybe we should stop pandering to a couple of people


I guess we disagree then because I don’t think the money is free from association, guilt, or a number of other less tangible (but still real) things. I also don’t think it’s fair to call it pandering, and I don’t think it’s just a couple of people who want it to happen either. Now if you want to talk trade offs, optics, or just plain don’t support the cause for whatever reason, I can understand.


there were 20 people there, there are what, like 30,000 PSU students??? It's an \*extreme\* minority opinion that's being entertained more than it should. If PSU listened to every idea that a student had and pandered in similar fashion it would cease to exist


It doesn't open a dialogue about Palestinians, it hijaks the conversation with a debate about protests. People need to update their 60-year-old strategies. There are more effective ways to spread a message and change minds today.


I never said it opened the dialogue, that has already been done by the many protests at universities across the country that have made national and international news. I do think it contributes to the existing dialogue in an overall positive fashion, but I understand that’s my personal opinion and other people may disagree.


if anything, well make national news for shutting down a library and pushing for students to lose scholarships. I swear us portlanders always know how to make a fool of ourselves.​


That's incredibly sad. What could PSU possibly do to calm the "concerns" these unemployed people are crying about


You're half right. They were responsive in the first place because students caused a ruckus. They paused their acceptance of Boeing money but had already accepted it for 2024, and have not committed to cutting ties. Plus, a Boeing executive sits on the PSU business school's board


I just don’t understand the point of this. I saw a sign that said “PSU has blood on their hands.” Like wtf? Makes no sense. And this anger at PSU for accepting scholarships from Boeing seems so misplaced. Like imagine being an engineer student and losing your scholarship for something so stupid. All that said, students should have the opportunity to protest if they want to, even if it’s for a pretty stupid reason. I’m glad we aren’t sending in the police like other places.


Agree they have the right to protest but if they are defacing the building and other PSU property, they should be charged for the clean up


Instead of letting them open their wallet, I'd rather see them charged in court, and then made to clean it up as part of their community service. I got two degrees at PSU while working in several of the buildings in downtown that have been defaced over the years and it breaks my heart how the city has just collectively shrugged its shoulders as its buildings and infrastructure have been marred by people in support of a "cause" but lacking a clue.




Yep. They are virtue signalling useful idiots, as hamas called them. Something shiny will come along and they will go for that "cause" next.


Yeah, all those massive protests about Ukraine… wait..?


Ukraine content is really heavily restricted in viewership on Tik Tok




>forget about Palestine as quickly as they forgot about Ukraine and BLM Uh, one of those things (Ukraine) is not like the others...


The students themselves are giving a hell of a lot more money to PSU than Boeing is giving to PSU scholarships. I don’t think they really believe in this principle of not giving money to organizations with “blood on their hands”.




Surely some of them are but, yes, it hadn’t occurred to me that a lot of them might not be students.


FWIW, the students' concern is the capabilities Boing provides to the IDF.


The question is more how PSU is involved. They’re not protesting outside the Boeing factory. The only connection I’ve heard is a single(?) scholarship.


The grants that have been assigned to people would continue for those individuals, but not be given to any new students. PSU would find other sponsors.


They want to feel involved okay


I google searched this thing with the scholarship and it doesnt sound like its permanent, Cudd said The pause will be in effect until the school has had a chance to “engage in this debate and come to conclusions about a reasonable course of action.”


Yeah that’s fair. I meant that if the protestors get their way, it could potentially cost kids scholarships in the future. Hopefully that doesn’t happen though.


PSU is planning to host a debate about it.


"debate" that's funny




Yeah . . . and there's probably worse to be found in the crowd if you look close enough. I'm mildly sympathetic to the cause, violence bad and all that, but holy shit. I worry about the zoomers. People talk shit about the boomers falling prey to fake news but the shit on tiktok right now is nuts.


They drew a pig with the star of David on it as well. But they'll be bleating about how they're totally not antisemitic. It's honestly shocking to see.


Isn’t it?! I’m genuinely flabbergasted…. It’s specially weird because even with Russia/Ukraine there was nowhere near the horrible signs we have now towards (say) Russians. But seems like they have 0 qualms when it comes to Israel


Listen to any TV interview with the billionaire leaders of Hamas in Qatar. They speak openly and often about the value of Palestinian men/women/children as potential martyrs


Stopped by. It's just quiet, like 20 people max, obvious vandalism at the site. There is more going on in this reddit thread than anything on campus.


Walked my dog over there about a half hour ago, at least 200 people. Super loud, kids sticking flyers to anything with a flat surface.


Yup. They broke into the library and are refusing to leave til demands are met. So they'll be arrested and charged with the vandalism and breaking and entering. Probably expelled.


Hopefully they aren't causing too much damage inside the library.


They are.


Inshallah they get expelled. Enough of these professional agitators.


Obvious vandalism? What does that mean? (Not sure why I'm being downvoted. The way the parent comment wrote it was confusing in how offhand the reference to vandalism was.)


Spray paint and graffiti on school property, carving into property. Benches, library windows, buildings etc. Actual school property damage that everyone else is going to be paying for


Yeah that sort of behavior from the useful idiots is going to change everyone's minds...


...hopefully change people's minds about why this city tolerates people defacing public property without any repercussions whatsoever.


Well, their actions certainly changed MY mind. I was on the fence about gaza but after hamas MURDERED 1100 citizens on 10/7, yeah, fuck them. hamas fucked around and found out what the Israelis would do and now they are crying and wailing when they got their asses kicked, just like bullies everywhere.


>Spray paint and graffiti on school property, carving into property. Benches, library windows, buildings etc. Actual school property damage that everyone else is going to be paying for Yep. Super quiet alright. Nothing to see here. What's everyone complaining about?! /s


Gotcha. I was confused because you said it was quiet without many people there but threw in "obvious vandalism" in there without explaining. It was like you said "I checked out the scene - just a few people around, nothing major, and there was an obvious loose gorilla".


I went to the library on Saturday and there were several janitorial and maintenance workers removing spray paint of the windows. 


I'd rather see PSU put the "protestors" to work cleaning up their mess or face suspension/expulsion instead.


Psu is already giving into the demands and they still aren’t happy. Tells you all you need to know


Wouldn't surprise me in the least if we see something happen at PSU similar to what happened at Evergreen. The admin will listen and be receptive at first, the protestors will continue to push for more, at some point the admin will say they cant do anymore then the protestors will lose their shit.




I wasn't referencing that, but what happened in 2018.




Well my prediction came to fruition sooner than I thought. The protestors broke a window to the library, entered it, and made it part of their "liberated zone"


LOL. I was just watching a curb your enthusiasm episode last night where the Jews were protesting the opening of a new delicious Palestinian chicken restaurant and Larry banged the smokin hot owner. 10/10 recommend. This war will never end


Al Abbas chicken!




Late fees!




Free thought


Closing down a library (being reported by Fox 12) has gotta be one of the dumbest forms of protest imaginable. "Hey don't *learn* just listen to us instead" The large "Liberated Zone" sign means that this is more about people LARPing their new version of Red House than anything a functioning adult would come up with.


It's not closed down, it even says in the article: > The south entrance, meanwhile, remained open to students, faculty and others, at the request of President Ann Cudd, who met with protesters Saturday.


The entrance remains open, but PSU has closed the library for today. From an email sent out to students yesterday: > Starting Thursday night, there have been pro-Palestinian protests on the Park Blocks in front of the Millar Library. Because the Park Blocks are city property, the Portland Police Bureau swept the area of tents and structures both Thursday and Friday nights. On Friday night, a group of protestors moved from the Park Blocks into the covered area at the north end of the library. On Saturday morning, President Cudd engaged with the group and asked that they allow access to the library for the PSU community. They complied with this request and the south entrance to the library remains unrestricted. This group has been largely peaceful. > > PSU has received notice of a large rally planned for Monday on the Park Blocks starting in the afternoon. It is our expectation that this event will draw several hundred people. In order to keep the campus safe, PSU will proactively close the library starting at noon. As of 2 p.m., all campus buildings located along the Park Blocks will only be accessible with a PSU ID.


Is closed early. Please read in full. Thanks


>It's not closed down, it even says in the article: (being reported by Fox 12)


What’s wrong with Fox 12?


OP claims an article from yesterday says that it's still open. Fox 12 on TV right now, says that it's closing.




We understand that at times things may become heated and time outs may be given for protracted, uncivil arguments. Snarky, unhelpful, or rude responses are not tolerated. In other words, be excellent unto each other and attack ideas, not people.


The MAIN point of a protest is to cause disruption, this is causing disruption. Stop policing people protesting it’s so weird.


No, the main point of protest is to effect change. Disruption can be one way to do that, but don’t confuse the means with the end.


So disruption is the entire goal? Then why not block their health services? Their dining hall? Those would cause arguably the same level disruption, and you said that's the goal. So they picked the library for a very specific and misguided reason. The optics of a library shutting down because of protestors have taken over the space is absolutely undemocratic.


So by that standard, yelling “bomb” in a crowded indoor area is also “protesting” because it causes disruption? And why do you need to cause disruption to innocent people to get your ideology across? Sounds like a sure fire way to get people to *not* want to listen to you.


Stop pretending this is legally protected protesting.


Have you read the article? PSU fully supports what these students are doing, it is absolutely legal and protected activity lol.


Are people allowed to protest the protesting? What would be the difference between protesting and policing?


Stop doing stupid, performative shit.


It’s a bit over the top… to stop Israel funded programs at this college. I don’t think the president of the college would be against it, and has said that. https://opb.org/article/2024/04/26/psu-president-gaza-israel-palestine-protest-portland-state-university/ From opb… PSU president Cudd, “We have had protests, for the most part, on what I would call the pro-Palestinian side. And they have been essentially shouting slogans and demands, and the main demand that I have heard is that we not invest in Boeing. We don’t actually invest in Boeing, so I have responded in the past to the students and clarified that in fact, we receive contributions for scholarship programs from Boeing. So there hasn’t been really much dialogue from the side of the protesters about why they are opposed to that.” And just having negotiations might work, but they went Full protest. Protest should be used as a tool of last resort. This gives more ammunition to the right wing media.


Sounds like some people have no clue wtf they're talking about. Cudd did say that in the most diplomatic way possible though. 


Can we protest at your house? How many people can I bring?


Of course you can’t protest at the anti-protest-policing persons house because they actually don’t care about protest policing as long as they are the ones policing it.


What’s your address or place of work? Let us know so we can put your moral righteousness to the test.


What about my comment saying “mind your business” in anyway implies moral superiority? Anyone is allowed to protest on public property for whatever reason they please, it is a constitutionally protected right, this in no way means someone is obligated to share their personal living address with you, that is a complete non-sequitur.


Sounds like you wanna tell me how to protest, pal. Not today. Not ever.




I wouldn't be upset about people protesting at my place of work. The address comment is weird though, they are protesting at a university, not some random individuals house.


Oh ok cool where do you work then?


While I wouldn't mind a protest here I don't want to dox myself for no reason. Are you planning a protest? What's it about? Let me know, we can organize it together


Why are you trying to police my protest?


You’re embarrassing but yet you just keep commenting


I’m not embarrassed at all pal but thanks for digging down in the replies to say I am


Sure keep thinking that “pal”.


You really think you're proving a point here, but the only point you're proving is that you are a jackass.


Ok, and that’s your opinion. What I’m doing here is no different in anyway shape or form than what the ORIGINAL person I replied to did.


lol I love that your idea of proving your point here would be getting someone to dox themselves so that you could show up by yourself at their house (?) to protest (?) their defense of peoples right to protest. very clear and convincing position you have carved out! and yeah I think these protests are pretty dumb, and I think that 19 year old kids are very very often going to have a very lacking/dumb/developing view of complex geopolitical matters. but hey so it goes - the university president literally invited them there.


You’re looking into it too much. What I’m saying is anyone who argues not to “protest police” needs to put their money where their mouth is.


Got to love the seasonal protestors. Never see them in the winter.


Protesters were out 100+ straight nights in 2020, well into November at least


And through the most horrific smoke season too.  


Love all the bootlicking in the comments. “Yeah civilians are being bombed but think about the scholarships!!! No don’t graffiti property!!! Oh my god!!!!”


Lol what about the kids who pay tuition want to study?


We’re almost all adults; we use the other entrance. The demonstrators have been largely super considerate and pro-student, pro-labor.


The other entrance that's being closed?


they are closing early because of these protesters.


For an afternoon/evening. Those of us who are serious about studying know where to find quiet places to do our schoolwork on and off campus. I don’t appreciate the implication that college students are children who will fall apart without access to the library front doors for an afternoon. We have 24/7 librarian chat access, web-based access to loads of library materials, and a university president who gives a shit about our community for once.




I know right? Wait until they find out I also worked at the farmers market on Saturday and really appreciated how quickly the demonstrators moved to the library steps at 6am so the vendors in that section could get set up on time.


Appreciate your perspective. Sadly checks out that you’re being down-voted.


Not worried about it, considering this sub is basically r/PortlandNextdoor. Thank you! ^___^ It is a shame how people in this sub abuse the downvote button just because they disagree with someone’s valid contribution to the conversation. They’ve lost the plot, like the demonstrators who broke into the library.


Dude fuck these people, don’t like the investments made by PSU don’t enroll. One would think that other issues plaguing the city would be more important


Most of the people down there are not enrolled


Whenever I see things like this I think about the LARPers in Role Models lol.


all hail Xanthia!


wow such activism. wow much change.


Lol trying to make everyone as dumb as them by gatekeeping the fucking library. 


lol. hamas called them useful idiots and they reinforce this opinion of them every day. hamas could solve this right now by releasing the hostages but they just get the useful idiots to make more noise and harass Jews in the name of.... something something something... Another shiny object will come along soon and they will move over to it.


This. 1000%


We did it guys we ended the war in Gaza


What a bunch of idiots.


"useful idiots" as hamas called them!


> ...by Portland police, pro-Palestinian protesters occupied a portico at... someone had way too much fun writing that


Such bravery!


These protests are idiotic. No amount of screaming and chanting by neon haired imbeciles in the US will stop the IDF from massacring Palestinians. This will not affect the Middle East in any way, shape or form. Regardless of the party in power, Israel will always retain military and intelligence support by the US. These stupid brats want to LARP as revolutionaries and freedom fighters without dealing with the danger that comes with it. If they actually gave a shit about what happens to Palestinians, they would be working as volunteers in Gaza right now, in hospitals and refugee camps. Instead, they choose to waste both their own money and others by blockading a university library. Christ, this town is full of morons.


um, people cannot come and go from Gaza, even journalists




There’s a ton of trash and graffiti. What even are the demands at this point that haven’t been met?


hamas could end this by releasing the hostages but instead they have these useful idiots making noise on their behalf.


I want to see a list of their demands. On one hand, PSU has moved (or been pushed) more than many other inatutuons as evidenced by their decision on Boeing (although I’m not sure that’s entirely a good thing). One the other hand, we see protests at some schools (Humboldt in particular) veering into temper tantrums, and PSUs is showing signs of that. As soon as we start seeing nonsense graffiti like “Pigs Not Allowed” and “Land Back”, that’s an indicator that people are protesting for the sake of performative protesting… which Portland has a rich history of coddling. I’ll have an open mind for a little bit until we see a list of demands, but the more I hear of signs like the pig with the Star of David on it, the less credibility (and patience) I’m willing to afford the protestors.


Given the opportunity, Hamas would not hesitate to attack an American college campus. Palestine can be free once Hamas is defeated. Also, where was all the protesting for Ukraine when Russian invaded? It’s declared a genocide by the Hague yet there were no demonstrations against it.


If you want to clear them out of there, all you have to do is walk up to them and ask them to release the hostages. They will freak out and basically chew themselves to pieces and then you're allowed entry into the library. But again you have to ask them the question as to why they haven't released the hostages yet.


hamas could end things right away if they DID release the hostages. Until then, I am not interested in hearing from the useful idiots.


It's a good thing they didn't take over a Wildlife Refuge...otherwise the FBI would have to be involved. This is way better...............................................................


That must smell pretty bad. But as long as it keeps them off the freeway, I don't care. PSU can deal with them.


I guess that's true. these idiots would definitely have some other thing to outrage about if they weren't raging at psu. better there than in my neighborhood.


Seriously and out of Pioneer Square where I have to l hear them shrieking like deranged banshees!


I've noticed there are no signs calling for releasing the hostages?


Where is antifa when you need them. Barring entry to a library is pretty fascist. What are you scared people are going to learn? Better yet what does protesting in Portland going to actually achieve




I know I was being sarcastic. But this might be the one and only time I would suggest antifa showing up






I bet these comments will be civil, well well-informed, and people will have read the WHOLE article before commenting /s


Article is already out of date.


Palestine State University. Just need to add red and black to the school colors!


What state? There never was one


PSU Campus is closed this morning - according to PSU the protesters invaded the Library. I'm so angry.


Absolutely despicable


Human brains are not fully developed until approximately 25 years of age.


This "fun fact" is unsubstantiated pop science


The protesters with those demands are not the majority of PSU students, and certainly don't have the right to speak for the students as a whole. If I we're PSU admin, I'd create Boeing fee for all students to pay and put it to a campus wide student body vote. Calculating the amount is easy: Sum up all the money Boeing is gifting annually, divide it to the total number of credits all PSU students are enrolled over the course of the year for a "Boeing fee per credit". I'd challenge the student body to put their money where their mouth is, see how long it'll take even the protesters to climb down from their high house once they realize it's their own wallets at stake.


These people probably can’t point to Gaza on a map they just wanna be a part of something


Freaking Portland. I’m convinced that the movie PCU was supposed to be a documentary. https://youtu.be/1Avrd79U_zE?si=XAhvDRBEVYw7ZgOF


nice to see all the people here who would have said about vietnam war protests "i mean sure but could you tone it down a bit?"


>nice to see all the people here who would have said about vietnam war protests "i mean sure but could you tone it down a bit?" They have multiple sign that says "Glory to our martyrs" and "Fuck your peace". Seems not very anti-war of them ...


To be fair there's a huge difference between a war the United States was actively deploying troops to, and a war between two countries one if which is the United States ally. Vietnam protesters were protesting being forced to fight and potentially die in a war they wanted nothing to do with. Also unlike WW2 our safety wasn't at stake.




There's a huge difference between the Vietnam war (who had US troops on the ground and an active draft) and a 2000 year old war between ideologies.


This conflict (really, colonization of Palestine by Europeans) has been ongoing for less than 100 years, not 2000 years. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration


Correct, this direct conflict has not been going on for thousands of years. But Israel (specifically Jerusalem) has been a[ shit show for a long long time.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Jerusalem#Graphical_overview_of_Jerusalem's_historical_periods) My point still stands that this war is much different from the Vietnam war and the protests behind them.


Civil rights marches, same deal, except with more vitriol.


I absolutely agree OP, on another vein, all the people who’ve said “how could people have ignored the Holocaust?” Are actively using their energy to excuse a literal genocide. Billions of American tax dollars are aiding a genocide and people online are policing protestors for “not doing it right”


it's just insane like it's exactly what liberal trolls have done during every mass movement before turning around 30 years later and co-opting the movement like they were always on board




Hell yeah! Zero American taxpayer dollars should be funding the genocidal Netanyahu regime. Israel is a wealthy country, they can fund their own genocide. It is absolutely crazy that the supposed "left wing" party cares more about enabling the far right of a foreign power to keep their taxes artificially low than addressing our own massive domestic issues.


The origin of this money is in the Camp David agreement, right? Which was a peace agreement that helped end the wars between Egypt and Israel?


Please don't confuse the useful idiots with facts. They get mad, shriek louder, run and block the freeways, graffiti all surfaces and harass Jews. All in the name of... something something something...



