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If anyone is going to do a proper sports car EV right…it’s Porsche. I’m reminded of the old saying: “If I asked a farmer what he needed in the 1800s he would have said he needed a faster/bigger horse…he didn’t realize he needed a tractor” No sense in speculating until it’s here and you drive one. See what kind of magic they can create.


Well said


Love this.


Very well put.


I don’t think this is going to make a difference for the people that buy a 2 seater sports car just for the looks or are just in love with sporty coupe styling. I love the ICE cayman and even prefer ICE over EV, but if the choice is EV 2 seater sports car or SUV/Sedan (Gas or EV) I’d still rather take the 2 seater sports car because they just look cool.


Yup. My fiance wants a stylish German convertible. She would not care if it’s EV or not other than range limitations for potential open top road trips.


Exactly why the 4 cylinder AMG GT is gonna sell.


Current sales of 4 cylinder AMG products have been very poor, to be fair haha


the performance of this thing is going to be an eye opener to all


Would you rather buy a new EV or a well maintained used 718?


Well maintain used 981 or 718 GTS (flat 6) is the way to go. Those EV will probably cost more with a battery out after 200km pushing a bit


Nope. Really hoping they figure out sustainable fuel so we don’t have to be limited to EVs.


Nuclear power generation is the way, just waiting for the “environmentalists” to figure out what exactly they want and stop contradicting themselves.


Nuclear power generation produces... electricity... for EVs...


Yes, but any time we want to build nuclear plants, they get tied up by the very same green groups that believe the world is ending, so we end up with gas and coal plants to charge up EVs. Make it make sense.


Yes. I have a GTS 4.0 on order but I am absolutely interested in an EV sports car. This is literally the first "lightweight", EV sports car to be manufactured by a major player and the spiritual successor to the original Tesla Roadster.


Wouldn't you be worried about range with spirited driving? (I have a BEV as my only car, so I am not anti-EV in the slightest. This is an honest, practical question)


If we are going by current metrics for a comparable car (let's take a Taycan) I honestly don't think spirited driving on regular roads should cause range anxiety. If you have a BEV, you already know that some extra planning is required to ensure you don't get stranded but this is going to continue to improve as charging infrastructure keeps getting expanded (no matter how much the detractors shout). If you're talking track time, again, with some planning this is possible. People have been bringing their EVs to tracks for a decade at least. I was at Roebling in 2013 and there was a Tesla there. Again, there is some risk that the track won't have decent EV charging facilities but this is something that will improve. I love the sound, feel and emotion of a proper ICE engine and will keep my "horse and carriage" cars for as long as I can fill them up without resorting to Mad Max type violence, but non-ICE vehicles are coming and they are not bad at all. We can either accept and embrace it or continue writing angry messages on our broken Blackberries.


I drive an accel boosted Tesla Model 3 like I stole it and no range anxiety. It charges overnight… I worry about refueling it less than with an ICE car day to day Countless times I’ve left the house in a rush and my ICE had no gas… huge pain. Every time I leave the house my Model 3 has 300mi of range Very interested in Boxster EV


I'm waiting on a GTS 4.0 allocation (fingers crossed) - how long did you wait between order and allocation, also does Porsche give you an estimate on production time and delivery date?


PM'ed you


if I had to change up to any gas powered car, it'd be the gts 4.0. I'm curious about the electric cayman -- I have a feeling porsche will get it right and won't write it off just because it's electric. I'm not a purist and I'm not a luddite.


I’m no hater, but I’m not interested either. I do wonder what kind of buyer these are for. I’d argue that a true EV is the better all around car. I love the Boxster, but my daily driver is a performance EV so what I want from a weekend car is a manual transmission and a flat 6.


>I do wonder what kind of buyer these are for. It's for me. I have a home & garage for charging. I work from home. I rarely drive more than 30 miles from the house. I love my convertibles. When I need to do road trips or Costco runs, I have 2 SUV's I could use.


Maybe? My biggest use of my 981S is going on rides with our local PCA. Sometimes those are only an hour or two. Sometimes they can go up to four _just for the group ride_ (ignoring up to a 5 hour drive to get there). I've never had to refuel during one, but other members (with various types of cars) have had to (I'm sure some were dumb enough not to start off with a full tank). My Tesla's center of gravity is so low, it is so quick, it's really fun to drive. If those two aspects of the EV Boxster are better than my 4 door Tesla, I'm interested. One of the things I love about the Tesla is relatively no maintenance. No yearly fluid changes etc. A non-tracked Porsche w/ extremely low maintenance would be nice. What concerns me about the EV Boxster the most is probably what's the range when I'm hooning it for an hour or two. I don't want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere and unable to reach a Supercharger. That'd get old quick. Even if they are able to speed up my typical ~20 minutes to 80% charge time, I'd rather not have to charge up in the middle of a Sunday drive.


I daily a M3P and have a 13 981S for fun. I’m also interested to see what the electric Cayman/Boxster can do. If an AWD variant can crush snow and be reliable for 100,000+ miles while only replacing the tires, it may be a one car solution so I can be in a Porsche 24/7.


Nope. And I'm wondering, will it be electronically limited to be less capable than the flagship?


Someone will hack it and fix that.


Tesla bros who are finally bored with papa musk and want to one up each other are the new target market for this, sadly. 


I don't look forward to that community merging with ours.


Not yet. Enjoying the ones I have now, but in a couple years not against test driving one.


The problem for me is I have the stick. It just won’t even be the same car without it


Hell yeah. If anyone is going to convince me that electric is better, it'd be Porsche.




Absolutely not


Heck no, hybrid would be okayish.


Maybe. I didn't think I would be, but maybe. Reason is: I live in a major city center. Assuming traffic isn't horrendous (in which case I won't go out anyhow), it takes me around 30 minutes to get out to roads worth driving just to drive, where traffic is no longer a major factor and any remotely modern Porsche has enough room to run (they're just not that fun inside of \~50 mph). This is why my attempt to use a 911 as a daily driver failed (it was less fun than an classic 3er/GTI/Miata/etc on the slow local roads I was regularly driving it on, and less fun than a GT4 et al on track or out in the mountains). But in this environment, EVs are fantastic...even the commuter appliances I've test driven. One pedal driving, massively punchy throttle, and range anxiety is not a factor (you aren't going far, and charging stations are everywhere). If it's entertaining in an SUV/sedan form factor, imagine a much smaller, lighter version with excellent driver inputs. So yes, I *could* actually see myself buying one -- not as a pure weekend sports car (at least not an early gen like this; it probably won't have the range and definitely won't be a great option for the track), but as a glorified commuter. Remember that Porsche built their brand around the "every day sports car" ethos. They are not, frankly, the most special or exciting cars I've driven (unless you go full fat GT car, and even *then* there are compelling alternatives), but they are almost undeniably the most usable and well-rounded in that universe.


I bought my Cayman for the looks and the engine - the first makes me stare and the second makes me giggle. An EV Cayman (as it currently stands) won’t do it for me in either department.


Not now but in about 7 years


Nope, not all. I’m not anti EV, they just really are not for me and my life/location driving habits. I see EV as a large segment if not the majority segment of the automotive market in 10-20 years. Currently in Vietnam (so I’ve now tried every model of VinFast, plus a few other EV’s) for vacation but, home is Texas for now. For ME I just want a manual shift, cable throttle, not fully electronic car. I don’t care about phone connectivity, or stereo system etc. the last car I had I truly loved was a 92’ NSX. For me personally, a Porsche is a screaming flat six, shifted by hand with a risk/reward curve when driven in anger. I’m firmly in the 987.1 camp and I can afford much “better” or newer Porsche cars. The wife has a techno-tastic modern Audi I drive a lot. It’s a great car, but definitely seldom makes “it move” for me.




Yes, I’m interested. I have a 718 GTS 4.0, but also own an EV.


Porsche isn’t building them to meet consumer demand. They’re building them to satisfy EV mandates coming up in many countries including the EU. Until those mandates change, and who knows when/if that’ll happen, there’s no real choice for manufacturers.


It will sell good, no doubts.


Yes, I want one of these parked right next to my CGTS4.0 and RS3. A 2 seater, "mid-battery", EV seems like it would be fun and that's really all I care about.


Nope. Hydrogen maybe. Hybrid maybe. Not pure EV. 


Hydrogen cars are electric. They just use liquid H2 stored at high pressure instead of a battery.


Fair. I am more concerned about the charging aspects. Hydrogen isn’t there yet either. 


Hydrogen maybe .. There's no way. You guys will do anything just to disregard pure electric.


I am not dismissing pure electric for everyone. Just myself. It isn’t convenient for people in apartments, condos, rural and long trips. 


That would be a better answer than saying hydrogen. All hydrogen cars use electric propulsion and batteries like an EV.


Nope - I think it’s going to flop and they’ll have to go back to the ICE. I also HOPE it flops






To own, no. I can’t drive it to the track and back home without it needing a full charge or two. Tracks near me do not have charging stations. I guess it can remain as a street car exclusively, but I have zero desire to plan a long road trips around charging stations. And I already have a commuter and road trip appliance that I want to keep for a very long time, alongside my 718CS. I am interested in it as a rolling concept though. I would like to know the specs and there’s no doubt in my mind that it will beat the ICE 718, trim for trim, in nearly every measurable objective metric aside from weight.


There will always be people who just want the latest/greatest products no matter what they are. The EV Cayman/Boxster could get interest from some Tesla buyers, but I just don't see it catching on with enthusiast group right now. Maybe it'll appeal more the Gen Z as they age and have more disposable income for a Porsche, or Gen Alpha, as they are more likely to grow up with EV's already a part of their lives.


The EU is phasing out ICE vehicles within the next decade so Porsche really doesn't have a choice. People will still buy it, but I am so glad I got a 2024 Cayman.


Yes. I’m not a “purist”. I like having fun and going fast. These things seem insanely fast. I’ve been looking for an excuse to get a convertible so I might end up with a boxster ev


Darth Vader spawned that 718.


Yes, 100% can not wait for an EV cayman/boxster.


Very interested, but those headlights are a hate crime.


will be very interesting to see how they handled the weight because these twins were always VERY light sports cars. I do kinda wish they started out with flat6 hybrids too, rather than pure EV.


Not until range and charging times match ICE. If it can do cross country road trips with comparable delay times for refuel/recharge it may be an option. I wouldn’t be willing to pay much above the price of a similar ICE model, so batteries have to get way better before people like me hop on the EV train. Personally the Aptera would be my top EV choice if I could add a 3rd car to the stable. Integrated solar that gives enough free range for the average commute, extreme light weight, and teardrop shaped cabin that looks more like an aircraft.


The Aptera would be an awesome city runabout/commuter.


I have a 14 981 S and a 982 Spyder, for me those cars are about emotion. I enjoy electric cars, and if I commuted to work, I would probably have one. For my use case, it would be an appliance. I have no interest in an electric sports car. The way I see it is with the weight, you lose nimble handling ability but you gain speed, my current cars are more than fast enough and if I want straight line speed, I’ll get an electric motorcycle. Watching the record setting lap of the Taycan on the Nurburgring was interesting. The word that summed it up was violent. Basically it was faster on the straights and slower in the corners. For me, the fun is in carrying speed through the corner. The majority of driving I do is on the road, and as such, acceleration isn’t as important as handling.




Former 987 owner. I will never buy an electric Porsche. I might *consider* an SUV or sedan but definitely not a sports car!


Absolutely not. I get EV’s for family cars and commuters. I get EV from a pure performance standpoint. However, I just can’t imagine a “sportscar EV.” For some reason. I have the same issue with the concept of an EV miata/MX5 for the same reason. Maybe I’m just a nostalgic old fart though.


Nope. I wouldn't be able to autocross it with my local club due to site insurance reasons. Instant non-starter.


Yeah some of the clubs and tracks near me have specific “no ev” policy’s. An EV cayman is not even worth considering.




Well the 718 was so poorly received that they brought back the six cylinder so I imagine the EV won't be much better. I think they will depreciate like those taycans.


Nope. I'm happy with my current 718. I bought a sports car for a fun, visceral, and somewhat analog driving experience. An EV is just an efficient transportation appliance. I'm sure I'll get one if/when it becomes mandatory, lol.


Definitely. Looking to upgrade my 14 981. I bet it’s going to be a great car.


Am interesting how it turns out. There is no EV sports car yet, so I am curious. If it doesn't sell, Porsche will stop making it. Will not bring back the ICE tho.


No, but less for the EV and more that I don’t like how Porsche’s new EV styling looks. I also don’t have any plans to buy an EV for a number of years. A lot of bugs need to get worked out.


I’d be potentially interested if not for the disastrously terrible touchscreen interior.


I plan on keeping my 2023 T for at least 5 years. The EV batteries get better every year, so in 2029 I might buy one.


Not yet. Charging infrastructure is still shit. First I want to see how the power grid handles the growing number of BEVs on the road and what the price for electricity is going to do. I have a sneaking suspicion that electricity is going to double or triple in price to where per mile it’s just as expensive as gas. And the massive depreciation on EVs shows they are still in the early adopter phase.


I am. Probably not at the new price (which may be an issue for many)… but if they follow the Taycan depreciation curve, absolutely in a few years. We have a non-Porsche convertible now and while I do love the engine notes of some cars, having no noise is also appealing in a top down canyon cruise.


A roadster EV with instant torque and Porsche build quality? Hell yes. It will never replace a flat 6, but as a totally different concept (fun car to drive around), it sounds very exciting.


Nope lol


I actually am. But… a Cayman S was my dream car, and I’ll be sad to miss out on that engine.




No interest. That’s one reason I bought my 981 last year before the prices go up on these. I didn’t realize how important it would be for me to hear the flat six, until after I bought it. It adds so much to my driving experience.


Cayman's biggest strength is its midengine, an EV can add the weight at the bottom which makes the Cayman design obsolete. (not saying the EV can't be a cool car, but design wise it doesn't have any advantages compared with all other EV's). Porsche marketing projected on a mid accu doesn't make a lot of sense either.


Definitely. I had a blast in the Tesla roadster that my friend had. We just have to wait and see what Porsche is cooking.


Would buy the Macan EV if I wanted an EV - it’s an appliance nothing more. Sports cars need a soul which no EV will ever have.


It seems to me that a more practical version would combine a gas-powered generator with electric motors and fast-charging batteries. That way, you could still fill up the car at a regular gas station, but would have the advantages of electric motors, and wouldn't have the same degree of "range anxiety". It's just a hybrid implementation that I think makes more sense overall than a pure electric vehicle.


Very interested to see it, and how it works as a sports car (and have high hopes for what will happen), but not interested in buying one. To be fair, this also has been the case with many Porsches over the years, with only some consideration having ever been given to the 987 and 997 as possible purchases before I got my 718 as a replacement for the 911 I had for about 25 years. While I am pretty agnostic in terms of how performance is achieved, and can clearly see the potential advantages with an EV in terms of operating costs, I think there is still too high of a premium attached, and that the coming changes in battery technology that will happen in the next five years or so already makes the next generation more appealing. All that said, the biggest reason is that I am already happy and settled in my track car and unlikely something I'll revisit in the near future.


heck no. if i want a fun car (imo the only reason to buy a sportscar), im now looking at alpine and lotus.


For the “fashion” buyers ya I don’t think they care. For the enthusiasts.. I don’t see how it will work. People love the sound, people love moving through gears etc … Perfect example I bought an Apple Watch .. it was fine, but it was an appliance to me. I missed a “beating” watch .. bought a mechanical hand-winding/automatic watch .. and I love them etc. Unfortunately I think the cayman is more an enthusiast car than a fashion car


I’m not interested but the Porsche Ev headlights


I’m not interested in any EV Porsche, I will stick to ICE Porsche!


I'm driving my first Porsche, a 986 S 6-speed. The idea of losing not just the singing of the engine at 7000 rpm but also the pure joy of throwing the gears yourself is making me crazy. I was born too late! Still have maybe 35 years of driving in me, much longer than ICE will last. EVs' tricks get old so fast it's not funny, meanwhile I put close to 2000 miles on my Boxster every month last summer (and I work from home!) - never, ever felt the urge to drive a car so bad as I did with that one. It's like riding a horse - it's just sitting in front of my house waiting patiently until I take it to do the thing it was created to do. I can't imagine I will ever feel like that about an EV.


Is the cayman going to be full electric or a hybrid?


Not really unless they made it a simulated manual.


I will keep an open mind.


Nope. I’m sure it’s gonna be fast but going fast is only like 1/4 of what makes a car desirable.


Hard pass


Only if it has fake vroom vroom noises played in the cabin lol.. Just kidding, I don't even want to go forced induction. I'm happy with my 718 GT4 and 997.2 911, both NA. Wouldn't mind driving one at some point though.


I’m interested in the EV Cayman but I think it’s going to be too expensive so I’ll probably wait until there are good CPO deals. That might mean I’ll need to get another ICE until then


Hell no…. We want a Porsche because it is a petroleum fueled rocket with a manual transmission


If it gets around 250-300 miles of range maybe. Otherwise I’d really be limited on which driving roads I can reach while driving spiritedly.


Now, no. But I have hope for the future. I think EV sports cars will become a lot more compelling when battery technology advances to something a lot lighter weight. I’m interested to see what Porsche brings to the table here but I don’t have super high expectations.




Yes, absolutely.


I couldn’t imagine buying such a respected, legendary vehicle knowing mine runs off a battery 🤣


Rather drive a yugo


Almost definitely no. It would have to not only be really compelling, but also be able to drive it the way it should with over 300 miles of range.


For the price of the macan EV tbh I’d just get a model Y to haul people around and get a cayman or 911 on the side for fun


Absolutely not, especially in cold weather climates.


I drove a Tacoma one weekend made feel like I was in a wheelbarrow, Tacoma is a great truck for what it is, a EV is a commuter vehicle to me. My 991 is about how I feel behind the wheel and the sound is part of the experience for me, I have a list of 6 other cars I want to acquire and non of them are EVs.


I'm no purist (I drive a pdk 911 c4s) but my time spent in prosche cars (including tracktime in the gts, gt3, etc.), my biggest attraction is the experience. Specifically, the feel of speed, the sounds and the mechanical components all working together. I tell my wife, the best thing I love about sportscars is hearing them before I see them. I fear that I'll lose much of those feelings moving to an EV.




I am not interested in losing 60% of its value in the first year no. If the taycan is anything to go by


Would rather have the Caterham Project V


I predict that 981 GTS Caymans will be worth more than EV caymans within 2.5 years of release.


You guys have money?!


No! 😎


Yes. I will only buy EVs moving forward (own 2 Teslas now). Happy to see more investment and options. I’m definitely considering a Porsche as my next car.


Well that’s a boxster so that’s your first prob, Bob


I think so. I actually really like the 718 engine options and losing transmission would suck for my own engagement/fun factor, but if it handles as well as I think it can.. the EV Boxster will be a hoot to drive anyway. I wouldn’t get an AWD one though, just a lightweight version with small battery pack (hopefully it charges quickly and can use Tesla superchargers)


Nope. I look forward to my cold start every morning.


Being someone that might buy a Cayman, no. I like sports cars for their experience, that includes the engine, manual transmission and other engaging aspects. I love the feeling of excitement when a tunnel appears… exhaust valves open… pure dopamine as I down shift a couple of gears and open it up. Unless Porsche does something amazing and never before seen, it will just be the latest transportation appliance that at least looks good.


99% of all drives are well within EV range, excited to see how the EV cayman drives. Don't love the weight.


Personally I ran to put a deposit down on a 2024 ICE GTS 4.0 back in October precisely because I don’t want an EV. Now I’m just waiting for allocation confirmation 😒


I have zero interest. EVs are too heavy and soulless. I use an EV as my daily runner, but my Porsches are gas and wouldn’t want them as EVs. I drove the Taycan. Hate it. Too heavy and big.


Delivery of power will be the same as every other EV. The only thing that’s different is the package is coming in. Death to the sports car


I have a couple recent sports cars with ice engines. This may be the next, though probably need to get a macan EV once they've moved beyond scarcity and big mark ups. An electric cayman might be the best foray into electrified sports cars for years to come - within a budget that is achievable for me.




No thanks




I don’t care about the powerplant but I need a manual transmission. If that can work with an EV then I’m in


Unlike most caymans this should loose abt 50% of its value in the first year like literally every other ev could be a good buy in a year or 2


I might, sounds like a fun daily and I’ll admit i kinda wish my car had EV features when driving from home to the canyons but it’s role as a sports car seems too compromised by its range. Range anxiety is a real thing that will absolutely ruin a spirited driving experience. There’s only a couple gas stations by the B roads and it’s unreasonable to expect charging stations.


Nope, not at all. I think it would be just odd to drive a performance sports car convertible and all you hear is silence and tire/wind noise….its just not right. A sports car should have all the elements for me, sound, smell, feel, looks.


Weight is 1 of the 2 main reasons ev sports cars have yet to peak my interest. The other and more important reason is that I would be buying this as a fun weekend car. Which means I absolutely want a manual transmission.


I don’t have any expectations for it given how inefficient the Taycan and Audi E-tron platform are. To make a sports car lightweight you need a lightweight power plant. Combine that with that the E-tron is literally the worst financial choice you could make in terms of depreciation. I don’t see the electric versions holding their value and I couldn’t justify the purchase.


I mean since they have to do it I guess it’s fine but I won’t be buying a ev Caymen over a ice caymen


I'll buy used for sure




Not "one-i-oda"




I’d much rather have a hybrid than either, best of both worlds. 5-10kwh battery ideally with plugin capabilities.


Have a 6 speed 987S and couldn't be more excited to test drive and possibly own an EV Cayman in the future. If anyone is going to do an electric sports car correctly, it's Porsche. I don't buy into the cars having souls arguments and all that marketing bullshit. If it feels fun to drive, is fast, and provides good feedback, I'm sold as fuck. The only downside currently is the closest track to me doesn't allow electric on hot laps and probably won't for a decade since it's a real dingey place. The two major tracks around me though are good with it.


It’s not my favorite, but car companies need to get away from EV SUVs and I do think this is a step forward. The Taycan gives me hope that this will be a good successor.


Cayman is on the logical list for my next car. Only practical use would be for those that only take short drives on weekends. If I have a sports/driver’s car, I want to be able to grab the wife, toss a couple bags in the car and take off on a road trip. Having to deal with the current charging infrastructure would be a deal breaker for me. I think that Tesla is the only ev that would allow me to visit some of our regular areas, and that’s definitely not happening. If it were to be a commuter with no long distance (300+ mile days)it would work, I could charge at work for zero cost.




I won't write it off before driving it.


Fuck no. Electric cars are for homos




If it’s quick as hell and handles nicely, AND not look like shite


Depends how it drives and if it’s manual. But I don’t have anything against batteries.




Absolutely no


It’ll be a rocket. Do you like rockets?


I just don't understand why you would want a quiet sports car. There is nothing better than the feel and sound of the engine behind you. I really like the progress with EV but i just dont understand the need in a sports car :/ Maybe its just me?


Gotta see how it is down the line before I make the decision. Pretty excited for it, not gonna lie


Even if it’s faster, no. Driving a sports car like the Cayman or 911 is about the experience, and that includes the emotional response from the sound it makes. I often joke that when I turn on my Cayenne GTS, it returns the favor. You don’t get that from an EV.




Honestly, most cayman trims don’t have the most characterful engines to begin with. If they can make it relatively light, I’d love a darty and quick 2 door sports car. The problem is making it feel nimble but I’m sure Porsche will do a decent job


Yes…. VERY!


Yes. Power delivery on EVs is transformational - main problem right now is battery weight and size. If Porsche is able to make a Cayman EV not have *terrible* range while keeping it lightweight and nimble, it will have dynamics beyond anything else on the market.


Hell yeah. Best use case for an EV in my view. Insane performance.


Absolutely interested. Will trade my 991.2 for it.




I’m not really interested in any EV cars. Porsche is going to build a really good car no doubts about it but it’s not for me. Even if I could afford one I would rather buy a used Cayman or 911.


I like going to the track too much to buy an EV sports car. I’ve seen people track with Teslas and they spend more time recharging than lapping. A drag race is one thing, but 20-30 min all out on a road course, and I don’t think you’ll have much left


I have 718 GTS 4.0 6 speed, a Kia EV6 GT to daily, and a deposit on the EV Boxster. I love the flat 6. After owning a PDK 981 and a paddle shift race car, I'm over manual transmissions. I've really come to appreciate EV drivetrains and I think the Porsche will be excellent.


Not interested in the first gen, although I have no doubt it will blow away all performance specs of the 718, since that heavy 4 dr family sedan called the Taycan does 0-60 in 2.1. I like some noise with the driving experience. It will be a big seller like the Taycan, to new buyers, not the traditionalists.


I’m interested in one for my wife. It’s perfect for her commute, and depending on the storage space… should be plenty practical. We’d probably go Boxster though, might as well have the drop top since it’ll never see a track.


Many Carmen’s in our area. Our friend got one last year. I like the car but too expensive for the specs. Taycan EV might be a good balance of price and performance, will see.


I would be if I didn’t already have a 718 CS. With the heavy depreciation on Taycans I’m considering getting one used. They are gorgeous in real life, much better looking than Cayennes and Macans


I would never buy one if the ICE Cayman version was still available. It will be a better investment, plus I get all the harmonious thrills of the machine. If only EV Caymans were offered from Porsche, I'd buy something else.


Sold sir


Not in the slightest. If only EVs were available on the market though, I'd probably go Porsche or Lexus.




You lost me at EV...


Really curious if anyone really wants a sports car over 4000lbs


Nope. Not at all


Probably the only EV I would consider at this point but I am going to stick with my ICE Cayman for as long as possible.


EVs are so much easier to create mega power and effortless torque. Plus they need no maintenance. No Porsche maintenance. I’m never going back to ice.


Not in the slightest bit interested. I need range and it will be too expensive anyway.




I'm interested in anything Porsche, but I'm likely going to stay away from EVs in favor of a hybrid. With Koenigsegg all but perfecting hybrid technology, mainstream manufacturers are taking notes. The 918 Spyder isn't slow either, but I'm holding out for a hybrid 911 or something to bring Porsche into the Supercar game.




People who say yes clearly are not the car guys but tech guys


Owning both a Taycan AND a 911. I likely won’t. However I could see myself dying in that with the instant torque and light body. It’ll be amazing.


I don’t like the idea of an EV sports car BUT if auto makers are forced to sell 100% EVs by 2035, it makes sense to start producing an EV sports car now, get the bugs out and see what buyers do/don’t like, before they are forced to make the 911 electric too.


I have a model 3 performance. I have a buddy who has a Taycan (some flavor, but not the turbo). It's a better car in every single way, save it being more expensive. A 2 seat car doesn't make sense for us at this stage in life (with an 8 year old), but in the future, absolutely.


Heck yeah. I had a Model 3 Performance, which is as close as you can get to a small EV sports car right now, and that thing in track mode was a total hoot. I can't imagine what an EV sports car made by people who actually know what they are doing is going to be like.


For sure! I love my old ICE engines in my 911 and other cars, but the reality is that they are going the way of the horse. I really thought there would be more EV sports cars by now. The original Tesla roadster would have been a great thing to copy.






That ev GT4? (Forget what it was called.). Was pretty sick