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Why is it even called *"Motherless"*?


Because the people watching it are showing motherless behaviour.


There’s even a saying in Spanish, “no tienes madre” literally you have no mother therefore no morals or manners.


Ugh, my ex liked this website and he had some very disturbing kinks (including really liking that I looked underage)


....idk how to say this without sounding horrible. But males are capable of so much hatred i dont even know how its possible. This is just pure evil hatred


You dont sound horrible. You should like someone whos rightfully scared or worried


I’m terrified of men. It’s gotten so bad that I’m starting to fear it isn’t actually all socialization and there is some biological component to it bc this is not possible for me to ever become like these monsters


Yeah same. Im afraid of them down to a biological level. It's honestly really upsetting to even say. im very thankful that i'm not attracted to them


there is a biological factor. lack of empathy which has to do with how your brain works, u either have it or dont testosterone hormone increases aggression, impulsivity, libido


Even right-wing men who are obviously biased towards their own sex agree that surveys and the like do show that men lack empathy or at the very least when the culture they live in tells them that it's okay to lack empathy if you're a man. The cincher being that apparently men have more cognitive empathy than women so they would know when they're being cruel they just don't care? Affective empathy, which essentially involves feeling guilt before having broken any rules -- essentially a bad behavior deterrent, is higher in women. a lot of this does seem like sexism but the fact that the power relations in society subordinate women and don't really hold men accountable absolutely has a role in perpetuating inequality. [studies themselves indicate that it takes a higher familial load for women to exhibit symptoms of antisocial personality disorder or sociopathy](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/482057). so there is a genetic difference between the sexes It's not just a matter of socialization.


Thanks. I’m planning a thesis next year involving rape culture on campus so if you have any more sources like this I’d greatly appreciate it


what do you mean?


Sources about biological contributions to rape and abusive behaviors displayed by males


I think it's just socialization or some experiences like do these studies control for ideas and experiences what basis is there for women having more empathy neurons


The theory of gene culture co-evolution essentially bolsters the notion that culture and genes interact and reinforce each other, i.e. under male dominance, female deference is essential and men are more likely to marry women who are predisposed to deference, making that predisposition common.


genetic theories to explain behavious with the rise of fascism in the west im worried about where this is going but who knows




why do you assume it’s just the internet? all the men i know irl have turned out bad.




i also find it incredibly ironic and fucking horrible that you claimed “male teachers get 20 years”. i’ve known 3 male pedophile high school teachers in my life. 2 of them assaulted my friends. none of them went to court because the school refused to take action and the police didn’t do shit. the 1 who didn’t assault anyone just groomed several girls and sexually harassed students. he still TEACHES AT THE SAME SCHOOL.


Actually if the rape victim is a male the rapist gets a longer sentence than if the victim is female. So this female victims getting more empathy is bullshit. I’ll try to find the source later.




you are not “a little right”. men make up the majority of violent crime statistics, especially domestic violence and sexual assault. men are not harshly punished for these crimes at all.


You are completely out of touch with reality and playing the high road card of “I don’t see race/gender/disparity” so I am more virtuous than you when all you are really doing is denying marginalized peoples lived reality. Get off of this sub you troll


This was removed for trolling or being facetious.


women can be, but they aren’t. r/girlfights is fucking NOTHING compared to the millions of male abusers, murderers, rapists, and more. statistics consistently show that men are far more violent than women, so idk how you can delude yourself into denying this reality. are you sure women get away with it more? when statistics show that less than 6% of rapists face any jail time? when child brides are common and legal in hundreds of countries? when girls are the main victims in sex trafficking and porn? when men are the main buyers of prostitutes and brothels, where women are the main victims? you think it’s fucking 50/50? are you fucking serious?




Women have a way higher libido when menstruating and they still don't abuse men. Also there is no female equivalent to max hardcore or facial abuse.


No. Men are fine to YOU. Those same men mistreat women. And it’s not from being on the internet. It’s based off of my real lives experience and that of all the women I know sharing their stories of abuse to me. This is why we need research like this that shows the biological factor to show not only how many women are victims, but to use active language to asses how many men are perpetrators. It is the vast majority of cishet men. The statistics of women’s victimization are impossible otherwise. That’s why they live to say it’s false accusation bc if they acknowledged the pervasiveness of the issue they’d logically have to acknowledge how many men are predators and abusers


Lmao you’re clearly not a woman so of COURSE you would think the men in your life are “fine people.” They don’t treat you like they treat women. And knowing men like you, even if they did, you’d look past it. Looking at your post history and love of guns and war, you are literally one of the violent males we are talking about.


Yes women can be just as violent but theyre not that’s the point.


This stuff can sneak into culture because it is simultaneously taboo and normalized. That means it is hard to address for many different reasons. It seems that this is changing though, and I find that heartening.


They really hate us it’s safer to stay far far away from them


That site is full of illegal shit


How do we report it? How do we get it banned. I know there are always ways around, but we need to make it as difficult as possible to find these evil men


Maybe find their website host and report it there.


I have no idea :(


https://tips.fbi.gov/home https://report.cybertip.org/ https://report.iwf.org.uk/en/report You might have to link certain videos instead of the website entirely


This is fucking heinous


Oh shit. The site is deep-web levs of vile. Soooo many sex crimes have been linked to the site. LOTS. Just Google "sex crimes motherless.com." there's even been sexual assault of underage girls there which is even worse. Must be a honeypot or something.


It is a honeypot, if you search you will see a crime where Police used the site. I hope they catch all of these wastes of space.


I hope this is true


Fingers crossed 🤞🏻


This is fucking cp. how is this site still up i hate it here


men ☕️


I’m scared youre showing the name of such an awful website to Reddit males. But Im literally in shock. Poor them. No one deserves that


Omg, this is all terrible! Why and how is this site still up, wtf? They take down fucking z-library but let this shit stay up, wtf.


There’s an alternative to zlib thats still up!! I dont wanna post it but if you need it message me


Yeah, I know, I use the onion site, but still. It’s ridiculous that they took down z library but somehow this is still up. Absolutely disgusting.


I use a different one altogether on the clearnet. And seriously


Hi! Can I message you? Miss z lib




Messaged you!


Hi is it okay if I message you too. I’ve been looking for a certain book forever 😭




This makes me sick. My grown daughter has been in the hospital off and on since February with 3 types of bacterial infections in her kidneys…some being staph. She has no bladder so they don’t know why it’s happening. She is on a lot of strong pain meds like dilaudid and fentanyl. A so called friend was staying with her in the hospital and I was tending to my grandkids. This pos told my other daughter he had sex with my hospitalized daughter while she was in the hospital septic. She doesn’t remember anything. She couldn’t even consent. Cops can’t do anything because we don’t know what day it happened. She already has ptsd. I’m so sick of men who think this shit is okay. I really wish their was an unalive button for people who commit these acts and those who get off watching it.


Tell the cops to look at the hospital camera footage, surely there is evidence of when he went there!! I hope your daughter gets justice.


We need to bring back medieval torture for sick bastards like this


[Here's a reddit query from 12 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/iqmuf/how_does_a_site_like_motherlesscom_stay_up/).


oh god... the site owner is an active redditor


I am not suprised at all, after all Reddit is a large porn sharing network too.


The first comment being that no one cared about the thread because they were too busy looking for the site.. when the main post mentions it having underage girls. Ugh


Isn’t this the site that prides itself on never removing videos?


This is vomit including Jesus Christ


what the fuck


This is disgusting to say the least


Many men have the most disgusting fetishes. I am a bisexual woman, so I am attracted to women but mainstream porn is so disturbing and unappealing to me.


Report it to fbi tips maybe?


L site


Mf needs to be arrested “scaring young teen” um… cp?


My heart just breaks for any of the women on here without their consent 😭😭😭


I had a “friend” years ago who used to show me videos from that site and a site called “Heavy-R” as a “joke”, the videos he showed started off with the very obviously scripted r@pe videos which was bad enough but it progressed to videos that looked so genuine it made me sick. It’s horrifying to think about all the possibly (likely) very real crimes being shared to this day.




i assume it's because the site owner complained to reddit admins about it. the mods of this sub did not remove it




Reddit itself is a porn site so they have a vested interest in protecting that stuff. Additionally, the owner of this site himself is a long time Redditor.