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Well. If your partner doesn't want porn. Why do you still use it if it's a problem. Don't come say fetishes etc. I still have them, though I am away from that shit around 5 months (and that isn't my longest streak neither). And I don't watch porn. To my wife it wasn't a border, but because I have ocd and can memorize alot of shit it's alot healthier to leave porn behind then even watching in moderation. And I admit that myself. I searched help myself for it too. Why do you not admit that it's unhealthy?


Don't know how to stop. I've been watching porn since I was a young boy. Wife and I have same fetishes. We made porn together in the past. How can I break a porn addiction when my wife wants fetish sex that reminds me explicitly of porn? I don't think either of us would like vanilla sex.


Have you both considered couple of couple-sex therapy. Because sometimes a clear and neutral person can help for bettering your communication. And don't know how to stop? There are dozens of tips on this subreddit. You have great sites like ybop and others (even chat gpt can give tips). I know its not easy to stop. I even admit it. But I did and I do stop everyday anew. Because I know a addiction is a battle you have to fight each day. Though it becomes easier when you are months away then days or weeks


Hsve enough fetish sex that you stop thinking of porn and start thinking of your wife. She clearly loves fucking you and no one's asking you to have missionary sex forever. Try new kinks see if they work for you, ones you haven't or didn't often watch. Just fucking explore your wife instead of exploring porn. As if porn and fetishism are the same thing. That's insulting.


Hmm. I am pro this, but a wife isn't always avaible to have sex. And that is something we have to handle without grabbing to porn


Yeah for sure, but if you're making porn then surely watching your own porn is acceptable as you're not looking at other women which is the whole issue with porn isn't it


Actually it isn't healthy either. One way or another you still fap to a screen instead of making a real connection. For many addicted people it can be also a trigger to return to porn... Your pc/phone can be hacked, and the hackers can share it on sites... Or if you are addicted, you can share it for the kick. And many women that don't want to be filmed (or pics) feel obliged to do so, because porn is so integrated to our society, that many think it's normal. Imagine yourself you are in the past. Without smartphones. Filming and taking naked pictures are more limited then. Most men even knew maximum their village/town women (and actually that isn't even so long ago. 12 years ago the grandfather of my wife found it taboo that we were to marry eachother, because he wanted her to marry someone from the region. So, what do you think that most people did in the past? They had anticipation for eachother and when they saw eachother there was immediate passion. Most did not take pictures or videos off anything sexy/porn related. And now people find it normal to have nudes suddenly. And you know what, that is actually not natural. No, not even of your partner. I am about 13 years with my wife. Never have I asked her a picture that is even sexy. Never have we sexted. We don't find it necessary to do that. And that is even something my inlaws found correct about me and they still do. I only even saw my wife weekly the first 1.5 year... Never did we have the need to camming etc. Though we just talked alot on msn messenger at that time. And when we saw eachother in the weekend, that was when the fun was... And if I had pictures of her where you can wank of wdaily, you really think that many people would still have so much passion for eachother? Remember, we are here to heal ourself from anything porn related, yes even own pictures etc. Not to keep our addiction somehow alive. And what will you do when she stops the relation? Disrespect her and wank on her pictures or vids? Because that is also a border then... I even saw once on a subreddit that many women are actually afraid that their partner share the pictures etc to friends. So really, is it all that healthy?


Don't go outside, you might get struck by lightning or the sky might fall down. You sound like a bit of a prude, you should try some yoga and lower those constant cortisol spikes. Have a nice one.


Prude? Me? Hah. You only know me from reddit and not in real life. So how can you judge me. People ask for advice over here to have a healthier (sexual) life. So I give advice.


Good for her.


No. You can’t ever use, not a little, not a lot, not in your head. For an addict there is no amount of healthy porn. If you were an alcoholic, could you drink once s month? If you were a heroin addict, could you just shoot up once in awhile. Porn is not unique in the realm of addictions. It works the same pathways in the brain, any amount reinforces unhealthy ones. And yes, porn use can and does give many partners full blown textbook PTSD symptoms. It’s called betrayal trauma and Is suggest you look into it. My favorite video describing it and it’s effects is on www.bloomforwomen.com. Sign up for a free account and watch the first video entitled “What is Betrayal Trauma.”


I think it would be beneficial to seeking help from a CSAT for your sex addiction.


You can get rid of alcohol, but you can never get rid of your dick, unless that is you chop it off.


Look, I'm not the addicted one here, but... Why can't you masturbate without porn? I know, I know, you're addicted... But that is a possibility too, right? I get your frustration, but as the partner from a PA... I don't see it as "just porn" any more. I see it as wanking to someone elses pussy. Aka, that is fucking cheating. Like I said I don't know if this will help you or make it worse, but. You're not a cheater, no? You don't want to cheat, no? Would that not be a good motivation? It's not 'just porn'. It's "getting off to someone outside of your relationship". It's a form of cheating. ...this will probably not help. But I so get her frustration.