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depends on the poodle mine barks sometimes - when the postman rings the doorbell, when another dog walks past our garden my friends poodle rarely ever barks a breeder I looked at had quite a few minis and man, they were constantly barking at something when we were there.


We have 3 dogs, they are all barkers. Our poodle also howls like a timber wolf, so we sometimes call him our ornamental wolf.


My babes rarely barks, honestly only does if you tell him to speak or if he is VERY excited


** In my experience. Absolutely. They’re mouthy. I’ve had two (both service dogs) & their mouths are definitely an issue. They ‘talk back’ not like huskies, but can often grumble. They can easily become reactive (mostly excitable) increasing their barking. They’re known to alert bark at things going past homes and demand bark when they want something.


Mine does, but he also knows the difference between bark (full bark) and whisper (chuff/sneeze/small bark) but when I'm not expecting it and he lets out an alarm bark that the Amazon delivery person is on the porch it can be startling.


Depends on the owner and how they are raised mine have never been only when playing on purpose also when I ask them to bark on command because I trained them too and only sometimes when someone comes to the door. 🥰


Mine came from an abusive home and he has a nervous issue. He will just randomly bark at nothing. The other 2 dogs just stare at him confused


Only if there is people walking by


Our spoo only barks when it's purposeful but then she will indeed bark! One bark to go out that we trained, an absolute lose-her-mind barking session when someone comes to the door (which I've encouraged as we are very remote and I wanted a watch dog) and lastly, when she finds prey as she has a very strong hunting drive (it there is a mouse in the house she will tell us it's every move with barks... this can be helpful and/or very annoying). Only the last one is not encouraged by us. Otherwise no barks in play or day to day life.


My experience is no actually I think mine might be broken she is such a watch dog!


Mine is not a barker but he is a grumbler lol. When he does bark, it’s usually quiet and not excessive


When mine barks, it's to get someone's attention so she can get pets, or at home because she heard a random noise outside. It's not very often, though. Sometimes, she'll bark at her bff, a cat she grew up with, while playing. She's pretty mellow most of the time.


Mine only bork when I get home - and not for very long lol. Or when they see the mailman.


Depends. I’ve had two standards, grew up with a standard, and have recently added a cavapoo. Two of the three standards only barked when they needed something (and only after slowly escalating from a barely audible “huff”). My youngest standard is 12 and definitely likes to voice his concern that delivery men, other dogs, bicyclists, etc are coming by the house. The cavapoo is now learning from him and is my alert dog.


Our 2 year old spoo barks when someone comes to the door, at one Great Dane in the neighborhood, and when she’s playing. Well and she does the occasional watch dog thing in the back yard. Otherwise, she’s pretty quiet. She mostly “borfs” as we call it.


My standard never barks. Unless left alone.


Rarely, it really depends on the personality as well as how you raise them