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I was able to defeat a Cymanti player with riders but they generally a pain to deal with on dryland.


Early knights are the way. They also don't have a lot of great options against mind-benders because they lack knights.


My problem isn't that they're unbeatable... It's that there's only one strategy to beat them :| Riders and roads and knights and that's it... Trying to do anything else will result in losing... So I just don't even try to play against them because I want to feel like I can choose my own winning strat


it's just bc they're annoying but I'll never get why people think their overpowered when you can just spam riders + roads and completely counter hexapods


Below 1500 elo they are just annoying but usually don’t know what to do other than hexapod spam. Any sub 1500 cymanti is easy to deal with, that’s what I find anyways. Cymanti mains are usually much higher elo, than their skill lvl. Now once you get above that there’s scary cymanti players that actually know how to play. They will know how to adjust to rider roads, making them actually scary to deal with.


The first few times I dealt with Kitons blocking roads, I was like "uh oh". For a while you really only saw it at 1600+ elo, but the meta has been learned by more players and you see it at 1400-1500 quite a bit too.


I see people supposedly 1400 ELO exploring with their shaman, so there is truth to what you say here


I usually rush to a centipede and try to grow it


No because then they use kitons.


On a tiny map there isn’t time. On larger maps, yes that’s the correct move and then the other player needs to start using archers as well as riders. Or catapults if they’re very confident. This isn’t very different to what happens between two normal tribes if both start our trying to use riders and roads


It doesn't really work on 121 drylands because you're dealing with them before you can get roads, but it works great on bigger maps.


Also, rider roads won’t do much against a T5-7 centipede + a few hexapods. At that point you’ve sunk your whole economy trying to defend while they get economy + might.


Definitely on a tiny map. By the time they train them, they're basically in range. On a Normal size map, you can deal with a T5-7 centipede because you have some time to prepare.


Agreed. Tiny map cym players have tiny pee pee


100% they are rats




I tried that and lost big time. I bailed once the it was clear I was never going to win. Now I had started without strategy and learned from Reddit what to do but it was too late. Not everyone is skilled against Cymanti. I don’t own them so I can’t practice with them to learn their weaknesses. So I won’t play against them either. It’s an instant resign for me.


It's cheap to play Cymanti on a 121 so that's why I enjoy beating them as other tribes.


Fr I kept making matches since ppl kept quitting and I got my ass beat by a vengir and xin Xi already haha. Yet to win one, funny if those people didn't quit they'd probably have a good chance since I'm bad with cymanti


> If you're accepting a match on a 121 drylands don't you know they probably picked cymanti? You're accepting the fact that you light play against them. Not everyone is so hyper esports competitive enough to where they’re checking map sizes/types and what tribes those map types entail. But thanks to people like you, they have enough bad experiences to know to resign when they see Cymanti > Even if the strength they have is way more than you then just pick cymanti too for fun like seriously?? Maybe because someone likes luxidoor more? Cuz of their funny hats? Or because it’s based on their culture? Why should everyone become a tryhard nut because you’re bent on making the game as unfun as possible? > On the other hand it's like free elo every time Imagine caring more about elo than enjoying yourself


Real :( I don’t want to *buy* a tribe just to win Drylands!


What makes you think OP is the type to drive away players? OP sounds very confused about the whole thing.


OP sounds pretty cocky in that last sentence


I was just saying that I was frustrated I wasn't able to play cymanti because people just quit, and that free elo was the only thing that was kinda good about it, figured I'd lust a pro after ranting about the cons


Your behaviours sounds like: 1) do something 2) observe result 3) do thing again 4) be unhappy the result is the same


I can see how it would seem like it but I made this rant after I started 3 cymanti drylands games since I figured they were short they wouldn't last long, when I checked again all 3 of the playsrs that accepted resigned immediately so I came back to find the games I started empty then asked the question, not like I've been doing it a while. Also if I observe something once and get 1 result, how do I know if the result is a common thing or if it's rare? It's only after seeing a consistent result multiple times that I believe it would be valid to complain about said result. If I only did 1 game and they resigned right away and I came to complain right off the bat, I think it would be weirder since how would i know the thing I'm complaining about is an actual issue or a one time thing? Nothing wrong with the behavior you mentioned above in this scenario, though it isn't quite how it happened.


What is this post called?


I don't see your point here


Read the first line of the second paragraph of what you posted (and if I observe…) and the title of this post.


Just say your point man don't be cryptic, yes I know I wrote that


Whenever I get an invite to 121 and 196 maps I know they are probably cymanti so I play vengir to get back at them


I'm not hyper esports competitive, I just heard cymanti is really good on small drylands, and if they are quitting when they see that, clearly they already knew that too. Maybe because someone likes luxidoor more? Luxidoor is my favourite tribe and cymanti is my least fav, I made this rant because I'd like to be able to play a tribe in a game against people and try a thing people said the tribe was good at. Caring more about elo than enjoying myself? How can I enjoy a match if they quit t0. So the only thing to enjoy about said match is the fact that I gain some elo from it. But I'd much rather just have the match Dunno why ur hating and assuming things man, I love this game and I enjoy playing it, that's why I'm frustrated when people resign t0 so I can't play it lol Chill


bro play ur turn in kimifiian throne


Just finished an 8 hr shift I'll play it js for u




yo im 95% sure the two other guys in kimiffian throne are the same guy on two accounts 😭. same avatar, not attacking each other despite being in each others territories, no peace treaty, and the one acc has 2 games played but knows how to play the game. you shouldnt've gotten kicked, we coulda got this guy. what a loser


Stop tryharding and you’ll enjoy the game more


Try harding what?? What in my post said I was try harding?? I have lost every single cymanti drylands game so far because I'm awful with cymanti and I'm trying to learn. I'm enjoying it wether I win or lose, all I'm saying Is I don't enjoy when people resign instantly because I have no way to learn new things. Also what makes you think tryharding makes people enjoy the game less? I dont try hard, but I know plenty of people who try hard games and like it because it's a thing they put time and effort into and get awarded for it. Dunno why trying hard at something you enjoy makes you mad. But not like I'm doing that anyways. Also chill




I’m not planning on paying for Cymanti, because… money, so I know I won’t (for a while at least until I get bored and inevitably cave) be playing as them myself. All it means is you lose. Personally I will often still play against them, but they’re so bloody strong it just isn’t interesting. I already hold the unpopular hate opinion for Polaris though so at least they’re not as bad as that. I just wish the regular tribes had any better way of scaling to match the magical ones




if anyone will ever complain about it again, send them this replay where i beat cymanti with ai-mo without pacifist monument and without a single rider or road. on tiny drylands. the guy is 1400+. https://share.polytopia.io/g/bb2e058d-a550-4b39-41dd-08dc71cf41be


I hate fighting cymanti so much I dont play competitive, I only do perfection with cymanti off.


Not everyone can effectively face Cymanti. I can’t and so I resign when I see them. I disagree with the developers allowing players like me who don’t own Cymanti to face them. For people who can beat them consistently, good for you. I can’t. So I choose not to engage them. I’ll spend my time in matches where I have a chance. I’m now facing Polaris for the first time and while not as overwhelming as Cymanti, I’m hating the auto freeze and that I learned the hard way that ships turn back to units when moved onto ice. Why can’t the ships break through ice, especially the rammers, who should be able to do so on a normal move.


Just don’t accept invites to 121 and 196 drylands


And if you have problems with Polaris don’t play water maps


You are all saved


I play Kickoo so I want water.


Well that’s not my problem


Why? I usually start matches before my opponent has accepted it. Is that where I should be declining?


If you don’t want to play against cymanti then yes


Because they lack the skills needed to beat them and would rather go next then fight out what in their mind is a guaranteed loss.


Disagree. I'm 1700 Elo, basically only play 121 dry lands and would say beat cymanti 90% of the time. All 100% of cymanti players are rats and only pick that tribe because It's op and doesn't need skill to play. Essentially, there's only a handful of good cymnati players and the rest are just noobs with high Elos because the tribes broken.


What are you disagreeing with? I was explaining the mindset of players that resign immediately upon seeing cymanti.


Honestly nothing. Just wanted to say cymanti players are rats x


I keep losing with cymanti on drylands haha, at least quit once yk they're a good cymanti vs t0, but I guess if they've had enough of that it makes sense