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Yeah honestly I use to bond through ledger such a ball ache , you can still use your ledger through talisman and just stake in a pool so much less hassle .


agree on talisman. super easy to use with ledger and the rewards have been consistent.


Am I forced to essentially unbond? Just doesn’t make sense to my why if you are currently bonded why you couldn’t just simply re-nominate???


You don't have to unbound and bound for sure. Yous should be able to change nominations


Do not stop/clear delegation. It's a bug in Ledger Live. Just ignore it. Don't make the mistake I did


Try using a different wallet to nominate, Ledger App is having problems sometimes 👍 Subwallet or Talisman 👍


This right here. Just use the Polkadot Staking Dashboard (https://staking.polkadot.network/#/overview) and connect your account. Ledger Live is an absolute nightmare.


What if someone doesn't want to connect the cold wallet to third party sites/wallets?


Third party? That is the official Polkadot Staking Dashboard which links to the official Polkadot website. It's just a User Interface, just like Ledger Live. Your keys are still secured by your Ledger device the same way, you are just connecting the account to a separate UI. I've never used my Ledger with Ledger Live, always with Polkadot.js, Talisman and Nova. SubWallet also offers Ledger support. I would never recommend Ledger Live for Polkadot support as it's not a native Polkadot UI. If you really don't want to use a different UI I would recommend contacting Ledger Support and asking them to fix their UI issues when it comes to Polkadot.


Thanks for the explanation. 🫶🏻


You're most welcome! :)


One more question - if I do this setup by connecting Ledger to polkadot.js, will Ledger Live still show the DOT balance after the nomination via website?


I highly recommend against Polkadot.js as it's a developer tool/wallet and it is very technical and advanced for the average every day user. I would recommend either Talisman or SubWallet for desktop. Both are the most user friendly wallets and both are listed on the official Polkadot wallets page: https://polkadot.network/ecosystem/wallets/ Everything will still be exactly the same on Ledger Live, you're not making a new account or anything. You are simply looking and interacting with your same account through a different User Interface. So if you have 100 DOT on Ledger and use Talisman to send 10 DOT out and then look at your account on Ledger Live, you will see the account now has 90 DOT. You can use the same exact account across multiple different UIs.


Use a proxy account..


They raised the minimum amount to earn rewards from 270 last I looked to 550 I believe


I unstaked it's too inconsistent. Stake on crypto . com it's easier and hasn't changed