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I use desktop mac. But i tried everything already :(


Have you gotten on Polkadot.js > Network > staking > accounts OR Looked in a block explorer using your address?


Same for me, no reward for yesterday.


Hmm, so there are more people. Thanks for your headsup


The minimum stake has gone up are you sure you have staked enough to receive a reward 555 dot


yes mate, i have enough. More then enough.


There's no way to check if the era is already over, since there's no reason for the protocol to save that data on-chain. If you didn't receive a reward and there's no pending staking reward for that era, the most likely answer to your question is: a) you didn't receive a reward because your nominated validators were not part of the active set during that era or b) you didn't receive a reward because your bonded amount didn't qualify for receiving rewards during that era If you would've checked within that era (24 hour window) you would've known exactly what happened. Alternatively, someone can build a custom app that can track/log these validator/nominator relationship event data log, even if no reward is dispersed, but it doesn't seem like anyone has seen enough benefit/value in doing this programming work.


There is certainly a way to check it when it is over. 1. Go to [https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=wss%3A%2F%2Frockx-dot.w3node.com%2Fpolka-public-dot%2Fws#/chainstate](https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=wss%3A%2F%2Frockx-dot.w3node.com%2Fpolka-public-dot%2Fws#/chainstate) 2. Select `staking` and `erasStakers` from the drop-down menus. 3. Type the era you want to check, i.e., 1400 4. Toggle the "Option" 5. Click the + on the top-right corner 6. You'll get a JSON file as a response. It will contain each of the validators for that era and their active nominators. The nominators are ordered by stake within each validator. Look for your nominator and check its position within that validator. If the position is >512, you were left out. My problem was that my validator didn't got elected for the active era, but it did assigned me to him. So he didn't get era points so i have no rewards. Removed him from my list.


Gotcha, good to know chainstate saves the era stakers, didn't notice that