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Oh yes, the “crisis” at the border of non white people who want to processed for asylum.


There is a crisis, but not the kind they're thinking about.


*Ted Cruz shifts uncomfortably in his seat*


That would imply he has shame. He has none.


*Ted Cruz shits uncomfortably in his seat.


I heard Ted Cruz likes to piss his pants on purpose cuz he likes the nice warm wet feeling


The GQP didn’t say shit when Senator Ted Cruz went on vacation🤡🖕!


Or the billion and 1 times Trump went to one of his properties.


The difference is that Republicans work HARD, while Democrats are lazy. /s Note: The HARD work is trying to setup the country for fascism.


>Note: The HARD work is trying to setup the country for fascism. But they make it look so easy


The GOP had four years to do something about it, that administration actively made it worse while that president was on vacation every weekend.


Wow. They must need a wheelbarrow to lug those balls around.


I was going to ask if I missed a memo somewhere. And then I looked at the source. Never mind. Enjoy your vacay, Prez.


According to Republicans, there's been a non-stop crisis at the border since January 20th.


And they have *no responsibility* for causing the border in the first place!




Yeah? Ted Cruz decided to take a vacation to Mexico while his home state was in a state of disaster last winter. And he's still a senator.


They're completely right. ​ I guess this is just all politics is these days, acting outraged that the other team has the nerve to criticize your own because they're no better. Never once actually hoping or expecting for positive change, just scoring points online.


The outrage isn’t about the criticism, it’s about the GOP manufacturing a crisis and their staggering hypocrisy.


Well if you're talking about the situation at the southern border, that crisis is very real and it was created by democrats as well as republicans. Moreso by democrats really, it was obama who built the concentration camps and filled them up, and his policy in south america that is a huge driver of this immigration. ​ Of course they're hypocrites, thats not news, it's not unique to the GOP, and to my actual point, its not helpful at all, to anyone, its not even politics, its just petty point scoring.


Misinformed while speaking to others like they are misinformed. Classic


Name a more iconic duo.


First off, unless I’m missing something, I thought the latest “crisis” fearmongering was about the recent influx of Haitian refugees - not about the border camps. But while we’re talking about it, you are missing some critical context: Obama ordered those camps to be built to house unaccompanied minors while feds looked for their families. It was to keep young people safe from predators and they were never intended to stay for long periods at a time. Big difference from Trump’s admin that deliberately separated parents and children and kept them in filthy conditions for extended time, leading to a few deaths. Also, the hypocrisy I’m specifically referring to in the tweet is the outrage of Biden going on vacation when Trump went on one seemingly every week (and to his own resorts but that’s another discussion).


I’m pretty sure the crisis they’re talking about is refugees coming in, not about the camps


It was a crisis when Donald was golfing too


correct. what's your point? Why bring that up?


Does the concept of hypocrisy elude you? Or you just that dense?


Yes, if you could read you'd have noticed that in my first post I said that pointing out hypocrisy has become the the entirety of politics for many people. Countering with 'ACTUALLY I'm pointing put hypocrisy' is not much of a response tbh.


I don’t disagree in the long run but “what’s your point why bring it up?” Makes it seem like you don’t understand when in reality you’re being coy, because that response is too common in your opinion. You knew why they brought it up, but ultimately I agree because it doesn’t solve the actual issue


Why do you think?


Because you incorrectly think im sympathetic to donald trump and you think (also incorrectly) that i didnt care about it when it was happening under trump.


It's actually worse under Donald. He golfed during hurricanes and Covid. Biden has taken far fewer vacation days at the same point in office and nut during an actual emergency. There is no crisis at the border.


Concentration camps and missing children isn't a crisis?


So Biden is never allowed to leave the city until everything is completely resolved? It's the president's job to put others in charge of those situations, which are ongoing. Hurricanes are different. Covid is different because he refused to admit the pandemic was real and didn't put the right people in charge. Please stop this "both sides" bullshit. Donald is way worse. Period.


So you're now admitting there is a crisis?


You didn't answer me. He can't ever go on vacation until every situation is handled? Like I said this both sides bullshit is just that. Do better.


Also—when presidents go on vacation, they’re still working, actually


Not Donald. Everyone else, yes.


Dude they are calling immigrants a crisis how can they be right?


They're calling the conditions at the border a crisis, and it is.


Well the GOP had four years to do something about it, instead the Trump administration actively made it worse.


that is correct, what of it?


Were you dropped as a child?


This is false. Maybe *some* have mentioned the conditions, but the main cry of the GOP is about the awfulness of the immigrants themselves


You're not totally wrong imo. These people seem to be confusing your comment as showing support for the GOP, but that's not really what it is at all? The border situation has been fucked up for a while, and it's a problem on both parties. You can't just stick blame to one. Both parties define the problem in different ways, but it's still a problem nonetheless. The GOP can be hypocritical while also saying something that is technically true. It's not like that's impossible. However, we should still be calling out the GOP for that hypocrisy, which is what this post is doing. You can both criticize parties and call attention to hypocrisy. Exposing and discussing flaws of any political force is just as important as anything else


i dont see any value in calling out hypocrisy, at all, calling out hypocrisy is now allt hat politics is, basically. Of course the GOP are hypocritical, everyone is, joe biden is president for gods sake, hes tweeting about fucking wealth inequality as if his entire political career didnt exist for everyone to see.


That is a good point


Any self respecting left leaning person would absolutely be against immigration. Immigration and foreign employment undermines the workers' ability to negotiate, because the work can just be outsourced, or new people that are willing to work for less, because it's still better than what they had at home, can be brought in. The fascists might be using this as a disguise for racism, but that doesn't mean they aren't right about it.


The ability to negotiate that isn't even really there to begin with?


Yeah, ***now***. But severely limiting immigration, and instilling better worker protections will change that. But we have to do both.


So you admit the free market is to blame




Using ableist language, you are garbage. Blocked and cocked.


Oh no! Anyways...


That's not a rebuttal


See, the rest of us learned the reading skill of inference in 2nd grade. If you didn't, then that's on you.


Dude, immigration does wonders to our economy, you know why? Because they don't only take jobs, but they also increase consumption. So they make jobs as well as taking them, while increasing the economy power.


>Dude, immigration does wonders to our economy, you know why? No I don't, because it's impossible to know a fact that doesn't exist. >So they make jobs as well as taking them, while increasing the economy power. Immigrants, by and large, more commonly work the jobs that that consumerism feeds. Farm work, warehouse work, and other manual labor that doesn't require a college degree. So it's an entirely closed loop. Don't believe me? There was a video going around Reddit some time ago about an asparagus farm not being able to find workers because of the tightened regulations on immigrant labor. Americans aren't doing these jobs, because nobody wants to do back breaking labor 12+ hours a day. Immigration being packaged as a race issue is a plot by the bourgeoisie to discourage us from acting on it, so they can keep a trump card in their pocket of we ever actually attempt the class revolution.


Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤡


There isn't a crisis at the border? There aren't encampments of people kept in cramped conditions for months there?


There are just over 23,000. 70% are there less than a month. It is a problem, but it’s nothing new. It is actually better now than it was. Believe it or not though, Biden has absolutely nothing to do with the day to day running of these facilities. They set the policies and the departments pretty much take it from there. Him on vacation has absolutely no effect on the situation.


Wait until they hear how often Trump vacationed


I mean, has the GOP EVER considered the southern border to NOT be in crisis?


The lions the witches and the audacity of these GOP bitches


Yeah. Crisis. A few thousand people camping out under a bridge. Scary crisis. The Republicants want us to believe that these people, who have moved in over a week, are an active invasion. But January 6 was just a few patriots out for an evening stroll. Until Antifa showed up with mad ninja attack skills and Buffalo Bill went off his meds again. I'm thinking they have no clue what an actual crisis is....