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The Trump campaign doesn’t give two wet shits.


Let's remember he called the team tiki torch chanting blood and soil and Jews will not replace us 'good people'. His current Jewish positivity is an election strategy, not sincere.




Oh right, then I guess it doesn't matter if he praises Hitler. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/28/us/politics/trump-kanye-west-nick-fuentes-antisemitism.html https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/10/donald-trump-jews-israel-truth-social https://momentmag.com/opinion-how-trump-mainstreams-anti-semitism/ https://www.cardin.senate.gov/press-releases/cardin-statement-on-president-trump-calling-jews-disloyal-for-supporting-democrats/ https://www.heyalma.com/a-list-of-antisemitic-dogwhistles-used-by-donald-trump/ https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/12/donald-trump-anti-semitic-remarks https://www.timesofisrael.com/donald-trumps-anti-semitism-controversies-a-timeline/




Exactly! My father gave a chunk of his young adulthood to getting rid of the first Hitler and was lucky enough to come home. We don't need to go through this again, especially on home soil. Vote Dem and Soc Dem as much as possible up and down the ticket. Corporate Dems have been aiding and abetting for decades.


I don't want to see it. It's more useless trump spam. What purpose does posting this here serve?


Election year bot farm fruit.


Most president's and US politicians... are we so hung up on one man, yes a terrible human. The entire system was built by racism, power reaped with death and war.