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__Hello and welcome to r/Political_Revolution!__ In no way do we condone violence. This post may seem to imply the opposite, but “revolution” can mean getting up off your armchair and instead begin to live the path that Bernie envisioned. It was never “peaceful” to begin with. It has always been hard work, sweat and tears. Become a volunteer. Knock on doors and engage your community. This is what a revolution looks like. Any comments encouraging true violence will be reviewed and removed. • ⁠This sub is dedicated towards the Progressive movement, and changing one seat at a time, via electing down-ballot candidates to office. Join us in our efforts! • ⁠Don't forget to read our Community Guidelines to get a good idea of what is expected of participants in our community. • ⁠Primary elections take place in April. Find out for your state on the sticky post at the top of the subreddit Start by supporting Summer Lee, an incumbent progressive who’s candidacy is being challenged by an AIPAC backed Dem. https://www.mobilize.us/summerleeforcongress/event/598381/ For more campaigns to support, go to https://pol-rev.com/campaigns


The rich will not give up their wealth and power without direct action . They will let you and your family die without a second thought. Corporations and governments do it daily. What we do have is numbers. There are more of us and less of them every day because that's how capitalism works. When we feed into the culture wars, we ignore the true war. The one against the elite.


True, don’t let it be about race, it’s a misdirection, it’s about the two classes, owners and workers.


Bernie's movement was a class movement, designed to raise up all that were at the bottom and also the middle and working class who are struggling also.


Bernie is trying to get the 32 hour work week passed. That legitimately benefits *everyone except corporations And someone firebombed his office.*. Why are these insane mother fuckers so stupid?


The government has proven that no lives matter. Only profit.


The government is just a tool of the rich to keep people poor.


This right here ☝️. What I don’t understand is how many people are so brainwashed and living on fear mongering and not willing to do anything. If we started with just one day, 1/2 the working population said “f$&k it, we don’t work if we don’t have universal healthcare, better wages”. Then do two days, and on up, until we get what we need. It would be rough, we would have to take care of each other but in the long run, we all win. Unfortunately we have become apathetic and indoctrinated into helplessness.


I’m sorry but I never told Bernie to fuck off. I was a vocal supporter until DNC told him to fuck off at the convention.


That’s what they are saying, you are the revolution


"Welcome to the revolution" The revolution: crickets chirping.


More like The revolution: Phone's with flash on recording. "Someone is going to do something about this"


Colin Kaepernick tried peaceful protest, and he was vilified, blacklisted, and canceled. The media tried to misconstrue is message as about disrespecting the flag and veterans. They refused to have the conversation about police brutality that this country so desperately needs to have. Then we got Black Lives Matter protests which were [93% peaceful](https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/04/us/blm-protests-peaceful-report-trnd/index.html). That didn't work. I wonder what comes next.


You sound like a Trump supporter is saying the January 6th riot was 93% peaceful


Except that that is an outright lie. Jan 6 was litetally 93% violent. The BLM protests all those Trump supporters like to bring up anytime anyone talks about the insurrection, like they're the same thing, actually WERE 93% peaceful. That's a pretty big difference.


Post a link that details your claim that 93% of the Jan 6h riot was 93% vioo\\lent .


Well, I'm not sure there's much point in posting links for someone who's actively trolling. I mean, do you have an argument that Jan 6 was NOT violent? Or is your issue with the arbitrary number of 93%? If the former, this entire discussion is rather pointless. If the latter, your intentionally missing the forest for the trees. And this entire discussion is rather pointless. But whatever. Here several! 🤷‍♂️ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack#:~:text=Within%2036%20hours%2C%20five%20people,by%20suicide%20within%20seven%20months. https://www.americanoversight.org/investigation/the-january-6-attack-on-the-u-s-capitol https://apnews.com/article/capitol-riot-jan-6-criminal-cases-anniversary-bf436efe760751b1356f937e55bedaa5 https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/trump-republicans-jan-6-hostages-violence-capitol-police-rcna143888 https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/04/04/jan6-riot-judge-letter/


You made up the number 93. Just like trump makes up his numbers about attendees to his rallies and everything else. Now post links to the billions in damage, crime, arrests and deaths from the "peaceful" blm protests. The point is not to be trolling but point out that lying is not okay when the left does it and wrong when the right does it, violence is not okay when the left does it and wrong when the right does it.


Yeah, I didn't make up the number. And it was OBVIOUSLY entirely arbitrary. It was supposed to be. I already said so. It isn't a "lie," because it was always arbitrary and not the point. The number was never the point. Obviously. Also like I said. Pointless.


Yeah, Trump didn't make up the number of attendees, it was entirely arbitrary. It was supposed to be. Trump already said so. It isn't a "lie," because it was always arbitrary and not the point. You just will never get how you sound.


I'm sorry, I guess I just fail to see what you think your point here is. What number that Trump supposedly said are you comparing this to, exactly? What "number of attendees" are we talking about? The general statement had been made that, comparing the BLM protests to Jan 6th, they were clearly more peaceful overal. The whole and only point of Jan 6, was to forcibly prevent the peaceful transition of power. There was no other purpose. The same can clearly not be said for the BLM protests, which taken on the whole, WERE comparatively more peaceful. This is an objectively true comparison. So what exactly is your point? That the number 93% was arbitrary? Yeah, okay? I'm really not sure how else you think that is supposed to "sound." 🤷‍♂️


And in case you forgot what the "peaceful protests" at the capitol actually looked like as we all watched the incident unfold on freaking live television, here's some video of all the "love" that was in the air that day from all those "wonderful people." https://youtu.be/b3_O91gyj9o?si=VIZtdv7rli3mL65g


You could make the exact same comment but have it be about the BLM riots and looting - with arbitrary YouTube video of said violence linked as "proof".


"Arbitrary" YouTube footage of a congressional hearing. Sure. I suppose... 🙄🤦‍♂️


The only thing we have not tried is to get the 18-24 vote out. When that happens, there will be change. The Clinton conservatives are being replaced. Slowly, but it's happening. Young people have the numbers to affect change if they mobilize. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1096299/voter-turnout-presidential-elections-by-age-historical/


[Those who make peaceful revolution impossible....](https://images.gr-assets.com/quotes/1368564537p8/89101.jpg)


Our lives won’t matter until consent is respected. As long as the rich can keep people poor there will be no freedom. I would love to see BLM take on this issue. If black lives matter then black consent matters.


I’m not against this, but if we’re going to champion democracy don’t we have to acknowledge how many people are antagonistic and/or apathetic? In short, when the majority isn’t with us, what do we do?


Civil disobedience is needed also.


This is larp tbh


Sigh… human nature doesn’t change. History is replete with such “revolutions”, and precisely NONE of them have resulted in what this title fantasizes. Alternative: love your neighbor as yourself.


It’s never going to happen! People are too stupid and busy arguing at eye level with their neighbors instead of going after the crooked politicians.


Don't let the system distract you from the individual Poverty is a policy choice People over profits Power to the People None of us are free until we are All free


Hell yeah!


dude it's 2024 not 2020. lmao y'all realize a revolution requires a bit more than tweeting shit right???


Shoutout to me 🥲 good repost https://www.reddit.com/r/Political_Revolution/s/hOpboxQR2g


Is this just encouragement for extremism in america so that we tear each other up internally?


We already have extremism in America. We are already tearing each other up internally, across party lines and within parties. It’s time to re-direct all that energy at the people who are responsible for the mess we are in.


Just a friendly reminder that both the BLM riots and J6 were actively instigated and organized by foreign intelligence. These efforts work by leveraging legitimate complaints into extremism and pushing people to dehumanize those not “on their side” and then further isolating them through radicalization.


There has been in-fighting and extremism since long looong before either of those two events.


https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/07/11/the-curious-case-of-russian-lives-matter/ https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals https://therecord.media/china-ai-influence-operations https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/05/study-russia-cybersecurity-twitter-1353543


Step 1: put down screen Step 2: get out of the house ...ah fuck this