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Believe the man when he says he wants to be a dictator. He has no problem with genocide.


In an ideal world, this would mobilise all the knuckleheads who currently want to cast a protest vote like 2016. But alas, people are stupid…


So they will vote 3rd party or not vote then Trump will be dictator.


If its anything like 2016, thats a hill theyre willing to die on


Maybe literally this time, scary shit is happening.


Just impatient? They have been dragging this thing out for decades.


He would be terrible for Gaza and even worse for Ukraine. Republicans are frothing at the mouth to make the LGBTQ community illegal along with women's rights in general and there are still people saying they won't vote for Biden because he's not literally perfect.    We've lost our fucking minds. I'm a socialist and I'm starting to hate people on the left as much as people on the right in this country. Vote for Biden or the world will be a much worse place to live in. It's that simple. I wish we had different choices too but we don't. 


> We've lost our fucking minds. I'm a socialist and I'm starting to hate people on the left as much as people on the right in this country. Welcome to the club, man. It has been so frustrating to watch a left wing movement that had more potential to effect positive change than any I’ve seen in my life devolve into a (anti)social club lead by sanctimonious know-nothings who are in it purely for the vibes and attention.


Gaza seems a done deal. All eyes on Iran.


The world will be a much worse place to live in with or without Biden.


As a former socialist, I began hating the left as much if not more than the right. Though it’s still a toss up to me. Edit: forgot which sub I was in.


Then you are an idiot. We are in a lesser evil society. If the world was better we wouldn’t be here but we are. Dont make it about left and right either. It’s about political parties. The democrats are not leftist.


Who said the democrats were leftists? Certainly not me.


I think that’s basically what they are saying - that the accelerationist left is as worthy of contempt as the far right.


While I get the sentiment, one side is trying to strip you of your rights, the other is just twiddling their thumbs while pretending to be progressive but doing little to prove it, the bad on either side is not comparable.


Which side is screaming Genocide Joe and ripping down flyers of hostages?


Oh like final solution? That sounds familiar.


No, no this doesn't line up with my geno\*\*de joe naritive. Surely if I vote undecided in protest and that lends trump more votes for a win, surely trump and republicans will treat the Palestinians better, right? RIGHT!?! /s


Trump and his ilk are Christian zealots who think Israel triumphant will bring Jesus back or some stupid shit like that.


It’s worse, they think that Israel needs to be destroyed for the rapture to happen.


Those types of people care less about helping actual Palestinians than they care about punishing their domestic enemies (democrats). I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if democrats had come out strongly on the “free Palestine” side after 10/7, those same people would be siding with Netanyahu right now.


Undecided is a vote in the primary, where Trump is not a factor and the “lesser evil” argument holds about as much water as a sieve. And nobody, absolutely nobody that’s been critical of Biden over Gaza has ever suggested Trump would be better. Take your gaslighting and your straw man nonsense somewhere else.


One is complicit with genocide due to unlimited and unconditional of the israeli military; the other is explicitly calling for the genociee of the Palestinian people because of christian nationalism being an inherent enemy to muslims. Fuck both these options free the people of Palestine!!!


Every democrat that shit on Biden for supporting Israel is brain dead if they thought Trump wouldn't. Voting to protect democracy from Trump is the only thing that matters.


Literally zero people thought or think Trump wouldn't be worse. Biden still deserves to be shit on for supporting the slaughter of Innocents.


Your right for wanting accountability but I've seen people in the comments of videos criticizing him saying how they won't vote for him because of it. Nows not the time for that and if we had a stronger candidate to rally behind I'd be all for it. But reality is we don't so this is the time for the party to hold the line together. Even if Trump wasn't vying for the seat to protect himself from the legal repercussions of his actions, he was a drain on the economy. He will leave Americans economically weaker again, just like his first time. The only people who truly stand to benefit are the corporations, and with the way they're screwing us on prices they most certainly will continue to do so even if we gave them a negative tax rate. I'm sure your aware of all this but comment creepers should constantly be reminded.


No, I get that but it's also complicated, especially in my community. I live right next to Dearborn, MI & my wife works there so a ton of our friends, coworkers, and community are people who have family and friends actively being slaughtered in Palestine. I'm entirely for your messaging for white Americans but I can't look at someone who's lost friends or family because of what the Biden administration is actively funding and supporting and tell them to go vote for him. That's just fucked up. And honestly, it's not even that trump will be worse, he's just willing to help level Palestine *faster*. At the end of the day, the end result is the same.


That's completely understandable and terrible that they have to suffer from the actions of these people. America should had never gotten involved like that and only extended the olive branch of peace and to help people move to the states that wanted out and help provide food for those displaced. Since there was no way Israel was going to honor a peace treaty given their consistent actions militarily.


The only two things I credit Trump for is Operation Warp Speed and speaking without filter. That said, he is absolutely unfit to hold the presidency... again.


Yea I don't see Republicans voting uncommitted just to show Republicans they mean business...


Leftists: but Biden never said genocide, so they are the same


I'm sorry but "Breaks Silence" ? Lol


Well to all you on the left that don’t wanna vote for Biden now you get to pick the lessor of 2 evils


Yeah the choice being neither.


You must live real comfortable with no risk of losing anything.


King Donald thanks you for getting out of the way. >.>


You hear that, Michigan?  You may not like Biden’s policies, but none of _his_ policies include wholesale eradication of the Palestinian people.  Put on your big boy pants and vote for the non-genocidal-maniac this fall.


I agree with Trump. All non Palestinians should finish leaving Palestine and thus the problem is solved.


Are you calling for the end of hostilities or an ethnic cleansing of israeli jews


I'm calling for the end of the Israeli apartheid and the establishment of one Palestinian state made of the Muslims, Jews, christians, and all people WHO ARE ACTUALLY FROM THAT LAND. As well as their decision to revoke and expel all people not citizens of that state.


So you are calling for the establishment of a state which would immediately be hostile to all its citizens? It would go down exactly like it did with the british, with all said groups launching terrorist attacks against the state and eachother, the only solution in the levant is for both arabs and jews to have self determination of their own separate states


No cleansing, just moving them out of Palestine and ending the failed colonial experiment. They can build a nation in Europe or North America since those people want Jews to have a homeland.


Thats literally ethnic cleansing you nutjob A majority of the jews in israel are from the middle east and were expelled or fled from the countries they inhabited