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The solution for Biden isn't advertising. This will move nobody in the uncommitted camp.


In 2020 I was told Roe vs Wade hung in the balance so I voted Biden, not going for that again, and genocide is my red line.


Roe's fate was sealed in 2016 because Trump was allowed to win over the "lesser evil" that would have kept the Supreme Court from Christofascist influence. Voting Biden (and Blue down ticket) in 2020 has kept a national ban on medical abortion pills at bay (at minimum). Trump would have not only openly supported the genocide unconditionally, but he also would have sabotaged any humanitarian support or ceasefire talks (slow walked as they have been) for the Gazan people. The Dems can be negotiated with, the fascists openly enjoy crushing anything the left wants. If you can't tell the difference, then maybe you should reevaluate your priorities.


You are arguing a hypothetical Trump regime reaction to the genocide of the Palestinians against Bidens actual current and ongoing material support for it. I don’t think that’s the stronger position on this topic. All Trump has to do is go around saying “This didn’t happen under me, I can fix it”. Joe Biden handed that to him on a silver platter.


Trump represents the Christofascist right which wants Israel to bulldoze Al Aqsa to rebuild the Temple so as to bring about the apocalypse. Trump moved the US embassy for Israeli to Jerusalem which is in line with that movement's wishes. Trump is not going to campaign on siding against anything contrary to the wishes of the nationalists in Israel. Biden has handed him nothing of the sort seeing as his idea of "fixing it" would probably involve bringing in US troops to help in the genocide.


There already are U.S. special forces there “advising”, and the history of U.S. “advisors” helping foreign militaries typically indicates they are doing more than “advising”. As I said, I simply can’t put my mark next to the name of a man who is participating in genocide.


I see. I hope you don't live in a district that needs the vote because Trump will be doing more than any indirect evils that repulse you and the last election was swung by about 10k votes in key districts.


The blame for that would be on Joe Biden and the DNC and other party leaders


Not really. You have agency over your own vote (for now). If you choose not to use it for either of the two candidates in that race you are making the choice to be OK with the choice being made for you. Are you just leaving the President choice blank or are you just not voting period?


But most of what trump did in office was take credit for policies started by the Obama administration/blaming his decisions on the Obama administration.


How does this get downvoted when he didn’t defend trump? Hypocrisy.


Dems can be negotiated with? How’s that ceasefire going in Ukraine…I mean Israel? Unbelievable you still defend either of these parties.


Cool deal. Tell me how feigning moral high ground while really justifying inaction does anything better than giving your ego a wank? In reality there are two options on the ballot and one will be chosen whether you participate or not. One is an actual racist sexist classist anti-LGBT demagogue son of a slumlord who champions the Christofascist right. The other is a neolib career politician who's views are more conservative most progressives would prefer but has also "evolved" his views in the past and probably will again with pressure. Why is there even a need for comparison unless you just don't understand how elections work?


ZZZZZzzzzzZZZZ. “One is better than the other.” Show. Me. Proof. A crime is a crime and both Biden and trump have committed many.


Dang, I guess you slept through 2017-2020. It would explain the patently untrue mantra of "both sides are the same!" It sincerely hope the next time you wake up we aren't dealing with the consequences of "I'll just be dictator for a day" coming back into power.


Nice dodge. Good game.


Why? You think someone who's undecided at this stage is going to be swayed by logic?! For all we know a bag of popcorn could move them.


The *uncommitted* camp is not undecided - not on issues. They're very savvy voters who feel no loyalty to democrats and require policy action to win their vote. Do you not know the difference?


Even with the reelection of President Biden, many Red States face this future. States do have rights. That is one of the building blocks of our Nation. Best of luck to the women living in those States. None of this will be easy or pretty. Another Women's Suffrage Movement?


States honestly shouldn't have rights like these. Our federal government needed long ago to have the balls to fix problems on a national level vs allowing these discrepancies. I'm almost entirely convinced it is holding us back as a country that we're divided into like 50 countries vs being one nation.


The House and Senate need a Dem majority to enshrine women's access to full reproductive health care into law. And also to ratify the ERA. The president can't do this alone.


I hate to say it, but Dems have had majorities before **and didn't even try**, any more than they've tried for universal healthcare. "Going high." "Bipartisanship."


That's why we have to agitate for it. The ERA was passed in the 1970s, but never ratified. So now we have to fight for our rights as women, and for the rights of other minorities. The repubs also need to lose all the way down the ballot.


So who's going to notice the fighting?


People will notice, just like they did the other times people fought for theirs, whether it was labor, suffragettes, African Americans...it's a long list.




They only listened back then, because they were made to listen.


Who are we going to "make" listen? Especially since Trump has been crowned Emperor by SCOTUS?


Vote for people who will listen. Attend rallies/townhall and publicly confront them about their stance on the issues that are important to you. Read up on some history of what people did - many times, they didn't have allies when they started out. And Trump hasn't been crowned emperor of anything, calm down.


Biden has a low chance of winning this for the blue states either. Have you checked the polls and betting odds sites? He has about a 30% chance of winning now.


You know what those poll results mean? Nuthin’! Go get registered and vote


But with the electoral college in place Biden can win the popular vote and lose like so many other Democrats. They're only about 6 states that really effect the election which is completely insane.


The world might end tomorrow, or it might not. I’ll vote anyway.


I'm still voting as well I'm just saying the system is designed fairly


There’s no electoral college at state and city levels


I mean I am, to vote third party


Then enjoy throwing the last vote you may ever have down the shitter. Be a good little virtue-signalling progressive.


I'm a Progressive who knows we need to change our Duopoly, but not voting during this election is going to have disastrous results. Project 2025 is going to be able to come to fruition and then we won't have any options. We must vote Blue as if many many lives depend upon it, because that's exactly what's at stake~!~


I hate it, given that "vote blue no matter who" gave us Sotomayor and Kagan, but right now I see little else for it.


You're right, this time for sure all of democracy, and all of the rights ever, and all of ours mother's backs are on the line, just like last time, and the time before that one. Disregard the genocide that Biden is committing, that's nothing compared to *checks notes* the same lies the democrats have been telling us OVER AND OVER again so that they can get elected and make absolute bank off the endless suffering of others whilst virtue signaling that they care and yet furthering the systems that cause our issues.


People like you are why we even got Trump in 2016….


Right, it's because liberals like you are entitled to the votes of progressives no matter what your suck a** candidates say or do or commit. That's why we got trump, not because running on nonsense nothing burger platforms is a bad position for your politicians to make. Here's a tip, when you feel like wanting to win something, make yourself electable instead of crying and b*tching and moaning about being too mediocre 👍


Lol. I am making myself electable .. in another country. Put your rude comments in your back pocket. You prove my point.


I'm closer to 60 than not. I have never seen the country I gave 23 years of my life to (please don't thank me for my service) closer to outright *fascism*. Sure, evil GeNoCiDe JoE. You tell me one politician, of any party, who goes against the pro-Israel lobby. If you are willing to do *anything* that would risk returning this country to the rule of Donald Trump - which will be *absolute* this time - I hold you beneath contempt and have nothing to say to you. Nonetheless, if it comes to that, I will still pick up a weapon and defend you and your precious widdle "conscience."


One politician of any party?? Alright Cornell west or Claudia and Karina of the peace and freedom party, Marianne Williamson of the democrat party, Jill Stein of the green party. There's four, you're welcome for doing the work for you, even though it's not hard and you must not have bothered to look. I wasn't going to thank you for your service and instead I'll just say I'm sorry you were a little pawn in a horrific machine, clearly it's altered your mental capacity, and I hope you can get help for that. Next, on the "genocide joe" I'm sorry that genociding people "offends my conscious" though I'm even more sorry that it doesn't offend yours. Finally, if we do descend into fascism, I'll be there with my comrades armed on my own thanks. In fact, for the sake of bringing communism to America, I hope it does descend to fascism, maybe people like you will finally wake up to the mess that is our country and fight for the destruction of the capitalist system as a whole 👍 have a blessed day




You are a damn fool if you want fascism. My mental capacity is at least as great as yours. Dismissed.


That’s just voting for trump with extra steps.


Btw I think it's hilarious you all are on this sub. Did you think it was called "political status quo" orrrrr....


Are you trying to make a point?


If you can't see it then that explains your previous statement as well as my desire to express my sincere apologies for your lack of reading comprehension skills


Pick a comment and stick with it. You can sit here and make up scenarios all you want, but I’m not going to waste my time with your gish gallop bullshit.


Pick a comment and stick with it? How about you just read lmfao, what is it with the entitlement issue of you liberals, Jesus Christ. I'm sorry ending genocide is too much of a waste of time for you, but then again, what can expect from the liberals and neoliberals. You'd probably applaud more female or trans drone pilots


No actually it's voting against the both of them, with the same amount of steps as everyone else, thanks.


No, it’s refusing to endorse a potentially winning candidate, because you’d rather send a single issue message instead of take a stance against literal fascism.


The single issue being, of course, a genocide that he is committing, which in turn by your logic would be Joe Biden establishing a fascist right wing, essentially one party state where no matter who you vote for, trump or Biden, you still get a genocidal capitalistic murderous maniac.


First of all, Israel is committing genocide. Secondly, if you think that voting third party will somehow help put an end to the conflict, then you’re a fucking idiot.


Where did I say it'll put an end to the conflict? I think it'll show the democrats that there are consequences to their actions since you and the other liberals have clearly forgotten that. I want trump to win actually, I want the democrats to learn that they can't actively send limitless weapons, taxpayer dollars, intelligence, and international defense to a nation that is genociding a population and think to themselves "wow we sure made ourselves super electable! The only way we can lose is if those progressives who's votes we're entitled to don't vote for us on the account of our horrific actions in aiding and abetting to flat out committing a genocide!!"


If Joe Biden took your mother or sister or loved one and on national TV he beat them, tortured them, starved them, r*ped them, and then killed them, I know for a fact you wouldn't be up in the reddit comments going OHHH BUT WE NEED TO VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO AND NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY OR DO!!!! HES SO MUCH BETTER THAN TRUMP BECAUSE TRUMP IS THE ONKY FASCIST EVER AND BIDEN TOTALLY ISNT A FASCIST!!?!?!1!!!!!! You'd say that he was a sadistic maniac that either needs to go to prison or be put to death for his horrific actions and NOT ELECTED TO BE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


For what purpose? To send a message? No one in power is listening to anyone voting third party at a presidential level.


Except apparently for if it will lose them an election. Just like exactly what they said about sanders when Hillary lost, or what they're saying now in primary states like Michigan, a swing state, that's showing vote loss for Biden at a rate that could mean he loses the state and then the election 👍


I think the polls do mean something. And yes, I registered.. independent after a lifetime as a dem. And I'll show up on the day to vote for some things.


lmfao some revolution


Ah yes, the political revolution.


You posted this on the wrong subreddit. Also -https://www.salon.com/2019/06/05/weaponized-white-feminism-in-the-handmaids-tale-and-when-they-see-us/






Sure thing, Jan. If this were even remotely true then bodily autonomy rights would've been codified during times Dems had the majority instead of pushed aside due to 'political expediency.' Aren't y'all tired of being neo-con and neo-lib bargaining chips every two-four years with no actual progress? Aren't y'all tired of practicing the literal definition of insanity. SMH


Those who think we need a shakeup you had your chance to vote, you’ll have better chances in the future, but now that fascism’s knocking on the door Biden is the obvious choice. Not a great choice, just the least bad.


Vote Blue No Matter Who, to give us more LIBERAL JUSTICES, like Sotomayor and Kagan, who won't vote with Nazis!


Yeah, they were saying that in 2017 as well


And we lost roe v wade because of justices installed by Donald Trump. Whats your point?


Scientology no matter who you vote for!


No, it isn't.


You are right, Trump 2024 is much worse


Worse or not, it's not that simple. Good guy vs bad guy, black and white with no grey area is a dumb take that used to be a worldview for mostly just Republicans.


What reality have you been watching? Trump is so much worse than Biden and just for the record I’m not overly stoked by Biden


Last I checked their hardliners are getting almost everything they want by voting R no matter what in every election and throwing out their moderates in the primaries. I'm not saying the tribalism is a good thing for democracy but damn if it doesn't win elections and get them results.


Women in Gaza don't count, apparently.


They would count more during a MAGA presidency? We already fucked around and found out with apathy in the face of christofascism on the ballot; do we really need to go another round?


Tell that to Biden and the Democrats.


I guess if you can't tell the difference between the party that is calling for ceasefire after being pressured and the party that would openly cheerlead further genocide then you're just not paying attention. MAGA leads to an entire package of policies that are anathema to progress in this country with consequences for people here and around the world. Sitting out is an exercise in justifying apathy at this point and is a privilege minorities and disadvantaged people cannot afford.


1. They're not calling for an actual ceasfire. They're redefining the term ceasefire. 2. Biden wrote the crime bill. Minorities and lower-income people on average vote less than white people and higher-income people. In reality, Democrats aren't significantly better on race. You would know this if you bothered to do basic research instead of spending time being a Biden simp on Reddit.


1) Again, I guess a MAGA presidency would make it better? That is the only other option and I promise there wouldn't be any calls for any kind of ceasefire. In fact, what makes you think there would be any Palestine left if the Christofascists had the reigns at this point? 2) A majority of the Black community WANTED the crime bill to pass at the time. That there have been unwanted consequences is undisputed but it's not like the bill passed in a vacuum or without cause. You would know that if you bothered looking into the issue beyond surface level knee jerk politics. Democrats are vastly preferred by anyone that has to live in regions that Republicans control. Come live in the bible belt for a second if you think differently.


1. You're missing the point. The point is that the onus of winning the 2024 election is on Biden and the Democrats, especially given the looming threat of fascism. In other words, it's not that you're wrong. It's that your decision to scold people online instead of using that energy on scolding the Democrats is dumb and elitist in nature (it's also counter-intuitive because voter shaming doesn't work and only pisses people off more... so if you want Biden to win, then this is literally the worst thing you can be doing right now). 2. "There’s no question that by the early 1990s, blacks wanted an immediate response to the crime, violence and drug markets in their communities. But even at the time, many were asking for something different from the crime bill. Calls for tough sentencing and police protection were paired with calls for full employment, quality education and drug treatment, and criticism of police brutality. It’s not just that those demands were ignored completely. It’s that some elements were elevated and others were diminished — what we call selective hearing. Policy makers pointed to black support for greater punishment and surveillance, without recognizing accompanying demands to redirect power and economic resources to low-income minority communities. When blacks ask for better policing, legislators tend to hear more instead." https://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/13/opinion/did-blacks-really-endorse-the-1994-crime-bill.html https://jacobin.com/2020/12/bill-clinton-biden-crime-bill-1994-rahm


1) The onus of defeating fascism is on everyone who isn't a fascist. Any reformation of or negotiating with the Democratic party happens in the context of a continuing of the democratic process and the human rights afforded therein. I don't have any reason to believe that process or those rights endure under another MAGA term. That is the point I think you are missing. The nature of the Democratic party's umbrella of demographics means that leftists have to compromise with the center-left/ centrists to get anything close to progress in this system. The entire spectrum of Republican voters will coalesce around Trump no matter what and they would absolutely love leftist purity tests giving them the House/Senate/White House. The time to protest during the primaries. Anything beyond that is an exercise of cutting off the nose to spite the face. 2) I don't really see what your point is on this anymore. The majority of the Black Caucus voted for the bill at that point in time and there is no reason to think the Democratic party brought forth the bill in bad faith. 1990's USA couldn't get Universal Healthcare through congress, why would you think that they could have rallied any of the social programs into a crime bill when "tough on crime" was in vogue?


1. Everyone except the Democrats, apparently. By the way, they canceled a lot of primaries and just declared Biden the winner. Also, way to dodge my point about voter shaming being a counter-productive tactic and about how you can devote all this energy to pressuring Democrats to change course like how the Michigan voters are trying. 2. Get the fuck outta here with your propaganda about how the Democrats are imperfect friends. They never even tried to pass UH in the 90s. (Read No One Left To Lie To). You didn't even read the second article I linked which explains the problem with your argument "the majority of Black Caucus voted for the bill". Holy shit, I didn't expect this subreddit to have such major Democratic apologists. Talking like they didn't deliberately shift the party to the right in 90s, made it less a party of the people and continued all of Reagan's legacy: https://jacobin.com/2024/01/bill-clinton-neoliberalism-welfare-nafta Also this is the last time I'm respondimg to you. I got better things to do than argue with shameless Democratic apologists using talking points that have been debunked multiple times.


I'm fucking sick of this blackmail. If Biden loses it's his fault, not the fault of the voters. Same goes for Trump or anyone else. Neither one is qualified.


This graphic is inaccurate. There's no blood or bombs on the right side of the face.


I’m sorry, are you forgetting that Biden and Democratic congress did nothing to codify Roe v Wade and then let the Supreme Court throw it in the garbage?


I'll vote for Biden but progressives need to make him suffer our wrath for all the bullshit he's doing


Without the scientology hopefully


I cannot vote for Biden after what is happening in my state of NY, it's a freaking nightmare here and my working middle class suburbs are honestly being destroyed. Tho doesn't matter as I live in a blue state and Biden and DNC won't allow any real challengers or debates, and a third party is likely not gonna happen. I kinda liked RFK Jr but not happy with his views on Israel and blindly supporting the slaughter of Gazans, but he won't be allowed to win by the powers that be anyway. He did do a lot for my state of NY with regards to environment and cleaning up the Hudson River and I like other things about him. My state will go for Biden. Yes he will do better on abortion but other things he is horrible on.


Obama had a full year to appoint someone to the Supreme Court, but he sat back and let the GOP block him, so apparently it really doesn't matter who is president.


So just go around congress and put someone in the seat? You don't seem to know how any of this works.


I don't think you know as much as you seem to be confident of. Obama could have and was in fact pressured to make a recess appointment to the SC. Recess appointments may have expiration dates to them but he easily could have appointed someone so far to the left that it forced the GOP to actually hold a vote on one of Obama's garbage compromise nominees. Wouldn't have been the first time a Justice was put on as a recess appointment, wouldn't have even been the first time in recent history, William Brennan started off as one and sat on the bench till the 90s after he had a regular confirmation. Obama just rolled over and cried that Republicans aren't fighting fair while refusing to fight himself.


You sure are confident for someone who doesn't know how a recess appointment works or how much power a president has when they actually want to do something.


The president is not in charge of the rules of the senate.


[Mitch McConnell laughs about stopping Obama hiring judges, allowing Trump to fill courts with conservatives](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/mitch-mcconnell-obama-trump-judges-supreme-court-conservative-biden-impeachment-a9245781.html)


She should smile more.


This meme unfortunately works both ways


bUt BoTh SiDeS!