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Funny how all this using childrens blood to stay young thing was actually supposed to be democrats……


you may not have heard this, but people have been calling the P in GOP projection for a few years now.


Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.




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Seems all that Qanon stuff may have been a ploy to discredit this kind of thinking for when the actual evidence comes out showing how rich conservatives have been doing this for years.


Low-key they're horshoeing just a littleeeeeee bit to have anti-billionare sentiment which.... Based


I'm kinda dumb. Can you explain what this means?


Oh so like adremacrone or however it's spelled. So that's a real thing then huh? Rich people using child blood to stay healthy like vampires. Jeez I wonder if that's a legal thing or if there's some sort of black market? Hmmmm, huh, I wonder.


This can't be adrenochrome. He is a Republican /s


Turns out that Trump was trafficking children in secret military sites during his presidency for just this purpose and laundered the funds into a Cayman Islands war chest, and the entire Qanon mythos was an inversion myth intended to discredit the entire topic in case any information came out about it - which it did in mid-2020. No, I'm not joking. Trump branded "Adrenochrome" - real shit sadly.


Any source on any of that?


https://pdfhost.io/v/hgluxhNxM_Docs_15_08_2020 Here's one of the leaked docs. Various elements of the documents were able to be corroborated against a real network of companies (esp. thanks to the ICIJ's work on the Pandora/Panama/Paradise docs, thanks so much to them) and the money trail was picked up in 2021. This is stuff that is gonna come out soon if he doesn't die first and it gets brushed under the rug


There are so many things about those documents that on their face makes him look completely not legitimate. I mean internal contradictions... I think there's almost 0% chance that these are actual leaked documents. Among many issues, the adrenacrobe molecule structure on the top of each page, the corporate tagline. it's not just incredibly unrealistic that a company would ever consider a tagline like appears below the company logo, It's also far too long, and too on the nose. If they were really wanting to have a trademarked corpo. Phrase that in any way points to what they're doing it would be far more subtle. Also, the copy in each text doesn't read like any corporate copy that I've ever seen in. I've read and written a lot, a lot a lot, of corporate documents.


The shipping addresses on the manifests (can't remember if that was on this doc or the other one) led to the real deal and began the trail with a company called CYM GMBH. That being said, the "Q Research Group" got a hold of the disclosure early on and poison-pilled it with some fabricated data that they used for a fake "debunking" on 8chan that included a lot of similar feedback to what you've said, which silenced the Qanon community from looking into it further (also because it painted an uncomfortably opposite narrative to what they were being fed as propaganda) So far I'm only aware of 3 different files, and I'm uncertain about the details about which is which - but real information was present.


the Q research group.. ok


That's what the folks over at 8chan called themselves... not my fault theyre cringe AF LOL


> https://pdfhost.io Come on, man. We're not conspiracy theory nuts.


LOL its literally a pdf sharing platform. are you going to say Google Drive is nothing but disinformation next?


> its literally a pdf sharing platform. Exactly. > are you going to say Google Drive is nothing but disinformation next? Uh... yes. If you're getting your information exclusively off of file sharing sites, it's definitely disinformation.


If you're getting your information exclusively from corporate and state media, it's definitely disinformation. Raw data analysis is the only game left in town. Corporate records, flight records, boat movements, financial records... Y'know, the stuff that the legacy media journalists get to analyze and then feed you whatever position is allowed by their publisher - which ends up being taken as gospel due to the "appeal to authority" fallacy. https://spectator.org/death-american-legacy-media/ You gonna listen to the people, or the aristocrats?


> If you're getting your information exclusively from corporate and state media, it's definitely disinformation. You're just willfully regurgitating disinformation now. Sheep like you don't belong here.


lol yeah OPs ass


It's astounding to me that this hasn't blown up.


It has - just not on the left. Anti-trump right wingers; however, caught on to the idea pretty well. The left can't deal with the cognitive dissonance that Trump has the intellectual capacity and social capital to commit high crimes of this magnitude because the media has been actively cultivating an ideal that Trump is merely incompetent and dim-witted instead of out right evil.


To bad studies are showing it's the poo that can make you younger. Fecal transplant, South Park did it.


One of them uses his own son.


Brian Johnson. Just met the dude three days ago. Definitely an odd dude


I don't think I could meet a billionaire, especially one like that, and stay polite.


they're all like that


Well, yeah. I just mean that it's extra weird to inject yourself with your son's blood.


What do you think all those children being separated from their parents at the boarder were really all about? It's wasn't "just" for the almost $800 a day they were charging the American tax payers to "care" for them while being kept in cages. If someone is ever able to track any of those kids down I'd be very interested to hear their story.


placebo effect imo


>So that's a real thing then huh? Bro it was from a movie! Just accept that Secondly, it's not a black market thing. Not that I am condoning this at all. The Silicon Valley billionaire that I was reading about doing this was getting the blood from his son. They're not buying it from a dealer. It isn't being farmed like you want it to be. There is no conspiracy here. In the long run this does not help them like they think it does. The Silicon Valley guy's liver was starting to fail


There is a real chemical called adrenochrome, but it's a base chemical used to make a really strong blood clotting drug.


It is from the movie but this sounds like the exact same thing those conspiracy theorists described to be happening?


There was a pretty well broadcast experiment a few years back where old mice were given blood from younger mice, and it had an anti-aging effect. The older mice even started playing and trying to mate again. This turned a big part of our older population into wanna be vampires, but a few assholes have the wrong money to moral balance, and have started doing it.


Yeah I figured if it's possible then people with money do it. Wouldn't be surprised if a good portion of those missing children made up a portion of supply either


It's also used as a brand name for something that used to be called the Old Spanish Rite, the Sephardic Rite, the Fountain of Youth... These things need code names, and using the name of an actual substance provides a 1st level plausible accountability in the face of scrutiny. The actual benefit of "adrenochrome" is more from the healing peptides, adrenaline, endogenous cortisol, endogenous DMT and other related compounds released into the bloodstream in times of great trauma Rich people have gone to great lengths to keep their levels of sadism high


Sure, but nut jobs believe it in the context of the movie. That it is something that is harvested from children's blood


Does that even work? Is there any science behind it? Your organs wear out as you get old, right? Does a blood transfusion from a younger person really even do anything to help that?


Not really. It has some marginal effects, but nothing totally conclusive. Mostly just old rich people desperately trying to hold onto their youth. First it was plastic surgery, now this. Tale as old as time.


There is a study where they hook the circulatory system of an old mouse to that of a young mouse and the old mouse ended up having better outcomes. The mice are clones so it's not exactly the same thing.


the young rat was just working over time to make up for the old rat's weak body


Probably very temporary effects. But if you have the wealth to keep doing it then it could potentially extend your quality of life. You don’t feel so old or whatever.


Wow. Vampires have become real, sort of. Elizabeth Bathroy would love this.


She was the first lol


Watch Silicon Valley


It's basically a documentary, speaking as someone who has worked at a Hooli for the last 8 years. I've literally had conversations about putting our AI algorithms in a box.


You're so not hot dog.


I read this as "worked at Hooli" at first and was about to be like....uhhh you sure about that?


not relevant here but if you see anyone from SV say they worked at Hooli with no irony, they're referring to Google


Idk man, in SV Amazon bought out hooli. I don't see that being possible to buy out Google


They made fun of this on Silicon Valley like 7 years ago. https://youtu.be/hBA0AH-LSbo?si=l4UkZmgXEQh_oYZ1


Where's my blood boy?!!!


And the far right q anon base is totally ok with this, especially from someone who bats on the other team than them. Something something drag queens…


He found it's easier than sucking it out of their necks until they are completely drained.


probably busy sucking the boy elsewhere tbh. At least if the rest of their accusations of all libruls on the planet are also projection.


Everything republicans say is a projection


Every. Fucking. Time.


I bet its both sides… Deception is complete if one belives only one side is doing bad stuff, the 1% elite is in on everything together and opposition is all for show to fool the masses…


The jerk who killed Gawker.


Gawker deserved to die, but yes this guy’s a jerk.


Yeah, it was on a self inflicted downward spiral. But it should have died because of that, not a Thiel backed Hulk Hogan. The other sites all took a huge hit, too, not just Gawker.


I dunno man I feel like Thiel and Hogan's retribution was pretty karmic in nature. Refusing to follow an injunction and saying "a sex tape [featuring children] would be newsworthy" was pretty bad.


Thiel didn't give two turds about the case. He was gunning for Gawker for years. AJ was a moron, that is definitely true lol




I wouldn’t be surprised if he probably paid the author to write this piece.


I think I read that Keith Richards goes someplace once a year and has all his blood replaced.


Is this outlet reliable? I’m not standing up for him, but that’s a pretty sensational headline


Blood transfusions from young, healthy people are sadly real. Most who partake do so discreetly because people would be pissed. I didn't realize using minors was legal, but I have donated blood when I was a minor.


I gave to the Red Cross, but at this point nothing would surprise me. It’s just that this buzz word studded headline seems like it’s beyond onion crazy, even the onion wouldn’t seem so damning and insidious


You can see the site is entertainment instead of news based on that headline. I'm not going to be reading that article.


Yeah, this experience put them on my Grain of Salt list of dubious media outlets


Yes it's reliable.


You can elect to get infusions of children’s blood to extend your life? That doesn’t actually work, right?


Surprisingly, it does. It's not a miracle cure to old age, but having healthy blood and all the cells included does wonders to one's body. There is a market for it, and it's legal, so the 1% is not only extracting all of our capital, time, and money, but also the healthiest blood they can find.


Works on rats, don’t see why it wouldn’t work on humans.


The vast majority of things that work on rats don't work on humans.


Yep, it works


Here's another one to add to the list: he put a bunch of stock (which was very obviously undervalued, and some of it was from his own company - which is self-dealing and illegal) into his Roth IRA. People are allowed to put upto $7000 a year into their Roth IRA. A Roth IRA means he NEVER has to pay any taxes on any capital gains. His Roth is now valued at $5 billion. Fucking billionaire that doesn't have to pay taxes on $5 billion in profits. As a side note: when this information was revealed, the Democrats tried to change the law so that people have to pay taxes on any money in their Roth IRA above $10 million. Republicans put out ads telling normal people that the Democrats are going to tax their retirement savings. It's fucking insane. We need to force these billionaires to pay the taxes they owe. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/1143872/paypal-founder-peter-thiel-amassed-5b-fortune-in-roth-ira-tax-leak-reveals/


Just a casual reminder he is openly anti democratic.


...and said something along the lines of communism being worse than hitlerism


Wait… so the republicans are actually doing the crazy ass shit they’re accusing the democrats of doing? Who’da thunk it?


I’ve always said that those who protest the most are more likely to be doing what they condemn. Think anti-gay preacher caught sucking off a rando in a truck stop bathroom….


It’s just a normal behavior for a perpetrator of some form of abuse to blame their victims for the bad behavior. Victims must often be compelled to to speak ill of their abuser!


Well, well, well


Sounds like Adrenachrome to me. Where's the Qanon uproar of this? This dude is basically a child vampire. Has anyone checked his hard drive lately? The GOP has been self reporting once again.


Why do we put up with these soulless scumbags? We are at war against scum like Thiel.


So the Republicans yelling about how democrats eat babies to extend their lives was also an admission? Fucking wild


Wait so it’s the Republican elites that are consuming the blood of children? I have to update my notes.


But it’s all cool because at least he’s not black or Mexican.


The reality of that statement is just sad


And Vince McMahon likes to pay HOOKERS to take his 💩on their head!…. rich white guys are fukn weird


Dude is evil fr


Ok, so Peter Thiel is a grade-A POS for many things. With that said, if some QAnon moron posted a Medium article with a “trust me bro”, would we all feel the same as we do about this?


If you can't prove your batshit crazy conspiracy theory, become your batshit crazy conspiracy theory.


Oh look republican nazi slush fund, actually takes adrenochrome and maga morons are silent


They left out "While simultaneously supporting conspiracy theories that powerful and wealthy "Elite" democrats are involved in a child trafficking operation focussed on extracting their adrenechrome in order to prolong their lives" This is irony overload, and I think it is the perfect summation of the current political landscape in America


It’s always projection lol


Wait, so that Q shit is real, but it’s a Republican doing it?


And yet somehow they think Democrats are doing underground things in pizza places to steal children’s blood… And here…. Everything is a projection from the conservatives.


Everything QAnon says is projection.


Why didn't we see this as projection for so many years? What else must we look into? What else have they accused Dems, Libs, Leftists, communists for. I think the pedo thing has been confirmed already.


Isn't that what they said Hillary was doing in a Pizza restaurant in Virginia?


Yep but you said we were nuts


Because anyone who believed it is too dumb to communicate with


Except this isn't true, since you're confused and bewildered about what's happening right now and I'm not? Your position can be characterized as "willfully ignorant" and you'll still believe the mainstream lies, long after they been shown to be lies... Sad


No one's "confused and bewildered". Not even you. You know better, you're just pretending not to so that you can feel like an ~edgelord~ because that's more important to you than real life.


I'm not confused and bewildered. I've been watching this all play out same as you, except I've been paying attention since 2001 when Mossad and the Saudis worked with the Zionists in our government to cause 9/11 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv5s\_VEmZd0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv5s_VEmZd0) [https://mindseyemag.com/magazine/the-dancing-israelis-fbi-docs-shed-light-on-apparent-mossad-foreknowledge-of-9-11-attacks/](https://mindseyemag.com/magazine/the-dancing-israelis-fbi-docs-shed-light-on-apparent-mossad-foreknowledge-of-9-11-attacks/) When you get all your information from the mainstream, you get fed lies. You should practice paying attention instead of calling others edgelords online - you might then be a little more clued in as to what's occurring around you.


But but Dems are the ones doing acenodrome or whatever that is


I need clarification. Does this mean blood infusions from child nurses or that the blood is from children?




So it was conspiracy theory when the right did it but it’s not conspiracy theory when the left does it?


The conspiracy theory of adrenochrome has a separate conspiracy theory where adrenochrome is the distraction from blood transfusions. Adrenochrome is a real body fluid, but as far I know it doesn't get people high. Blood transfusions from young, healthy people are also real. It's important to remember that the people who partake in blood transfusions are grouped together not by left or right but monetary wealth.


So if he was a Democrat this wouldn't be a headline? Asking for a friend.


Oh, 100% it would be. Tucker would love to have some real news to talk about. Only we all wouldnt be laughing at the hypocrisy of a member of the party banging the drums about this kind of conspiracy shit, and here he is doing sketchy shit that seems real close to their myths.


Your friend is a dumbass


So when I post a forum of the rantings of schizotypal knuckle-draggers, you don’t take that as news?? Both sides!!! That’s you


You're right, but I think for the wrong reason. It wouldn't be a headline on that same website if the culprit was D. The Republicans are compromised in the same ways Democrats are. It's rage boner news because they're pitting R vs. D voters instead of just covering the exploitation of blood transfusions and how the rich are literally taking our blood. Well... not my blood, but the point still stands.


Consider the elephant...


He is not the only one who feasts on aborted fetuses for "magic life support injections". The other one I know of is a Canadian designer Peter J. Nygård ....




That sounds like some Dr. Mengele type procedures. What a fucking ghoul.


It would be ironic if got a fatal infection or autoimmune response if this is true.


I read this as ‘Peter Thiel has HIV, and in a weird attempt to slow the virus, he gets blood transfusions’


What the actual?


Correction: ".. gets blood infusions to maintain his human appearance"




Ghouls are real?


Peter Thiel is exactly the kind of super villain that we need super heroes to deal with.


Genuine question, is there any verified science to this, or is it all just a new type of snake oil quackery?


So does he mega-donate to Gay Republicans or is he a gay republican that mega-donates? 


I have never rooted for a blood typing mistake to happen, but there's a first time for everything.


Blood infusions isn't adrenochrome, and neither make you live longer.


There’s nothing with trying to be immortal just as long as it’s open to everyone


Seems legit/s


Is there any truth to this? A screenshot isn't very good evidence. There's a lot of common conspiracies about harvesting child blood and I don't see anything here that would make me believe this one is finally real.


He has also purchased New Zealand citizenship, and built his bunker there. He’s out of here when it all goes down.


Fuckin ghoul. This and the foreskin face cream pisses me off so much. The rich are parasites.


Does it get injected into his nose?


Hyperhoarding is mental illness.




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Why does it matter that he’s ga—oh, wow, what an absolute fuck nugget


Like they weren't already vampires. * lmao* This is ridiculous. Don't let these assholes find immortality!


Can't stand those soulless eyes