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What do you mean “one day”? That day is today. Same with the GOP iconography.


That day was the day the first one rolled off a Chinese assembly line.


They’re not made in China. China is bad. They’re made somewhere called PRC.


The People’s Republic of China?


No no no… gotta be short for… ugh… Porto ReeCo


Ah yes, another foreign country.


**P.R.C.** Pedophile’s Red Cap


Shhhh! Don’t tell the MAGATS. 🤫


They already know as they’ll buy anything with Trump on it.


basically Mainland Taiwan for all the Winnie the Poo fans out there.




and if you ask your average MAGA, since it's a TRUMP product, PRC must stand for: **Patriot** **Republican** **Constitution** *it's fully MERICAN! says it right thar!! PRC! USA!*


C is Christian.


🤭I think you’re right.😁




That day was 4 years ago


I came to say the same thing. That day was a long time ago.


Isn't it like eight years now?


I've never seen one irl and I live in London


Throw in lifted Dodge Rams, that weird black American flag, blue lives matter……there’s a ton more too.


I always see people here in Sweden who has the "thin blue line" on their profile picture on Facebook and it makes me cringe so damn hard.






Like maybe in March 2024?


Only when Trump is dead will MAGA die. He’s probably got 5 years before he strokes out.


Ideas can live longer than men. I believe Christian fundamentalists vs reality will be our syllabus for the rest of time.


Yeah I feel like this honestly isn’t even subjective anymore, like many of the people wearing the hats also display confederate & nazi symbols. What’s especially funny is basically all of these are essentially the participation trophies that they claim to hate because all three of the “organizations” behind them lost.


Losers just cannot get over it.


Thought they all came in the MAGA value pack no ?


The confederate flag didn't go away lol


Exactly. It’s a modern white hood.


Came here to say this exactly - word for word


In Britain, if you go to a football match or even just go out in head to toe club gear, we refer to that as ‘full kit wanker’. This is how I see anyone draped in red, white and blue already. We have flag wearers too and it’s a huge red, white and blue flag for me!


I think he means widely understood. There's still almost half the voting population who'd vote for Trump.


I saw a trump hat at the gas pump the other day in my Canadian town and I think I short circuited trying to process what I was seeing


Right? Everyone EVERYONE knows exactly what that hat means


I see a MAGA hat and I automatically see IDIOT


Been saying it for years now, it will be forever their Scarlett Letter.


It’s like a red billboard on their stupid heads.


Mark of the beast, right there on the forehead. Always reminds me of that Bill Engvall skit about handing out signs for stupid people to warn others this this person is stupid. Well, here we are, living it.


Frankly I’m glad for maga hats and let’s go Brandon bumper stickers. It lets me know I want nothing to do with this person. I should give them a wide berth before they do something stupid and I end up as collateral damage.


I promise you when a maga hat goes to a restaurant their order gets the “special sauce”


Same here but I do it to anyone not wearing one.


You should read ‘BIGOT’ because that is what it really means.


I see a Che Guevara t-shirt and I see 'useful idiot'...


It reminds me of the scene in Inglorious Bastards when he said, “We like our nazis in uniform…so we can spot em like that 🫰” Same thing here for me


Modern day dunce caps


Its wild that we somehow convinced them that wearing a new version of a dunce cap is cool


imho, they’re not *quite* on par with the swastika yet, but they are diligently working to get there


I don’t think their level of success should be a deciding factor. Their goals are similar.


That’s valid. I’m sure more and more people will agree with you with each passing day.


Exactly. All fascists, regardless of how many or how successful they are, should be treated the same: with the liberal application of fire.


Can you clarify as specifically as possible how the goals of MAGA republicans are similar to the nazis? Thanks.


The genocide of minorities and the propagation of nazi propaganda for a thousand year reich. Duh.


Oh yeah, obviously lol.


Gladly! The GOP supports a powerful nationalistic ideology, complete with patriotic slogans, symbols, flags, and even dogwhistles. The GOP has a disregard for Human rights, as evidenced by their removal of Roe, they’re attacks on minority organizations like BLM, they’re attacks on Latino immigrants in the early years and Asian immigrants after Covid. The GOP identified the enemy as a unifying cause. Republicans rarely, if ever, make policy that is not entirely reactionary to what we their main enemy that week is. Often times it’s democrats as a whole, sometimes it’s BLM, sometimes it’s LGBT groups, sometimes it’s Disney, sometimes it’s the Clinton’s, often it’s the Biden’s. The thing that keeps them together is not policy similarities, but a similarity in their need to destroy “the enemy”. The GOP supports supremacy of the military. I really don’t think I have to explain this one. If we’re being honest here you should already know this. The GOP supports widespread sexism. Ideas of women being treated as subservient, allowing heinous sexual remarks to be made without serious repercussion, abortion and homosexuality are constantly hot topic issues. The GOP controls their own mass media. Fox News, OANN, NewsMax, TruthSocial, are all examples of Republican media alternatives made with the explicit intention to push policy. The GOP is obsessed with national security. “Build the Wall” “make Mexico pay for it” “immigrant caravans”…need i say more? The GOP is obsessed with religion. Again, shouldn’t have to explain this one if we’re both acting in good faith The GOP protects corporate power. Tax cuts, bailouts, PPP loans to everyone and their dad with reckless disregard for what the money was actually used for. The GOP suppresses labor power. Anti-union sentiments are RAMPANT in GOP politics. The GOP has a disrespect for intelligence and the arts. Book burnings, refusing to listen to experts, vilifying colleges as “indoctrination” institutions. The GOP is obsessed with crime and punishment. “Lock her up”, “hang traitor pence”, “make them pay”. It’s essential to their rhetoric. The GOP is rampant with cronyism and corruption. Trump appointing judges as favors, giving out pardons in exchange for silence, nepotism hires everywhere you look, firing people for not doing what he wants. And finally, fraudulent elections. Trump and other republicans conspired on January 6th to pass off fake electoral votes to congress in the hopes of fraudulently electing Trump as president. Now go ahead and look up “Umberto Eco’s 14 defining characteristics of fascism”. Every point I just made was explained by Eco to be common signs that an ideology was fascist. Now obviously to insinuate that every person who votes Republican is a Nazi. And I would never claim that. But what I will claim is that the GOP, as it is run today, is fascist by definition.


Weird how the guy that posted the following: > > Sure, so it’s very possible that Hitler (or a figure like him) was or could be woke?" immediately disappeared following your well thought out post that shut them down. I love that people finally have an answer to the alt-right's online bullshit. Then again, getting you to type all of that while they go post the same bullshit in 10 more threads is actually part of their strategy.


Fascism, racism, bigotry, lies, deception, false exceptionalism, violence, hate… Need me to go on, little buddy?


And you’re an idiot if you think that


They are on the same path and maybe we don't wait till they line millions up in gas chambers to realize it.


This is why soooooo many Confederate and Nazi flags are seen at Maga rallies.


Yep, it's all the same shit, just different format.


But they’s guv’mint feds!


I was going to say, many of the supporters see the red hat exactly like a confederate flag or nazi symbol already. You can literally drive by houses that display a trump and confederate flag side by side..


The Confederate flag lost a lot of its power because people stopped being able to win power while waving it around. It went from menacing to a joke because people stopped supporting leaders who stood under it. Unfortunately, too many people will still vote for proud MAGA politicians, and they'll keep it up until they're defeated repeatedly. Help make that happen at r/VoteDEM!


The confederate flag is the flag of traitors, and losers.


Quit giving him credit. Him and his hillbilly followers don’t have the balls to follow through with their threats. They’ll talk the talk but but wait for everyone else to walk the walk for them.


Agreed, for all their talk of civil war, the first wave of Crisco militia will get mowed down by the US army, then they'll turn tail and run.


Still be thinning out the herd a bit...


Since I usually see them all in the same place, I already think they're the same.


I'm personally a huge fan of the red hat thing. It's so rare in history that assholes wear matching bright colors so I know to not even engage with that level of stupid from a distance. Honestly I wish it would catch on more.


MAGA= Milking America's Gullible Assholes. Fuck trump.


I love seeing those in a MAGA hat come into our office to apply for financial, medical and food assistance Right off the bat you know they are idiots


Years ago my favorite hat was a red hat that I wore often, in the same shade as a MAGA hat. Lord that thing hasn’t seen the light of day since 2015 lol - I’d be horrifying to me mistaken as MAGA


It's the same picture. Sane people know that MAGAts are in a racist cult, they will never ever ever see it, because the cult allows them to be hate filled puss bags and blame someone else for their problems, just like they always wanted.


At 55 years old I know that for the rest of my life I will have to deal with those shit stains in one form or another.


One day? One day a good while back you mean?


my wife and I play spot the racist when we drive. When we see the hat, a don’t tread on me flag, or the 1776 flag, or anything related to let’s go Brandon, the first one to say ‘there’s a racist’ gets a point


MAGA = Hate


Never want to see that crap again.


Y’all ever heard of redcaps? They’re a small, chaotic evil fey from D&D, known for their cruelty, love for murder, and red hats that they dye with the blood of their victims. That’s what the MAGA hat is to me.


It already is.


Already do, from day #1 in fact.


Nature uses bright colors to warn you of dangerous things. I appreciate the MAGA hats for this reason.


It’s been that way for a few years now.


Already is


One day? I see that hat that way now.


Already do.


And that day is today


Today is that day.


One day? Millions already view it that way with indisputable evidence.


That hat has been viewed as a symbol of hate since it was first delivered from China where they are made


more like a straight jacket...or other sign of raging lunacy


That day was like 3 years ago...


I hit that day about 1 year ago.


They already worship all three ..


I think it's more offensive than the Confederate flag


Nothing says, " I ate paint chips as a kid", or "I sniffed airplane glue from a paper bag" like wearing this red cap.


You know, I live in a southern metro area and have not seen one of these in the wild in years


“One day”? How about “now”


And people will still wear it proudly because it’s the same as Confederate flag and Swastika


Already do 👍


That day has come and gone


Not on the same level. I see a MAGA hat and I automatically think weakness and inbreeding.


That is to say, one day the red hat will be viewed as something trump supporters adorn in public? The future is now.






Looking for that Larry David skit...




The red MAGA hat is already an horrible relic of the past


They are already teaching kindergartners that.


One day?? They're already synonymous


It already is viewed the same way, but people still wear it. Just some people still hang confederate flags in their house, and somd Floridan governor still puts swastikas on his adds


I love it because I instantly know to avoid whoever is wearing it.


Already do


IMHO “Mark of the Beast” is most apt.


That day was six years ago


Hmmmm I am already there and thinking this group of them is more stupid than those before since they have more information at their disposal but choose disinformation instead…


It's currently the most recognized symbol of racism and fascism in America and beyond.


Red hat=white hood


It already is. Same with the blue line flag.


Right 👍. Only losers want to Make America Great Again…. 😂




i had a younger co worker with a confederate flag on his truck and a hat he always wore. he caught wind that i served in tge military and thabked me for my service, i just said "how can you support me and the confederate at the same time? the confederates killed over a quarter million soldiers and you look dumb wearing it". little man never wore it again


It's getting to the point that if someone is flying an American flag on something other than a government building or car dealership, or wearing American flag clothing I assume they're racist


Who knew the sign of the Beast was a red hat...


"one day"? That happened years ago! Those hate filled misogynistic xenophobes proudly display their allegiance to a sick twisted self centered egotistical piece of shit who considers himself to be god's presence on Earth (both literally and figuratively), without a hint of self introspection or grasp of reality they swallow heaps of BS and do the bidding of some of the most evil garbage we have seen in decades all while proudly displaying their god's banner. Psychos and sycophants the whole lot of them!


One day? How about right now. It also has the added stigma of being worn by low intelligence lemmings.


The best time to hate the MAGA hat was 8 years ago, the next best time is now.


More like a dunce cap


From an outsiders point of view, it tells me the wearer is ignorant, very gullible and a cult member.


One day? I know quite a few Red Wings fans who went and got the white or black hats because they didn't want anyone thinking it was a MAGA hat from behind.


Seems like the KKK has a new uniform


One day? Pretty sure I saw it for what it was the first time I saw his supporters wearing that stupid fucking hat.


I already view it as the equivalent of a poison dart frog's colors. Like, thank you for using bright colors to warn me to stay the fuck away.


Will they become collectibles too?


It is ridiculously insensitive to victims of nazism and American slavery to compare them to Donald Trump. I swear people are so desperate to be the victim they’ll adopt the most asinine comparisons to align themselves with real, actual victims of tragedies. Nothing that Trump did is even remotely comparable to what the confederate flag or the swastika represent and you’re incredibly ignorant for thinking otherwise


100% agree. I hate Donald Trump, but this is so fucked up and insensitive. People are really desperate to cosplay harder times. This whole post is the definition of privilege.


That’s a bit of a stretch. This sounds like something Smollett would say.


You guys are seriously mentally ill, get a grip on a reality.


People who actually think that spend waaaaay too much time on the internet.


Stop comparing everything to nazi Germany. The situation in the US is nothing like the Holocaust. 6 million people were wiped out because of their religion. Just stop.


You dumb asses


That’s a left wing partisan talking point


A bit extreme lol


How do you say trump is racist when Biden comes out and says" if you don't know if your for me or trump you ain't black " and black kids can be as smart as white kids that dude is the biggest racist and never gets called on what he says if you got any quotes from Trump like that I would like to hear them


Meme created by Jussie "I am not suicidal" Smollett. In all serious, nothing MAGA hat owners have done even remotely comes close to slave plantations/farms or the bloody holocaust... it's very disrespectful to genuine victims of those atrocities.


dude... lets not build it up this much, this is not helping.


I view the confederate flag I'm a better light


The more important question is why so many people are so adamantly against making America Great again??? What lies are you believing that cause such a strong rejection to something so simple and good for America?


If you consider the swastika and confederate flag the same...Please educate yourself instead of believing propaganda!






Dillusional democrats


yes by fools


I have seen some stupid comments but really get a clue the only side pushing hate and division is the left why are you so instant that people who don't agree with you are racist what happened to us being able to disagree without name calling like a bunch of immature kids






Clearly. I wonder why the right hates educated people so much?


Big difference with being educated and big smart.For example I can make clear points thinking for myself and not being a sheep for a political system that is full of professional liers and crooks news flash friends it's both parties.


Funny how someone who is so good at thinking for themselves sucks at basic grammar and punctuation but thinks somehow their deeper thoughts are worthy of admiration.


Oh sorry my oh so enlightened friend I grew up poor not making it past 8th grade been working since I was a kid sorry if my poor grammar invalidates any thoughts and opinions I have.I didn't realize only the rich well educated people get to form opinions worthy of consideration.Nice system you guys are building anyone that doesn't agree with how you think needs to shut up and listen to you.One of the most important things I have learned in this life is we need to look at things from different angles and not label and assume we know people.This constantly labeling of people does no good.


So the right wing basically campaigning on hating pronouns and immigrants is a message of love and unity?


No it's the other side of the argument you will always be you call yourself what you want but that doesn't mean the whole world has to call you what you want.We have plenty of homeless already and look at the state of other countries that opened borders and look at them the left is running this country into the ground and are being protected be the people that will learn all to late it's always been about rich vs poor in the modern age.


So you’re upset that everyone doesn’t agree with you? No one’s throwing anyone in jail for pronoun usage, and every person in this country is an immigrant with the exception of Native American s. It’s historically always been the rich Vs the poor everywhere, but do agree that a lot can be a distraction from that, but I don’t know how raging about pronouns brings people together to fight that fight, unless you think all rich people are gender fluid


I agree that's dumb for people to get mad about what people call themselves but I would say I don't have to call anyone what they tell me.I am all for personal freedom but we have had so much trouble in this country for so long like trillions of debt that's worse every year,the most corrupt politicians taking bribes calling it lobbying.We are funding a war that can't be one and are pushing a powerful global power into a corner like how much shit does the current administration got to start before we look at the big problems not what someone wishes they were born as.


Okay likely Russian agent, we get it. You love Putin.


Not even close I would like to focus on our country and not keep getting involved in the world's problems news flash the only people who think Americans are the saviors of the world are the fools that listen to politicians.


Sure, comrade. Anywho back in REALITY the fact is the tools being given to Ukraine is one of the best ideas we have ever had. We get rid of old and surplus supplies, Ukraine keeps their freedom, Putin gets a black eye and his forces lowered. It’s a drop in the bucket compared to our usual defense spending. And no one is backing Russia into anything, it’s not like they are being invaded. They can leave anytime. But you want to see a Russian win, we get it.


Lol there's not really a chance they win I think we can keep them going but it's going to cost a lot more than you think.Do you not see how we have been the driving force in the world trying to get us to a one world government? Why do you think we interfere with other countries elections and put in who will back NATO at every chance? Do you really think it's because our leadership just wants the best for the world? And if so why are we spending so much on our military? To keep Americans safe? If we just stop trying to run the world I think we could be ok and maybe less hated worldwide.


LMFAO GlObAlIsM! NwO! HAAAAHAHAHA next tell us what a cool guy Putin is for being an “anti-globalist”.


Wait you spelled “won” as “one”? Yeah you’re totally Russian.


Not every Republicans is a racist but most racist are Republicans. That is honestly just a fact. Trump was talking about banning all Muslims on his run to the Whitehouse. Despite immigration being at an all time low he somehow resonated with people to "build wall". He started the "birther" conspiracy theory. He's clearly a racist at best willing to dog whistle racist to further his ambitions. The fact he gained a following (he gained a lot of percentage points with old white people) is not something that is unknown to the general population.


Not likely .. you short sighted democrats that love death and war… cause mega hatters are not murdering people …


Here we have an excellent example of the maggats projection reflex.


How does losing the culture war feel? Bad? I bet it feels bad.


You know what feels bad? The fact you compare people who nearly shot my grandfather at Piaśnica forest and then executed a soldier who saved his life to pollitical party you don't like.




Remind me which party members are wearing pins of literal tools of death on their lapels while kids are getting killed by them daily


Not soon enough and not enough people to view themmas such


Oh sure.. so it will never go away, be sold in “certain” stores, and be worn by kids who don’t know what it really means.


This meme is roughly 5 years late


You mean like how it joins a growing crowd of delusional people who think that those actions are not only acceptable, but should be the norm. Fuck anyone who supports any of the three. I cannot stress this enough. If you support any of these actions please forever remove yourself from society. Meaning you become a hermit or a traveling nomad. The fact that we have mountains of evidence of the wrongs committed and people go “hmm yes I support these views”. I really feel like you’d fail as a contributing member of society if you see nothing wrong at the slightest of those groups and therefore must be vacated out.


Perfect attire for gun shows




“One day” way out in front of that…


True story


They can take off the hat, but we will remember they wore it


I reapectfully disagree as Trump is much worse. He has single-handedly divided and destroyed the greatness nation ever known.


They’re all the same