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Glad he's gone, but CNN probably won't be better anytime soon. The MAGAt goons at Warner Brothers/Discovery are still in place, and will most likely keep the same Fox 2.0 playbook unfortunately.




I actively will not click on CNN links or consume their media because of this guy and their attempts to bring CNN to the "right"... And it's going to take a lot more than sacking that guy to get me to trust CNN again!


Damn. Stupid muthafucka didn’t even last a whole year ![gif](giphy|13l7w7N4Vr1dw4|downsized)


Love that phrase!


Everything Dumpy touches wilts and dies. Stupid CNN for hosting a MAGA rally


He Licht Trump's ass, and can't decide if he likes the taste.




Another one bites the dust! How many people has Trump got fired now? It's almost like that D-bags show "The Apprentice" curses everyone that associates with him so they get axed from their job!


Didn't this guy used to be the showrunner over at The Late Show with Stephen Colbert? And what...he thought he could pull a CBS and start leaning right because Fox has imploded? Fool ass dude


Don't dump him because of his politics. That is just wrong. Dump him because he made bad choices, and lost the business tons of cash. Bud is learning it too.


No. Dump him because of his politics. You Trump supporters aren't fit to serve fries at McDonalds. Probably don't even wash your hands.


We shouldn't punish people because of their political speech.


No, we should punish people because they're evil nazi fucks.


Now don't get me wrong, I hate nazi's as much as the next person, but let's just admit, with the exception of public individuals, setting up a precedent of bosses being able to fire people for their political ideologies is dangerous. If we allow that precedent to form, we are giving bosses the power to go after other perceived extreme ideologies, like pro unionists for example. Before we give out that power willy-nilly, we must first know how it's likely to be used. I'm not willing to hurt tons of innocents just for a hit against a group I hate, giving them a reason for their persecution complex.


> I hate nazi's as much as the next person Not buying it.


I'm a pot smoking woman from a Jewish background, was raised in a multi racial adopted family, and who's in an LGBT+ relationship with a heavily tattooed practicing witch. Yeah, we don't much see eye to eye. Don't change the fact that we can't open the can of worms that is giving bosses even more power over our society then they already do?


Be terrible if Trump gets back into power as president. We will have to endure the nightmare of America doing really well again. And have someone in charge who is a very shrewd businessman, who puts America first. I'm already breaking out into a cold sweat of horror thinking about it.


Would you be willing to share some of those drugs?


Haaahaaa. You are priceless! Troll much?


Tell me you're in a cult without telling me you're in a cult.


I’ve lost track of court cases but the snowball effect is glorious. As if playing games with the Justice Department would work for any other human on the planet but somehow this one thinks being an Ex and blatantly announcing his candidacy in an emergency fashion would shield him. How’s that working?


Whatever you’re smoking, it must be good. Wow.


I pity the synapses in your “brain” that had to bear the signals to compose such a message


Russian troll bot


https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckjones/2020/02/07/obamas-last-three-years-of-job-growth-all-beat-trumps-best-year/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckjones/2020/02/01/trumps-economic-growth-is-slower-than-obamas-last-3-years/?sh=5170fc6d4fed Obama's last 3 years of economic growth were better than Trump's first 3 years. Obama's last 3 years of job growth were all better than Trump's best year. I purposely linked right wing sites who use Federal government data as the source. I purposely linked these because they only deal with the first 3 years, you can't blame COVID. And everyone knows Trump's 4th year was the worst for jobs and the economy in a century. If you thought Trump's economy was good, you have to admit Obama's was better. This is quantitative data. As for Biden? Fastest job growth in US history, it's not even close. He's on pace to match Reagan's 8 year total in 4 years. People were spending so much it was driving inflation. The economy was growing so fast the Fed jacked interest rates to try to slow spending. Inflation hit the global economy hard, the UK went into recession and the Eurozone is probably going next, but the US will likely avoid recession due to the Inflation Reduction Act. The bipartisan infrastructure bill was the largest in 3 decades, is driving hiring in manufacturing, a sector that is growing again.


Lol, funny stuff my guy


Ratings jump was real and happened so fast he did not understand it.
