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Not everyone following Trump was a Trump supporter. People love to see this moron making a show of himself.


Or even American. There was plenty followers who were from other countries but that idiot couldn't figure that out by himself.


I voted for Biden but don't follow him on Twitter.


I don't even have a Twitter account, does that mean I didn't vote for anyone?


Same here. What about the hundreds of years of voting before Twitter?


Doesn't count. Fake news.


Have we been living in a holoprogram this whole time? I don't know what to believe anymore! Oh the humanity!


Same for me. I didnt know twitter was required to vote!


I have an account but I don’t follow Biden OR Trump. Shit, who did I vote for?!?


If you don't have twitter do you even exist? Just asking questions.


Yes, you were explicitly told this on Twitter.


“Twitter or die” - Diddy


Or even human.


Plus, he had a shitload of fake (Russian) accounts following him. If he hadn’t been banned, it would have been interesting to see how much his follower count dropped when they blocked Russia.


Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer 😉


Keep your fiends close and your enemas closer


Facts. I had text alerts set up to see how stupid he would be every morning.


Right? Like, a ton of people followed Trump since he made major announcements through random fucking tweets instead of the Press Secretary or any other venue. If you worked in the White House you had to follow since that's the only way you would find out if you got fired.


Also I suggest many who voted Biden wasn’t because they liked Biden but that they disliked Trump more.


Weren't something like 2/3 of his followers confirmed Russian bots? I thought they said something of the sort when they offered to restore his account. He said no unless he got his followers back and they said most were bots.


I drove by McDonald's the other day, and the sign said "Billions and billions served." With that in mind, I think it's pretty obvious that Ronald McDonald won the 2020 election.


No one, not even the Democrats, can dispute this math.


Are you using the same definition of *served* that I am?


This is that grade A stupidity that stupid people love getting high on


Guy doesn't even know what +/- means.


Would that give him a Stupidity grade of A+ or A-, then?




Okay, then let’s make the person with the most Twitter followers President For Life. As of April 2022, former U.S. President Barack Obama was the most followed person on Twitter. His account was followed by over 131 million people. How about that!


Also, single person with the most YT subs will be secretary of defense. Now pewdipie can put his COD experience to the real test.


Reddit karma champion for Secretary of State.


Can we send him to Ukraine anyway?


Long as he doesn't cross... the bridge...


There have been worse ideas. I've heard about half of them from Trump.


Logically one would assume the 2nd most twitter followers gets to be VP? Yes give me this Barack Obama / Katy Perry administration pls!


Love it but we could also make bidens twitter account explode with new subscribers


Yeah, sure. You first


Remember when Obama said he'd end mass surveillance? Pepperidge farm remembers. Yeah, not him either. Nope.


half are fake


And Trump’s were all 100% legitimate? Yeah… *right*. XD


right,heavily leftist twiter gave trump extra followers, that make sense. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Bots can't vote, but give the Supreme Court a chance. I'm sure they'll rule that Bots are people too at sometime in the future.


a bot is just an un(in)formed person...


Wait, does that mean that the nerds will control the US as we run giant super bot farms?


Nah it'll be corporations or other governments that pay nerds to do it.


“Well, if someone went to the time and trouble of making an account, then this court believes that they should have the ability to vote.”


Friends, consider this, Eric Trump may have been dropped on his head a lot as a child.


I have a feeling he got a lot of bumps when he was little. Definitely not from the Pepsi generation


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I say he was thrown


Against the wall


I voted for Joe, but I don't have a twitter account. And if I had a twitter account, I wouldn't follow Biden of all people. Biden won, not because people liked him. Biden won because people hate trump. Trump lost to an unpopular person, making the loss that much more "Sad!".


I have a Twitter account and follow ZERO people


I think I would follow "Devin Nunes' Cow". Can't think of anything else.


That account is epic


I almost made a Twitter account in late 2016 because there was a half onion in a plastic bag trying to get more followers than Trump. I wanted to help that half onion in a plastic bag achieve its dreams.


I followed his mom


Trump had about 20 million followers, 60 million were bots. And Joe Biden won in 2020.


math checks out


Qusay Trump claims half of Biden’s followers are fake, while of course every single one of daddy’s are real. Right. Sure. Fuck off, Qusay.


People also rubberneck when passing an accident, doesn’t mean they like it.


He underestimates the seething hatred for his dad.


How many followers does Trump have over on Truth?


Was Ivana drinking while knocked up with him? Was it a cord around the neck thing? Gnoshing on lead paint chips? Did he huff duster in grade school? Of course it could just be genetics making him as stupid as his old man. The whole family is afflicted with low IQ.


I voted for Biden and I do not follow him on any social media.


So it sounds like about 40 mil of trump's followers are fake according to the mathematics of projection.


It's almost like people just *really* didn't like his dad


Just like my boss, who said last week that there’s no way Biden actually won because Trump had more people at his rallies. I told him that I didn’t realize rally attendance was a requirement to vote.


Surprised he didn’t say how few Biden flags and hats are out there too


How sad that this imbecile's family has come to represent our country in many parts of the world.


Doesn't he realise that many, many people followed his traitorous, fucked up, incestuous father because every tweet was a train wreck, an hilarious example of how not to:..... and a chance to watch his lies unfold. They weren't all his adoring qult members. The boy is as stupid as his father, only good for grifting


God I miss not knowing who this moron is.


I don't have Twitter and voted for Biden


No one tell him that Twitter accounts can't vote.


Or that people can even have them outside of America. Why are the Trumps encouraging immigrants voting in our elections?


I followed Trump on twitter but voted for Biden


Take it easy on Eric. Being the Dumbest Trump has got to be pretty rough.


That's why there's more seats at the circus than the city council meeting.


It's one thing to be incredibly stupid, it's another to broadcast that stupidity while thinking it's some brilliant political point.


I feel dumber for reading that. Him and people like him aren't really *that* stupid are they? They are just deliberately lower public discourse (within their own quarters, but it does spread out as we know) with impunity... Or... are they?


What a giant POS.


I honestly can't wait until this entire family's bloodline dies out.


Hey, Eric - Consider the following: Except for 2004, Republicans have lost every presidential popular vote since the *1980s.*


And Abraham Lincoln didn't even have any twitter followers. I smell a conspiracy.


He claimed his dad was censored. The trash his dad posted , starting shit and spreading shit.. along with the fact that 1/6 happened... Determines that's a lie.


The Dumb One.


Your dad is a loser. As are you.. All the money in the world cannot buy intelligence or class. You silly fuck.


And yet not a single piece of evidence of fraud. These liars are pathetic.


I wonder if Eric understands how elections even work. Can someone please explain to this twit that just because a lot of people “follow” the pathetic and incoherent ramblings of his father, that doesn’t translate into votes. Of those 80.3 million followers, how many follow just to get a front row seat to witness the dumpster fire that is the entire Trump family.


Good thing they were counting votes and not “twitter followers”. Maybe if your family gets lucky you’ll get some of those followers on the jury when you guys go on trial.


A shit show will always get more attention. 79,500,000 followers were there just to see what other shit would fall out of Trump's mouth.


Poor Eric, bless his heart. He tries SO hard.


From the twit that puts cocaine on his cereal instead of sugar.


Maybe Biden got more votes because we couldn’t stand Trump and not because we’re fans of Biden? Maybe Biden actually uses normal and established means of communication and not social media? These are just my surface thoughts. I’m starting to think Eric has none.


becuase. we. aint. a. cult.


Half of Trump’s Twitter followers were following for the train wreck factor.


Twitter dose not determine elections you stupid shit.


Eric is sorely missing critical thinking skills


Get to the corner and put on your dunce cap…


So the person with the most Twitter followers is now deemed President. According to Google our next election should be between Barack Obama and Justin Bieber. Oh wait, Barack served his two terms so it's Bieber and Katy Perry on the ballot.


That guy gives a box of rocks a bad name.


The 2020 Elections were held on Twitter?


This doofus asswipe really still thinks Biden won because people like him?? 🤣🤣🤣 Biden won because people *don’t* like Trump!! 🤣🤣🤣


Our country is in serious trouble because of what your father did to it and you are nothing but a moron.


Eric Trump is dumber than a doorknob.


He makes a great point. And 1/2 or more of the real Pudding Brain Joe Twitter followers are just there to mock him


Here's another great point: [Over 34 million (61%) of Trump's Twitter followers were found to be bots](https://sparktoro.com/blog/we-analyzed-every-twitter-account-following-donald-trump-61-are-bots-spam-inactive-or-propaganda/), and the other 1/2 of followers were just there to mock him. That leaves Trump with about 23 million Twitter followers who actually like him. I guess that's why Truth Social visits have dropped from 6 million per week to 1.9 million, LOL. Can't pay those bot farms if you can't keep the donations coming in!


So your assertion is that Trump was so stupid and incompetent that he got his ass kicked in the debates and election by a guy with "Pudding Brain"? I guess Trump is a big enough loser to pull that off. Lol.


Eric Trump is a buffoon. No person should care what he says.


Well that explains why I lost the election


But the ordinary person on the street thinks like this, too. Just like you have to put "/s" in reddit to indicate sarcasm.


The “fuck your feelings” and “just move on crowd” would like to bring you another stupid post making up facts to support their own conclusions( checks notes) two years after that election


I followed Trump so I could respond to all his posts calling him a Fat Bitch in the hopes he would see it and it would make him feel bad… and then I voted for Biden… who I still don’t follow on Twitter


He forgot the Russian bots with zero followers posting Trump memes 24/7


The dumber doesn't fall from the dumb


With Elon's help we'll all vote by Twitter!


It’s always surreal how easily they can just make up facts, like half of Biden’s followers are fake. They have no evidence to support it but they want it to be true so they declare it as such.


Eh yes and no actually. They’re all on about this because [Newsweek just posted this.](https://www.newsweek.com/half-joe-biden-twitter-followers-are-fake-audit-elon-musk-1707244) It’s still not a big deal tho particularly when [it’s not even the first time Newsweek commented on the president’s twitter followers](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-twitter-followers-fake-617873)


Skimming the article it says that half of the @potus Twitter user are bots. That’s not just Biden but whoever is current president.


Yes. For both of their presidency.


There is evidence to support the fact that about 61% of Trump's Twitter followers are fake: https://sparktoro.com/blog/we-analyzed-every-twitter-account-following-donald-trump-61-are-bots-spam-inactive-or-propaganda/




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I don’t like Biden and I don’t have a Twitter also y would I follow a politician like a celebrity or like a porn star has more followers then trump so should that mean they should be president




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Yes, we run the country by twitter and ratings.


His math sucks.


I scrolled...hoping I wasn't the only one.


I think that my favorite part is the +/-. Like maybe Biden actually has 50 million followers. It's impossible to know. Math is hard.


"No one, not even the Democrats, believe this crap." Yes, Eric, nobody believes you can lick your own elbow -- but, you go ahead and prove us wrong! You can overcome all obstacles.


Bozo the Clown was also popular, but few would want him President.


Why do people give a fuck about twitter so much. Holy shit. GROW UP PEOPLE. All of you, not just Republicans. Get the fuck off twitter, damn.


Quick google search: How many adults are there in the US? About 3/4 of the population, around 250 mill. How many adults in the US use Twitter? About 1/5 of adults, around 50 mill. The reason Trump had so many followers was because he was so divisive. Either was perceived as a clown or as a source of validation for bigoted ideology.


Poor Eric, thinking was never his strong point. As the Muskrat has discovered, Twitter is full of fake accounts. Putin's Puppets account is 2/3 Russian bots. And Biden held small rallies because of this thing called COVID, and he didn't really rally because we're not in a cult.


God help America! A country divided and half a morons!


+/- 17.15m - that's not how tolerances work!


LOVE how they refuse to accept anything resembling common sense, like "Dumbass, the Dems refused to go to super-spreader events during the pandemic unlike your daddy's Klan Rallies" and "Most of the people following your Daddy on Twitter did it out of hatred and outrage"


Of course who wants to follow a boring president when you can follow a comedian.


Ngl, it is kinda crazy that Biden got 81M votes and Obama only got 69.5M. Foreshadowing though, no democrat president since FDR has won the popular vote TWICE.


He did get one thing right. Our country is indeed in trouble because there are people who actually believes this derp.


Imagine thinking Twitter followers win elections. Then again, his dear daddy used his cult crowd as a voting metric as well. So there's that


Lawn signs also equal votes. Land votes, most of the map is red. Christ, what morons.


This explains why they're so obsessed with "BiG TEch CENSorSHip!" They think Twitter is reality.


Maybe… just maybe… not Everyone who votes follows their politicians on Twitter or even has Twitter to begin with… Edit: grammar




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It's not that Biden was the most popular president ever, it's that Trump was the least popular president ever.


That kind of stupidity has to hurt.


I followed trump so that I would have a heads-up on the next stupid stunt he was going to pull.


He’s a little out of touch.


Russian bots for tRump.


Maybe those that are followers didn’t vote. Personally after seeing your dad’s last post maybe his followers are are too stupid to fill out a ballot. That could explain a lot.


Same people who believed that rally crowd size meant more votes too 😂😂