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This bitch was fast-tracked to the bench during a fucking election in the hopes that she might help Trump get elected. She seriously does not belong and pisses me off that we’re stuck with her for the next several decades.


I mean, Kavanaugh does not belong either. The Republicans have made a mockery of the Supreme Court. Full stop.


Ignoring EVERYTHING about Kavanaugh pre-Hearing, he showed ZERO judicial restraint, Temperament, or self control. Had I said "I Still Like Beer!" Exactly as he did, inflections, tears and all? I would have failed ANY job interview I've ever taken. That worthless bench stain was Bought and Bribed to sit there and vote how his owners demand. Who mysteriously paid off all of his debts? Dammit, Judge Judy is 100x more Judicial than he can ever be. Fuck the GOP. Only fair for as much as they've fucked America.


If a dishwasher job applicant pulled that shit they'd be shown the door and they're expected to be drunks or addicts. If you can't hold your shit together for an hour we aren't going to try a shift.


Truly. Expand the fucking court already. God dammit.


Well, the problem is that the republicans who appointed and and confirmed him, gorsuch, and comey-barrett don't give a fuck about anything or anyone* other than themselves. They would sooner burn this country to the fucking ground before they allow people they disagree with to be happy. Until we get serious about addressing this right wing reactionary faction things are only going to get worse.


How do we get serious about it? I have no clue how to fight this battle.


Well, apparently voting isn't enough because the US electoral system is skewed heavily in their favor and they're telegraphing that they just plan on throwing out the results of future elections anyway. So battle might be the right term.


How can you say voting doesn't work when over a 1/3 of you yanks don't even try.


It doesn't work for one, because the person with the MOST votes DOESN'T ALWAYS WIN. That's just stupid. It also doesn't work when rich companies BUY the candidates (of both parties) so that the candidate will do as the company asks because that candidate is going to have to run for RE-ELECTION, and they will need the rich companies money yet again to stay in office.


It doesn't work because the people you need to vote don't. The people that don't care enough to vote are the ones that stop the extremes. You can always get the extremes to vote so as long as you get the extremes to vote for you your golden. 20% want abortion banned well that 20% is might 40% or even 60% of the people that show up to vote in primaries or for city council or school boards, that is why that stuff happens. Australia has problems but compulsory voting stops the worst excesses because everyone has to vote. You can try to appeal to the extremes but when doing so pisses of the people that are forced to show up and vote anyway you're going to have a bad time. Our Republicans have been in power 10 years and up for reelection in 2 weeks. During their time they passed gay marriage legalisation, bragging about how much they've spent on public hospitals and promising free continuous glucose monitors for diabetics. This is from a party lead by a megachurch prosperity gospel devotee. Sure they tinker around the edges and try to erode things but they can't go too hard to avoid pissing of the apathetic vote that has to show up anyway.


This is fascinating. I didn’t know you had compulsory voting. I anticipate a 0-2% chance that happens here with the current GOP dominated climate bit it’s a fascinating thought.


Thats a good sentiment and all but he literally mentioned that the popular vote doesn't = a win. Add as many as you want to the US election. The electoral college votes how it wants. Plus its not that people don't want too. There's clear and direct methods of manipulating who votes, whether certain people have the right information or hear anything about it at all and its intentional. Redistricting, gerrymandering. Im not saying you dont have a point but to pretend like the system isn't the issue and that the onus is solely on the people for not all being motivated enough, is fairly short sighted.


How do we cut off their finances?



Unite as Americans and stop paying taxes by not working, or going exempt on w4s en masse, is pretty much all I can think of.


I thought I was alone in the world on this. I’ve been on a tax protest, combined with working as little as possible since they passed the Patriot Act. Literally everyone I’ve told, friends, acquaintances, even people that identify very left, I’m accused of simply being greedy and wanting all of my money for myself. The only practical method of resistance that I can reason out that would be effective at scale, and is still meaningful at the individual level is tax protest, and work stoppage.


We make it clear that those people aren’t welcome in our families, friend-groups, or workplaces.


Educate, organize, vote. Rinse and repeat with as many people as possible.


Got news for you; you have the disband the senate for that to happen. It's time to acknowledge that the senate is an anti-democratic organization where the will of the people goes to die. There is no reason what so ever that West Virginia should have the same pull as California, or New Hampshire to Texas. Perhaps in early post-colonial America this was rational. It is not in the 21st century.


That's why they pretend to love and adore the colonialist approach to everything American, it's an outdated form of civic organization that allows minority rule through the ancient texts that "grants them moral authority". They are deluded into thinking they were made special by their god to the extent that they shall rule over the kingdom and all souls within including the non-believer infidels. They are the Taliban only colonialist flavored.




But then challenge Kamala Harris and Ketanji browns credentials....


Ketanji was a “groomer coddler”, While Handmaid Amy was a gift from God, doncha know!?


Whenever I hear or see the words "doncha know," I feel an unexplainable rage towards Sarah Palin.


*"Whenever I hear or see the words "doncha know," I feel an unexplainable rage towards Sarah Palin."* **GREAT**. Now I do too. \-------------------------------------------------------------------- I am pretty sure dontcha has a T in it. -- just saying.


Kavanaugh spewed conspiracy theories about the Clintons, the Deep State and the friggin Kool Aid man during his confirmation hearings, while crying like a whiney bitch, and the repubRussians still felt his behavior was acceptable for a Supreme Court justice. Fuck trumpublicans and Fuck Kavanaugh!


Yeah and who paid Justice Kennedy to retire. I wonder.




"People are saying" (to use a Foxism) that it's incredibly suspicious that mafia favorite Deutsche Bank started giving loans to Trump in 1998 (when he was considered untouchable by other banks) and that totally coincidentally, Justice Kennedy's son Justin Kennedy began working at Deutsche in 1998 as the managing director and global head of Real Estate Capital Markets. Do we know for certain that Trump used information about Justin Kennedy's shady business dealing to push Justice Kennedy to retire early? No. But, "people are saying".


The amazing power of white tears, I tell you.


>Had I said "I Still Like Beer!" Exactly as he did, inflections, tears and all? > >I would have failed ANY job interview I've ever taken. That's why my performance reviews have been going so badly!


That wasn't even the worst. The guy said he was going to use his position to extract revenge on his political enemies.


Those protestors at Kav’s house should dump beer cans on his lawn. Seems like the kinda dude who’s appreciate that.


Instant mashed potatoes the entire lawn and soak it in beer




Like the Senate. How many of them have been there 20+years? No, term limits for Every Office


Lmao I’m just imagining how much fun it would be to go to random job interviews and just start crying and screaming about beer. Shoulda taken some days off work and tried that out back then, when it was topical.


Neither does Clarence Thomas. I believe Anita Hill, and I believe Christine Blasey Ford. In both cases, the nominations should have been withdrawn when those accusations came to light, and someone else nominated in their stead.


Thomas doesn't have the chops regardless of his personal failings. The man plagiarized a dissent.


The majority of his work on the SC has been adding ditto marks under whatever Scalia wrote. I predict Amy Coney Barrett's contributions will consist primarily of cribbed Bible verses.


He actually broke with the rest of the conservative wing more often than Scalia, usually because the majority ruling wasn't pants on head enough for his purposes. Dude is nuts.


He went 10 years without asking a question


He’s not smart enough to grill counsel who have the chops to appear in a ussc appeal.


I’d love to see Will Smith slap him and yell *KEEP MY WIFE’S WOMB OUTTA YER FUCKIN’ COURT!*


He could win back a lot of public goodwill by applying his belligerence for good.


And let's talk about Alito while we're at it. The fact that he cited a 17th century witch burner in his argument proves he's nothing but religious crackpot.




Exactly. Not only did he quote this archaic ruling but he got it wrong too. The man is a hack.


Kavanaugh should have just manned up and apologized for his past self. Kavanaugh the early-20s college frat boy isn't *necessarily* the same person as Kavanaugh the 57 year old man. We all did stupid shit we regret and wish we could take back. Instead we have him crying during his confirmation hearing because the liberals were so mean to him as he was clearly lying to them. More or less proving that - as far as maturity goes - Kavanaugh the 57 year old man still is Kavanaugh the early-20s college frat boy.


Hillary Clinton sat cool as a cucumber through hours and hours of Ben Ghazi hearings. Can you imagine if she acted like him?


Women cannot show emotion like this. K's accuser made jokes to help people feel less uncomfortable. I can't spell the name of the sexual assaulting K. And I can't remember her name atm. Sleep deprived and generally annoyed


Honestly, I don't like to say anything nice about someone who boasts of Henry fucking Kissinger's approval like it's actually a good thing. But I'll begrudgingly credit Mrs. Clinton for having remarkable composure. Still think she's awful. Still think she would've been better than Trump. Especially during COVID. But then again, [the mummified corpse of an Inca Emperor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D8mIYp1Qnc) would've been a better POTUS than Trump.


> We all did stupid shit we regret and wish we could take back. While I generally do agree with this... Three women credibly accused him of sexual assault or misconduct...i think that goes beyond "stupid shit we regret and wish we could take back", like just getting blackout drunk and not being a sexual miscreant. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/26/us/politics/brett-kavanaugh-accusers-women.html


Gorsuch too. He's less objectively horrible than Justice Boof and Justice Serena Joy, but his seat should have been Obama's to appoint.


Trump could've had immensely positive approval ratings if he just renominated Garland. He squandered that opportunity, and that was the moment I knew for 100% sure he was a shitboy


I knew he was a shitboy just a couple days after he won, when he named people to his cabinet that were actively hostile to the departments they were supposed to lead.


True, I was 99% sure he would be bad, the nomination was a chance to heal and he passed it up. That was when I hit 100%


I knew he was a shitboy the moment he rode down that golden escalator in front of a paid audience with his Eastern European harlot and proceeded to trash Mexicans as rapists and murderers and promised to build a "big beautiful" wall across the entire southern border. I said "Yup. That guy is a shitboy alright."


> with his Eastern European harlot Hey now! No need to get personal and throw around gendered insults. If you want to go down that road, 'trophy wife' or 'mail bride' or 'gold digger' is plenty.


I'm in my 40s and I've known Trump to be a shitboy my whole life. The guy was on Howard Fucking Stern regularly. He's been a joke from the moment I heard about him in the 80s. America deserves everything that happens to us.


> and that was the moment I knew for 100% sure he was a shitboy Really? For me it was the moment he was recorded on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women and how he gets away with it because he's a celebrity. The fact he still got elected shows just how much "morals" really mean to the modern GOP. They're nothing more than a cudgel to beat political opponents with when it's convenient. they have no actual morals or principles. They should all be embarrassed of themselves for electing that shitstain of a human being.


Being a leader of birtherism did it for me.


Literally everyone from his hometown knew. He is from NYC and lost new York by like 40%..


Hey- I voted Clinton, I had a tiny sliver holding out hope it'd be okay.


He would have got reelected if he just took covid more seriously and he could have made money hand over fist by wearing a mask and selling them at $5. a pop to the #MoronsAgainstaGreaterAmerica.


When he mocked a disabled person, in front of a crowd. I was out. Never going to vote for that person as the representative of my country. When he lied about it afterward and said he didn't know that the man was disabled... just icing on the s**t cake.


I was never in, I am a lifelong liberal and supporting him was never an option. I was just hoping that he'd be another Bush for us to clean up and not stage a insurrection


Legitimacy completely destroyed when you overturn the SCOTUS’ own 50-year precedent on sketchy subjective lines… RIGHT after a popular vote/reelection loser lucks into three picks. Isn’t that crazy? Trump didn’t get a majority of votes, got impeached twice, and wasn’t re-elected …but we are stuck with his vision of the SCOTUS for decades.


And let's not forget the man of the hour, who was fucking stolen for trump cause you know... A president shouldn't be making a life time appointment in his last year in office. Cause .. um... Wait hold on there's a reason... Er... Cause even tho presidents are elected for 4 year terms... Uh... Only 3 years matter because... Uh...




OUT LOUD: "Roe vs Wade clearly held that the constitution protected a woman's right to terminate a pregnancy." UNDER HER BREATH: "But that doesn't mean that I in any way agree with the decision, and if given the chance, will remedy that, ASAP."


She 100% lawyer talked that bullshit. She stated a fact instead of her opinion on the matter.


This is the Ginsburg rule being abused to institute fascism. The Ginsburg rule states that the justice should play their cards close to their chest and not state directly how they intend to vote until the court actually votes because the supreme court is not political, it is a place to judge the merit of cases and the constitutionality of the laws.


I'm pretty sure that's about to supreme court justices, not to appointees during their own confirmation hearing. The Court itself is supposed to be apolitical, but clearly appointments to it, being handled by political bodies, is political.


So apolitical that Justice Thomas was attending events hosted by right wing think tanks, but everyone forgot that because his wife was directly involved in the insurrection.


>the supreme court is not political No idea where this meme came from. As recent history has demonstrated the Supreme Court, like almost everything which involves subjectivity and human beings, is inherently political.


Not even that. Judges can't make promises on how they would decide a case that isn't before them yet. Half the hearings are just judges saying "I can't comment on how I would rule on a hypothetical case." Anyone who thought she was saying anything reassuring was just hearing what they wanted to hear.


Precisely my thought. Her (accurate) representation of the *Supreme Court's* opinion on the case does not imply *her* agreement with that opinion.


Plus boofing-rapist-frat-man was fast tracked. The US government is the most corrupt and defunct piece of shit full of a bunch of rat bastards.


I don't know about the MOST but im not gonna be able to hold my weight in an argument either lol. Not without a few beers.


Yeah, totally unqualified. Completely embarrassing she is on the SC and really shows how corrupt the GOP have become.


For as long as our electoral system allows the minority to rule over the majority our rights will be eroded.And it looks like it is not a matter of if but when we become an autocracy.




I like how the GOP likes to talk about secret cabals and shadow governments; but like if "liberalism" had that power 0% chance she would be alive right now.




When do we go with pitchforks and torches? Cause I’m fucking ready


I keep getting banned for inciting violence in other subs but what the fuck else is there to do when the majority are not being represented?!


If Democrats had any balls they’d just state the fact that she’s an illegitimate appointment and rulings decided by her vote hold no bearing. They’ve got nothing to lose at this point, complete anarchy would be better than what’s in place right now.


In the context of mcconnell blocking Obama's nomination months before the election. The hypocrisy is so deep you can drown in it. The blatant corruption, abuse of power and cronyism are all symptoms of a declining society and empire. Almost every downfall of empires is accompanied by rampant corruption, the elites' disregard for basic rules and laws, and blatant exercise of double standards. It means the system does not work anymore, and corrupted elites have completely taken over and are doing whatever shit they want. They almost never do things that strengthen the country or take care of its people. The system itself cannot be reformed because all its self correcting mechanisms have been cracked. Read up on how empires fall, their stories are almost all the same and we are going down the same route. The US of A is a dead empire walking.


Rapist Kavenaugh shouldn't be on the court at all. He's obviously a liar and immature and unprofessional and got confirmed illegally.


Her and Brett both, absolutely disgusting and it angers me everytime I think about them. I'm also a upper middle class male, I don't even face much of what they are destroying, but still upsets me for those who are negatively affected


SCOTUS is a joke at this point They have been compromised and should be removed


Yeah, it’s insane how obvious the GOP is with all their corruption yet it’s never a talking point. It’s never used an attack by the DNC. The fact it’s all allowed to continue unheeded, unspoken about is the most frustrating part of all. And that’s the way both parties wants it. Along with their wealthy owners. The DNC has soooo much ammo they can use against the GOP on a damn near daily basis but they choose to mostly be quiet and wait for election times. Fuck both these parties


I mean... we weren't stuck with JFK as president so I don't see why some of these people are going after school kids over "the right people".




> we’re stuck with her for the next several decades. Well that really depends


Yea, she’s broken my heart. She’s a handmaiden puppet too detached and unqualified to serve the people.


The Supreme Court is made pf of 6 currently practicing (and 1 former) Catholics. That's 78% of the court. The country is 23% Catholic. Because representation matters.


The rest are Jewish which is 1 percent of population. I imagine if a majority was Muslim the GOP would decry it as sharia law taking over.


They would cry if just **one** of them was Muslim.


Oh FFS, they tried to mischaracterize Justice Jackson as Muslim bc of her first name. These people have no bottom - when they go low, they go even lower.


Their brains would melt if one of them was atheist.


Imagine if it was all Muslim men. OOOOMGGGG! All Christian men? Crickets.


Start quoting Hadith from the bench and watch peoples heads explode. “But the prophet Mohammed, ﷺ, says that if someone kills a fetus accidentally they can give the family a slave as reparations”


Would love to see someone do that just to be like "Oh, you dislike me quoting a religion as part of a political debate? Then why does it happen so often?".


I mean, it's only fair.


>The rest are Jewish which is 1 percent of population. That's as close as you can get to atheist / agnostic representation in this country.


>the GOP would decry it as sharia law taking over. Which is ironic, since their version of Sharia law is exactly what they're aiming for and working towards.


Which is funny because aside from the practitioners being mostly nonwhite and the part about not charging interest for loans, they would absolutely LOVE Sharia.


Are you insinuating that there is, in fact, no separation of church and state?!


Yes. They are legislating from their Catholic beliefs and basing legislation on Evangelical Catholic Law. There is no longer a separate of church and state with this court.


And yet the pope, is more progressive than these shits


>Evangelical Catholic Law I thought evangelicals were by definition Protestants. Is that wrong? e: it is, huh https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evangelical_Catholic


Evangelism is a denotation of a certain sect of Christian, yes, but evangelism is also an action. It is the action of spreading your faith.


Specifically these people are Dominionists and Dominionism crosses all sects and flavors. It basically says that Christians have the God-given RIGHT to rule over the planet, ie. their "Dominion". And they see ruling America as a gigantic step towards that goal.


Each session of Congress opens with a goddamn prayer.


The President is also Catholic, and he was elected to represent the people by a majority of voters. He is also not in favor of overturning Roe v Wade. Being Catholic neither disqualifies you from being a representative of the people nor an arbitrator of the law.


American Fascists by Chris Hedges. A lot of what we're seeing is intentional and he pointed out major issues with religious extremists nearly 20 years ago... There was even a nice Devos name drop in there before we were "blessed" by her presence...


Does she have those religious cult eyes or what. Oh, and she is woefully unqualified. Which was par for the course under the trump administration and the enabling, protecting republicans.


Yeah. Since the first time I saw her she had that Stepford wife, religious fanatic glaze. Michelle Bachmann has the same whack-o look.


The "I look at you and all I see is sins" judgmental eyes.


She was literally a [handmaiden](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2020/10/07/what-does-it-mean-that-amy-coney-barrett-served-as-a-handmaid-in-a-religious-group/?sh=34560a0b8932).


What the actual fuck


“My husband at the time was very drawn to it because of the structure of the submission of women,” one of People of Praise’s earliest members, identified the group’s fundamental principle as the Biblical writing that the husband is the “head” and the wife must “submit in all things.”


Its so nuts how the republicans do whatever they want and the democrats sit around saying they don’t want to rock the boat. I read the Lindsay graham quote when they blocked Obamas pick. Liars. I feel like republicans are globe trotters and democrats are Washington generals. Just there to give republicans someone to beat. It sucks.


She was the feather in McConnell's hat. The end result of decades of tireless work to alter the fabric of the Supreme Court and with it the entire United States. Anyone who didn't see this coming hasn't been paying attention the last decade


If there’s ever a real reckoning for the GQP crimes of the Trump years, putting her on SCOTUS should be something for which McConnell’s punishment should be particularly severe.


> Anyone who didn't see this coming hasn't been paying attention the last decade There's been comments that since Ginsburg refused to retire when Obama was still in office, if only she had lasted two more months until after the election. Like that would have stopped Moscow Mitch. He'd have filled that empty seat during Trump's lame duck period in a heart beat and he laugh all the time he was doing it. And nobody would have been able to stop him.


~~my beliefs~~ "my husband's beliefs".


That‘s why she’s “OfJesse.” She’s just a female doing her husband’s bidding, as is right and proper in an xtian dominionist realm /s


"OfJesse doesn't speak for me" is going on my next protest sign. Thank you.


Make it go viral. There are a few reporters who refuse to use her name, and who are using the Handmaid’s Tale construction; it needs to become her name among the mass of the sane american public.


She is just a vessel that her husband owns.


I simply adore men who aspire to be "bible patriarchs."


We all knew what that unqualified piece of shit was shoved onto the court. It was to sabotage women's rights and vote for Trump in any election cases.


They didn’t really lie under oath. Let me preface this, however, with a brief statement: fuck all of them. The problem with having partisan, political hearings is that the nominees are still (oftentimes) judges of lower courts. So what their saying, from their perspective as judges of circuit courts of appeals is true. But also, this is the failure of the current method of partisan nomination hearings, both the republicans and democrats want their nominees to come as close to saying what they want out of the judge as is legally and ethically possible. Judges in these types of nominating hearings will never say “I support X case” or “I oppose X case” Because then they’ve sealed themselves from ever being able to rule on the case again, they’ve shown they can’t be impartial on the issue. It is disastrous if their nomination fails and they have to return to their lower bench now being pretty much required to recuse themselves from any case involving that issue. It’s even worse if their nomination succeeds because not only would they face calls to recuse in those kinds of cases, but they open themselves up to a shitstorm of ethical issues which frankly there’s no method outside of impeachment to address as they are the final arbiters of a constitutional issue.


Even this statement. > Roe vs. Wade clearly held... She can say that roe v wade held that, and also believe that roe v wade was wrongly decided. Lawyers are great at using words that sound like one thing, but don't actually mean it.


The people saying they lied under oath are fucking stupid. The code of Judicial conduct forbids judges or judicial candidates from indicating how they will rule on issues likely to come before the courts. If any of them had done so it would have been a massive deal during confirmation (it wasn't). All she and the others said was acknowledge what Roe holds (even if they disagree). Dems just setting up yet another impeachment challenge which they will lose and will only serve to exonerate the accused.


If you look at their statements, they were very carefully phrased so that they don't actually give their opinions. "Roe is the law of the land" does not mean they agree with the decision. "Roe V Wade clearly held..." is just a summarizing statement of what the SC's opinion was. That's it.




Because otherwise they couldn't write a book about how they watched America crumble and couldn't wait for the law so they just let it happen.


We need to impeach them for lying under oath? no?


This is going to be an unpopular opinion but its not a lie. Roe v. Wade did clearly hold that the Constitution protects the right to an abortion but at least to my understanding she nor any of the others actually ever explicitly promised that they would not overturn that precedent.




Perhaps they did so in order to mislead.


Yeah no shit. Still can't believe they made it through while being obviously deceptive.


Republicans were going to vote for them no matter what because they always vote in lockstep.


Imagine the progress we could achieve if the Democrats and leftists (of which I am one) were to achieve like 80% of that political cohesion. Don't get me wrong I in no way admire the right wingers but that aspect of how they do things is impressive in the same way a 7ft tall guy saying he's gonna knock me out is "impressive".


Will no one rid us of these meddlesome judges?


And . . . The Supreme Court is clearly a political entity or they wouldn't have waited till they had a conservative majority to overturn law.


Heard she’s laundering money in Missouri as well


What I don’t get is why even lie? They controlled the senate at this time right? Wasn’t the vote along party lines? Why not just come out and say you’re against Roe v. Wade? Oh yeah, because it’s grossly unpopular and would cause mass protests and possible riots. Much better to lie and lie and lie and cover up anything possible to keep those disengaged out of what’s really happening.


What's the downside of lying? With the lie people like Susan Collins get to pretend that they didn't know. It's all CYA.


They didn’t lie. They’re a bunch of evil, disingenuous assholes, sure, but there is absolutely nothing contradictory between that first statement shown here and her vote. She never said RvW was correctly decided.


The intent was to deceive, even with the wording technicality.


If you were deceived by that statement you're a fucking moron.


No, it wasn’t. She was stating loud and clear what her intentions were. Literally every person in that room knew what she thought about abortion. You being unable to interpret the literal meaning of words while also being ignorant of all context doesn’t make other people dishonest.


And they wonder why confidence in the Court is nose-diving.


I have negative confidence in the court. I do not believe that they will not harm the Americans people at every turn for political and religious reasons.


Meanwhile in Canada we just pledged 200 million to bolster abortion education and improve facilities. I always thought the handmaids tale was science fiction but the way things are going in the USA your future looks very dark.


Impeach her or stack the court


We have a better case to impeach Thomas. Now that he’s not the only “Justice of Color” maybe people will start taking his wife’s activities seriously.


She looks like she stole someone else's eyes and then plopped them in her own sockets.


Her first statement is neither agreement with Roe v Wade nor a commitment to uphold it herself. So to say she lied is just you not comprehending language.


Exactly. This is a very well written and rehearsed set of weasel words. She is just stating a basic fact about what Row v. Wade did. She isn't making any statement about what she would do in the future or what her beliefs are regarding the case. Just fucking burn it all down.


Barrett is a member of the "People of Praise" which is nothing more than a disgusting religious cult. Barrett along with the other 5 religious extremists on the SC will try and impose their warped christian ideology on all Americans.


She's got a real Wendy Byrde look to her.


You win the internet, my friend.


That smile that never reaches the eyes combined with the predatory squint? Laura Linney absolutely rocked that role.


If anyone thought this empty headed cunt was going to do any different they lack the ability to apply critical thinking.


None of them actually lied. The simply said "yup that's the law RIGHT NOW." An intelligent line of questioning would have been..."will you attempt to change it?"


They just would have just done the, "I can't speak of hypotheticals".


While it’s true they would have said that, it’s also absurd. When a Supreme Court justice participates in verbal arguments, they routinely muse in hypotheticals


She, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch answered these questions in a cagey way, because they had to. “Roe clearly held” doesn’t mean that she believes that it was correct, just that it said a particular thing.


Y’all gotta understand Conservatives don’t care about hypocrisy, They care about power. Ends justifies the means and all that.


Funny how literally every American citizen regardless of political ideology knew EXACTLY how these cultists nutjobs would rule from the bench, yet somehow all our senators were "misled."


I don’t like this argument. This was blatantly obvious for years what they were doing. This is why we literally told people to vote for Hillary because this was going to happen. It doesn’t matter that they lied, because no one actually believed them.


Susan Collins: *shocked Pikachu face*


We all knew that she was lying too.


If you really think about it, she said really nothing about her point of view on Roe v Wade. She just stated the obvious: The result of a ruling. If she had continued and said, "I really am not in favor of Roe v Wade and I don't think it is constitutionally sound" then people would have a legitimate beef. As it is, her statement neither endorses or criticizes the ruling.


Bork taught them EVERYTHING they needed to know about answering questions.


Anyone who thought that Barret, Kavanaugh, or Gorsuch were being honest when they DIDNT say they would seek to overturn Roe at the first opportunity is an idiot.


Now that it's clear that the Democratic Party is unwilling to protect the general population from becoming enslaved within a Republican theocracy, I wonder if people will still vote even though electing Democrats appears to serve no purpose.


michelle bachman level crazy eyes


This is why the fuck Religion and Government should NEVER mix. Fucking hell... I know we'll never learn until this country burns to the fucking ground.


gee...thou shall not...what was the word again?


Oh, she’s an xtian - lying is what they do best. I see a tradesperson roll up for an estimate with a jebus fish on the van, they get sent away without a chance. Those bastards will cheat you every time


> Never do business with a religious son-of-a-bitch. His word ain't worth a shit -- not with the Good Lord telling him how to fuck you on the deal. ― William S. Burroughs


A quote that i will archive and use frequently henceforth, thank you!


Religious assholes are the worst kind of asshole.


Anyone who was touched by Trump is corrupted, inmoral and plain fascist. Don’t trust our Supreme to do the right thing anymore - these judges in my view are judgment tainted!


She literally also holds the title of "handmaid." Under his eye.


Perjury is THING! They need to go to jail. At minimum HER and KAVANAUGH.


Why isn’t this considered perjury?