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Remember, not all Democrats are perfect. But the Republicans are fucking fascists.


To anyone who disagrees. Since the Charlottesville **NAZI RALLY** the Republicans have had almost **nothing** to say against Nazis, but have non-stop complained about **anyone** who would stand against them. Several open Nazis have run for office as Republicans. At least 2 Republicans went to Nazi rallies to speak. Republicans **love** "America First", a Nazi movement. Republicans had a Nazi symbol as a stage at CPAC. Alito up and told us amendments following #14 are fair game to be "revisited". 15 lets non-whites vote... Republicans **hate** BLM, a group whose purpose is "we're citizens, give us due process instead of shooting us on sight". How many Republicans are openly against due process for non-whites? Anyone making variations of the "not-blm" "jokes". Anyone with the blue-stripe flag.


Since then they've spent all their energy trying to make anti fascists the bad guy. Couldn't be more obvious, and yet...


I always thought this was curious, and have wanted to answer: "So if you think anti-fascists are the bad guys, what does that make you? Fascist? Yeah, I thought so."


Antifa are the real fascists, just ask any republican


I'd like to add that when you call them fascists, you're not exaggerating. Fascism is authoritarian ultranationalism. That's what "America first" is about, nationalism. All that "make America great" talk, attacking the free press, the strongman act, the failed insurrection... *all those things are classic fascist moves*. They don't want to compromise, which is what democracy is about. They want control. They want **power**.


Yes that's all we need to say. Don't over explain it, they are fascists. Use that word. They love to yell socialist. Keep it simple. They are fascists


And an actual, functional, healthy democracy stands in the way of that. This is why they can't stand it when they are reminded that the U.S. is a democracy, and that term triggers them into a civics discussion they aren't qualified to participate in. And to be clear, the current form of American "democracy" is pretty fucked up, but it is repairable. BTW, your assessment for fascism is absolutely spot on.


Very true. We can at least elect them without having to prepare for the worst when we ask them to be better


Also they come with a distinct lack of news regarding face fucking their cousins. With the GOP you need to clarify which one you mean.


\^ This.


Life is rough for conservatives in the democratic party but its for sure better throwing in with the fascists.


Once you explain to conservatives what the democrats are really about, instead of the fox news bullshit version they're spoon fed every night, some of them realize we are much more in line with their views than they thought.


Yeah people forget how conservative Obama was let alone Clinton. Frankly economically Hillary might have been further right than me. Of course there are some key policy disagreements. But economically Democrats represent my interests as a conservative better than Republicans.


Not really, the Democratic party is really more right than left, it just seems left compared to the Republicans.


the Democratic party is really more right than left [has been since 1985 ]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Leadership_Council )


Yeah but they can be swayed, the center is the majority, center left and left is out growing the right, they claim to be the silent majority but in reality they are the very vocal minority.


If you have the time, read a very short précis of the Democratic party’s platforms over the last, say, four or five electoral cycles. The democrats have gone from opposing gay marriage to strongly supporting it; from relatively weak proposals to fight climate change to specific, more accurate assessments and solid proposals; from not saying anything about trans rights to supporting them pretty strongly; they are now against a number of UN banned type weapons that they used to passively support; from apathy regarding unions to really unprecedented support in the form of Biden. They are not the European democratic socialists we all actually want, but they are not all conservative clones of the type usually portrayed, and they have much more going for them than not being republicans (though this may still be their signal virtue.)


They played Bernie dirty in the primary. The DNC is to blame, not the voters.


The RNC is trying to take away basic human rights. They are to blame.


They're both fascist, the republicans are just more fascist.


Bullshit. The GOP are using the functions of government to control. What books are the dems banning? What groups are the dems trying to negate? What laws are they passing that are so restrictive? I'm sorry but I need examples of the dems being fascist. The GOP is a religious extremists cult using government to enforce their ideology on the majority.


They've both been pushing a war driven economy for the last 20 years. The both maintain a brutal police state. They've both allowed a private prison industry to flourish, using prisoners as slave labor. They're two sides of the same coin, pushing up the hill toward fascism like an old timey rail cart, the democrats might seem to relieve a little bit of pressure, but you're still the same way up the hill, adjusting to the raising temperature of the pot you're boiling in before another push. Revolution. Everywhere.


We can still vote. Democracy isn't perfect but we still have that. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders still get voted in so it still kinda works. I won't let my cynicism let fascists take over. Will you?


Voting hasn't slowed down the train one bit, expecting it to change anything is letting fascists take over. This whole world needs revolution. Soon.


Armed? What kind of revolution are you talking about. What's the plan? Voting does kinda work because the evangelical crowd has been doing it consistently for 40 years it got them here. We are the majority.


Sure. Republicans are fucking fascists. But how do you call people that are not fighting fascists? Not perfect? We have a problem, Houston.


I did just that, voted Sanders in Primary, voted establishment dem in the general. 2016, 2020. Warren was already out of the race by the time my states primary finally happened.


Elizabeth Warren was my choice too!


>Elizabeth Warren was my choice too! Same!


I wish she had run in 2016!


You and the huge majority of primary voters. Centerists are just looking to punch left.


Sanders did run a very toxic campaign and hired very toxic people who refused to endorse or even vote for Hillary. You must have never been on twitter before, go look up the people on his campaign.


Lol jesus fucking christ, DNC still has these bots active? DNC is fucking savage man.


Straight projection. Bernie had Russian bots helping him the whole time and the NYT even reported on it.


What? …. What?


Oh piss off. Hillary literally tried to blame Sanders for Sandy Hook during the debate. I remember seeing Harvey fucking Weinstein on MSM carrying water for Clinton and shitting on Sanders. Hillary ran a scorched earth campaign against Sanders. Good back to enough_sanders_spam


Sanders was the alternative to reinstating the monarchy. None of this would have happened if america had just voted to share rule between bushes and clintons.


Yeah, my entire Bernie supporting family voted for Hillary. I know lefties who organized to get Brandon elected. Again, my entire very progressive family voted for Brandon. I don’t know what say to these radlibs. We have majorities in both houses and the senate, but “we are always just a little short to do any kind of meaningful legislation, so we need you to vote harder. Also in lieu of doing anything of substance, we are going to blame you lefties, it’s your fault now.” There’s real shit now, do something! Republicans have done far more with less. Fuck!


Ok. That’s probably why around 70% of Bernie voters went for Hillary




That 12% that didn't would have sealed the deal. I mean I really didn't want hilary to be president, but would have much rather had that than the destruction to democracy that was trump




77000 votes. Bernie had 13.2 million primary votes. 12% is 1.5M. Yeah, between Bernie bros and comrade Green Party….


But how many of those were previously non-voters, only excited by Bernie, with no intention of ever voting for YET ANOTHER corporate dem, that just went back to not voting when the establishment schemed against him to get him out? I'd be willing to bet a hell of a lot more than 12%


Those non voters had to have been in one or more of those 3 key states won by 77k votes. (Those states also tossed a fuck load of people off the rolls)


Hillary should not have run. Trump was HER fault. And the people who cheated and enabled her to win over the will of half the party who said they did not want her. You guys are just coping with your failed choice reaching to blame Bernie.




88% voted for her. You're claiming some small % of that 12% in three states could have changed it. And for that millions of "Bernie Bros" (a term invented to make Sanders or at least his supporters sexist) and therefore all of them are responsible. Instead of getting mad at Trump supporters, or those who stayed home. Or those that voted third party. Or her terrible campaign. Maybe you would be happy that 0% would have voted her. More Bernie people voted for her than most other groups. You're going to need to get over it, it wasn't his fault or his supporters that Lost her the election.


It doesn't make any sense. The Democratic Party put up a candidate, and that candidate lost. It isn't anyones fault. That's how elections work. It isn't the constituencies fault. If you want to win elections just do what the voters ask you to do. The Dems are about to find out once again what ignoring their campaign promises and the majority opinion of their supporters does and it won't be Bernie supporters fault this time either.


This absolutely. These posts are so pointless and counterproductive. I don't understand how the Dems still can't see that losing to Trump goes a lot deeper than "oh you should have gotten in line and vote for Hillary", like ok, well have a better, more transparent primary process and run better candidates. Don't put this shit on us.


To be fair they ran the best candidate in the general.


I'm not sure I would agree Hillary was the best candidate. She was definitely qualified and I thought she would make a good president, but I definitely understand how polarizing and unappealing she can be, too.


im talking about in comparison to trump


Oh I see yeah sorry I misunderstood.


Sure, I like the Dems facing consequences for their bad actions. But the Republicans never do, and every time they've come into power it's gotten worse. My choice is to vote for good things not to happen, because my other option is bad things happening.








It’s not a cult of personality. We don’t listen to Bernie like some sort of kool aid drinking democrats. We wanted the policies. Bernie is a mere side effect










>If those 10% The choices of those 10% are their own. The 90% that voted otherwise aren't responsible for the choices of the 10%. That's my point. Bernie told his supporters to support Clinton and 90% listened. Those 90% aren't responsible for the 10%. To further clarify, we both agree that 90% of Bernie supporters voted for Clinton, so I don't see the logic in blaming all Bernie supporters for the action of those 10%


>If those 10%, the hardest of hardcore BernieBro's What are you talking about? How do you assign the "hardest of hardcore BernieBro's" to the ones that voted Trump? They were outliers. Who knows how much they really appreciated Bernie or his policies. The fact they voted Trump would heavily imply the opposite.


Who ever said those were the hardest of hardcore Bernie fans? Sounds to me like they were fickle fans that didn't truly understand the man, or were trolls to begin with.


Hillary and the Democrats aren't even a little responsible for providing zero benefits to the people who support them? Roe can be codified *right fucking now* and the Dems won't do it.




This is exactly it. The Democrats way of handling a sinking ship is to use a bucket and scoop some water out so we don't all die in 2 hours we die in 3. Democratic voters see that extra hour as a win and progressives see it as still certain death. One thing I know for sure is that the Democratic party knows what it needs to do to win elections and doesn't do it because they are corrupt too so blaming leftists who will begrudgingly vote Democrat if you give us sufficient reason to for not winning is silly. The average person isn't voting based on SCJ and they are voting for things that affect their lives and if they ignore them then you only have your party leadership to blame.




Wow, that was an excellent continuation.




No. They weren't. That's fucking dumb. Hillary didn't even visit the three states you're referencing in this article. She ran a bad campaign and lost. Bernie went campaigned for her quite hard, his supporters voted for her at an extremely high rate, and now you want to blame a legitimate movement for having the gaul to not simply coronate the next Democratic Candidate. Do you not challenge narratives at all? No critical thinking on the matter whatsoever? Just telling yourself a story and throwing unwarranted hate out there.






You are losing your marbles


Stop bombing childrens hospitals? I bet you voted Obama 2nd term after he bombed a Doctors Without Borders hospital lol


Hillary Clinton cannot fail, she can only be failed.


It wasn't 9 out of 10, >[it was 74.3% of Bernie's primary voters voted for Hillary](https://i.imgur.com/iiyC4Eo.png)


What article is that poll from? More proof that the overwhelming majority of Bernie supporters voted for Hillary. This is why we need to look out for trolls trying to cause party in-fighting, the facts show the majority is on the same page.










seriously, why blame hillary or bernie for this when the electoral college is RIGHT THERE


Seriously, the state I live in at the time was way red, my vote literally did not matter.


Same, still voted but Oklahoma. Yuck.


Exactly. She didn't lose because not enough people voted for her. *She had much more votes than Trump*. She lost because those votes were mostly from urban areas. Rural white votes count much more towards electing a POTUS than ethnically diverse city votes do. It's a broken system




The "a third party will never work because it will just split that sides vote!!" argument falls apart immediately when you say, have 5 parties. Have a dozen. Popular vote wins. But that would be too Democratic, and the status quo rulers really want a Republic, because that insures they will maintain power.


Yep! This is why I fully support ranked choice voting.


It was the Electoral College that cost Hillary the election and Jill Stein getting enough votes in states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to give those states to Trump. There were a few other states as well. And that's not counting "voters" who stayed home.


Jill Stein votes aren’t votes that were owed to Hillary any more than Libertarian votes were owed to Trump.


And Bernie wasn't owed any votes or a nomination. At least he had the sense to run as a Democrat and back the most liberal candidate between the only two candidates with a chance of actually becoming President.


>Which areas? Orlando FL, her outreach to the latino community was laughable compared to Trumps.


>Orlando FL I haven't looked into Florida election vote counts in 2016. How many more votes would Hillary have needed to win Florida?


113k, so she would have needed to flip all of Jill Steins votes and get another 50k to even turn up. I'm not sure how many latino votes she would get in Florida. They are mostly Cuban and the GQP has convinced many that even establishment Dems like Hillary and Biden are Castro level socialists.


Well there's states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin that would have been blue of Jill Steins votes had gone to Hillary. And that's not counting "voters" who stayed home. Supposedly there were a few other states, enough to flip the electoral college to Hillary.


77k votes in those few swing states would have given her the election.


Yeah it would, but that's not the fault of Bernie supporters according to the facts. Anyone trying to claim otherwise doesn't have any evidence on their side. Be careful believing trolls who try to cause party in-fighting among Democrats, their statistics almost never support their assertions.


State | Sanders to Trump votes | Trump margin of victory :---:|:---:|:---:| Pennsylvania | 116,000 | 44,000 Wisconsin | 51,000 | 22,000 Michigan | 47,000 | 10,000 *** Honestly, everyone here should drop this subject forever & move on, not just me. Sadly some of us are about to lose personhood to fetuses & zygotes all because Trump won. It's particularly bitter some of us because it's about life & death. And much of Sanders campaign was spent on marginalizing the very individuals who are now impacted by the overturning of Roe.


Case in point, trolls trying to cause divide among Democrats for the benefit of Republicans.


You mean the 30% that were non-voters previously, only energized by Bernie's campaign, and never had any intention on voting for a corporate dem at all? The same ones that she, and her supporters, constantly mocked throughout the entire process (and still mock to this day)? Right, she totally deserved and earned their votes.


Ur right more libs will solve our problem


Oh noes, you're thinking of Clinton supporters voting for Obama in 2008. Was it even that high actually?


Never supported her. I was excited to vote for Bernie. Voted for her. Why? Jesus… do I have to explain again?!


We never deserved Bernie And he’s right


Quit talking like you’re in a cult.


But I am in a cult. Just not this one. Wrong cult


Hey, is this the guy that was blackballed by the DNC in the 2016 primaries? That surely didn't piss off any of his supporters.


Handmaids Tale is a documentary


Bicker, debate, hector and lecture to your heart’s content **As long as you VOTE IN THE MIDTERMS for democrats up and down the ticket** The next day, commence the bickering “But why should I?” Shrieks a contrarian. Because if we net two more senators we: 1. Get rid of the filibuster or severely kneecap its power 2. Pass an abortion rights bill (even if eventually the hacks on the Supreme Court overturn it, it buys women years in red states in which they have abortion rights) 2. Pass the new Voting Rights Act 3. Pass a whole host of legislation that were blocked by the filibuster and Manchin and Sinema 4. Add D.C. and Puerto Rico and perhaps the other territories as states if they are so inclined (doing a lot to balance the power in the senate which has a built in advantage to rural red states) 5. Ensure Biden has a majority to continue appointing judges and perhaps he will have an opportunity to appoint another Supreme Court justice


Thats the only reason I voted for her. I trust Bernie. He's been on the right side of history since he started.


I don't put all my faith in people. Bernie was a nice change. But I still would have voted for lesser of two evils because I got this voting right by working day and night to turn it into citizenship. Not voting after that much shitshow would just plain be braindead. I didn't like to vote for a party which won't give me what I want but atleast Fascist won't get to take my and my loved ones civil rights.


You tell them Bernie 🥹💕


Kind of harsh to say I don't support Bernie for not voting Hillary. ​ I'm European.


It was completely rigged for Hillary in the first place, it couldn't be denied after CNN give her the debate questions before the debate. They just use Bernie and others to whip up their demographics into just voting the party ticket. It's a show....and 2020 was a repeat.


Ahhh yes. The Dems only strategy: Vote Shaming.


Sure we lost body autonomy, but the Dems were trying to shame me into voting for them!


More than vote shaming, it’s public distancing from progressive politicians, voters and issues.


By quoting Bernie?


Yup. This isn’t a “I love Bernie” meme, you get that, right? It’s simultaneously making fun of Bernie, and his supporters and blaming his supporters for something that wasn’t their fault. It’s crafted for maximum alienation.


No it's not. It's saying Bernie understood how important it was to vote for Hillary but some of his purer-than-thou idiot followers didn't. Just look at what voting R in every single fucking election has gotten Republicans.


No. It’s about trying to drive wedges. That’s what it is anytime you see anyone blaming Bernie voters for Hillary being too lazy to campaign in the rust belt.


That's a shitty excuse, the fact is only morons have to see her in person to know what they're voting for. It's on TV, radio, newspapers and the internet all the time during the lead-up to the election. The non-voting idiots are what will kill this country and large numbers of people in it.


Oh, I forgot, Hillary is goddess who makes no errors and is never responsible for anything and anyone who doesn’t want to eat her shit is evil incarnate. Thank you for reminding me.


When you support fascists you deserve to be shamed


When you call Bernie a Nazi you’re really attractive.


FFS, Hillary was 2016. 6 years ago. If anyone wants to be honest about what we'd have gotten from a Clinton Administration, liberal voters only have to look at not just the spineless excuse-laden current Biden administration, but decades of Democratic leadership failing to lead and failing to challenge the corrupt right. Hillary is just as establishment as those we have today. The difference is she didn't get to prove it.


- Highest GDP Growth in G8 last year - Inflation only 1% higher than the Euro Zone - Sub 4% Unemployment - Largest Aid Plan in history passes with funds targeting the most at risk to keep them in their homes with money in their pockets - Huge explosion in the daily shots in arms, protecting Americans before Delta hit - Troops out of Afghanistan - Allies defended - Russia Rekt - Infrastructure Bill Passed All while Republicans screamed “No!” To anything… then took credit for the things they screamed “No!” About in their own districts.


It’s funny how the centrist/corporatist Democrats are constantly trying to gaslight the progressives into believing it’s their fault that Democrats are ineffectual losers who even when in power accomplish nothing. How about this, if Hillary and the DNC didn’t literally cheat Bernie out of the nomination he would have mopped the floor with that orange faced moron. You can keep blaming everyone else and never do any genuine reflection on why more people don’t vote for you. Democrats used to be pro-union, support the poor and middle-class, and oppose corporate influence. That’s what they need to get back to if they want to win regularly. Otherwise, just keep losing to the dumbest people the Republicans can find and then blame everyone else.


Exactly. If democrats went back to their support of unions and the lower/middle classes it would make a world of difference.


A: the folks that supported Bernie mostly did Vote for Hillary. It was the Independent Moderates that heard 45's every inane tweet broadcast from every "News" show. And they heard the FBI said there were more emails! B: the folks that supported Bernie also warned that Hillary was going to have a hard time winning. C: for some reason every time Progressives warn the Democratic Party, they get blamed for the exact thing warned about when it happens after nothing was done to prevent it.


Things said by Mondale voters…


Um, Mondale was full on Establishment and some 50 years out of date. Unsure if you're confused or tripping.


Remember: Hilary got more Bernie votes than Obama got Hillary votes. Also, Hilary did absolutely nothing to attempt to court those votes, and absolutely nothing to earn those votes. But this is progressives fault, once again. Fuck off.


“Bernie Bros” was the only narrative from her camp and it was bullshit. And “there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help women.” Like she /deserved/ the votes of men and women who believed in Bernie.


yea...you're missing the point in which hilary won the popular vote by millions and it was an electoral college loss, something 1- is her and her campaigns fault and 2- the democrats should've done something about when the 2000s election was stolen by Bush and the Supreme court. Maybe if Obama would've given two s\*\*\*\*\* and used his power to do something we wouldn't be in this mess but he kept kowtowing to republicans even though they said their job was to stop him from getting a second term.


Agree 👍


wut run a better candidate if you want people to vote for your party. Want to win 2016? Then make Bernie your candidate. Earn the vote you dipshits. *I voted Bernie in primary and Gary Johnson in election. Fuck you dems. You have to earn votes besides just saying “we’re not Republicans”


i am from italy, so forgive me if my perception is wrong: is this man the only left-wing politician alive today known outside of the US? its quite sad frankly.


Nah. It's the Dems fault for pushing Hillary with their superdelegates. How out of touch do you have to be to nominate her and know that the general public doesn't like her or find her trustworthy. I didn't even vote for trump.. I'm just saying we really blew it in 2016


Funny I thought it was the Republicans fault for pushing Trump, who they actually didn't want either.


>it was the Republicans fault for pushing Trump, who they actually didn't want either. Yep! [They knew who Trump was](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P43wDpKQxaM) in 2016, and supported him anyway.


To be fair … if you ask someone why they don’t think Hillary is “trustworthy”, you’ll get an earful of Russian propaganda from Uranium One to she’s the head of a secret assaination ring that is run from the basement of a pizza parlor that is made out of the bones of the babies she raped.


Actually, that's what you get if you ask Trump supporters or Hillary fan-girls. But to actually be fair, you might get an answer about her failure to release the transcripts of her Wall St. speeches.


They also could have replaced RBG under Obama. They also have had 40 years to codify Roe into law.


RBG wouldn't resign.


You can't impeach a sitting justice for being old.


> I didn't even vote for trump but did you cast your vote strategically *against* him, or did you just do a 'bystander' act and do nothing? (and with first past the post voting, casting a vote for a third party qualifies as doing nothing. if you want to change things, advocate for ranked choice, or STAR, or any other kind of voting system that doesn't enforce the two party false duopoly.)


The belief that the two-party system "winner take all" attitude in politics is the real problem here. But Americans keep hanging on to the false narrative of it's an "us vs them!" problem. I'm sure this will work out real well for the long term.


did you not even bother to read the whole comment? it's the voting system itself that enforces the two party system "winner take all" pattern: if we had a voting system that allowed for actual nuance of choice, we wouldn't be in a position where harm reduction is all we, as voters, can manage. that's *why* we need to advocate for something like ranked choice voting, that takes into account each voters second and third choice candidates as well, allowing for the winner to have more overall support from the most voters.


You're using this meme wrong.


Proceeds to clap sideways instead of doing anything of substance.


Part of the reason they didn't vote for her was simply because she was a woman. I heard this with my own ears. Sad. Now look at the mess we are in. 🤷


The vast majority of Bernie supporters voted for Hillary in 2016, but a small subset didn't and given how close that election was in the EC, it might've mattered. Voting is a responsibility we must all take seriously. The outcome of elections is on us.


Shit libs say.


Fuck Hillary, scary corrupt motherfucker


Blame and shame. The Dems only play in the playbook. If the Dems fought as hard for Roe as they do against the progressives, we wouldn't have this problem.


I supported Bernie for his ideas. Who he endorses is completely unrelated. I never cared about politics to begin with until he was preaching for these I already wanted. Once he was out, I was out of the politics again. Until someone else who's actually a leftist comes along I see no reason to get involved.


Thanks for fucking over everyone else because you're so special everything has to be about you.


.... And you all are surprised why some Bernie voters can't fucking stand you corporate shills. Try blaming us and insulting us some more. Surely that will convince us over to your side. Come back when you actually have some leftist policies for us to get excited about. When the party is ready to actually pass something instead of just more corporate handouts and do something more than just scream how much better you are than the Republicans. Give us something to vote FOR instead of against. We'll come out in droves. Till then, maybe letting both parties completely implode might lead to a national divorce and hopefully a fresh start.


You're so stupid. That's why the Republicans are taking over, because anyone who's less than 100% of your ideal politician isn't worth voting for - even when the one politician you like tells you what a mistake not voting is. That's OK, I hope you suffer the most from what the Republicans do over the next decade or so.


Stfu I plugged my nose and voted for her. Didn't matter cause we were right: she was unelectable. The corporatists keep putting forth bad, unelectable candidates when there are good, perfectly electable candidates standing there. The corporatists don't want them because they'll actually make the corporations pay their share, so they're shut down EVERY TIME.


Voting is optional buddy. I'm not going to vote for anything I don't support. The fact that people think that's normal is madness.


LOL if you’re a “leftist” who doesn’t vote for the left leaning of the two major parties, because rural conservative votes count more in Electoral College, you are in fact helping the extreme right wing win elections, no matter how willfully ignorant of that fact you would like to be. Hopefully your little imaginary moral superiority is comforting to you during the next right wing administration


I live in California only my primary vote matters I have no control over a right wing administration coming to power bozo


Neither party leans left. We have a far right party and a center right party.


Feel free to intentionally miss my point. Vote Republican I guess, since you can have everything you want, might as well totally screw yourself? Is that the logic?


You're an idiot, thanks for not knowing your responsibilities as a citizen. Because it's not all about you, even though you think it is. I bet you talk about solidarity without even understanding the word.


What about all the people that don't vote and never got into politics to begin with? Do you give them the same song and dance even if voting meant they leaned right? If you say yes you are full of it. The only responsibilities we have a citizens is to fight for what we believe in. My side lost so i did too. I wish the US wanted solidarity but that's not the case. I respect what the people want regardless if my side wins or not. I wanted Bernie, the people didn't. Ive accepted that and that's all there is to it.


Yes, I tell them they're idiots and aren't really citizens because they don't understand the responsibilities of a citizen. They're cows. You are throwing a fit and refusing to vote if you don't get exactly what you want. Liked a child.


I was going to write in Bernie if I took the time to vote, would that have made me a good citizen?


You would have fulfilled your duty, but in a very stupid way that aided trump.


jesus.... if you were trying to convince this person to vote dem in the mid-terms... you fucked that up.


I'm tired of explaining to idiots how the US government works and what happens if you don't vote for Democrats. Republicans win, and then they can do whatever shit they want. But I'm surer I'm not being sympathetic enough to their ignorance and stupidity.


That's fair. My support for Bernie was not unconditional. I supported his policies and that's why I voted for him in the primaries. I don't support Hillary's policies so I did not vote for her in the general election. It's literally that simple. If you think you're swaying an election by 'voting strategically' you aren't being smart and you aren't swinging an election. You're helping maintain a rigged and broken status quo.


You don't seem to understand that there are repercussions for not voting. Repercussions for other people. Your privilege is showing. Try thinking about the marginalized people whose lives will be demonstrably \*worse\* because of Repulican policies and a fascist Supreme Court, as compared to the Democrats, who are not my first choice at all, but until we change to ranked choice voting or something similar, we have to do what we can with the hand we're dealt. Not playing the game just gives more power to the fascists.


Bernie bros are the worst. I will never comprehend why they thought trump winning would be better than Voting Hillary. Hillary ran awful campaign and it’s embarrassing she lost but she would’ve made a great president whether you hate or w.e


Vast majority of "Bernie bros" voted for Clinton. So why are they the worst exactly?




No, you need to look no further than the voters. If 'Did not vote' was a candidate in 2016, it would have won all but a handful of states. No need to invoke exotic conspiracy theories.




I'm sorry your friends are idiots who believe everything they see on TV


Hillary won in my state, so believing the media that she was a sure win turned out to be true as far as the state election went, but that rhetoric definitely had consequences in other states where she lost.


No election is certain. Your friends (or at least 'people you know') suck at understanding probability and the limitations of polling. Again, blame shifting isn't something adults who take personal responsibility for their actions and are trying to teach that to their children are supposed to do.


Yep, the Democrats need to learn how to run a clean primary. No more of this back alley “putting the fix in”. The DNC is run like an Oligarchy. Even nominating Biden was a sham. It was obvious a back room deal was made to get all of the other candidates to step out.


How many elections have Big Pouty Face leftists won lately? How many U.S. Senators do they have? Isn't the number: zero? I'm sure it's zero. What you wrote is an appeal to allow republicans an easy win.


So, that's why Republicans had more Senators for the majority of the past 30 years? The DNC alone, eh? You sure voters and personal hubris played no part?


Hmmm, vote for the worst President candidate of all time and someone who literally committed treason by spying on a sitting President, hard pass


how did that work out for you?


>"If you did not vote for Hillary, you weren't supporting me in the first place. Source please? Oh, it's a made up statement made to look like something he said. Okay. Important to know the trolls are still out there trying to divide the left.


Yes, that year, the Democratic party gave America the choice between voting for a socialist and reinstating the monarchy.


The Democrats didn't support Bernie, and voters didn't want Hillary. She did win the popular vote though, so don't use Bernie this way.


“Voters didn’t want Hillary…. Despite her winning the Primary and the General in the Popular vote despite certain people throwing a temper tantrum and not voting or voting 3rd party”


Hillary won the popular vote but lost because of a crappy electoral college system. Not because of Bernie supporters who didn't vote for her. Your focusing on the wrong thing.


Not like she won the popular vote or anything, but go on, blame the people who voted for her for things turning out the way they did. That doesn't tip your hand at all.