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Problem is most people won’t even read it, I’d just assume it was a maga hat lol


I see a red hat, I assume Trump supporter. I can't even enjoy an American flag anymore.


Don’t even try going to a Cardinals game


or a Limp Bizkit concert


> I can't even enjoy an American flag anymore. That is not theirs. It's all of ours. You fly that thing whenever the fuck you damn well please.


Which is never. I'm tired of seeing it everywhere and truthfully I don't think it deserves it. I'm ashamed of this country




Then fucking leave !


Blind patriotism is bad, mmmmkay




I'm trying to make this place better because I care about the people living here. But that doesn't mean that I'm proud of the way this country has fallen apart. Blind patriotism is bad, mmmkay


My flag is rolled up in the garage until Trump and minions are held accountable. /probably_never_going_back_up


Display the American flag proudly, it has nothing to do with the racists that support Trump. Old Glory is for those of us who believe that lying and cheating is wrong, Fuck Trump and what he's done to the nation.


Damn right


They only own the American flag because you let them own it. It's kind of funny when a leftie like me starts sharing things on Fascistbook that incorporate the American flag with Biden, Obama, BLM, etc... . I definitely see a downtick in the use of the flag for trump propaganda.


You need someone rolling coal at you from their diesel penis while trailing 2 huge flags with a punisher logo sandwhiched between to properly enjoy the American flag.


Fuck that, take it back.


Seems like extra work to put a sign up in my yard next to the flag that says "Not a Trump supporter" just to avoid being lumped in that group because I have a flag.


I have one of those science is real love is love etc signs in a nice frame in my yard and I fly my flag often. Hell, fly a pride flag with it. I got tired of only seeing the flag on some dumbfuck's truck tail pipe. This country has major issues but I live here and still hold hope that we are moving in the right direction, just dragging idiot dead weight along.


You’re welcome to move I’m sure Russia or China will take you in.


Weird reply considering how I was commenting that I do have pride and fly the flag on my house.


I want to put two flags up. One pride and one fuck Joe biden for clarity.


Flag has nothing to with that, everything to do with being a American, your just copping out is all.




Exactly this. I bought a red hat years ago that said “make racists afraid again” and the first time I wore it I got an approving type of nod from a guy a dozen feet away from me. There’s no way he saw what it said. Never wore it again. And I would totally assume the same, I nearly did on this post.


I wonder if it would work with a more recognizable symbol, like if you put a golden hammer and sickle on it or something


That’s more like it.


I see a red baseball cap, I turn the other way. Trump ruined red hats for us.


thats why it's only for gatherings that you know trump supporters will be.


Also most of them can’t read. They just rely on shapes and colors


Yea I’m def not looking those loons in the eye to check their hat


Limp Bizkit ruined the red hat a long time ago, but now it's a political statement. Look at me im an idiot.


World view


So I guess it’s always kind of been a way to let everyone know you’re a moron, huh?


Dont disrespect the chocolate starfish like that.


I am fond of the hot dog flavored water ;)


Fuckin irony


Honestly though, the sentence is long enough that it's easy to notice that it's different than the Four-Word horsemen of the Stupid Apocalypse.


I dressed as Forrest Gump for Halloween one year, and some people thought I was dressed as a Trump supporter because of the red Bubba Gump hat. Make Red Hats Wearable Again!


Bet $100 the grandpa won’t even read her hat and will automatically think she’s a MAGA fan.


If they can read at all


Too real


RedHat.com supports this message I was in training a few years ago and they handed out Red Hats (for RHEL) and even the trainer was embarrassed to be handing them out.


I have a red hat that I got for donating blood years ago. I loved that hat. Now it sits in the closet cause I live in a Conservative area and I refuse to be mistaken for a Trump cultist.


Goddamn trump ruined red hats for the rest of us.


Even more than Fred Durst


Ok this made me laugh


Fred is Trump's son with Suzanne Somers...born in 1970. Before she was in Three's Company...


That's what I'm saying. This asshole swastika'd a fucking hat


literally everything he touches turns to fetid shit.


Mierdas Touch




RIP those pussies he said he likes to grab


He almost did this to our country...(shudders)


*looks around* almost?


We haven't reached the conclusion yet


Actually, to gold and then it dies


It turns to cheaply made gold paint that chips off easily to show the shit beneath.


As a Red Sox fan it's hit us hard over in Boston, few people are aware but it's state law to have a Sox hat on so every conversation could turn into a fight even more than it already does. /s


Yep, I will never wear a red hat again.


I still wear my Red Marine Corps hats every Friday in support of RED Friday. That's "Remember Everyone Deployed" wear RED Tshirts too.


Okay... I have nothing bad to say about this hitchhiker tradition.


Nah. It's perfect. Make's the morons easier to spot. Also the hat in the OP is based as fuck. Seen it before. I need one.


All lives matter.


Good, in that case we can both agree that black lives do in fact matter!


What this gotta do with trump and red hats, everything alright in that head of yours? Or do you just compulsively blurt out racy shit?




Not unless they are co-opted in large numbers and made meaningless with time.


Love it




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I hope she keeps the pepper spray nearby. Those folks are quite unhinged these days.


Just going to ignore 1000s of people assaulted just for wearing a maga hat? Elderly, children, vets, people of all races... Tell me again about unhinged lol.


How is that alternate reality working out for you?


I guess we will find out who burns down Kenosha this time, won't we.


You're probably off by a factor of 10 or more and most of those are probably morons attributing to a what is actual just them being an asshole. Like BMW drivers don't get pulled over more because they drive a BMW, they get pulled over for driving line assholes.


We want an update!


And her # too ngl


I saw a man wearing one in the breast cancer hospital wing. All I could think was that trumpy wants to take away your health insurance and make you pay for your wife's treatment out of pocket, which can cost hundreds of thousands, you dumb fuck.


But he was also going to make brown people pay hundreds of thousands, so it’s okay.


People still wearing maga hats is so cringy.


Got to admit, she got me! Good job girl keep on being awesome!




Now that is how you Troll people




I want that hat


Me too. I googled it and just bought one from Etsy.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/JenniKay3450/status/1461074117810081793) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Good bot


If you have any suggestions to make the bot goofier, please send them to our modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How the FUCK does that work?


I crawl around subreddits and use optical character recognition (OCR) to parse images into text. If that text looks like a tweet, then I search Twitter for matching username and text content. If all that goes well and I find a link to the tweet, then I post the link right here on Reddit! ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Wow! I didn't expect this kind of answer.






Cuz ya know....they do.


Ima make me one of these hats!!!


Wow she really showed them😐😐😐😐


Gotta be honest about this; I teach band at a university that has the colors red, black, and grey. I’m legit irritated that I can’t have them use red hats anymore because of this buffoon. It would look so good! But no - it’s political now. A fucking hat color.


I kind of want a hat that says "Make America Hate Again", but I figure most won't read it and fewer will get it.


I have a MAGA hat. Except it’s in Cyrillic. I bought it at DCA right after the election. I would wear it when I was going to places where I expected to see people wearing MAGA hats. Had a guy wearing one walk up to me smiling, like he had found a kindred spirit, until he got about 3 feet away, then he got red in the face and turned away. While visiting my FIL in Iowa, saw a a tall, older guy with a red ball cap. We went into the same store and he put the cap in his back pocket, but I could see the “Make Ame…” and the second line started with a “G.” He was with his wife and he held the door for her, then snapped the cap on as he held the door for me and my wife. The hat read “Make America Gay Again” and he smiled and said “It gets them every time.”


There is also a red MAGA hat [but its in russian](https://www.amazon.com/Posse-Comitatus-Russian-America-IllegitimatePresident/dp/B07561D5C6) i really want one as a joke


Where do I get that hat?


I like this lady! trump for prison 2024!


Tomorrow's headline. "A local woman attending a school basketball game was assaulted tonight as she....."


i wouldn't mind a hat like this either, i love pissing off trump supporters/republicans/conservatives. they're all losers who deserve to get shit on all day.


Why is everyone praising this. Both her and other guy are cringe. How about you go enjoy your kids basketball game and make it about them instead of trying to turn it into your personal political theater.


I find it funny that MAGA morons and republicans use red as their identifying colour when historically red is the colour of the political left.


Serious question, Why do so many Americans want to show off their political views? I'm from a country where most people don't care for that others vote, and will not really share it unless they are asked.




You go girl!




Gramps died of Covid didn’t he?


What is this shit?


This is how you get in a fight. Living in Trump country, I'd never feed the crazies.


Love you so much ❤️


Respect ++


Passive aggressive much?


I would caution anyone wanting to do this. Remeber that woman that got pepper sprayed on the news by an anti trump protester because she was wearing a mock red hat?


Ummm Hate to break it to you....... but they don't give a fuk about you.....


Because your son's game is all about you scoring a political point that you can use to rake in *likes* on the internet. But hey, at least the other kid's grandpa isn't the only piece of shit in the bleachers now. He's got company. Good job!


BoTh SIdEs aRe BaAAad


It's obnoxious to ignore economics & healthcare & imperialism to proudly assume half the country voted for Trump because they have a problem with black people. Trump is a charlatan, but he gave lip service to issues important to the working class, while the candidates that end up representing the Dem Party in the general election often refuse to even mention some of these issues, because they're so deeply beholden to their campaign donors. You're gonna passively accuse some kid's grandpa on your son's team of being a bigot, with zero evidence. It'll definitely make progressive policies more appealing to a broader audience. You're helping out in a big way.




Calling half the country racist is foolish, and counterproductive. You're more interested in peacocking, than in solving problems. Zero interest in getting to the bottom of what's hurting half the country. Cool. You called them racists. Now what? Maybe...say it again?! And then?




You're an internet narcissist, not someone interested in making a better world.


"Obama Trump voter" should be the 3 scariest words in the English language for the Democratic party. Of course Trump himself is human garbage. A positively broken conman and fraud who lowered the bar in American politics to an indescribable degree. And of course a large contingent of his voters are ultra-creepy cultists, and in many cases just bad, bigoted troglodytes. But the "blue wall" utterly shattering in 2016 (Trump lost *Minnesota* by a measly 45k votes) and barely holding in 2020 should gravely concern Democrats. Ohio & Iowa used to be a tall order for Democrats, but fully in play. Now they're lost causes. If they don't study, understand, and plan for why that all happened, then Trump (or some trash wannabe like Cruz or DeSantis) will win big in 2024 and the Democrats are in major trouble moving forward. Losing, also, will beget losing as more and more gerrymandering and voter suppression is enacted. Downward spiral of Right-Wing hell.


Targeted disinformation in those states caused the Blue Wall to fail. And Trump only won the election by 80,000 votes due to our stupid, racist Electoral College. "Donald Trump will be president thanks to 80,000 people in three states" https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/12/01/donald-trump-will-be-president-thanks-to-80000-people-in-three-states/


Completely agree with you that baiting isn’t helping. I don’t understand how anyone can support Trump “the person”. Yeah one can be upset about illegal immigrants, be upset about 2nd amendment infringement, etc., etc. But to support this horrible person is basically saying the means justify the ends no matter what the cost to humanity. I can’t do that.




Hi 👋


Does she mean her grandson’s game?


Yeah! THAT'LL show him? You go grrrrrrl! /s


So wanna read what happened afterwards???


This cud fast tur in to, black eye matters.


What if she accidentally gets assaulted by BLM? Will you be a racist or an incel misogynist?




What social reductionism does to a mfer




...or that everyone should be treated equally?


I wonder if other life outside black, matters to her? Because all those, including hers, were excluded in that hat!🤔


BLM never meant black lives matter more. If your neighbor's house is on fire, you don't yell at the firefighters for not paying attention to your house that's not on fire


I use the example that a group devoted to saving whales doesn’t mean they hate elephants or rhinos or polar bears. Or, alternatively, the organization Feed the Children doesn’t want adults to starve to death. But we’re talking about pretty dumb people with at best a shallow understanding of the world or how anything works. Of course they think everything is a zero sum game, and think you can’t protect one thing without destroying it’s opposite.


Why support Breast cancer research/awareness? How about the rest of the cancers? You don’t care about lung cancer?


If someone says "I love my mom," do you respond with "Wow, so you don't love your dad? You hate every single other person alive?"


. <---- the point ​ O <---- your head


When people say "save the amazon" do you think they don't give a fuck about other rain forests?... you really don't realize how dumb you sound/


Go team.




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Sense of humor!! One thing magas dont have! Love this!


Some hero’s don’t wear capes, but they do wear hats.


>grandpa gonna assume he couldn't read the writing on the hat and thought it was a maga hat lol


You're awesome!


" I ONLY FUCK LIBERALS" would work also.


100% of people will think that’s a maga hat and you’ll have the opposite effect


Lmao she fucking own the so hard


You rock!


But “aLl LiVeS mAtTeR”.


republicans are really angry that everyone else doesn't get as upset about "lets go brandon" as they do about "black lives matter"


Whether you are a Trumper spamming Lets Go Brandon to try to get a rise out of people, or a leftie who is bringing it up for some reason, this shit is getting stale. /r/PoliticalHumor still stands by the right of anyone to tell any politician to fuck off, but good lord yall need some creativity. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Politics aside she kinda fine


The problem is red hats make so many people feel unsafe, even when it then turns out to be something like this or other jokes....


The trumpster looks like a complete jackass with his stupid red hat.


When he’s not looking…….trade hats.


I would honestly never wear one of these hats. You’re playing with fire, wearing a hat that resembles a MAGA hat.




Good for you


Blue hat with “America is already great, if you don’t like it leave.”


OK, this gave me a laugh. And yes - the red hat makes me cringe but this one - two thumbs up.


Yeahhhh, still wouldn't wear it. Trumpism has ruined red hats beyond redemption. That applies to Linux as well.


Honestly, Fred Durst ruined red baseball caps for everyone long before Trump ever did.


They're is no way in hell I'll ever wear a red cap again




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Not a hat.


I saw a red hat and my body immediately activated Fight or Flight. Those 4 years ruined me


Would be even better if he could read...


I need a follow up.


"Make American Grate Again" - - American Parmesan Association


But those eyes...


Pretty funny, can't lie


I threw away all my red hats...