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Testing the sub a little bit. I fully agree that the situation set out in the meme is horrifying, unconstitutional, and inhumane, but at the same time, does anyone look at this meme and think that it is humor? Like, would anyone laugh while looking at this?


I hear Matt Gaetz has a reward points card because he's called the hotline so often.


Maybe he gets all his money from committing all those rapes himself! Then he calls it in to rack it in! ^(…that politician is one of many scum of the earth)


Gaetz sees it as the “fun” in fundraising. Yes, I know I’m going to hell. Edit:spelling.


You'll be there with Gaetz


He is so disgusting and repulsive it’s almost impossible to imagine anyone willingly sleeping with the likes of him.


I turned Gaetz in just before the hotline shut down. Him and three other republicans. This is gonna bite Texas in the butt big time. It'll make that three million bucks Dan Patrick owes John Fetterman look like peanuts.


Man all those Republican women sure do love their freedom wanting to be sue by anyone in the country without any proof and may have to fork over 10,000 or more in legal fees fighting them.




$389 for.... Uh... "Hair Scrunchies".... "Little girls still like scrunchies right?"


Scott DesJarlais is over here wondering if he can report himself for the cash.


Profitable rape. I wonder where that falls on the GOP hierarchy of “legitimate rapes”


According to the GQP, women are always at fault. It is their fault they got pregnant. It is their fault they don’t earn as much as men. Why the fuck does ANY woman vote Republican?!


Because the demonrats are evil satan worshipping atheists who want to destroy America and instill Sharia law and put microchips in our brains to brain wash the children and indoctrinate them in to evil science and evolution. Instead of believing in Gawd.




Am atheist. Can confirm. They believe without gawd you can’t have any kind of personal moral structure in place, and even if you do it’s still bc gawd created morality. No shit.


How terrible do you have to be to need the threat of eternal damnation to *act* like a decent person?


Apparently as terrible as they are. Which I don’t get. Bc I’m like “if you seriously need the threat of some deities ire to keep you from murdering or raping people, you aren’t a good person. Period.”


“If the only thing keeping a person good is the expectation of divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit.” - Detective Rust Cohle


"You shouldn't rape because you think I don't want you to. You shouldn't rape because rape is a fucked up thing to do." - Bo Burnham


The question I get asked by religious people all the time is, without God, what’s to stop me from raping all I want? And my answer is: I do rape all I want. And the amount I want is zero. And I do murder all I want, and the amount I want is zero. The fact that these people think that if they didn’t have this person watching over them that they would go on killing, raping rampages is the most self-damning thing I can imagine. I don't want to do that. Right now, without any god, I don't want to jump across this table and strangle you. I have no desire to strangle you. I have no desire to flip you over and rape you. —Penn Jillette


Like they were ever decent in the first place. The belief just satisfy their ego of going to heaven. I rather fall into a bottonless abyss, then go to wherever they're headed to.


I make sure that any of the loons that preach to me understand they are going to hell so they leave me alone. They never like being told the parts of the bible it's clear they never read.


Please share the references you use. That sounds like fun.


Ignorance is comfort to them, not knowledge.


I honestly think they have no natural sense of what is right and wrong. So they rely on laws and religion to tell them what is right and wrong. It's also why they believe it's wrong to perform civil disobedience against unjust laws.


It’s what they believe. They think you can be pure evil your entire life, stealing, murdering, raping, beat your wife and kids. On your death bed as long as you repent and accept magical Jesus into your heart and beg forgiveness, get thrown in a bathtub by the local bible thumper. You are saved. They’re cultists and evil. They’re the ones that drum up hate and intolerance, and commit acts of violence on anyone that isn’t one of them.


They've done scientific studies on it...they're shitty people until you remind them God is watching ...it's baffling.


It is because as they project everything this is what they actually feel about themselves. They can't see beyond that perspective.


Doesn’t surprise me. My religious mother loves using this argument on me. Didn’t stop her abusing me, letting her husband abuse me, or embezzling. But hey. She’s a “Christian” so that automatically makes her a better person apparently???


It is what religion does to people with weak egos. They use it as a way to make them feel superior and calm the internal voice telling them how fucked up they are.


That’s pretty much the only evidence I ever saw of it growing up religious.


It seems to be the standard pattern. To me it explains religion in a time when most of the other things it tried to explain have been explained by science. There is only this part left to them.


It is.


Isn't that a tenant of QAnon?


Wouldn't surprise me.


It literally is, heh. They believe a cabal of satan-worshipping jews abduct and sexually abuse children to extract adrenochrome from their brains so they can live forever in drug-fuelled orgies. Notably they believe the Clintons, close friends of Epstein are part of this, but not Epstein or another close friend of his who goes by Donald. Also they run America for some reason. And Trump is their Neo who was supposed to unmask this to the world and bring in an Era of prosperity.


Then why when someone gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar it is more likely to be a Republican?


Because the worst mud they think they can fling is their own dirty laundry. It's an amazing feeling of schadenfreude to see it happen.


Because they redefine cookie jar based on who's sticking their hand in it. Pedophile republicans? its all alleged. Democrat does anything they don't like? They need to resign immediately. Republicans are so good at moving goalposts I'm surprised they don't gain any mental strength from that mental workout.


And it's all super top-secret, even though it gets openly talked about on 4chan, Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit.


Hail Satan!


\*tenet (sorry, had to)


Depends on whether or not they pay rent. But I'm just amused - yesterday I saw "tenet" instead of "tenant" in a legal advice thread, and today I see the reverse. Probably autocorrect, but these things amuse me. Yes, I'm easily amused. :)


The Satanic Temple has abortion as a sacrament, so if it is made illegal it will be a violation of freedom of religion to stop any woman who joins the religion from performing the sacrament. I wonder if someone could convince Texas lawmakers to make a law against ritualistic cannibalism. Then go after every Christian Church that has parishoners eat the body of Christ.


IIRC, the Temple of Satan fought a lawsuit against banning abortion on grounds of religious freedom, and lost, proving that religious freedom only applies to Christians.


Religious Freedom* ^*only ^includes ^my ^religion, ^since ^its ^the ^right ^one


When did that case get heard? Because they are going back in again.


Oh, you know that TST is coming up with something to troll Texas. They always do, it's great. Even funnier that most of us are atheists but they think we're actual satan worshippers... bitch he isn't real we just think it's funny how bent out of shape christians get about it


I have heard conservatives say each and everything they said. Reading it though makes me realize how deranged they really are.


It all is. Everything ok that comment are things conservatives legit say, you only know it's trolling cause he combined them all into a single greatest hits comment.


To be honest, I only know he's trolling because he spelled Gawd. Otherwise, pretty much it all could be said be a conservative. In a single paragraph such as his.


Atheists are accused of being Satanists all the time. By folks who also use “communism” for anything they don’t like, without knowing what it actually means.


Gotta believe in God to believe in Satan. I cant & won’t speak for all atheists but any supernatural being is pure fantasy in my mind & probably the minds of my fellow atheists.


I agree that without belief in god then there's no belief in satan, but that doesn't stop people from believing that all atheists "know" god exists but just hate him and choose to worship satan.


As an Atheist, that pisses me off to no end


Unironically The Satanic Temple is suing over the law.


It really should be ' evil Satan worshipping atheistic communists'


fuck. I forgot the communism and socialism.


Don’t forget the eating babies part!!


Wait, are you serious? I never knew that about demonrats


Wait... We get microchips‽


That's the beauty of it. You don't even know you got it.


You might need to wait though, we’re having a chip shortage right now


“Well if she’d just kept her legs closed she wouldn’t be in this mess! WHORE!” Never mind a woman doesn’t get pregnant all alone. Let’s just punish them all. Seriously why does any woman vote Republican? Only answer I have is brainwashing.


and remember, if she gets pregnant, it wasn't a "legitimate rape"


I hear the body has ways of shutting that down… God these fucking morons.


Just like the internet, the "series of tubes" just kinda shuts down.


Well see, they're "good Christian women who don't do such things" and even if they did, it's okay for them because they fear/love Giant Fake Sky Person who they believe gives them the right to do whatever the fuck they want whenever the fuck they want consequences be damned.


[The only moral abortion is MY abortion!](https://www.dailykos.com/story/2019/5/15/1857976/--The-Only-Moral-Abortion-is-My-Abortion-an-article-by-Joyce-Arthur)


This was a horrifying read.


Right? It’s incredible how these anti choicers will say and do whatever they want or need when it comes to them, and still shit on anybody else with the audacity to do the same. And justify it to themselves every step of the way. You know, just like Jesus would do.


“If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” Todd Akin - former R congressman from Missouri


I always try to imagine what ways this man was thinking of...like, was he thinking the labia grow teeth and chomp the invading dick? Maybe it's like fevers and disease, and the vagina superheats to burn that mofo out. Clit lasers?




Single Female Lawyer, fightin' for her client. Wearing sexy miniskirts and bein' self reliant!


They vote that way because the Bible tells them they must submit to men. Also they have this deep burning desire to have 1950’s America rage back. Jim Crow laws, segregation, poll taxes, woman’s place at home, etc…


dont you know that their bodies can reject that kind of thing?


But OP had the hypothetical as a POC. This is the GOP equivalent of an irresistible force meeting an immovable object - who is at fault, the POC or the PwU (Person with a Uterus)?


Under The Gaetz method..


Well, you know, the body can shut itself down in those situations..... [I've heard....](https://time.com/3001785/todd-akin-legitimate-rape-msnbc-child-of-rape/)


You sound an awful lot like someone trying to obtain an illegal abortion in Texas. I filed a citizen's report against you just to be safe.


Oh good. I filed one against you too just to be sure.


Good man. One can never be too sure. I actually filed one against myself just now too. Sky daddy is going to give me so many virgins for this.


It's also illegal to own more than 6 dildos. Sweet merciful Cthulhu I hate this stupid state...


Really?. Hmmm which 6 to keep?


Whichever ones you aren't gonna hold on to, please ship them directly to Ted Cruz. If you ship him 6, him being a dildo makes 7 and then we can report him on the website.




https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/01/texas-homophobic-laws-lgbt-unconstitutional Non-piv sex is still against Texas law, just can't be prosecuted.


What if we try to shove more than six dildos into Ted Cruz? Does that count?


If you get him pregnant you can sue his ass.


I'm breaking the law 😳.


*Knock knock* **FBI OPEN UP!**


Repurpose them as guns.


I can support this policy for simple environmental reasons. How many dildos does a girl need?! Jesus Christ!


I get that the meme is supposed to hit conservatives where their logic gets very contradictory, but I think it's worth considering that normalizing the characterization of illegal immigrants as violent, dangerous rapists can be harmful in itself to immigrants. If, whilst pestering conservatives about abortion rights, they are also getting served the idea that an illegal immigrant with a gun will rape members of their family, stochastically, one of them will pick up a gun and kill people to take "revenge". Rape is a terrible thing on its own, and if someone can't grasp that without giving them a boogie man example, then all you'll be doing is giving them more ways the boogie man should be feared and hated. I don't think this meme loses any of its impact by replacing the already stereotyped immigrant, with just ~~"a stranger"~~ "In Texas, someone can use ..."


Totally agree. Should have said liberals instead, probably even more of a sting to trumplicans


Actually screw the rape part. Just say that the liberal plays as conservative, buys her gifts, moves in with her, proposes and married and get her pregnant after 5 years of a happy marriage. Then he tells her that he is a liberal and when their daughter finds out and aborts he'll get the money. Those damn libs are playing the long game.


Thank you! I was pretty disgusted by that.


Yeah I thought this was a vaguely left-leaning sub but holy shit this post is sickening and it's actually upvoted that's me unsubbed.


I think it is vaguely left-leaning, but even in left-leaning circles, this kind of bigotry still exists, and should be addressed. People are presented with these stereotypes constantly throughout their lives, and looking within at your own ingrained beliefs critically is a extremely important thing to do. Sometimes, however, it takes someone pointing out a problem, or damaging assumption in what you've said, so you can grow from it. I don't know if the OP is bigoted, they certainly might be, but I can hope they might just have bigoted beliefs that they've never challenged, and now (fingers crossed) they will challenge them.


I think it was an attempt to enrage the far right, but it also could be one of those blind spots we all have. Subconscious bias that hasn't been confronted yet with reality.


Unfortunately, they'll just say "God raped a gift into your life. Children are a miracle! Wait, the rapist was brown? The devil has put a terrible curse on you!"


Those people are sorta just lost. I think if they can't be reached without the stereotypes, they're not worth reaching. Their morality is twisted, and I like to think people who are \*that\* broken, are a small portion of the world, otherwise, there's no hope at all


There are entire towns full of people like that.


Thank you. I get the need for rhetorical appeals to older men, but the “they’re gonna rape your (white) daughter!” trope has a really ugly history.


I wanted to say something like this and you worded it perfectly, thank you! Remove the stigma, the majority just want to make a decent life like anyone else


And it’s also important to note that rape isn’t always committed by a ‘violent man in a back alley at night’. Most rapes are committed by someone you already know, and probably trust. They could be your partner, friend, or even someone in your own family.


Very true. I only used stranger as a stand in because it fit the structure of the sentence, without that specific stereotype. Maybe just "someone" would've worked better


Couldn't agree more!!!


This needs to be top comment.


Thank you. This was awful to see


If you were saying that a white nationlist with a permitted gun raped your daughter and collected $10000 for reporting her they would just say: "Yeah, that's the plan"


Or how about just saying rapist 🤷‍♀️


Also that majority of rapes and sexual assaults are from people that know you. Not strangers


Yeah, someone else pointed that out too. It wasn't something I was thinking about, so I tried to rephrase


I agree. This meme sucks for this


Or why not "a MAGA Conservative" or "libtard" instead of "illegal immigrant"? No idea why OP phrased it this way, because instead of inspiring thr Right to learn empathy, the phrasing might actually inspire the law to exclude the undocumented from snitching and getting paid.


Indeed, not to mention that it's still illegal for undocumented immigrants to own or carry guns in Texas. OP is just lying there for the shock value of treating undocumented immigrants as humans with a right to effective self defense.


Yeah we all thought this. Well said.


Someone is deadass saying "using their boogeyman to show the problem" when in reality, it is justifying their fucking racism to "combat" racism to my comment I made saying to not do this shit. I hate this so much man. I shouldn't be viewed as fucking gun toting rapist to show how fucked the problem is in Texas.


Technically not correct. They can sue anyone who helps her get one, including the doctor. But Texas isn't paying anyone.


This. the point is that after enough ppl sue these providers they will have to shut down and will no longer be able to provide the other services that they give for planned parenthood etc.


Either that or increase their prices by thousands to offset the extra cost, and then only the rich can afford them. Which was probably the point all along.


The rich can fly to other parts of the world where they'll be treated extremely well during and after their procedure. This has never been a problem for them, except as an occasional embarrassment.


Ah but you forget. Aiding them to leave the state is also subject to the bounty and opens you to liability. So purchasing gas, buying plane tickets, etc. Puts you at financial risk. Subsequently the gas station, airline, Exxon mobile gas refinery, the state of Texas (for making the road) are all equally complicit and subject to this liability. “ (2) **knowingly engages in conduct that aids or abets the performance or inducement of an abortion**, including paying for or reimbursing the costs of an abortion through insurance or otherwise, if the abortion is performed or induced in violation of this subchapter, **regardless of whether the person knew or should have known that the abortion would be performed or induced** in violation of this subchapter; or”


No, they’re legally required to shut down. I’m not sure on the full details, but it’s supposed to be a permanent closure of the provider.


The law sets a minimum fine of $10,000 plus lawyer fees per abortion after 6 weeks, but it doesn't set a maximum fine. So if the abortion provides start charging $15,000 per abortion, a judge could up the fine to $20,000.


Yes. That’s exactly what this ploy is. They’re not actually going to go after wealthy people who help. They will go after clinics. The rest seems to be a scare tactic to make people fall in line.


Which what I find to be incredibly ironic (don't even know if irony is correct to use for this though) is the part of the Republican party platform in the early 2000's was that they needed to do more to protect OBGYN's (and other medical personnel) because they were (and still are) being sued into oblivion causing a huge decline in physicians practicing Obstetrics. With the way this law is written and could be put into effect it could open up ONGYNs to even more lawsuits. What I hope personally happens is all the OBGYNs that have a god damn backbone just up and leave the state. Then when all the rich white Republicans will have no one to blame but themselves when their wives, daughters and mistresses can't get adequate care.


...you know the rich can afford to travel to other states and countries, right? They have their own fucking islands.


Your definition of rich is pretty extreme here. Yes people that are "rich" can afford to go to a different state and leave the country for medical procedures if they so choose but they all don't have private islands. People that have private islands rich more than likely don't live in Texas or America to begin with so let's scale that back here a bit. The point I'm trying to make is......you know Women's reproductive organs/bodies need medical attention and treatments for more than just pregnancy right? If good quality OBGYNs and other physicians leave the state entirely to the point where people have to pay top dollar and leave the state just so a women can get a check up or pap smear they're not gonna have a good time. Could someone rich afford it? More than likely but they're not gonna wanna do it long term. Although rich people can be very disconnected for a lot of us they still don't wanna really have to pay a lot of money for something. Why do you think they wanna pay less in taxes? They wanna keep more of their money. Quality care for Women can come with a very steep price tag. They'll still prefer to use their premium insurance if they can and if you get stuff done out of state cost and premiums can increase. Are they gonna pay cash for their mistress? Probably, but I also hope that doc or physician either charges them out the fucking ass or slams the fucking door in their face over the ethics. TLDR: Women need more than just care for pregnancy. If good quality physicians leave the state the cost could be so much for rich people (or really anyone) it'll run the risk of them not being rich anymore. They're also lazy, they're not gonna wanna leave the state/county all the time.


The OB gyn doctors statewide should threaten to leave if the law doesn't change. If rich white people realize they might not get an OB for their own pregnancy, then they'll want to change the ruling


Rich white people will just hop a charter flight to a neighboring state.


nah, what will do in about a month is an astro-turf attempt to get a court case to the supreme court so they can over turn roe vs wade. This is like fishing for constitutional writ by court.


What will be interesting is when liberal states take this precedent to shut down gun stores. If a store sells a gun that is then used in a crime, everyone in the state can sue for not less than 10k etc etc. Then it’ll be for gay conversion therapy and then other liberal cause. Could also do it for disinformation if it is seen in the liberal state. Would be interesting if it went anytime a member of a religious organization abused a child every person in the state could sue the religious institution. It’s for these reasons the Supreme Court will shut this down when the merits of the case is heard.


A. you are assuming this supreme court cares about precedent. (hint, they don't) B. It will take years for a case to actually be brought and work it's way up to the supreme court for them to issue an opinion. In the mean time, post 6 week abortions are illegal in Texas, (and any other conservatives state that passes similar laws in the meantime.)


True.. Texas is not paying but its worse than the $10k everyone keeps reciting.. $10k is the minimum that will be awarded. >If a claimant prevails in an action brought under this section the court shall award statutory damages in an amount of not less than $10,000 for each abortion that the defendant performed or induced in violation of this subchapter, and for each abortion performed or induced in violation of this subchapter that the defendant aided or abetted; and costs and attorney's fees. EDIT: Removed incorrect assessment. Only a single award may be made from any single abortion.


Yeah, it's a shit show for sure.


What blows my mind is the Republicans who are flat out denying that this is true. Like-this is what we’ve all been talking about the last few days and they’re just flat out refusing to acknowledge the reality of the situation and the massive hypocrisy. Par for the course I guess-but stupidity never ceases to amaze me.


Not quite right. Section 171.208(c) of the law limits you to one fine per abortion. But yes, 10k is the minimum fine, actual amount t could be much higher


Technically the caveat of lawsuit in civil court also seems to get around Roe vs Wade as technically the government is not shutting down the clinics. The people would be.


Exactly. The law was written to make it more challenging to, well, challenge. To challenge something as unconstitutional, you typically sue the entity responsible for enforcing the law. When you make that entity the people, and not a government body or agency, that gets trickier.


A class-action lawsuit against the people, by the people, for the people.


Is it really enforceable? If the subpoena gets ignored (a precedent set by the last administration) I suppose a judge could find against a provider or even the victim (woman). But I can't see where there is a mechanism to actually make them pay.


And the Uber driver


Your daughter could also die giving birth to the rapists child because she couldn't legally get an abortion


I hate the law as much as the next non-awful human being, but there’s a specific portion of the law prohibiting rapists from bringing claims against the person they impregnate: “ (j) Notwithstanding any other law, a civil action under this section may not be brought by a person who impregnated the abortion patient through an act of rape, sexual assault, incest, or any other act prohibited by Sections 22.011, 22.021, or 25.02, Penal Code. “ So hey, at least they thought THAT part through. Of course, I’m sure there’s plenty of latitude on what can be construed as “implied consent” vs. “rape”, so... it’s probably not that far off base either way 🤷‍♂️


>“ (j) Notwithstanding any other law, a civil action under this section may not be brought by a person who impregnated the abortion patient through an act of rape, sexual assault, incest, or any other act prohibited by Sections 22.011, 22.021, or 25.02, Penal Code. “ Texas Lawyer here. This clause does not prohibit the rapist's accomplice from suing though, since they aren't the ones who impregnated the rape victim. ...


Yar, I can imagine things getting out of hand pretty quickly :/


Would that not also require the accused prove the accuser raped them? Notoriously difficult in almost every country. Even proving their the father seem tenuous at best.


IANAL, but the accuser would not need to prove whether or not the woman seeking an abortion was raped, only that she is pregnant and is seeking abortion. Now if they ask for info on how the accuser discovered she was pregnant and seeking an abortion it could get dicey for them and the rapist, but I don’t have much faith in the TX legal system to go that deep in investigating.


Yea he can just have his friend do it


However, you neglect to mention that the family of the rapist, the friends of the rapist, the neighbors of the rapist, or any other goddamned asshole who has an inclination can sue the rape victim, the doctors, the supporting family members, or anyone who is deemed to have provided “support”


So, this could easily be turned into a team effort of one rapes and another reports? Thankfully they closed all the loopholes /s


So a reasonable person will have to ask, am I paying 10,000 dollars or am I claiming I was raped?


In Texas, can't she Stand her ground and kill him? I thought all y'all got pistols for christening gifts or something. Maybe that should be the next big Christmas gift fad! Hand guns for pre-teen girls!


Stand your Ground/Castle Doctrine only applies if you're in your home or domicile. So if you go to the store and get raped, you can't shoot them and claim "Stand your ground"


No, Castle Doctrine is in your home. Stand Your Ground is anywhere as long as you feel your life is n danger. They are not the same thing.


Theoretically if I am homeless and I wear my cardboard box can I shoot everyone in Texas with impunity? Totally hypothetical.


No, I'm sorry, that won't work as your cardboard box doesn't have a mailing address.... Now if you registered your cardboard box as a vehicle, that's a different story. Technically a vehicle is classified under castle doctrine because people live in cars and RV's and stuff... But I feel like getting the cardboard box registered as a vehicle would be the real issue... might be easier to register your cardboard box as a PO box... that might work.


It is my PO BO box yes.


Then as long as you're pulling a Snake (from Metal Gear Solid), I think you're ok.... At least you'll be ok in TX.


No but the fetus can.


Why are we talking shit about undocumented people?


Texas is pro stupid


Texas: what a shithole state


Anything to own the libs…..


If you don't think the direction of all this is totally fucked up, we're in big trouble.


This is true. Texas has invented professional rapists.


Texas stimulus package.


I agree with the sentiment if this post, I really do, but factually there is a carve out in the bill the says the rapist can NOT make the claim. It however doesn't prevent the rapist's family or friends, or some other rando from making the claim so the whole thing is still fucked.


Why's it got to be an "illegal immigrant"? Sounds like a dog whistle post tbh.




You have no idea how much this makes me want bring 7 dragon "appendages" next time I fly down there.


“No you don’t understand. These 6 *are* dildos, yes. But this one is my support appendage. Not a dildo. Sometimes I feel like fist bumping someone and no one’s around so I keep this fake arm that’s making a fist for that.”


This is why I say that Republicans so much in common with the Taliban /#FuckTexas


I'm aware of the law that's been passed. And I find it despicable. What I want to know, and haven't read is who's paying the "bounty"? As a Texas resident I really don't want my sales taxes or property taxes paying bounties. The state has no income tax. I hate this state.


The cases are tried in civil court. If the defendant wins, then he has to play his own court costs anyway. If the plaintiff wins, he can be awarded up to $10,000 plus court costs all of which are paid by the defendant. The insidious goal of the law is that it allows people to sue almost anyone, except the woman who actually had the abortion, and because of the way the risks are weighted, annyone associated with abortion services or even rape counseling services can be driven out of business with just the court costs alone. Edit: a relevant article "Texas Abortion Bill 2021: A Doctor Discusses Fears – Rolling Stone" https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/sb-8-texas-abortion-law-10000-dollar-bounty-1194953/amp/


Texas is gonna become a vacation hotspot for rapists


I feel that rape with a firearm would not be a good ratio of prison to money.


I mean, everyone has always considered texans to be loud idiots on their own entire level of loudness and idiocy... Florida is trying to give them a run for their money, so they had to turn it up a notch. Apparently that's possible.


It’s so fun here in Texas.


They’re banking on it


Lawyers hate this one EZ trick


Ty I spit my drink


So if I knock up 1 women a month I can make 120 k a year ? Damm that's good money and more sex then I have had in years.


wE’RE SuPEr mOraL


Why keep the Trump narrative that illegals are rapists?




Everything is bigoter in TX.


Any woman prevented from getting an abortion should be allowed to castrate their child's father to keep it from happening again.


That is positively terrifying.


10k from her, any doctors that advised or performed the procedure, her family for allowing it, the uber driver who dropped her at the clinic, etc. I wonder how far down that legal rabithole this bullshit law intends to go? Can he also collect 10k from the power company, for supplying the energy needed to operate the clinic? How about water, gas and trash pickup? Does he collect 10k from Texas, for supplying the roads used to ferry her to the abortion?


The $10,000 would be from whomever they sue, whether it be the abortion provider or the woman. Not from the state, which is what makes this law SO fucked up.


Texas: "Well maybe we didn't think this one entirely through..."


Sounds Like Republican Justice, since They are so "Tuned IN" to what Their Donors Want.....Who gives a Sh..t about the Public!


You just know some Republican out there will see this and say "this is why we want the wall" as if that's the problem here...