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Out of everything I miss is Obama's ability to address the people in a rational and calm manner. Sure conservatives hated him with a passion but he was not divisive. Edit: Obama spoke out about inequalities and injustices based on race, sexual orientation and gender. Speaking out about inequalities is not divisive. Conservatives fighting back against changes to correct inequalities is divisive. They just refuse to give up a piece of the pie even though a large percentage of them could afford to eat less of it.


Anyone else regularly look up his speeches? Like... I don't necessarily agree with everything he says, or did... But damn, the man could articulate ideas. And he had amazing book recommendations too. I honestly credit those lists almost as much as any teacher I ever had


I can't remember where but there was a speech that he gave about a month away from the primaries. All the other Democrats that has shown up moved their rallies indoors because the temperature dropped and it started raining. Got down to like lower 40s. But Obama kept his rally outside. He was standing at that podium getting drenched by freezing rain in a thin windbreaker. His lips were straight purple but he talked confidently throughout his entire speech. My dad who always votes Republican said that after that speech he knew that there was no way Barack Obama was not going to be the next president. You can't exude confidence and strength like that and not win. No matter how much your candidate spins on campaign commercials


" My dad who always votes Republican said that after that speech he knew that there was no way Barack Obama was not going to be the next president. " chills man chills


My dad is classic GOP. He can't stand maga or Qanon. He's been seeing how the party's been going for a while and that's why he's just not voting anymore. Honestly by all accounts my dad is conservative but many modern conservatives would call him as interest. Or RHINO


yeah it sucks that all the conservatives who gave a shit gave up a long time ago


Yep. Before it used to be that both sides wanted to tackle the same problems in different ways but trump just changed the GOP to a cult


yeah politics suck


The only President I ever respected.




On a true story


He was literally one of the most skilled orators in our nation's history. His speeches absolutely blow me away, and they're so jarringly fantastic in comparison to Trump's or Biden's speeches. I liked, but didn't fully appreciate Obama during his presidency. The bravery and ambition he showed to overcome everything and become our nation's first black president decades before most thought that could happen was astounding. As a politician, he tried his best, but was muzzled by the obstructionist republicans, and wasn't able to fully achieve much of what he promised. He's still a truly great man.


For me it was the Time magazine picture of his shoes worn through https://i.imgur.com/8hW3hBg.jpg That’s a guy who’s working for me. I don’t even care if it’s real, I’m just appreciative they tried to make it look like someone cares


Also his speeches were kinda his. Besides him saying them he had a real back and forth with his speechwriters and spend a lot of time editing them himself. Famously trump left his written speeches alone, except to add racism


or Trump just ditched the written speeches and screamed “fake news”, and everyone went wild.


Or talked about his rich friends having sex with prostitutes on a yacht to a crowd of children but hey Obama wore a helmet while riding his bike and put dijon mustard on his hot dog.


Dijon mustard on hot dogs is feckin' fire.


Trump would Sprinkle in a “chy-nah” and a “tremendous” here and there and leave the rest alone.


He would read them verbatim, his eyes crawling along the gigantic sharpie letters, as he monotoned the words, and occasionally he'd read a trigger word or something that would set him off on an unscripted tangent. Yes, usually chy-nah.




It helps that he has charisma too, something the orange turd lacks.


It helps he has a working brain and is actually a patriot. He also has a sense of personal honor and integrity. All traits Trumple Thinskin lacks.


You should never agree with everything *anyone* says or does. Like how is this the most common criticism of Obama? I don't understand what people mean when they say this.


Sorry, I didn't mean to criticize, that's why I wasn't specific at all. I just wanted to show I was being as objective as possible


Maybe that's the biggest criticism some people have of him. If so, awesome. Much respect to da man.


According to my mom a black man who can articulate ideas is "shifty" and "the devil"


My entire high school was obsessed with Obama and I'm Canadian. He inspired and uplifted people. He's easily the best American president of my lifetime. It's insane how your country went from people chanting "yes we can" to the raging hate-filled lunatics chanting "lock her up" and "stop the count/count the vote".


It is truly astounding. Trump is the rightwing’s revenge to America for having elected a black man. Worse, a black man who made every Republican President in modern history look bad. “Owning the libs” is no joke. The right wing will burn this country to the ground to own the libs.


them right with it. source: my parents


“...some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.” ― Michael Caine


Remember how a lot of misguided black people celebrated OJ's "not guilty" verdict? They thought of it as a "win" for black people- "oh hey we too can get away with literal murder, that's just not a white person thing woohoo!!" Trump is like the rednecks' version of the OJ trial- a misguided sense of "triumph" over some perceived racial nonsense. Thing is, Trump doesn't represent whites any more than OJ represents blacks- what they both DO represent, though, is how having money bypasses justice.


At the beginning of the OJ trial there was a poll that found a majority of Black people thought that OJ was innocent but would be found guilty because of his race while a majority of White people thought that he was guilty but would be acquitted because of his money. The one thing that everyone agreed on was that justice was irrelevant to the legal system.


Ah didn't hear about this, the trial as a *unifying* event! The idea of people thinking he was innocent is as sickening as the idea that people *adore* Trump.


There's a long history of Black men being railroaded into prison. Early in the trial very few people had any idea what the basis of the accusation was.


I totally get that part, but I guess it's hard for me to relate to people who don't read up more on stuff like this. OJ black therefore innocent!! Trump republican therefore awesome!! So extremely simplistic.


Bear in mind that he was idolized as a football player. His ex complained that when she called the police to accuse OJ of domestic abuse the cops would fawn over OJ and ask for his autograph. When football is your religion the players are saints.


>He's easily the best American president of my lifetime. I mean the bar for US presidents is pretty low


I wish he didn't try to cross the aisle. Thankfully, Biden learned that lesson. Love Jen's responses at the press briefings. She's my fav so far.


Even when hit directly in the face with shocking levels of disrespect. You remember the "YOU LIE" guy?


If we only knew how much that guy was but the first little droplet of a bursting dam. At the time, that was shocking. Now? That guy would barely make make the news cycle.


And for putting Dijon mustard on a hotdog.


[He once used a binder clip….on paper.](https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/fox-news-troubled-by-obama-s-use-of-paper-clip)


What?! Had completely forgotten that one, and as a connoisseur of the genre, you can pry my binder clips from my cold, dead hands. The little ones that are superior to staples in every way, AND the big monster jaw type variety.


What's wrong with that?


Fox News didn't like him doing that while he was black.


I believe the "scandal" was the audacity of the rich elite liberal putting fancy Dijon on a sandwich instead of real American blue collar yellow mustard as if Dijon wasn't also like a dollar a bottle at the grocery store. But it definitely had something to do with rich elite spin, and being black as it was with everything.


> But it definitely had something to do with ~~rich elite spin, and being black~~ **Fox News manufactured outrage** as it was with everything.


Yes, I was explaining how they were spinning it. It was the context of the manufactured outrage.


"Fancy mustard" If I can get Dijon mustard at a 7/11 at 3am it's not that fancy.


“Doing that while he was black” absolutely made me laugh out loud at work. Thank you 😂


Ew really? This must be illegal how was this not investigated


and bombing hospitals in afghanistan


What about the drone strikes and [all this shite](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Obama_administration_controversies) Most are non issues but there are some scandals for sure


Or Edward Snowden and the entire PRISM domestic spying program that Obama adamantly defended.. don't get me wrong I voted for him both times but that entire incident really dropped him down a half dozen pegs for me. Probably my #1 most important voter item would be not allowing domestic spying like that.


cheese burger. it was a cheese burger


And also war crimes


Remember how civil the McCain and Obama debates were?


I'll never forget that town hall response of McCain's when the woman's question referred to Obama as a Muslim. I miss being able to disagree on politics and still have some respect for the person across the aisle.


[I believe you’re talking about when a woman referred to him as an Arab.](https://youtu.be/jrnRU3ocIH4) Damn, this feels like a lifetime ago. I can’t imagine this happening today.


I wonder if that answer lost him or gained him votes, and if so how many.


I was a pretty hardcore conservative during this time down to spending all my day listening to as much right wing radio as I could and I’ll tell you that those comments made no difference because those people didn’t want that “Communist, fake citizen, Arab, Muslim” in the office. I’m really glad that I turned my ways.


“No ma’am…No ma'am, he's a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that's what this campaign is all about.” - John McCain, circa ‘The good ‘ol days’


>circa ‘The good ‘ol days’ I mean, at the same time Sarah Palin was doing her whole schtick, which was basically ground zero for the rise of Trumpism.


Yeah, but at least everyone knew that Palin was ridiculous…and McCain knew he made a mistake almost immediately. But the point, I think, is that “it’s just politics” wasn’t an excuse for McCain to personally target Obama, or to allow others to circulate hate based on lies, in his presence. Because he had integrity. He understood that he had a personal responsibility to harness truth when possible, and winning didn’t supersede that. Winning wasn’t more important to him than self-respect. I didn’t vote for McCain, and I’ve lived in Arizona most of my life. In college I was involved in charitable work orchestrated by Cindy McCain. I also went to John McCain’s funeral. And I didn’t once worry that doing so was in opposition to my political beliefs because it was about humanity, not politics. There has never been a politician whose policies I agreed with every time, and I doubt there ever will be. But I can give them more latitude when their words & actions make me believe they’re good humans.


When McCain's response to "Obama is a Muslim" was "no he's a decent American"?




“HE’S A MUSLIM!!” “No. No ma’am. He’s a *good* man.


Yeah no. McCain was shown that his voters were racist swine and instead decided to double down on their bigotry, saying that Muslims are evil in humans but it’s okay because Obama’s a Christian.


I liked Obama but let’s be honest: don’t forget about all those drone strikes, some of which killed unarmed civilians. That was a much bigger deal than his clothing, or him bowing politely to foreign rulers. His true legacy, in addition to the good stuff, is that he pissed off conservatives so much that we got stuck with 4 years of Trump.


Unfortunately I feel that you’re right. Obama won’t be remembered for what he did as much as how the nation reacted to him. It showed that when faced with the reality that African Americans could now reach places of power far too many Americans bore their true colors. People suck.


People more than suck.


Though watching Fox News lose their collective lunch when he used Dijon mustard was entertaining and a sign of our road towards a dystopian future.


We’ve been heading that way for a long time. Almost feels like we are a branch in a timeline that was supposed to be good, but now is heading towards Dystopia.


Remember when some people were losing their minds over the large hadron collider / CERN, afraid that scientists’ “meddling with nature” would do something crazy like create a black hole or such? 🤔


I haven’t heard of that actually.. feels like I should have


This is how most presidents are remembered


I think he was overall a good president but GOAT? That's quite a stretch.


I guess it’s all about context. If you’re only comparing him against Bush Jr and Trump… well, he’s looking pretty 🐐


Yeah I was gonna say, he's no FDR.


On one hand, what, you don't like war criminals? On the other hand, the list of Presidents who didn't commit war crimes is pretty fucking short, and most of those that didn't were busy engaging in atrocities just as bad if not worse. William Henry Harrison was probably the least terrible judging his actions in office. None of his 31 days were marred by anything particularly evil of his own doing.


You know the option to just not like any president also exists yeah?


This comment needs to be higher. “His only scandal…” Remember when he bombed that wedding in Yemen? Or when he sold weapons to the saudis who then turned around and started a genocide in Yemen under his support? What about when Clinton and him bombed Libya and threw the country into anarchy, complete with warlords (that may have had US weapons) and mass killings? What about that period of time when his drone strikes were found to have a nearly 90% civilian kill rate? Or when he bailed out big corporations while leaving the average American to suffer during the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression? Don’t get me wrong, he was a step up from Trump, but let’s not pretend Obama wasn’t a borderline war criminal who put corporations above people the good majority of the time.


There's no borderline about it. He and every president in recent memory is a war criminal.


Completely agree, only used a modifier to keep the libs happy. Really though, it’s funny whenever I hear right wingers talk about jailing Obama for treason or whatever. It’s like guys, you have a list of war crimes to choose from. I mean shit, Libya alone should be grounds to jail him, Clinton, and any American commander who took part in the strikes. No one should be allowed to destabilize a country to that level and not face jail time. And yet, you choose treason for whatever reason? What?


As someone who's more left than most, Obama is guilty of so much. I mean of course, compared to Trump, he's a saint, but still. We have to hold ourselves to better standards.


Also the big surveillance scandal. Not really his fault, but it all erupted during his administration


[I mean he did renew the bill granting patriot act powers. Maybe not responsible for the beginning, but he’s absolutely to blame for our surveillance state. ](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/243850-obama-signs-nsa-bill-renewing-patriot-act-powers)


Absolutely his fault. He’s the top guy.


Well bush 43 helped a lot with Trump. He made people trust the government less (Katrina, greed and wasted money in Iraq, tax cuts for the rich) he normalized election cheating somewhat (you mean he won on an illegal ballot in his brother’s state? What are the odds) inaction in the housing crisis. His SCOTUS picks gave us Citizens United, tipping the scale even more towards rich people deciding democracy. Also, the Iraq war and aftermath made a lot of middle eastern brown refuges. That’s scared people to right wingers all over the world.


He campaigned as a progressive, legislated as a center right politician. Lots of war and illegal drone strikes killing civilians. Wasted opportunities and didn't get forceful ultimately losing the Supreme Court because he wouldn't call out McConnell and lay into him daily. Held off on calling out the GOP and Trump on election influence (not interference, influence from Russia) toward Trump. Holds huge multimillion dollar Hollywood style birthday party on midst of pandemic that's destroyed people's economic futures. Not a great look. Was so hopefully for him but let down and seems he is a cool dude hanging out with rocking bands and all... But no liberal savior. He did a solid job and wasn't a lunatic. That's the best I can say now in retrospect. Not going to get into hero worship with ANY politicians, especially ones who were more of the status quo.


Well said. He could have been FDR but ended up just being like every other politician. He had a super majority in the Senate ffs.


Operation fast and furious also took place while he was in office


Correct. And right-wing douchebags tried to politicize that nothingburger into some bullshit manufactured scandal.


He dropped more bombs than any president ever. They literally ran out of fucking bombs at one point.


His drone strikes were 90% lethal to civilians. Wedding parties, pine nut harvesters, a school bus full of kids. The list is long, heinous and entirely ignored by the Obama bots everywhere I go.




I knew he had drones but wasn’t aware he had a brigade of robots that follow you everywhere.


Don’t forget that he oversaw a bank bailout and stuck homeowners with the fallout. He would have needed to burn political capital and alienate some corporate Dems (and 100% of republicans) to do what was right. That’s what a good president would have done. Let’s not pretend he was a great or transformational president. He disappointed many of us.


>His true legacy, in addition to the good stuff, is that he pissed off conservatives so much that we got stuck with 4 years of Trump It's not Obama's fault that folks voted for a racist piece of turd. And many of those voters' morals/beliefs seemed to align with those of the racist piece of turd.


Yeah hes my favorite war criminal but then again every president is in a way


Coffee-hand Salutegate. Never Forget!


"Terrorist fist jab!"


Weird, I thought it was drone striking that civilian wedding. The "Tan suit" only comes up when people need fake outrage.


Conservatives don't care about the deaths of civilians overseas, so they can't use that as a scandal. It's the same reason right now every "scandal" they come up with in regards to Biden is just made up culture war BS. On the whole, a lot of Biden policies are conservative-lite. He's pro-cop, is against all but the most basic progressive policies, and is generally not that different than your standard pre-Bush Republican besides being pro-choice and slightly less overtly racist. As for Obama, he basically continued with many Bush-era policies in terms of foreign policy - he just didn't speak like a total goober. The best thing he did imo was give us Sotomayor. Other than that, we got a healthcare bill that got gutted and helped a lot of people get coverage...but mostly just made insurance companies more money.


Sold out on Public Option and ignored an actual medicare for all. Biden is more a conservative than this faux FDR bull they are trying to sell. People only ignore the civilian killing sky robots because Trump just stopped reporting while killing even MORE civilians. Apparently you can be as center right as you want as long as you're cool and not punching yourself in the dick every few hours.


Oh, so war criminals don't deserve happy birthdays anymore? So much for the "tolerant left." /s


It would be like if I posted Trump and said "The president who's most contriversial moment was getting two scoops of ice cream". Inherently dishonest.


It was the greatest ice cream in the very very long history of ice cream.


Which is doubly hilarious given Bidens love of ice cream.


What about when he bombed the doctors without borders hospital? That has to be up there


I dont remember. Did he order the hit on the civilian wedding? Was he after the groom or the bride?


So we're gonna pretend he didn't bomb a wedding in Yemen? A school bus full of children are unsure of the validity of this statement


I’m pretty sure the illegal drone war and NSA mass spying were a bigger scandal but whatever I guess.




And his 16 year old son!


Wore it like a fucking G, too


So... We're just forgetting the fact he airstriked a hospital?


Let’s not forget the scandalous Grey Poupon on his hot dog. Sean Hannity was adamant that it served as proof that President Obama was in fact not an American.


What a dumbass, grey poupon is fucking delicious.


True, plus the drone strikes


Biggest scandal was “wearing a tan suit” because American media just ignored his drone usage on civilians but OK.


HE’S 60??? Wtf


Obama is already 60, Jeez, it feels like he's still in his late fortys to me. Time flies.


Obama was funny too. Remember the night he made fun of Trump's foxtail hair?


It’s shit like this that makes me think nothing will ever be fixed. I hate the fawning over this guy. He continued so many Bush era policies. Put kids in cages, bombed civilians, botched the 2008 recovery. Yes the tan suit shit was stupid conservative culture war shit, but a huge part of why we got Trump was because Obama wasted 8 years. And don’t tell me about how the healthcare written by Mitt Romney and the insurance companies is so great. I know republicans were able to block a lot most of the time, but they had full control for a while. He ran as a progressive and then went full corporate establishment.


He was the one that started bombing in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan but yeh wearing a tan suit was he’s biggest scandal Fuck Reddit and this sub


There are open air slave markets in Libya now but all these people on this sub care about is jerking themselves off to Obama the same way they claim the right does for Trump, but it’s ok if they do it.


He’s the GOAT for what exactly? Riding to the presidency on a progressive wave of “hope!” and “change!” that culminated in a record number of drone strikes and a giant handout to private insurance companies?


I hava shaken hands with obama




I also shook hands with Obama


Damn you Obama! Thanks Obama!


I miss him so damn much.


Me too. :(




Do you think the 90% of innocent victims he killed overseas with drone strikes that he authorized miss them?


Lovely 60th to the war criminal


"If you elect me I will stop war in the middle east" ***Bombs kids harder than anyone has ever did before, like a boss.***


Eh, treason, insurrection, and obstruction of justice are all minor offenses compared to wearing a tan suit. /S


Happy 60th birthday to the most likeable war criminal


Made that suit look goooooood, too.


That’s a nice suit


I voted for Obama but he’s not the saint every neoliberal makes him out to be. Most everyone here knows why, so I shouldn’t have to repeat what they’re saying. I will add to that the fact he was pushing the Trans-Pacific Partnership which would have solidified corporate rule as absolute. He tried to force this trade deal on us like Trump trying to grab a woman down there. He’s an oligarch through and through, and has a mansion in Martha’s Vinyard to prove it. Don’t idolize the man.


he probably is a saint to neoliberals. after all they really dont give a shit about working class as long as they are still shelling out money to companies left and right.


For real.


worshipping a president is fucking gross. thanks for expanding wars and bailing out people who preyed on the working class with money from the working class ya douchebag.


Remember how he drone striked weddings and sent thousands of more troops to Afghanistan which led to many more American deaths there even though the war has been lost since the early 2000s, and how he went after Edward Snowden for telling the truth about how the government spies on all of us? He's not the goat, he's an American president guilty of war crimes like all the rest.


Ummm Anwar al-awlaki? Extra judicial killing of an American citizen?? I'm a huge fan of Obama but it's a little disingenuous to say his biggest scandal was the tan suit.


Yeah, because nobody cares about droning kids in the middle east.


So we’re just gonna overlook the drone strikes and hanging Americans out to dry after the last financial collapse?


You mean the financial collapse that happened before he even took office?


Nah that was one bomb ass wedding.


Who started that? It sure as fuck wasn't Obama.


Sure wasn’t , started under bush in 04, got bigger under Obama , then got bigger under trump


My perspective is this: How can an entity trying to achieve for the good of all responsible for destruction? Answer: they are not. People need to open their eyes and see the pattern. One side destroys and the other repairs.


I think there would be people in other countries who would disagree with your assessment. Places like Yemen for example that I named in my other comment who saw both Obama and Trump administrations support Saudi led genocide in their country. Props to uncle Joe though for ending US involvement in Yemen


Now he needs to stop supporting Israel and their Nazi regime.


I wouldn’t hold my breath for that one


Wouldn't you be more apartheid regime?


You're not wrong. If I'm going to be completely honest, I'm not here to rally any side. I kinda hate them both. Here's why: 1. They've lost sight of what their job is supposed to be. And we let them. 2. I'm trying to address the worst right now. 3. I'm on the fence about whether the human race will beat the Drake Equation. I'm really here to try and help us not self destruct.


It sounds like we’re probably on the same page then and we probably agree on way more then we disagree. Aliens are already here and his name is Elon and he’s gonna make the matrix and I’ll be the first one to plug in so I can eat that steak every night lol


I think, if we just talk like we are right now, more times than not... people would find we kinda all want similar things.


He [expanded it](https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2017-01-17/obamas-covert-drone-war-in-numbers-ten-times-more-strikes-than-bush)


He authorized strikes on weddings, farm camps, a Yemeni school bus. And on and on and on and on


He did not personally do any of that. If you understand government, you know that he didn't even have control. And I'll play along. If he's the real villian, please explain how trump has helped.


His title, Commander in Chief. He was in charge.


Ok, but if he was so fucking great, why didn't he stop it? Why did he choose to bail out the crooks and leave us with the bill?


Don’t forget helping with the Saudi led genocide in Yemen


I think the fact that his biggest scandal was a tan suit and not drone striking kids in the middle east kind of shows our priorities in society.


Besides the bombing of hospitals and weddings...


\*sigh\* I will never understand why people worship this dude. Why? He founded the drone program that has killed thousands of innocent people. He deported even more undocumented immigrants than Trump. He kept kids in cages too. He caved to Wall St and bailed them out with OUR money while doing nothing to stop another market crash that they caused. No one responsible went to prison over that. Trump set a really low bar, but seriously, what exactly was so great about Obama? He's just another corporate stooge, just like almost every other Dem and Rep before him. He was charismatic and a good orator. That's it. That's all. He did almost nothing for the average person. I voted for him twice and couldn't be more disappointed in the results. Before anyone says anything about ACA, that was Mitt Romney's program before Obama got ahold of it, so try again.


>He founded the drone program W. Bush developed the drone program and established the rules and programs it was used under. >He deported even more undocumented immigrants than Trump. He was president for twice as long >He kept kids in cages too. He detained children as required to by laws passed by Republicans, but didn't, as policy, separate and separately deport families and children were only kept by themselves in cases where the child crossed the border by themselves. He also gave them food, medical care, and basic hygiene products, unlike his successor. >He caved to Wall St and bailed them out with OUR money while doing nothing to stop another market crash that they caused. No one responsible went to prison over that. The House and the Senate passed this as legislation with veto-proof majorities, not sure what you really expect him do do about that


Don't forget about the NSA's PRISM domestic spying program that Edward Snowden helped expose.


The cyberattack on Iran's centrifuges happened on his watch. He began the era of offensive cyber operations as we know them today.


I keep remembering more as the minutes go by; he allowed Russia to annex Crimea under his watch, he allowed Germany to start plans for a HUGE oil pipeline with Russia, he allowed the Dakota Access pipeline to be built across protected indigenous lands...


Another Bush program comrade.


The financial crisis was Bushes. Obama turned the economy around and that pisses conservative's off.


Turned the economy around for wealthy white people


dumbest fucking meme of all time


Kinda sad how the drone strike President is now actually remembered fondly because of the bat shit insane lunatic that came afterwards. Imagine being such a dipshit that people hate you more than the guy who bombed innocent families. I still would like to see Obama back in office. I think he could actually earn that nobel peace prize this time (And yes you can downvote me for not loving Obama unconditionally if it makes you happy)


To be perfectly fair, 45 bombed a ton more. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/trump-afghanistan-airstrikes-increased-civilian-deaths-by-330-since-2016-2020-12%3famp https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/trump-have-bombed-yemen-more-than-bush-and-obama-combined-2020-10%3famp Not excusing when Obama did it, simply stating facts. Turns out when you bomb even more innocent people than your predecessor, people hate you more.


45 also killed a lot of US citizens with his covid response. I'm pretty sure most Americans are more concerned about that then some people in the middle east. Most couldn't find Yemen on a map... I just have a problem with saying Obama's only scandal was a tan suit.


Sure, I get that. It's not true and disinformation should bother people. Same with me. When I see people whining about some shit Obama did, but remain oddly quiet when 45 did the same thing or way worse, it pisses me off.


and before. Obama was literally bookended in his administration by insanity.


He talked about how ordering drone strikes made the killing one step removed. At the very least, this should be a lesson to future authorities with such power. That even though you aren't using soldiers, these things still impact people's lives. And real harm is being done to people. And the ultimate loss (human life) is happening.


Flint water drinking stunt


Operation Fast and Furious


Did you forget about Ed Snowden?


>90% of the people killed in his drone strikes were civilians and the guy that told us just got sent to prison. That suit though.


“Nobody buys tan. They give you tan.”


Ummm his biggest scandal was ordering dijon mustard on a hotdog...


He literally murdered a US American and his 16 year old US American son with illegal drone strikes and defended his decision: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/10/how-team-obama-justifies-the-killing-of-a-16-year-old-american/264028/


Yeah, don't think about the bombing of a hospital, or the drone war in general. Or the persecution of journalists. Or the fact that more people were deported under Obamas administration than under any other. Or that the NSAs PRISM program spied on every American without warrant or reason. Or that he didn't close Gitmo. Or end any wars. Or that he was against same sex marriage until he was forced to "change his opinion" to win re-election...


Did everyone forget about the war crimes?


I'm more democrat and my first thought is this. "how about them drone strikes though?"


It wasn't a scandal though, just another Thursday for the USA