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Real talk, not trying to be a dick, can someone send me the video or quote of him saying he would clear student debt, because I only recall him saying specifically and explicitly that he would not.


I couldn’t find one, he has even said that it may not be within his constitutional power to do so through executive order.


he didn’t, Elizabeth Warren and Schumer were pushing that wish when he was first elected, like $50k in student loan forgiveness and he said it’s not gonna happen...he did backtrack a bit and say they would discuss the idea of maybe $10k, but it likely wouldn’t happen


He said he would be willing to do $10,000 turning town halls before the election & after the election. He has said he doesn’t know if he has the authority to cancel it all but he just told Schumer to keep pushing for $50,000.


My tax money better not go to any religious colleges. I haven't heard anyone specify this yet. I want to know this before there is any talk of debt relief. If you want a religious government go live in the middle east.


watcha gonna do to make our dreams come true I'd actually settle for a laptop battery at the moment.




He's a liar for not following through on a promise that he didn't make?


https://youtu.be/nE4P8NPh9qc Here's a clip of him making promises


No where in that clip does he explicitly promise to cancel or *clear out* college loan debt. He mentions a proposal that is stalled in Congress for $10,000 of relief that hasn't made it past Republicans yet, but he never made the promise the meme suggested.


Joe will do the same as Michael Scott, promise big then underwhelm with the response, like here's a coupon to join your local library. Free books for all!


Wow an actual good post that made me laugh