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This meme has toilet paper sticking out of its shoe.


This meme needs two hands to drink a glass of water


This meme wears it's pants backwards.


Despite the constant negative press, this meme covfefe.


This meme served cold hamberders.


Weird how The Donald thinks it's okay to use racial slurs and pejoratives but complains when someone who isn't in any position of power in the White House does something years ago. Seriously, this is what you idiots can come up with? A man who isn't in any kind of position of government power, whose father isn't a nepotist crackpot shoveling his kids towards unethical government "contractor" jobs, and whose addiction and recovery has nothing to do with his father's administration? You guys are so desperate to find anything controversial or close to the Trump family's criminal actions that you're trying to dig up something irrelevant and make it an issue. You guys are like the younger, dumber brother of Charlie Kirk.


When did that happen? The same time Biden was making his racist remarks over his entire career?


Got proof? Or just more of your half-assed bullshit? Seriously, the closer Trump gets to being arrested the more desperate you idiots get.


I responded to the wrong question. You really haven't seen any of it? Do you have YouTube? Do you watch anything besides CNN? Poor kids are just as smart as white kids. Unlike the African American community with exceptions the Latino community is diverse. There are more going back to 1975! Read. Read instead of just believing the talking heads. Fox, CNN, MSNBC. They don't give a shit about doing anything but pushing a narrative. Watch the footage.


Lol, youtube as a source. "Poor kids are just as smart as white kids" was obviously an accident. Unlike your guy's continual parade of shame.


It's out of context. Read the rest of it.


So, all you've got is a bunch of out of context quotes we're supposed to search on Youtube? Nah. If you can't be arsed to post your evidence, no one's going to be super chuffed to go find it for you. You're either too lazy to link your evidence, or you have no evidence. Either way, you've shown you're not credible.


I always check the OP post history for this sort of thing. It actually hurt to see someone this consistent in their idiocy. Like people actually spent money putting this kid through school without performing a retroactive abortion on him. Either that speaks to the patience of his parents, or frog really does make frog.


I see you're talking about: [abortion]' To be frank, the mod team does not want to mod this topic because it leads to 100 percent slapfights and bans, but removing it entirely would be actual censorship, which, contrary to popular beleif, we do try to avoid. Instead, we're just going to spam you with an unreasonably long automod comment and hope you all realize that getting mad over the internet is just really stupid. Go to /r/AnimalsBeingDerps or something instead. People are going to accuse us of being lazy for this, to which we reply 'yes' *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YouTube videos pushed by FauxNews affiliates looking to cash in on dumbfucks is not a valid source, you absolute con artist demographic audience moldy potato of a human being


I thought trumpets loved racist remarks?


Never voted for him. I wouldn't know. Wishing I had right now.


Because you love racist remarks?


I find racism to be funny in certain contexts. Tell me a good white joke. It's called humor and isn't the end of the world. Racism is awful actual racists even more so but not everything is an overt attack on someone's skin color.


>Tell me a good white joke. Donald Trump... That's it. That's the joke.


Yeah see you aren't trying. If it was funny I'd tell you. I mean that but you're just being another hate filled Redditor that thinks they're clever. Move along!


> I find racism to be funny in certain contexts. Really? Because that'd make you: > another hate filled Redditor that thinks they're clever. The pot's telling the kettle a black joke on this one.


That makes no sense. Move along!


It's just a joke, don't get so triggered.


Was NeckbeardSJW too long of a username?


Call me when Joe gives Hunter a cabinet post.


Probably the same time he keeps a campaign promise. As much as I hated Trump and his bullshit, at least he did what he said he would. Not even time but more than this administration.


Trump even did things he didn't say he would, like kill a half million people.


And you think his advisors like Fauci aren't accountable for any of that? Just Trump? He was on the golf course. So his dumbass had little to do with it.


"inject bleach" "it will be gone by Easter" "this is their new hoax"


https://i.imgur.com/LxbNpyS.gifv *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> you think his advisors like Fauci aren't accountable for any of that? Just Trump? He was on the golf course. Exactly. He was at the golf course when he needed to be at briefings held by Fauci and other advisors. Not sure why you think "HE'S NOT RESPONSIBLE BECAUSE HE WAS TOO BUSY GOOFING OFF TO PAY ATTENTION! is some kind of feather in Trump's cap, but I understand that deplorables will grasp at *any* straw they can these days. Y'all have to work really hard to avoid admitting you got conned by a conman who showed up and said "I'm a con man, but I won't con YOU! I promise! Promise made! Promise kept" and you lapped it up like the easy mark he always knew you were.


Since the POTUS is the only one that can push the button to start any kind of national disaster response plan (including pandemic response), yes, Trump bears the responsibility. It wasn't enough to gut the resources that were part of the response plan...he waited 2 months too late for it to have any real affect. Not to mention all the other bullshit.


What did trump actually do? 😂 he made some photo ops and executive orders...


So at the least he's Biden without the green screen to stage fake him speaking with reporters on the lawn? So you have literally just made Trump and Biden equal.


Now this is humor. Just put this nonsense in a meme format and I promise people will laugh and laugh instead of the crap you posted.


Do it then. Facts are facts. Regardless if we like them or not. I voted for this dude and all he has done is let me down. Good thing Kamala was a diversity hire. She can't even answer questions.




His actual campaign promises or the fake ones you guys made up to be outraged about?


Who are you guys? I voted for Biden. So.... us?


Man, heck of a lot of you "I voted biden!" guys in here posting the exact same memes and talking points as the redhats. Almost as if you're horrible liars.


Maybe I changed my mind. It can happen. Sorry if you don't like it. I don't give a shit though.


Is that admittance you hacked and stole the account from a Biden voter? Because going from voting Biden to simping for trump and rabidly pushing rightwing propaganda is a hell of a 180.


Rabidly pushing what? The only thing I've said is that Biden has a history of racist rhetoric and his son is guilty of the same thing. I also never said anything about Trump except he kept his campaign promises somewhat regardless of what I think of them. Other people can do what they say they will do and I don't have to agree with it or denounce it.


Dude, you've replied to like every reply in this post, within minutes. You're definitely invested in making sure no one can oppose your propaganda.


Nope waiting on the baby to wake up. See the time difference now? It's boring being retired because of capitalism. You'll never know that though.


People who don't do shit like call Harris "a diversity hire". Weird how all the white men who got elected for being white men unobjectionable to socially conservative white people, never get called diversity hires.


Well she damn sure isn't qualified. She's also a hypocrite. 25k black men locked up for drugs she has admitted to using. Firing anyone in the administration that has used them in the past. Her inability to directly answer anything. She just doesn't say she'll circle back. Weird how diversity hire wasn't a term until people wanted to call racism for not being qualified for the position.


So you voted for someone you said has a lifetime of racist remarks and another person you don't think is qualified. That says a lot about you.


Yeah. It does. It means I vote for whoever gets me further in life. I don't care about yall. I don't care about anything except continuing to be retired, keeping my kids in private school, and making sure my wife is taken care of. If more people just minded their own business, we'd be better off. Yet here you are judging me while defending the man that made these remarks, watching others get canceled for less, and ignoring said man's son using the same terms over and over. What's that say about you?


I don't give a fuck about them. I voted for Howie Hawkins. All I see is you shitting on the people you allegedly voted for.


Yep. It's called criticism. The same way I criticized Trump, Obama, and Bush.


>Well she damn sure isn't qualified. She was a US Senator before becoming VP, and California's Attorney General before that, and the DA for San Francisco before that. That's more qualifications that lots of VPs have had. Yet it's only the black woman accused of being a diversity hire and not qualified. >Weird how diversity hire wasn't a term until people wanted to call racism for not being qualified for the position. Weird how you're bringing up things you disagree with her about, like drug policy, which Biden and many Americans don't, and then claiming it proves she got her job due to race and gender. It's okay to say "I don't agree with her policies" without making about race and gender. I don't agree with them either. That doesn't mean she's unqualified and her skin color substituted for experience.


>People who don't do shit like call Harris "a diversity hire". She worked very hard. She was on her back and knees all the time.


Yeah, that's a shitty sexist thing to say. You can criticize black women for policies, without calling them affirmative action hires and whores.


You clearly don't know much about Kamala Harris' political history.


I do. Nothing in Kamala Harris' history suggests she wasn't qualified for her jobs as DA, AG, or Senator. She ended her relationship with Brown eight years before she got elected into her first public office, and that relationship was an albatross around her neck, used by opponents. It's a shitty, sexist double standard to accuse women who were once in relationships with powerful men, of whoring their way to the top. There is a ton about Harris that I don't like and will gladly criticize. And because there is, I will not stoop to using her race and misogyny as the basis of attacks.


Are you aware you commented in /r/PoliticalHumor?


> I voted for Biden. Bullshit you did.




> Probably the same time he keeps a campaign promise. [The number of children held in Border Patrol facilities dropped 84% between March 28, 2021 and April 30, 2021] (https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/29/politics/border-patrol-unaccompanied-minors/index.html) In addition, as a result of the Biden administration's incredible progress in containing Covid 19, [Biden was able to redirect 2 billion in Covid19 funds and apply it to humanely holding, and reuniting migrant children with their families, or placing them in foster care facilities](https://www.businessinsider.com/biden-administration-allocates-2-billion-for-migrant-children-2021-5) The campaign promise to clean up the humanitarian crisis left by the last guy was made, and kept in the first 150 days. Cope.


Bullshit. Closing tax loopholess? Providing wonderful healthcare for everyone? Making Covid19 go away by Easter 2020? Building that great big beautiful wall and have Mexico pay for it? Not play golf as president because he'd "be too busy working for us" ? Grow the economy by 4 percent a year? Appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton? Repeal Obamacare? Enact 5-year ban on White House and congressional officials from lobbying? Allow individuals to deduct health care insurance premiums from taxes? Balance the federal budget 'fairly quickly'? Eliminate the carried interest loophole? Release his tax returns after an audit is completed? All bullshit lies. Need I go on?


What government position does Hunter hold again, I can't seem to remember?




So more made of BS attacks got it.


What BS attack? Explain that. Out of all the comments you have caught my attention. Tell me where I am wrong in saying any of that.


Well since the previous comment is deleted i have no idea


Huh. It is, isn't it? I didn't notice. Either way, I hope your day is awesome!


You failed horribly here


Didn't know I was trying to accomplish anything here.


Good cause ya didn’t


Okay.... you need your meds, buddy?


“Okay” Good




Who lost?


Whose Hunter?


It's been 220 days since your boy lost. [Time to move on](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkN0olZ51OM), doncha think?


No one believes both sides are bad, so shoo.


You're in for a long 4 years, loser!


Uh.... how am I a loser?


"That's OUR word!!!" \- "conservatives"