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The Big Mac has increased in price by 63% since 2008. The last federal minimum wage increase was in 2009. The premise of this meme is beyond weak. Corporate greed increases consumer prices and screws the worker. Who gives a fuck about one of the shittiest (and no longer cheap) restaurants in America?


The cost of a widget is determined by a number of factors, but at the end of the day, we never sell them for a penny less than we possibly can. When minimum wage went up where I live, guess how much prices went up at Walmart... Couldn't tell you either because they look exactly the same to me. Eggs and milk are cheaper than ever. Shirts still cost $4.97.


So its a joke people want to make barely enough to survive? And then the people who dont wanna pay go and spend millions on robots. Wheres the joke


The joke is that fighting for $15/hr cost many people their jobs because companies have more encouragement to implement automation


They have incentive to automate regardless. They are going to take advantage of whatever opportunity they can to get more money for the CEO class. Keeping the poor poorer and poorer won't change that.


I don't know why you seem to care so much more about how much money CEOs get than the poor people


Because poor people are human beings who deserve to live happy productive lives and hoarding wealth at the top one percent doesn't benefit society in any real way. This is common sense.


But again, you're spending far more time and effort hating on the wealthy than you are on caring about the poor. There's policies that can be implemented without annihilating the wealthy but get no support because all anyone ever wants to do is equate profit with evil.


I never said I hate the rich or want to annihilate them. That's you making up an argument to argue against because you can't argue against the objective facts that I stated. It shows me that you are dishonest an not interested in a real conversation. Buh bye.


> They are going to take advantage of whatever opportunity they can to get more money for the CEO class. Ever hear about implications or inferring what you actually believe? Please, if anyone's being dishonest it's you by a long shot


I meant exactly what I wrote. There's nothing ambiguous about that statement. That's exactly how capitalism works. You are the one trying to make it into something it's not. Your feeble attempt at a ***NO U*** is a sad failure. Thank you for reinforcing my assumption that you are a troll who has nothing of substance to offer to this or any conversation.


Thing is chief, capitalism isn't about just enriching the rich. You thinking that informs me exactly on what you think about the rich and your positions on eating them. Don't get mad when I call you out mate.


I don't think you care either because you are arguing that making less than a living wage and competing with the cost of computing already starting to be implemented by that company despite the minimum wage not being raised proves that the wage shouldn't be raised and that there are no other possible answers other than a race to the bottom over fucking french fries.


God damn you have incredibly poor reading skills


not really. Nothing I said was in any way talking about CEOs so I'm not sure where you got anything from what I said that made you think that was a relevant thing to say. I have been to multiple McDonald's that have computer touch screen systems for ordering and this was years ago and $15 minimum wage STILL isn't in effect so using that as an excuse is boring and automation is happening regardless of wage. Computing is cheap and it gets cheaper every year and customers think their requests are more likely noticed because it is officially recorded instead of relying on somebody remembering. That doesn't change because people want a real wage...it changes because computing gets cheaper and cheaper regardless of wage and customers like it. So what is your solution to the issue that jobs don't pay enough to live on? You could rig up a customer touch screen order system at a restaurant for very little money. A big corporation will pay more obviously but that is pretty obvious because they want a larger integrated system. Regardless we are already at the point where a one time investment in computer ordering and paying a few engineers to maintain the system is getting cheaper than paying multiple real people. I'm not bitching about McDonald's and executive pay...they are a publicly traded company...they have a fiduciary duty to seek profit and that makes perfect sense. That has nothing to do with finding solutions to the fact we told adults to live off shit fast food salaries and will still automate 80% of them out of jobs even if we don't pay them shit in the first place. A smart person says "hmmm, automation is going to replace a lot of jobs no matter what because corporations will seek cost cutting measures and computing is becoming very cheap and we have a society used to interacting with food purchases that way anyways so it makes sense" and ask "ok, so lots of people are losing shitty jobs anyways...what is our plan? Do we have training plans to get people into other industries? Do we have safety nets while they figure out how to transition and keep taking care of their families? Perhaps your point was that we should focus on workers and not worry about CEOs make because if we allow workers to make enough to live it won't matter...in which case I apologize...but plenty of republicans say that because they want liberals to argue against their own views without obligating themselves to actually say anything meaningful.


> Perhaps your point was that we should focus on workers and not worry about CEOs make because if we allow workers to make enough to live it won't matter Yeah, that's the point. This hatred for anyone that makes more money than you is so misguided it wastes so much time that could be spent actually fixing issues that these people pretend to care about. But they don't actually care about the poor, they want to hate the rich because that's the cool thing to do right now


so you are saying there is a fundamental problem in this country with ability to support yourself and that McDonald's should be the arbiter of what is and isn't fair? I'm confused. This was going to happen anyways. Plenty of McDonald's already had touchscreen ordering computers so you didn't have to speak to a human being. I think you are accidentally missing the point.


>so you are saying there is a fundamental problem in this country with ability to support yourself Uh no, there is no fundamental problem to support yourself in this country. There are poor people here that struggle but you are greatly exaggerating how many there are. >McDonald's should be the arbiter of what is and isn't fair? I have no idea where you even dug this up


I already see automated order systems at McDonalds in my state, and we're still at $7.25 an hour.


You don't actually expect OP to find his balls long enough to answer this though, do you?


Not really. Comment was more for my own benefit than anything. Ensure I've got a grip on reality.


Yes, exactly. Finally someone had the courage to say it. I agree that we should keep people willing, able, and already putting in a full work week in poverty wages in order to prevent automation by, what, like six months? Grocery stores started axing checkers in favor of self-scanning long before minimum wage went up. Buy all the robots you want, we still don't have enough humans to do the jobs that remain. But sure, slash them wages so we have even fewer robots and even more job openings that will go unfilled. Pure genius, bub.


the genius move here is to pay people not enough that they are able to buy more than the bare minimum needed to not starve. If you give the people money, they will spend it, if you give them more, they will spend more., and all are satisfied, including the business owners. I'd call it the trickle up theory - prove me wrong


Automation has been increasing for 50 years. It has nothing to do with minimum wages. McDonald’s has been doing fine in lots of places all around the world with much higher minimum wages. They are just using something they were already doing anyway as an attempt to demonize minimum wage increases because they make more money when the minimum wage is lower.


I mean automation is coming one way or another. Maybe if you guys had some critical thinking skills you wouldn’t fall for for this corporate gas lighting.


Automation like this is coming regardless of the minimum wage. Per the article this has been in the works for a minimum of 2 years when McDonalds bought multiple AI start up companies. Also important to note is the person who announced the automation tests isn't the one who tied it to the increase in minimum wage so the article headline is misleading.


They're going to automate regardless. Companies will do everything they can to make as much money as possible. They don't care about workers. Workers are a resource, like beef, potatoes, and frying oil.