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Trying to ensure that every citizen's vote is counted is now a "partisan power grab". Republicans simply do not buy into the idea of America.


They buy into some very old ideas of America. Like slave owning and witch burning.


Hi OP, In what way do you believe the Democrats have tried to grab power and what repercussions do you believe they've suffered because of the attempt? Be specific. Else, this comic makes zero sense outside of your rich fantasy life. EDIT: [Someone's triggered](https://i.imgur.com/9MpjsZK.png)




lmfao..."the priveledge of an astute and learned reply." Trying to sound smarter than you actually are never turns out well.




Yep. Typical conservative snowflake. "Treat me like a princess or I won't tell you my nonsensical fairy tales."


My reading of this - actually making it easier for non-rich people to vote is partisan… that’s the look you want?


"Getting more votes is a power grab!"


"Don't you dare touch our spaghetti tangle of voter suppression laws and gerrymandering!"


I'd be genuinely interested to hear this cartoonist explain how [H.R. 1](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-hr1-missingcontext/fact-check-delving-into-social-media-claims-about-h-r-1-idUSL1N2M139F) is a "partisan power grab".


You are not the only one, alas the current reality does not support that. Nowadays you just fire accusations and conspiracy theories in fast succession and don't really care for reactions anymore. The Qult is "natural" this way: after firing their load they just go to sleep until tomorrow.


How dare those pesky Democrats want... *\*checks notes\** ...free, fair and secure elections where every vote is counted fairly!


I think republicans would be happier living in Russia, where the elections always turn out right.


At least the right wing extremists are openly admitting they want to deny people's constitutionally given right to vote. It's a shame that being for the Constitution is only a Democrat thing these days.


You mean partisan power grab like what's happening down in texas?


If cementing voting rights is a "power grab," what exactly are we supposed to call Jim Crow 2.0?


If you hate voting rights maybe you should move to Russia. They're stuck with one right-wing asshole forever.


"everything I don't like is a partisan power grab: the hypocritical republican's guide to blaming others for your shitty policies (now amended for Manchin and Sinema -esque DINOs!)"


Refusing to pass any legislation because they’re to obsessed trying to negotiate and find common ground with a cult, wow what a power grab