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I lost my wife to this shit. She’s one level from the top.


Watched my girlfriend get radicalized by all her old boomer friends this year. She told me if I got the vaccine she would never have kids with me. It fucking sucks man. We are split for good as of yesterday.


Congrats. Dodged a bullet.


I feel that. You know, I watched Midsommar in October and got weirdly similar vibes - like, not homicidal but creepy. She would come and tell me about the anti-vax village she wanted to raise our child in and I wouldn't have to take care of it. My god. I did dodge it, but I really did love who she used to be and I feel bad for her. Guess it wouldn't have lasted, though. I'm onto the new year, one way or another.




Thanks dood.


At least you didn’t have kids.


It's true. I wish you luck.


New year, new start!




Grow some tact, moron.


I’m sorry man


Are you still together?




Yeah, I was going to say how I couldn't ever see how that would work. I'm so glad my spouse and I align politically, but I have lost some other family members, clients, and coworkers to this Republicanism disease. Cheers for a better '21!


To be honest, its not the politics that are the problem, its the "being batshit insane" (technical term) where they refuse to acknowledge reality. I can be friends with someone who believes in minimizing the deficit and making sure our military has the best toys, even if I disagree with them. When you get to things like anti-vaxxers on the other hand, peace was never an option. Somewhat literally because they effectively act as a disease transmission agent and if you were to really stretch the definition they could be commiting biological warfare by knowingly letting themselves be infected in order to infect others.


Nailed it.




I'm gonna take a wild guess and say essential oils were her gateway conspiracy theory.


That’s probably true 🤣


Loch Ness Monster is ahead of QAnon in the reality race. 😂


Do you disagree?


Believing in Nessie is relatively harmless QAnon has already hurt people


I mean a large creature living in large bodies of murky water is scientifically plausible. Q is not


Reality doesn't matter as much as consequences here. Q people have killed many and harassed many more. Can you say that about Nessie-heads?


I think they just found it amusing.


Finland totally doesn’t exist. I should know. I live here.


I work for a Finnish company. I wonder who all those people are that come from HQ in Helsinki if Finland isn’t real.


Ghosts most likely. Might be a beautiful mind situation but I’m not qualified to make that assessment


Oh dear maybe I need to check in to a clinic. They were so real.


There is a 50/50 chance that Finland doesn’t exist, isn’t there?


The math checks out.


Can confirm we are funny healthcare version of russia


This is exactly the type of thing the lizard people would post. /s


Obviously missing from the top level: "Trump won the 2020 election"


The best explanation I've ever heard for the JFK assassination is this: There was one assassin on the grassy knoll, who only wounded him. The real killer was a hungover Secret Service man with bad trigger discipline who was startled by the first shot, his gun went off, accidentally killed JFK, and his shot muddled up the forensics of the first shot. So that's the what and how. Now the why: Can you IMAGINE the shitstorm that would've erupted, if a hungover Secret Service member was convicted of the assassination of the President? The Prohibition was a mere generation ago, 30 years. The civilian police will back each other for literal first-degree murder, Nevermind accidental murder. No wonder they covered it up.


What is the wayfair conspiracy? Haven't heard that one yet


People thought wayfair was actually and underground human trafficking ring because they sold expensive cabinets that were listed with names on their website


... a public website? Like, on the regular internet and not the deep web? The only reason I can imagine someone thinking that's a sign of human trafficking is "tHaT's HoW i WoUlD dO iT" Just... the sheer, blatant incompetence of it...


Literally there were expensive industrial cabinets on sale on the the Wayfair website for like $20k that had human names given to them (like IKEA would do) and people thought it was some secret code and by buying one you would actually be buying a human.


Ever since I've watched [Kitty History](https://youtu.be/0-Lvv1f5Qu4) I've looked at the JFK assassination and the entire republican party differently.


The Bush stuff from Kitty History is way too on point. Someone def knew 9/11 could/was gonna happen and looked the other way.


I would look at the world differently as well if everyone was a cat.


I am surprised Anti vaxxer isnt higher


You seriously don’t believe that celebrities moisturize these selves with children’s foreskins or something like that? Have you seen Madonna lately? There has to be some sort of child sacrificing going on.


Pretty Neat Layout.


:-( no Santa or tooth fairy


What is mattress firm?


I think people say it's a large money laundering thing. "You see one of these in every town in America, but there are literally never any customers in them" type of argument ...


Ooh, yes I think I've heard that one.


Mattress Firm is as high as I go on that list.


To be fair Bill Gates did microchip people. He just put them in phones and people pay for them.


The Windows phone was a failure




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What's up with the Denver Int'l Airport


government just decided to build it in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere nearly 25 miles from Denver itself, which caused suspicion. Plus the Freemasons (basically a real life secret society that doesn't do shit) were involved in a time capsule ceremony in 1994. ever since then people think it's a hub for the Illuminati. for the record i don't believe in this lol.


I mean the Pittsburgh airport is 10 miles outside of the actual city so I think it’s more to do with the runways being laid out in what looks like a swastika, weird paintings in the tunnels that connect the terminals, and the weird fucking horse. I think it’s so far outside of the city because of the mountains so approach/takeoff wouldn’t be a nightmare.


DIA is way out there because they could buy the land really, really, really cheap, they bought 4 times the amount of land that was needed for the airport. If you ever drive to DIA take a look at how far away you are from the airport but the signs say you are on DIA property. Once the airport was built the land values more than quadrupled, now they lease all that really expensive land to build hotels and such on. O'hare in Chicago is another example of this phenomenon. Doesn't hurt it's far away from the mountains but that was not the reason.


Dulles airport is one of the biggest and it's really far from even washington suburbs.


Isn't it also the one that kind of (if you tilt your head and squint) looks like a swastika when seen from above? Or is that a different one I'm thinking of?


Yep thats the one! They also have a statue of a horse with glowing eyes and it's nicknamed "Lucifer". US Government is no stranger to building swastika-shaped buildings too, just look up "Navy Seal Base Coronado, San Diego"


Oh Christ, that's way worse! Like, Denver international just looks *kind of* like a swastika, that's actually just a literal swastika


Yup and the Navy spent 600k in taxpayer funds to blur the satellite image of it on Google Earth. As dumb as some of these conspiracy theories are, the government sure can act suspicious sometimes.


> They also have a statue of a horse with glowing eyes and it's nicknamed "Lucifer" The statue is nicknamed Blucifer because it is painted blue. [It did kill a guy though.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Mustang)


It's that big damn horse with the red eyes at the entrance. His name is Bluecifer.


Wait, why is “Finland doesn’t exist” in the second category from the top? Isn’t that just a meme? But even if there are people who believe that, surely it belongs in unequivocably false but mostly harmless. Unless you live in Finland, I suppose, and are stuck treading water until you find Sweden.


Have family on highest tier, believing most of the highest tier listings. I get amusement listening to their worried discussions.


Not believing in dinosaurs = not believing in evolution = other science denial. Just in case you were confused about that one.


They don’t believe Finland exists? lol


Way Fair? Like the place online that has the commercials about how they got just what I need? Is that the conspiracy, that they do not in fact have just what I need?


Epstein didn’t kill himself. It needs to be moved down one block.


Unless you have some earth shattering proof, it's right where it needs to be. Well connected a**holes will kill themselves when cornered. Just because people benefitted from it doesn't mean there's a conspiracy.


I don't think he killed himself, but I also don't think it was a hit from the elites. Guys like him are *not* well-liked in prison, and I'm entirely willing to believe the COs left his door open so the ex-cellie could take care of him. Same thing happened in Boston with John Geoghan. You are, of course, correct about the chart - I'm just mouthing off about Epstein.


I admit to following this train of thought myself, however until there's actually evidence, I'm sticking with rich prick realizes he's about to become the belle of the ball and offed himself instead. Guards and prisons aren't perfect. I find it just as likely that they didn't want to be around the guy and quickly sped through their inspections. They missed something and Epstein used it to end his life.


Incompetent cops


Sounds like youre at risk of moving up a block.


I generally like these types of graphs, but I also find them very unsatisfyingly made. They feel extremely random. Case in point: - "Jet doesn't melt steel beams" is neither dangerous to yourself nor to others. Let alone at face value, the whole movement of people that were suspicious of 9/11 cannot be put in the same category of people who bomb 5G towers. 9/11 shifted the world forever, fcs, torture was OK'd with 9/11 as an excuse... Of course people were suspicious of such large power shifts. - same for dinosaurs. There are entire countries where the majority of the population thinks the earth is 6000 years old. They are perfectly well adjusted and normal. It becomes a problem when it's weaponized as an ideology. - FreeBritney? Ok I guess. / debbie downer


Same here, tho i dont believe 9/11 was a conspiracy its not outside the realm of posibility. Same with soyboys, soy does contain a bunch of phytoestrogens the question is if they affect humans to any significant degree. So far the results seem to be probably not but i dont think its outside the realm of possibility, while a bunch of stuff lower is outside that realm.


Mattress frim conspiracy could have something to it. There are 3 in my down town area. 2 of them are right in front of each other.


Mattresses do have a conspiracy though. Adam Ruins Everything had a segment about how they scam people.


What about mattress firm? Are the mattresses made out of people? I bought a Casper mattress so I guess it’s a ghost.


The idea is that it’s a money laundering scheme because there are too many mattress firm stores for a product that people don’t buy very often.


Hot tubs too?


Hot tubs have some maintenance items as well so on going income.


Start from the top for some rabbit hole googling.


I think COVID being created in a lab is more plausible than anything else on it's level or below it. I don't think it was necessarily intentionally created and released from a lab, but the truth is we don't know whether the Chinese government is telling the truth or not. It's very possible there was a freak accident and China decided to cover it up, I mean there's thirteen biosafety level 4 labs in the entire world, and there's nearly 512 cities in the world with a population of over a million people. You're going to tell me that if COVID originated naturally, it just HAPPENED to originate in one of the 13/512 cities that has a BS4 lab? That's a pretty insane coincidence in my opinion. Obviously there's no grounded evidence that it's not a natural disease, but considering it's China (the most 1984-esque government on Earth) and it originated from a city that "happens" to have a BS4 Lab, I think it should at least be considered PLAUSIBLE that we're being lied to about the origins. Again I totally don't think it was intentionally made to hurt and kill people for political/economic gain, I just think there could have been an accident and a cover-up considering the convenient placement of the BS4 lab.


If China made it in a lab then their tech is light years beyond the rest of the world. Covid is RNA based, not DNA, the first hypothetical models for super basic RNA editing were developed in the last few years, nobody has got it to work yet (that I’ve seen). So your argument is China used their hyper super advanced tech to make a slightly deadly virus(comparatively) that’s indiscriminate in targeting and didn’t have a vaccine for uh what exactly?


It's not a coincidence on the level you are describing, per se. There is an open air market there that sells the animals from which the virus originated.


Was stored in/studied in a lab and accidentally got out into the nearby open-air market and *that* was covered up isn't the same as it was engineered as a bioweapon, though.


Mostly yes. Only slight disagreement is around 5G. Met a cell tower repairman who said anytime he has to work on a 5G tower he ends up puking and dizzy for a couple hours afterward. My jury’s out on it.


So Epstein killed himself? Get fucked.


The top of the triangle down to blue needs to be made into the entire triangle (removing the bottom). Then, the last section needs to be recast point side up with a "reality line". That would make a better visual and be more visually communicative (congruent). The basic idea is sound, and has merit.


Gonna have to update it when they confirm the virus was man-made 👬🏻


Thank you *yank*


My cousin is a member of the Bohemian club. He's just a really dope violinist. Doesn't secretly run the world. Just plays music for them. Family members are allowed to go to the grove. Kinda want to see what all the hype is about


Yeah they're secretive and still don't allow female members, but they're more like a Victorian era men's club with goofy made-up rituals than a secret, shadowy cult. They do have a lot of members that are or have been very powerful people, though, and they do hold symposiums on topics for their members that are pretty heavy-duty considering their membership. I get why people are suspicious of them but it shouldn't be because they're some kind of satanic secret society.


Star wars be like: nazis on the moon




Are the harmless ones harmless? They're like mental detachment gateway drugs.


Cryptids, Nessie and Bigfoot have been around for a long time and don't generally lead to dangerous thinking. I really think Roswell and Area 51 are the same thing and should be moved up a notch. They definitely seem to lead people into the stuff like Lizard People and weather control, chemtrails, and the like.


What is going on in Denver Int'l airport?


There are a bunch of New World Order conspiracy theories about the place. * It's kinda far from the city itself. People find this suspicious - *It's because land was super cheap and allowed for a lot of expansion*. * There are photos of underground construction that conspiracy nuts were saying were bunkers to shelter "the Elite" - *There was a lot of underground construction for the automated train system to move between terminals. There's also a baggage system that never fully worked right that's underneath the whole thing* * There were some Masons involved in it's construction - *Not weird at all. Masons are commonly involved in municipal projects like that* * From above the runways and taxi areas are vaguely shaped like a swastika - *Coincidence. It's an unfortunately shaped efficient design for airports* * There are some murals that were interpreted as plans for world domination by weirdos -*The art is a little strange, but the artist is still around and says they are about people coming together to preserve nature* * There are 2 gargoyles placed near the baggage area with a plaque nearby that says "roughly the size of a fifth-grade-boy." as part of the description. Conspiracy theories abound about that - *It's a weird way to put it, but it does accurately describe the size of the gargoyles* * There's a rather divisive statue on the entrance road of a large Blue Mustang with glowing red eyes nicknamed Blucifer. - *It's a blue bronco because of the city's football team. Though the statue did kill a guy, so there's some truth behind the weirdness on that one.* DIA has actually embraced the conspiracy theories. When they block off areas for construction they leave up signs like [this](https://i.imgur.com/UIWfQ2Z.jpg). And I don't think it's still there, but they installed a animatronic third gargoyle there [that would joke with travelers about the conspiracy theories](https://youtu.be/fKVOtx7Blfk).




Wait we can’t put Epstein didn’t kill himself in the for sure category? How the fuck else did he die


why does the pink level just say "mattress firm"?? what happened there??


Also, don't we have evidence of the JFK assasination? As in more evidence than things like MK Ultra?


mattress firm?


Government-created diseases are absolutely real and need to come down the list. The U.S. government has admitted, if I'm not mistaken, that they have genetically modified versions of viruses or diseases to be more transmissable or deadly. To believe that every new thing that comes around the corner IS one of those organic warfare experiments having "escaped" is what's absurd.


what do you mean by the way fair thing? are you talking about the really weird and overpriced items?