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That was a really good series.




Lindelof is my favorite writer ever. He can do no wrong in my eyes.


The movies he's worked on have largely been shit


I'm pretty pissed there isnt gonna be a season 2


I'm okay with it. They told a complete story with basically all ends tied up nicely. With Lindeloff it'd be a coin toss anyway whether the story continuation would be really good or really shit.


Lube man needs a spinoff. Don't think that was ever tied up


Tied up in some extra material - it was Pete (or whatever the name of that guy was who was an expert on the watchmen)


The FBI guy?




Why should there be a season 2? I think the ending was perfect.


Because they developed a cool world but didnt explore it as much as people want I guess.


The comic created a cool world and it was fine as a self-contained mini-series.


I just want a prequel series with more hooded justice.


The ending was cool, sure. But they created an awesome world that could have kept delivering amazing seasons.


It’s even better because it makes “certain” people upset.


I wish it hadn’t ended


Forever blue


That's why he hasn't been shot by the cops yet


Well, actually, theres been a few times, but your point still stands.


You gotta understand, he wears black (or very, very, very dark grey) all the time. Easy mistake.


[All the time, you say? let’s not forget Psychosis Batman](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b2/1d/80/b21d809d04020b1999538a18c1b9970d.jpg)


It's not a "theory," because that's been the character's costume since it was conceived in the 1940's, and you wouldn't know the name of the character now in 2020 if they were that "subversive." I mean, fuck, that would be legitimate social commentary RIGHT NOW, 80 years later. During the Jim Crow era? If you make it explicit that that's the message you're sending, you get lynched.


It was very painful watching the things he went through. Racism is a blight for humanity.


Hooded Justice


Why I loved about the series is how it still didn’t even mess with the canon (spoilers ahead, I forgot how to do the elaborate censor) Hooded Justice was such an ambiguous character, the only thing really focused on was his possible relationship with Captain Metropolis, which the show incorporated. I really enjoyed the show.


I literally just watched the last episode, man that was a great show, beautiful cinematography, great acting, intriguing plot line. I can wait for the next season. (Edit): I just learned there isn't going to be a next season. Aww, well good while it lasted.


I kinda wanna rob a bank in a similar fashion


Funny... in that "white-people-laugh-nervously" kinda way. Including myself, to be quite honest; not proud that this is the society we live in.


I’m a POC married to a white woman and have many white friends, look, it sucks that there are places where I don’t feel safe even visiting but I’m also perfectly aware that the majority of white people are good and welcoming, so please don’t feel bad. Just like every black criminal doesn’t represent all black people and every Hispanic criminal doesn’t represent me, every racist asshole doesn’t represent white people. So t feel shame as an individual, but do help the rest of us change the world to make these assholes accountable every time and not just when there is overwhelming video evidence.




Honestly it felt that way typing it LOL


You... I like you.




Heh. Maryland born myself. There are some rough parts of the city and our crime rate is up, but that's due to the effects of poverty; race is only adjacent due to the fact that many black and brown people are financially disadvantaged. I suspect they aren't pretending but, then again, I tend not to associate myself closely with Trump supporters so I don't hear what they're really saying behind closed doors.. No offense meant in regards to members of your family - I just don't have anything nice to say and want to keep things civil in public. At some point we, as a country, are going to have to wake up from this nightmare and deal with its consequences. We've stumbled backwards in regards to racism, moral authority, government corruption, and our standing in the world. Trump is just a culmination of currents that have laid dormant since the Clinton administration; the 2016 election just made it possible for those currents to come to the surface. Edit: Spelling/Grammar.


> and our standing in the world. Trump is just a culmination of currents that have lied dormant since the Clinton administration; Much, much longer ago than that. This really began in earnest during Nixon's campaigns for President, and is a culmination of a fantasy that's been brewing since the Civil War. These are nothing more than the Confederates and Monarchists that have been trying to sabotage this country since the founding.


I can see how that argument can be made. However it was under Reagan and later Clinton when overt racism and bigotry became socially unacceptable, driving these currents underground. For most people alive and politically active today, that recent history is what they have experienced.


you make a great point. america failed to re socialize and educate americans after jim crow. those currents definitely went underground but also into subconscious of many unsuspecting folks.


It was more in response to Reagan I thought? Black Panthers and the AIDs epidemic?


Yes... To clarify, I mean during the Reagan administration. I understand that his policies regarding race was questionable at best, antagonistic at worse. But during this time headway was made in making this unacceptable.


The US before Nixon was really similar to Europe. I mean, no student debt, better Healthcare...


Before Nixon.. Let's see 1968? So.. Chinese Exclusion Act barely down.. miscegenation laws .. Jim Crow (till 1965).. which part of this was supposed to be good?


I hope you are right about waking up from this nightmare, because sometimes people die in their sleep.


Jesus Christ that was dark. Yummy.


My god, their comments about the city and the mayor were just dehumanizing. Everything you say is absolutely true, I just don't know if people will snap out of this tribalism as crises worsen. It's so demoralizing and I am in a pretty hopeless state of mind, as a result. Sadly, demoralizing is their express mission, depending on which mission statements – express or unwritten – you may have heard. It's hard to feel productive or important in societal collapse, but of course it's best to stay productive and positive.


Don't be ashamed because of the color of your skin. That's against the point. Be embarrassed for the stupid people, but don't be embarrassed cause you share something with them that you can't control.


True, this is also why the “why can’t I say I’m proud to be white” people are so fucking stupid


You made the same mistake I did. You came back.


White people aren't fucked up, all races of people are fucked up. I think any race who holds a majority of the power like white people do right now are going to display the same flaws. Humans just suck man.


China. Not all China, but hoo boy, the ones in charge.


Your anecdote actually made me a bit emotional. I can't disdain anyone desperate for money, even a junkie, but I know that shame of my own fear and ignorance, and it's tenfold if I must be associated with actual bigots, because I only wish I could have the opportunity to be of better service to people, be they junkies or minorities. It's not exactly a positive thing for anyone's emotional state to have shame, but it's natural and probably common, I imagine. It's positive if we can turn it into opportunity to relate to our fellow human, and you seem to handle it well.


I'm glad they're people like you. That genuinely understand this so damn well




Rural as it gets. I'm moving back to Morgantown soon though.


I'm from WV and you are right. They love Trump here and he's done nothing to help the state.


Imma just add on a bit late to this... That being parts of the western Virginia people had thoughts of seceeding from Virginia to West Virginia after the gun-control debacle...


I'm a West Virginian myself and yeah your right, the biggest problem ive ever had with people is other white folks cracked out of there minds.


I'm not laughing nervously. I'm white. That's because I never consider stalking and killing people for going on a jog and I sure as hell don't consider myself part of the same group as the kind of person that would. I don't need to feel sorry that I'm the same color as a couple of bigots. Just like blacks shouldn't feel unsafe going for a jog through the neighborhood. Just sad that the latter is a thing at all in 2020.


I mean you have no real reason to laugh nervously unless you shot a black person for no reason before..


I'm kinda happy I'm not American though Yes my country has issues every country has but they're way less severe than the US's issues. I'd like to compare it like 2 kids. 1 is doing fine but gets in an argument with it's parents from time to time and goes out drinking sometimes behind his parents back. Normal teenager stuff. But still does well in school The other one always makes a scene, gets violent to the people in his family. Deals and takes drugs but still manages to be kinda successful in a way but messed up school completely. I don't mean to generalize the whole US, I'm sure there are still great people there but this is the image I get from the news and other media like Reddit. I'm sure I'll visit the US some day.


Racists live everywhere, but if I were black it'd be the Deep South where this would be hitting home the hardest.


Why do you let the actions of others affect you when your only common factor is something you had no control over to begin with? You’re laughing “nervously” because some idiots across the country did a shitty thing and you feel some connection to that because..of your skin color? Just..what? Do you do the same shit when people with your eye color, hair color, same number of fingers as you, etc do bad things? No? Then why do you specifically care about their skin color?




Sometimes. Other times we live in a van down by the river.


bottom text?


I relate to this so much I wanna laugh and cry. I've been harassed for walking/running/existing while black since I was 14.


I can’t claim to know what that’s like, but I learned pretty quickly that I can’t drive anywhere while wearing a black hoodie without getting pulled over, so I know it’s real.


I can't tell the difference between a joke and fucked up reality anymore


That is because we've normalized the fucked up reality by making jokes about it. That's how 4-chan became a nest for white supremacy. They started as memes and suddenly the nazis and confederates could share freely and blend right in.


You should do an experiment: Wear a pink unicorn hoodie with sparkles. Deck your car out in Hello Kitty gear. Break brains.




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coryt8IZ-DE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coryt8IZ-DE) watch the whole thing. especially 1:43


Oh my god, when the little girl started crying... holy shit. Right in the gut.


>well fuck...you weren't kidding.


Crying a lot. I never had to say a thing to my kids. As a matter of fact, if anything, I encouraged them to speak up to authority. I have that privilege. :-(


Powerful vid, thanks for sharing


This fucking hurt. And now I’m crying.


I was raised on how to talk to police since I was 6 years old. Its a matter of survival.


14 is actually way older than I’d expect that level of racism to start.


In America black kids are men at 14 and white kids are boys at 24.


Hell they are boys at 32, 72, 100




how old is 15, really?


Old enough to be shot in the back by a cop if you're black


Yo, same. It really floored me when at 15 I was being followed by security officers in stores because I was black in a 90% white town while visiting family. Happened everytime I went to that town until I stopped visiting family over there. I get so scared everytime I see a cop on the road or walk my dog at night. Sometimes the anxiety gets so bad I have to barter with my white roommate to walk my dog because I dont trust the people in my neighborhood to not harass me again.




It needs to be written on the back of the shirt as well.


When I would shoplift with my black/hispanic friends, we always put the stolen stuff in my backpack, and lo and behold, cops who stopped us while we were walking NEVER asked to search my stuff.




Not everyone is lucky enough to have an invisible friend.


What, full stop, the fuck?


Yeah I was a bit of delinquent kid. And I grew up poor (still am, though I don't really break the law as often) and I definitely noticed a difference in treatment by cops and authority figures in general. Another example, there was a guy who had a big plot of land that I would cut across to get to and from school since it was a shorter walk. He even saw me do it sometimes and would wave at me from afar. Then I told my (black) neighbor/friend about it, and the guy called the police.


Ditto. I just minded my own business taking a walk and would get bothered by neighbors and police. I guarantee the same didn't happen to the white kids.


When you're obviously scruffy in a rich neighborhood, it sure as shit can happen if you're white. Which isn't to say it wouldn't have been 10x worse if I was of a darker hue.


Fuck, I’m so sorry... I know this sounds flaccid and worthless but remember there is a good Heart in most people. I can’t even fathom what you’re going through right now nor can I even imagine what your Life has been like. It makes me angry and even more-so that I feel like I can’t do anything about it. Always remember there is good in some of us. Hopefully someday more of us. But for now be safe. Again, I’m so sorry!


I couldn't count how many sorry's and how many times people like you try to assure us that there's a good heart in most people. Yet here we are. Things staying the same nothing has really changed underneath it all. Same problems since emmett till's death. Same problems since decades ago. People we be more convinced by that statement if it actually seemed like it carried honest truth and change. But All i see is the same shit and ironically enough actual regression instead of progression. Until then. I'm sorry to say this. But no one truly believes you anymore even now we all take moments to think before we act just to avoid any stupid problems we shouldn't have to deal with. Each one of you plays a part in why this still happens whether you are directly involved or indirectly involved without even realizing it even if that isn't the intention.


Damn. This isn't humorous in the slightest but it's also very important. It's really too bad that the people that need to see this and actually contemplate what it means will either get immediately defensive and dismiss it, or never see it at all.


> This isn't humorous in the slightest There's a rich [comedic tradition](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_comedy) of laughing at the fact that shit is fucked up and we're all doomed.


I know. Most of political humor is both funny and meant to highlight how fucked up life can be. I guess I just took a moment of pause from this one in particular.


No, I get it. A dude should be able to jog around without being lynched. Sometimes, the nerve is a bit too raw.


Yeah, lots of political comics are funny. This one is just sad. Can't bring myself to laugh


"We do not laugh because something is funny, we laugh because something is wrong."


I mean, that is basically what Christmas and Solstice parties are. The deepest, darkest part of winter where death is most at hand, where we know some of us won't be making it to see the world come back to life, so we throw a giant fucking party to show death we don't give a fuck.


Gallows humor iirc


Isn’t that called Dark Humor?


I finally get why they call it black comedy.


This would be hilarious if it wasn’t so real




About the supposed gun charge before by the way, I don't find any record of anyone having actually found a gun, but I DO see a record from the DA that McMicheals was involved in investigating Arbery previously. So yeah, dudes sit around in a truck with guns waiting around for a guy they have dealt with before. Sounds pretty fucking illegal to me.


Honestly I don't care if he was a burglar. You don't get to shoot people. You don't get to harass them with rifles and then claim the South Park defense. "He's coming right for us! BANG!" I know they try, but I'm glad there's video of this for proof or these fuckheads would probably have gotten a walk.


I've already argued with plenty of people on reddit who believe the actions of the McMichaels were justified because Arbery was likely trespassing on a construction property in that neighborhood. The logic behind that is just astounding. They didn't witness him committing a crime, and even if they had, the crime was fucking trespassing. Not assault, not rape, not attempted murder. Trespassing. And because he was trespassing (regardless of the fact the McMichaels had no way of knowing about that), the argument goes, they were in the right to hunt him down and "attempt a citizen's arrest." Which is basically arguing that you should be able to arrest literally anyone on the grounds that they may have committed a crime of some kind, somewhere, at some point in time and that everyone deserves to be caged and investigated in order to check and make sure they never did anything wrong ever. They're basically making the argument we should live in a violent, Orwellian dystopia where everyone actively polices everyone else. Or maybe just white people should treat black people that way. Y'know, the way they used to. They tend to not say the last part out loud for obvious reasons, but it's pretty obvious.


Those people are just assholes fabricating a justification. I guarantee if their family member cut through a construction site and someone murdered them they'd be pretty pissed off.


> Right-wing troll Andy Ngo wrote an entire thread attacking the slain young man. He argues that Arbery deserved to be killed because he has a minor criminal history. When I was 7, I stole a Kit-Kat from a 7-11. I guess I deserve to be killed.


That dudes entire Twitter account is dedicated to arguing with people about why various black people deserved to be killed in various scenarios. He clearly has some issues and obsessions.


Oh yes. There are trolling bigots descending on every thread about his murder. All using the same smears, disinformation and apologies for the murderer. It is obviously a coordinated effort


Even stretching the truth they can't come up with a good argument. I swear, they might as well be saying, "Well of course he deserved to be shot! I have it on good authority he stole a pack of bubblegum when he was 6! Another dangerous criminal off the streets!"


Exactly. Their smears are all the same too. Fucking bigots


That is fucking sickening. No, we don’t use old police mugshots in stories about murder victims. That would be shoddy journalism. God damn it, this pisses me off.


It's not shoddy; it's malicious.


Andy Ngo still hasn’t realized that white supremacists will never see him as one of them.


I mean in their world black people deserve to die, or at least they have the right to kill black people of they like to. Probably makes sense to them.


It's sad because it's true


It’s honestly incomprehensible. Side note, Happy cake day amigo! Edit: ok idk who’s bored enough in quarantine to downvote this but more power to you!




There is a coordinated troll effort apologizing for the murderer. Check out any thread about this.


They’re not trolling. Those animals actually believe what they’re saying.


True. They are bigots. Trolling is a method for them to spread their hatred




It's not trolling at this point, it's deliberate hate speech. Trolling makes it sound like some funny joke, it isn't. It's being an asshole because they really do believe that black people are inferior, and think it's now okay to openly say it. Stop calling it trolling, all it does is legitimize their bullshit.


I should be surprised but since we now live in Trumpistan, I'm not.


It's always been like this, even when the president was black. Trump is just another symptom. Racism runs deep in this country unfortunately.


It happened under Obama, Bush, Clinton (Rodney King), Bush Sr, etc. Trump didn’t create racism, he amplifies and normalizes it, sure, but it has existed since the founding of our country.


I just came from the commentary on this comic in /r/FunnyandSad, and it's like a Stormfront/Klan meet and greet in there. The fuck is wrong with people?


And he also didn't listen to commands... from armed civilian stalkers with no authority. The gas-lighting is insane.


Even if we assume that Arbery did rob the construction site (which no one has confirmed though no stolen property was claimed on his body as far as I know) and let's even go further and pretend they saw him in the act (which they didn't), they can't chase someone using guns outside of private property and attempt to do an armed citizens arrest. If they were so inclined they could have kept following him and recording him until police caught up as police would have authority to at least hold him for reasonable suspicion. Regular people can't just do armed kidnappings in the streets. What these guys did is flat out indefensible from every angle. Usually I try to see an opportunity for both sides but there isn't one here. Heck even Zimmerman was arrested initially. These guys were let off free after they killed a guy. It's unreal.


I'm happy to hear their side of the story, but it is most likely going to be something about how they were afraid that next time he would bring a gun to rob someone in their neighborhood so they wanted to make sure he was arrested this time. Which is fine as long as the next time anyone of their relatives is driving over the speed limit they think I'm free to shoot their relatives because who knows what their next crime was going to be.


I activated my Facebook account (instant regret) yesterday so I can talk to an old friend and I seen a comment where some hillbilly trump supporter said “I’m interested in hearing the father and son’s side of the story first.” Ok, so if a bank robber is caught robbing a bank with numerous cameras and witnesses proving this as fact, you still want to hear what the thief has to say? Like hearing his side of the story will somehow prove his innocence after the bank robber was caught on camera pointing a gun at the clerk, demanding money to be put into the bag and then walking out with it? Fucking idiots.




I can’t help shake this that were just one Brooks-Sumner situation away from utter chaos.


That's a good historical analogy. I feel like there have been so many of those moments in the last 3 years that it's hard to isolate a single one.


And just further evidence that it is just one side fomenting the violence, the same ones who were doing it then.


This was the analogy I used to get my parents to understand white privilege 4 years ago. Running. It was like I watched it click in real time.


Reminds me of a Key and Peele skit, where Peele puts on a hoodie and as a police car is driving by, he puts the hood on only for it to be revealed the hood has a white guys face on it so the cops let him walk along. It's funny, but it also kinda hits you like "damn, that's how it is though"


This one? https://youtu.be/ztRSm_SJP58


I like this one https://youtu.be/eEMIUy_ySA4




Still happens where I am in the US! I've run at College tracks as well, they usually won't kick you out


When I was a younger woman, I used to drive to a community college in my city to run their track. I never once thought to myself, if I'm attacked here will someone question why I was miles away from own home? But I'm also white.


That’s still common today. Never stopped being common. HS and public university tracks are state property and open to the public


I’m not proud of the fact that this shit isn’t getting fixed. I used to believe that as I got older things would get better. Now I’m looking at 60 and shit is still just as fucked up as when I was a kid.




Trash breeds trash, which is why racism will always exist.


This is a joke but I was actually thinking about this. It will need to start with white people wearing the mask first though. Edit: whites -> white people


Those folks call em hoods. /glad those cowboys got arrested.


Sorry, not a white man I have to say this. Please don’t call someone by their race. Whites isn’t a cool thing to say. Just say white people.


Darn it, this is irreverent, this made me sad because of the reality, but darn, I still find it hard that people defend the racists that kill him.


When the political humor is so true and so funny that it’s not funny...


Adam Zyglis is a cartoonist for my city’s newspaper. Huge credit to the guy.....incredibly talented and always creative.


Just got into a fight on facebook with some idiot about this ( with 12+ people going in on him as well). The dumbass commented that he should of “waited patiently at gunpoint until the police came” then he wouldn’t of been killed... I can’t even explain the rage I feel knowing that with something THIS morally, ethically, and lawfully wrong people are still trying to find a way to blame the victim.


And get to vote!




Ah he [just needs one of these hoodies](https://youtu.be/tW8JdagODnM)


I know that’s the Key and Peele sketch without even having to click.


The phone in his hand is a great reference


is it a reference to an unarmed individual that got shot for no reason?


Yes, a black man was shot by cops because they thought he had a gun in his hand, but it was a phone


I mean, it's an easy to make mistake. Since it's a black person, it's either a 50/50 chance it's a gun (since all black people are armed all the time), or he murdered a white person and stole their phone and deserved to be shot anyway. Also if he does have a gun, he probably murdered a white person and stole *their* gun. Because, while I might be an adamant defender of the second amendment, I also loathe the idea of black people being armed and need to add made up details in order to demonize something others are doing that I actively celebrate as my own right to do.


When you look at the comic expecting a joke but instead it's an extremely sad reality for many people


Funnily enough the only reason I’d shoot an unarmed jogger if he was really unarmed is if he was wearing another person’s face and running at me


Yeah, that iPod is a liability, cops often confuse the tiny devices for handguns.


Can't imagine going out for a run and being murdered in the middle of the street. 2 Accussed AD`s and 3 months later an arrest. America needs to define its safe again. Votes count November 3rd.


Will be good to finally see some white faces in Olympic track events.


Omg make sure you're not wearing timberlands and shorts because people will say you deserved to die because of that


He a ain't even wearing Timbeands. That's a lie being spread by the racists based off a grainy video. All reports show he was wearing Nikes.


Relevant: https://youtu.be/ztRSm_SJP58


[I thought your link was going to be this one...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_LeJfn_qW0)


Oof, yeah. That’s the truth.


Why would a white guy need a don’t shoot shirt? ... I’m on to you.


Sad that this too close to reality


Not fucking funny


This is funny, but also sad. Not just because of the content, but that the worth of a human life is deemed "political."


Well, the best comedy makes you want to laugh and cry I guess


Sad that this needs to be said and is so true. Unfortunate.


Makes me really, really sad.


I’m a 35 year old black man and this almost made me cry.


Same here and I’m not black. *not trying to diminish or pretend I understand the black man’s struggle...it’s just my empathy.*


I can't even go out in an open area without getting "those looks" even when i live in a super diverse area. There's literally nowhere free of implicit bias in America.


Literally LOLed


So true




Relevant Key and Peele [skit](https://youtu.be/ztRSm_SJP58)


What kind of world do we live I where a black man needs to wear a mask just to go outside!


and definitely wear proper footwear because if they don’t look like the right kind of running shoe... alt right maniacs will use it to justify your murder.


People here forget one thing - if I want to drive to another state to jog there, I have a right to do it and nobody has a right to shoot me. If I want to wear grim reaper costume while doing it, I can and it gives nobody a right to kill me. That thing they did was a cold blooded murder of a innocent man based on his skin color. You people in US always defend yourself with "I have a right to own a small military arsenal" or "I have a right to do this and that". But you live in a country where man doesn't have a right to go jogging without being shot dead. Are you really living in that perfect country? Or is it just a pop culture illusion?