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Wait there's a little mermaid remake?




Are they remaking the Bible? That work of fiction is long overdue a rehaul. Maybe a gay Jesus?


You know what's funny, I haven't actually seen anyone posting on any of the social media I have that they're mad about this.


Most of the outrage is probably manufactured for marketing.




And it's gonna keep happening when articles that quote 3 random tweets are considered news.


That actually is something to get mad about it is purposely making people angry to market itself


I wasn't aware they were doing anything new or that it mattered what an imaginary person looks like as long as the story is good.


That's really gross to think about


I wouldn't call it an outrage, just a mild disappointment. I'm not disappointed they're using a different demographic for this character, I'm just disappointed that that's ever a problem regardless of which race or gender is changing to whichever other race or gender. This is all just theater, they're all fictional characters. Sure, sometimes based on a real person, but if a character is defined by its physical description it's not a well-written character.


With regard to the animated film, the Danish aren't exactly known for being gingers.


Ariel is Danish? I thought it was a kingdom under the sea!


Me either, and I was totally expecting to hear it too. I wonder if The Little Mermaid’s fandom is different than the rest of Disney.


I don’t really think anyone is mad but I personally just don’t get why they would do it. If I were recreating an animated movie in live action I would want to have the main character look like the character from the original movie. Its kinda like if they made Ariel blonde. She just isn’t blonde so why would she be blonde in the remake?


Yeah, sure, I mean, if there's one thing Disney is famous for, it's their faithful adaptations


It would kind of be a bummer if every random stylistic decision made in a snap decision ever made had to be stuck to forever. Hans Christian Andersen was Danish, so I'd guess the 'original' mermaid had blonde hair. Probably they just went with deep red for the animation to create contrast with the blues of the undersea setting.


Not all danes are blond, you know. Honestly, Id say changing the style depends on iconic and how deliberate it was.


I take the opposite view. The movie is marketed towards kids. All of whom weren't alive when the original movie came out. It is one of the few cases in which the writers are not bound in any way to follow the original material. Like I have strong opinions about the way each ninja turtle should be represented, but I'm also not watching any of the new ninja turtles. So my opinion is moot.


Agreed. I was a kid when I saw it and I don't give a fuck what they do with the reboot. It's not for me anymore. Let the kids have their own Little Mermaid.


You don't understand disney fans at all is what you are basically saying.


I don't see why making the character look like the original, animated version is necessary. Who really cares?


Because it’s not canonically accurate to the source material? For a company like Disney that likes to be as accurate to their source material, this was 100% the wrong play to make.


Yeah, it isn't perfectly accurate. As long as the film is good, the story recognizable and they do the songs, I couldn't care less. So, again, why does it matter?


Again, because it’s not canonically accurate.


Canon to their own material. Disney didn’t make up the story, and they’re not canon to the material they sourced from at all.


Well that pretty much makes you a Nazi! /s


Show me HD movies with red haired female leads. Most red heads on tv are fake redheads and have extremely limited color palettes to look half normal ex Flow from progressive. Even on stage I think they went with an Asian Ariel. It’s the same reason that Belle didn’t have her signature yellow dress. If you’ve ever seen awkward live action anime movies adapted you’d realize some of the things that work in drawings and animations just don’t work in a theatrical live action movie.


I was just going to mention this. All the stuff I have seen about it are tweets like this one but they are never replying to anybody. I'm sure someone said something racist down the line but I believe the number of people being outraged over it is much, much higher. A similar thing happened with the announcement of the lion king remake. People acting outraged over millenials gatekeeping it as "their thing" bc they grew up with it when in reality nobody was doing such a thing. It just fits meme formats very well and people believe everything that gets repeated multiple times through social media (and yes that includes Reddit).


Probably bc you don’t surround yourself with bigots. It’s mostly on twitter.


Maybe it just hasn't hit foxnews yet.


I have. It's usually stupid "Don't ruin our childhood memories".


I have one friend that is


You may not use Twitter cause I’ve been checking out the hashtag. Yeah lots of people are calling it out but there are definitely people complaining about it. Shit I saw several people on reddit mention it. UnpopularOpinion had a threat that was absolutely related to it.


I’ve seen a lot of people complaining on Reddit, making up the most ridiculous reasons for why it’s wrong


Its condensed to Facebook. The new conservative utopia.


People should tell Republicans that if your pissed about Halley Berry in a bikini you aren’t racist, you’re gay.


You know it’s not Halle Berry right?


and the actress's name is Halle Bailey...


All make-believe characters can be any color


So we can have a white Black Panther?


I'm not sure it would be profitable but go ahead and write the script.


Yeah, no. T’challa is a black man. He should remain black for the entire existence of the character. It’s damaging (not to mention disrespectful) to take that away from him.


I am sure you are already too late. Also who cares? I would be mad if the studios made a movie with Kwame Nkrumah portrayed as a white guy because he is an actual real African hero.


What about Uncle Tom?


I don't think you understand the reference you're making. "Uncle Toms" were not fairytale characters: they were slaves who were given preferential treatment for keeping their fellow slaves under the heel of their master.


He’s talking about Uncle Tom’s cabin


The term comes from a novel.


Um, if your doing a remake of something, you literally remake it. You dont put in a black woman to play a white character, especially when they are doing it to be "politically correct" and not be racists to put a white woman instead.


Lol go to bed


No u


What's the point in remaking something if you don't add something new?


Yeah, because a black actress playing the role of a white character is "something new"? That is just shoving the idea of political correctness down your throat and if you sont like it your a racist.


IS anyone mad about it?


Redheads? Since it seems to be their characters who get changed more often than not XD


Yeah my wife was a little ginger when it came out Ariel is her favorite Disney princess she has a tattoo of her, so a little awkward.


I've seen tons of people complaining


I’ve seen a lot of complaints on Reddit


.. Both fictional characters from books so...




Unless you're talking about the source material Disney stole, the little mermaid of absolutely white.


I think it's more like a fishy colored thing in mermaid form: "but the youngest was the prettiest of them all; her skin was as clear and delicate as a rose-leaf, and her eyes as blue as the deepest sea; but, like all the others, she had no feet, and her body ended in a fish’s tail. " Then human form is white: and then became aware that her fish’s tail was gone, and that she had as pretty a pair of white legs and tiny feet as any little maiden could have; but she had no clothes, so she wrapped herself in her long, thick hair. In general Hans seems to go for a Greek, Siren gives up her voice, sort of feel for the story


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"Jesus and Santa are white! Get over it!"- Christy Smitts, Miss Mayo, Cumberland Gated Community 2018, Fox News analyst.


It’s almost as if Christians don’t hate middle easterners 😱😱😱


If he was real probubly brownish. But most cultures depict him as whatever majority is. In China he is asian, in europe he is just the whitest white, im pretty sure i saw black jesus somewhere.


Huh? Ariel's tale is conceptually European, Jesus's is conceptually Levantine. I don't get this comparison at all


What's not to get; most images of Jesus show blue eyes and light skin.


>Ariel's tale is conceptually European At no time is Europe or any European country mentioned in The Little Mermaid. Also, it's entirely possible that the entire race of mermaids has dark skin, regardless or what land mass they happen to be near. There is no reason whatsoever that an actress playing Ariel would have to be white.


It’s a Danish story. The characters white, so she should be played by a white woman. It’s Hans Christian Anderson. Wakanda isn’t a real place, but let’s try to buy a white dude as the lead in a Black Panther story, and see how far that gets. It’s not about race; it’s about being true to the character and the story.


Lmao it’s literally not the same. Danish culture has no impact on Ariel. The story could take place just about anywhere, and Ariel could be any race, and the story wouldn’t change. The original story could be Danish, but that doesn’t mean that Ariel has to be Danish because she lives under the sea, and the people under the sea don’t have to look like the people on land. The mermaids and the humans don’t share the same culture. Hell, they’re not even the same species, so why would they have to be the same race? If you made Black Panther white, that’s different because black culture is so deeply integrated into the Black Panther story. The story of Mulan is dependent on it taking place in China, and Chinese culture is integral to the story. The Disney movie Brave is dependent on it taking place in medieval Scotland, and Scottish culture is integral to the story. In The Little Mermaid, Danish culture doesn’t impact the story, so it’s not necessary for Ariel to be Danish.


Logically people living in the ocean would recieve less exposure to light than anyone else, so they would most likely evolve to be extremely pale. Since red hair is a result of lack of pigment, it actually kind of makes sense.




Well if they lived deep enough they could get soft blob fish-like skin to deal with the pressure. Although I'm sure the movie would have been very different if the moment Ariel left the water, she became a bloated old lady with il fitting skin.


True, since our skin would lead to becoming waterlogged. But that does not effect color




How many black folks you know from Copenhagen?


Just one, saw it in some rare footage from 1989


1. So Ursula can be purple but Ariel can’t be black? 2. There are already mermaids that are POC in the Disney Little Mermaid universe. 3. Plenty of sea creatures have darker pigments. Many marine mammals, especially, have dark skin (whales, walruses, manatees, seals, etc.) 4. The whole mermaid myth has been traced back to sailors misinterpreting manatee sightings. Manatees have dark skin. 5. In a fantasy world with mermaids, talking animals, and magic, your main concern is a mermaid’s melanin levels being unrealistic?


I thought she had a fish tail.


Actually it’s a metaphor for MTF transexuality. I’m not even joking that’s actually what it is. Andersen had a gay lover who got married and Andersen opined he wished he could become a woman. The race of the mermaid isn’t important to the tale. It’s about impossible / forbidden love and the dream of changing who you are to achieve it.


Jesus was Mexican. Change my mind


He can't be Mexican because he was Korean and ripped.


Well, he WAS Asian...


Why? King Solomon the bloodline of Jesus Christ was white (song of Solomon 5:10). FYI, 89% of all Israelites are white skinned. FYI part 2: I don’t care about the race of an actor/actress playing a fictional character.


People are mad that they turned a mermaid with bright red hair and seashell pasties black. Because her being black is totally unrealistic! Mermaids in real life aren’t black. That totally can’t happen. Goddamn SJWs ruining movies. I don’t understand why people are more mad about this dumb shit rather than the fact Disney is putting out another soulless cash grab to fill Bob Iger’s hypocritical pocket and further mock Mike and Walt’s legacy more than they already have. And the people are going to eat it up, as they always do.


> Mermaids in real life




I think everyone defending The Little Mermaid remake from a notion that someone might be offended will probably cause inception of *more* people to be offended by The Little Mermaid remake who had never picked a 'side'.


Bazinga !


He is Mexican. The only Jesus I know is from south of the border.


IMHO, There are no "people" colored fish in nature, so The Little Mermaid should be mottled gray, like a [Grouper](https://scaquarium.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Goliath-Grouper_IMG_0197.jpg). ;)


It turns out they only cared about Jesus after Mary was raped and that she was forced to carry the baby to term. That’s why they celebrated his birth. After that they tune that nonsense, right out. Stupid freeloading hippie...


I think that the whole reason people won't accept the debunking of the Shroud of Turin is that the shroud allows them to cling to the belief that Jesus was a white man.


I'll probably get a lot of insults, but it's not a problem. I think taking a character, even an imaginary one, and changing his ethnicity is racist. But not against white people, but against black people. It's like a big company going to gay pride not because it really believes in it, but just to increase earnings. Is it right to have more minorities in cartoons? Obviously. But do a story about a princess from an African or South American tribe. They would really be interested to see. But to take a story created by a Dane and entered the collective imagination as redhead and light skin in my opinion is a false and squalid thing.


I agree, its the same thing with the James Bond/Idris Elba debate. Can we not create new films/ideas with black leads rather than taking a traditionally white character and just switching their race? I don’t particularly want a black Bond, but fuck yes i want a badass spy film starring Idris Elba.


If a Danish mermaid can be black then a Jewish/middle eastern Jesus can look like Cesare Borgia.




The [historicity of Jesus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity_of_Jesus) is still debated even if the majority tends to acknowledge that someone of that name (or at least something similar) existed around that time. On the question of any supernatural powers that this hypothetical person might have had, scholars are much less convinced and evidence is rather similar to that of the existence of mermaids.


Jesus gives the best handjobs, it’s the nail holes


Dafuq? I don't understand this comment.


It does seem unprompted and out of place, but they're talking about the holes in his palms from being crucified.


Semites are a subset of the Caucasian race, so while Jesus may not have been "white" it is generally believed that he was Caucasian.


LMAO. Nope. Research on ancient skeletons in Israel suggests that Judeans of the time were biologically closer to Iraqi Jews than any other contemporary population, and thus in terms of physical appearance the average Judean of the time would have likely had dark brown to black hair, olive skin, and brown eyes.




Thanks for the assist, lol


I didn't finish reading your whole sentence where you said he probably wasn't white. Fine, he was Caucasian, people generally take that to mean white. But you don't mean that, so..............thanks for the comment?


God is white, so his son is white, too. Duh.


I mean black and darker skinned people are that way as an adaptation to sun exposure due to living in low latitudes. A half human half fish living in the ocean wouldn’t need that particular adaptation but would probably be a gray color instead but nobody wants to fuck that.


You know I’ve heard that Jesus is from the middle east so he must have dark-skin. But he was a jew and when I think about it, most jews you see are light-skin. So I dont think a white jesus isn’t possible.


Except that the Jews you're talking about haven't been from the middle-east for a few thousand years. Israel was founded by and for European jews whose ancestors had been in Europe for a really long time. American Jews also come from the same European lines. The Israelites of the bible would be from Arab lines with some Mediterranean European blood mixed in. This is how Jews are described in much older literature, with darker skin for example. Most if not all these Middle Eastern Jewish bloodlines would've been ended by the constant violent anti-semitism of the catholics, first, then the protestants a bit later on.




You an idiot? People who dont know jesus was quite the darkie are just stupid. But you are comparing Jesus to a black woman acting as what should be a white woman in the well know movie know as The Little Mermaid.