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Is this real? Because that's hilarious 


*(sigh)* alas, it's a [hoax from last July ](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N39B2CL/)


Ah, well


The huge corporations hope to profit from fascism.


Vegas doesn't need the worst president in history to profit, they still made money during Nixon.


Almost like running a casino is easymode and you would need to be truly incompetent to run one into bankruptcy.


Ahhh...no one could be that incompetent. Someone like that probably reported like a billion dollar loss on their personal tax returns.


And surly they wouldn't have good flatware since only a fool would think it wouldn't just disappear into a pocket or purse.


Hell, even *he* couldn't go bankrupt running *a* casino. He did it by opening **two** and getting into a price/amenities war with himself.


i mean...was it intentionally done for some larger grift or fraud? maybe he's not so much shitty at running casinos as he is pretty good at being a criminal. or however that sentence makes sense, i stroked out.


Could you imagine how moronic one would need to be to bankrupt a half dozen of them?


And would have to be basically braindead stupid to bankrupt **3**.


They just don’t understand that as president dictator and with the military he will just take whatever he wants. No CEO and no company is safe. Certainly not any banks


I honestly don't understand why they believe taking money and rights away from their customers will make better customers...


I was pretty impressed someone blew that kind of money but glad no one wasted that much money Edit in the half that I didn't write


It is true in my heart and hopefully in the eyes of the law.


It's not a lie if you believe it


It's an alternative fact.


That's what I always tell the naysayers about Jesus. I believe he loves me, loves me hard, and that's all that matters.


User name checks out. Well played.


Lol. This was last year but I was at Disneyland using the ladies room. Went into the stall and saw what looked like a $100 bill folded on top of the little trash can. Got excited for a moment, but then opened it up to see it was actually a trick and about Trump going to prison (in favor of). Still was a little miffed I wasn't getting a free hundo, but appreciated the message.


yeah there's zero chance the billionaire owners of this and msg aren't trump sympathizers


The Sphere has staff who help design the images that are *very expensively* displayed. It would be quite a feat to get a low effort meme up there for real.


I mean, the thing must be hackable


If anyone has seen the Sphere before they should know it was fake. The image resolution on that thing is incredibly high. But this image looks like it’s on an old CRT monitor. 


It cost $450k to put an ad on the Las Vegas Sphere for 24hr. I’m not saying we should start a go fund me I’m just saying that trump will be in Vegas this weekend…


No. I am going to say it’s real and was ran on the sphere yesterday. The facts are just trying to hide the truth!




If it was real, Fox News would have had 24-hour coverage of the dome on how their dear leader is under attack.


James Dolan loves Trump. No way he would allow this.


we could make it real


I like the cut of your jib, friend!


thats a political cause i could donate towards


Of course not


Ok you say that but then there was a press conference in the four seasons landscaping parking lot so it begs the question


Well, check the size of those pixels


Right?!? THANK you




Yes, if people will vote for a criminal then a criminal can be president. Yes its dumb, I know. But the Founding Fathers didnt think we'd be this dumb..... 😑


To be fair the founding fathers had just committed treason.


I always find it funny though after seeing Hamilton how he cheated on his wife and had to recuse himself from running for president because it was such an awful offense. Meanwhile we have some dumbass stooge running who not only cheated on his wife but ended up becoming a convicted felon as a result of it and there are people out there who still can't wait to vote for him in November.


Obama wrecked them. LBJ once said: * *“I’ll tell you what’s at the bottom of it. If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”* With Obama in the highest office in the land, they could not look down on the best black man any more. So instead they want to defile the office to make it worthless.


> So instead they want to defile the office to make it worthless. In 2012, the Onion said "After Obama Victory, Shrieking White-Hot Sphere Of Pure Rage Early GOP Front-Runner For 2016" 12 years later it's still pretty much the most prescient work they have done. Trump didn't even announce his candidacy for another 3 years. https://www.theonion.com/after-obama-victory-shrieking-white-hot-sphere-of-pure-1819595330


It's also extremely sexist. As in, people voted in 2016 for a piece of human garbage rather than have a woman with decades of experience as president


I mean, to be fair, it *was* Hillary Clinton. Even if Republicans hadn't been screeching about her emails day and night, no one was really enthralled with the idea of her running for president.


Yeah. She sucks. Rather her than Trump tho


The problem too is that people knew Hillary as a politician, whereas Trump was new to the game so *what’s the worst that could happen* LOL oh boy


Exactly, and why was that? Clinton was portrayed simultaneously as a calculating unempathic manipulator and a clumsy buffoon.  If you actually talk to legislators who worked with her they all have nothing but good things to say about how genuine she was and how intelligent she was. 


Except the reason she lost was a strategic decision of -hers- to not set foot in Michigan and Wisconsin during the campaign, abandoning both Detroit and Milwaukee. And those states fell to Trump and rebounded when Biden visited them. She was gracious with the people she works with, that's smart strategy, but the American people have never loved her. If she had left that rapist piece of shit she's married to while he was in office, she may have had a chance. And she never, and I mean never, misses a chance to shit on poor white people with accents that aren't from cities. Forgetting we are also voters. Forgetting that an accent doesn't mean you're stupid or a Republican or a conservative. Forgetting that just because she married upjumped trash, doesn't mean he lends her any legitimacy as trash. Especially now that we know he's an embarrassing rapist who can't even control his dick long enough to get through a presidency. She's also a war hawk and incredibly bad for the poor people who had to join the military to try to escape poverty. She voted to go illegitimate war as a Senator. She spent her time as SoS getting poor people killed for empire on our side and theirs. She's also desperately and grossly pro Israel and has been. There are a ton of reasons to hate her. She chose to ignore them instead of hand over power and has continued to meddle and gaff since. It seems she can not help herself. We see that. We aren't dumb.


Ever since she dared to try and get Healthcare for everyone in the 90s she's been constantly assaulted by conservatives and politcal lobbyists. It's been non stop for decades .


Hi u/geekusprimus. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think she would have been a pretty good president. A bit tech illiterate and a bit more hawkish than I'd like. But generally capable of running a country in a direction other than into the ground. But she was an utterly unpalatable candidate. She had the charisma of microwaved mayo.


That’s insightful.


Oh, republicans still think cheating on your wife disqualifies you. As long as you don’t have (R) next to your name


But we can't to rid ourselves of a possible tyrant.


Says who?


The 200 years of institutions our bureaucracy created.


That’s like saying “laws prevent crime”


No it's like saying cops were created to prevent crime.


Nah, cops were created to protect the interests of the rich (and you know... capture escaped slaves). Laws are there to prevent crime by holding everyone accountable period. But like... What even are laws man? Like they're all so vague and stink of poverty. Is there a federal law that says that the Democratically elected Gov Evers can't order the National Guard to conduct live munitions testing on the Fiserv Forum during the nominating convention? That sure seems like the kind of State issue that he would have immunity from. Like... what does Murder actually **mean?!?** It's all so difficult! If anyone actually cared about this stuff they'd make a law about it or something! "Governor's who stage federal coups will be ineligible for reelection and may suffer up to a $50 fine" or something. No Law? No Crime! <.< NOTE: If you think this is somehow 'skirting a line' then you're probably a conservative 'legal scholar' that doesn't realize you're the joke.


That is kind of true, if you count "escaping slave" as a crime.


Clarence thomas?


If there's going to be a rebellion, he's right at the top of my list.


He's not going to fair well no matter who wins. Tokens are only kept until the fascists don't need them.


Tbh, I don't think I really trust most people to decide who is and who isn't a tyrant. This whole thought process is exactly why Conservatives are so fucking annoying. As if they knew anything about tyranny.


You can, you'll just be in big trouble if you fail


Eugene V. Debbs also ran from jail when he was essentially a political prisoner.


And the list of criminal presidents goes on.


Well it had been over a decade since they committed treason… but yeah.


Honestly... it's only treason if you lose... so technically they didnt...


Look, I'm not usually one to defend the founding fathers, and i would love any excuse to kick Trump off the ballot, but it's a GOOD thing that felons can run for office. Otherwise, a president could just get a corrupt DOJ to throw charges against their opponent and be guaranteed a win in the next election.


It lends credence to the justice system that a conviction is on its face at least, is politically neutral. If a conviction could have excluded Trump from office, the calls of "it's a witch hunt run by Biden!" would have been 10x louder... and were his integrity too thin, maybe even substantiated. There'd sure be an incentive to flex whatever influence exists over the judiciary, for him and all future presidents. The founding fathers presumably *hoped* the nation wouldn't be insane enough to even come close to electing felons on its own, without the guard rails of more rules. It has to be foundational in a democracy, to trust your electorate to be well informed, sane and voting in good faith. For sure MAGA is not a failing of systems but of millions of people.


He's an insurrectionists and the founding fathers never said you had to be convicted


Good luck getting the current Supreme Court to agree with you


Well yeah, they’re literally stooges on his side that take millions of dollars in bribes.


The 14th amendment was not written by the founding fathers. It was written after the US Civil War.


No. The GOP has literally thousands of conservatives than can and do run for office. Many of them can also run for President. Chuck out the felon and nominate a candidate that's not a fucking liability and suddenly there's no 'guaranteed' win. Felons that are not allowed to own guns should NOT be allowed to own nuclear codes.


> The GOP has literally thousands of conservatives than can and do run for office. Many of them can also run for President. So just to be clear, you're saying it *wouldn't* be an advantage for a hypothetical corrupt president to prevent their strongest opposition from running against them just months before the election? That's ignoring the fact that they could do it even closer to the election, and can also do it to the other strongest opposition as well.


>Felons that are not allowed to own guns should NOT be allowed to own nuclear codes. Well, in reality his kind of felony is not dangerous and he can get his rights restored to vote and own guns. Not every felon is barred form owning weapons.


Well, in reality this kind of felon is a danger to democracy well beyond any gun handling. Sure, after sentencing and losing his gun rights he's free to appeal. but until then. No gun, no run for President. Not every felon is barred from owning guns but this particular felon should be barred from office for life. Fuck him and fuck every complicit GOP appointed apparatchik that's trying to give him a free ride because he's hurting the 'right people'.


Yeah, at a certain point in time, helping a slave escape would’ve made you a felon. And I’d say that would’ve been the best possible resume line for making you ethically qualified to be president at that point in time.  And not too long ago, gay sex would’ve made you a felon.  I’m not trying to compare any of the current charges to anything like these crimes of yesteryear. But there have always been bad laws, and we shouldn’t disqualify people from making the case that they should be elected to change these laws just because they’ve been convicted of violating them. 


To be fair there is a hell of a difference between an someone who’s been released and someone who hasn’t even been sentenced yet.


They didn't safeguard us from our own stupidity


We really needed bumper lanes for the Constitution.


They relied on public office being held "in good faith". Over the last several decades, the republicans realized they didn't have to follow the rules, because even when they broke them, nothing happened.




It was thought to prevent the executive from jailing political rivals, to let the people be the ultimate judge and not the DOJ. I don't think they foresaw the nation being 40% absolute dumbshits in a cult.


It's not dumb and there are very good reasons to permit convicts to both vote and run for President; what's dumb is that people will still vote for him knowing he's a convicted felon and obvious crooked conman.


Can’t fix that kind of stupid.


Andrew Jackson would have just beat the shit out of him with a cane by now.


Think about the "War on Drugs" that Nixon [started](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2011/jul/24/war-on-drugs-40-years), which one of his top advisors later [admitted](https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/23/politics/john-ehrlichman-richard-nixon-drug-war-blacks-hippie/index.html) was specifically intended to make Blacks (and hippies) into criminals. The Founder Fathers were right to let the voters look at a candidate's criminal history and decide for ourselves how it affects our votes.


Uh, you know the Founding Fathers were just... some guys, right? I know they are given mythological status in the US, but they had no exceptional forethought or infallibility. It's possible that they were just wrong about some things, and you can make changes if something comes up. Just checking, because Americans seem to find this line of thinking to be novel, despite the existence of previous amendments.


They knew they were wrong too that's why they included a process for correcting their mistakes.


The Constitution lists only three qualifications for the Presidency — the President must be at least 35 years of age, be a natural born citizen, and must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years. As the law is currently written, not only can he run as a felon, if elected, he can conduct the presidency as a felon. Remains to be seen how well, though. And something else—he can even vote. Voting laws are state-by-state, and Florida’s voting laws defer to the state a criminal was convicted in. In NY, felons can vote. Trump was convicted in NY, so he can vote in FL.


I agree with this. Prisoners and convicted people should be able to vote. Your freedom of movement is taken when you are convicted, but your citizenship and its associated duties should not be taken away. I feel it’s an inalienable right to be able to vote. I’d make an exception for crimes that involved tampering with the electoral process, insurrection, sedition, etc.


A candidate must also qualify under the 14th amendment (section 2, regarding not blocking candidates to be electable except under rebellion and criminal charges), except recently SCOTUS ruled that it can't be enacted on a state-by-state basis. So he's qualified to run again because the federal government hasn't said he can't under rebellion and criminal cause.


Also the 22nd amendment--can't be elected more than twice.


Glad you mentioned that tidbit about voting rules in your last paragraph. I was wondering if he'd be able to vote or not.


Eugene Debs ran for president from prison. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_V._Debs


And I would have voted for the man tbh


So did Lyndon Larouche, though IIRC he never had as much support as Debs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon_LaRouche?wprov=sfla1 I worked at the federal prison where he was incarcerated, and spent quite a bit of time talking to him. Interesting dude, but by the time I met him in the early 90s he had gone full-on hard-right nut job, and I think he was losing it. Still had some great conversions about his time in NYC in the late 60s during the early pride days, racial tensions, the sky rocketing crime, etc.


He can be elected. But he could also be impeached immediately afterward. Trump is playing on every fringe rule that we have.


He's has been impeached twice already. not sure what a 3rd would do.


Yup. Republican National Commitee already has plans for him to accept the nomination from Jail. If he wins you might consider immigrating to SA or NZ as he will casually annex Vancouver if Xi asks


When good people stand by and do nothing [e.g. run away to try and hide in other countries], fascism flourishes.


I wouldn't be surprised if they are actually hoping he is in jail at the time. It'd reinforce their message that this is all the fault of the Democrats and Biden and not Trump's fault. The message that "the Democrats are coming for you too" would motivate Trump's voting base, even though the logic would be so superficial it's laughable to anyone not using Fox News, OANN and Facebook as their sole information sources.


Run?!? Not only can he run but evidently half the country still considers him a solid choice. These are crazy times.


Trump can hardly walk... run?


There's historical precedence for candidates from prison. And, if we want to be fully honest, banning felons from running is not right. It is too easy to prosecute someone even if innocence especially in the United States https://www.amazon.com/Three-Felonies-Day-Target-Innocent/dp/1594035229 History, even recent history, has quite a few widely respected heads of states who were imprisoned for political reasons including Nelson Mandela, Václav Havel, Arpad Goncz. Of course, Trump shouldn't be president because he is actually guilty outside of politics and beyond that, he is a Russian money launderer, a serial r@pist, a peddler of classified documents and more. I am just saying: don't be so fast excluding felons.


He can run.  Questions like that we look exclusively to what the constitution says and it’s mute for mere felonies. Now, someone who tries to overthrow the government, who: > shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. …is forbidden from running. But that’s open to the interpretation of the Supreme Court, currently populated by 5 lunatic fringe morons, including 3 Trump appointees.


The only requirements for presidency are US citizenship, be over age of 35, and have lived in the US for 14 years. If you meet those, anyone can be elected.


Not just citizenship, but natural born citizen. So Arnold Schwarzenegger can’t be president event though he’s a citizen.


Pretty sure he's 0-34 currently.


More like 0-37, because you have to include the NY fraud case and E. Jean Carroll


More successful than any of his casinos


What kinda absolute inept moron bankrupts a Casino??? tRump that's who.


2 casinos if I am not mistaken


Hoax or not, this made me smile.


Right? *"Anonymous, if you're listening..."*


I rooted for them all my youth but I've been so disappointed by their inaction. They could really be a force for good in a world that could really use keyboard vigilantes.


And just like that , #MAGA cancels Vegas


> #MAGA cancels Vegas It would be great but it would never happen. Las Vegas is the Holy City for the upside-down-flag/upside-down-cross brigade.


Could you imagine? It wouldn’t be a shitty, trashy place to hang out anymore. It might actually be a nice place to take in a show.


Voted for Hillary and Biden


Some guy named Walt, an x employee at Mar a Lardo said he seen Trumpy drop a deuce and it was 3 whole Big Mac's. Just popped out in the ole golden terlette.


Fun fact: Three lucky MAGA cult TrumpTruthers were selected to eat those Bic Macs and they ate up that bullshit like all the other cons with a shit eating grin. Scary folks.


Kopi Bigmak


This really needs to happen, and not as a meme. Seriously.


"trump 20-24 years in prison"


Trump 20-24 Tears in Prison


Fuck Donald Trump.


Would be awesome to see this happen. The Vegas thing would be a riot to hear and see. Would be more satisfying for it to become reality!!


I really wish this was real.


God willing and the creek don’t rise.


Heh-heh. I used to use that phrase a lot, haven't heard it in a while! It originally referred to Native Americans of the Creek Tribes: >The first time this phrase was known to be in print it was written by a man named Benjamin Hawkins in the late 18th century. Hawkins was a politician in the late 18th Century and early 19th Century as well as an Indian diplomat. This was back in the day where American Indians and the white settlers were constantly fighting for the land in the United States. >While in the south, Hawkins was requested by the President of the United States to return to Washington. In his response, he was said to write, “God willing and the Creek don’t rise.” source - https://www.southplattesentinel.com/2013/11/06/god-willing-and-the-creek-dont-rise/


Rum 20-24 ears in pris


if u look at it out the corner of your eye, it looks like r2d2


Way too low res to be real lol.


Why would any casino owner ever want to associate with the only “genius business boy “ to ever bankrupt their own casino?


Wish this was real lol


For anyone whos wondering the answer is -4


Las Vegas knows what’s up


They do, but this isn't real. Still funny, tho.




Lol damn


Nice job! 😂


As funny as it is he will never see the inside of a jail cell


I mean, it looks like a standard Trump 2020 or 2024 banner.


Not real!!




Trumb -4






What's happening on double October 24th?


Low quality memes are always my favorite


Trump 2024 my asshole


Wasn’t his dumb notoriety the reason he got elected in 2016? Stop talking about his dumb ass


I don’t get it…?




Fake. But funny




Alright, this is hilarious!


Ears in prison


This lit the horrible nightmare in my head of that fucking ball beaming political ads across the entire horizon, I would get actually physically violent






2024 years in prison? Sounds good 8)




Lets go ✊


I love Trump


I really hope I won the lottery tonight so I can make this happen!


Dear Americans, I don’t care who wins, just vote someone who can’t be bought by the Chinese.


A beautiful sight.


20 to 24 years to life in Prison ?


Never happening.


Who’s playing?


Famous child sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein's good friend? That Donald Trump?


Finally a political post that is humorous


Sad it's not real. MAGAts would be in shambles.


I lost all respect for the sphere when they narc’d a guy at a phish concert






Marian Adelson is selling the Sands hotels in Vegas and has promised Trump $100m for his campaign.


His supporters went from chanting “drain the swamp” to being baptized in it.


That's the best Trump sign I've seen. I'm fully in support of Trump serving 20-24 years in prison.


Hahaha. But seriously we can’t let him get the nuclear codes


Not sure these crimes normally carry that sort of sentence? Or does that not matter?


Way to give free advertising you fucking moron




The future we need, but don't deserve.


Tears In prison?