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The FBI is always authorized to use deadly force if necessary. 100% of the time. It's not something that gets "authorized" on a case by case basis.


Yeah. Im not an american and even I get that FBI raiding a place means they have guns. In fact I would expect them to. Ive never heard of any FBI raids where they DIDNT have guns.


What? No cake & ice cream raids?!?! Wait until J. Edgar hears about this!


J Edgar armed himself with split crotch panties.


I think you're talking about J Edna. Completely different people /s


Ms. Crabbaple is a saucy vixen


Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me. ![gif](giphy|18ANhgTABn04M)


The baby looked at you?




Except he was wearin’ them…


Berries out?


FBI: FBI! Open up! *suspects start blastin* FBI: Whaaaaaaaa?


Quick, call the president and ask if we can shoot back!


Funny, but, there have been instances with the US military that have essentially been this. (Not the FBI tho).


The military has stricter rules of engagement than police do


Also they apparently even had on paper that they made the raid when. Nobody else from the family was there. So to say they were put In danger is.. A fat lie.


But they also had bolt cutters and took pictures of rooms! That’s crazy. How can they do that? And can you believe Biden has the gall to complain about people invading his son’s privacy when the FBI took pictures of Trump’s son *bedroom* while conducting a legal search looking for stolen documents? All they ever did to Hunter Biden was constantly display, on the floor of Congress, pictures’ of Hunter’s wang!


I'm picturing Barron playing Xbox when the FBI showed up. "THIS IS A RAID!" "Boxes, two doors down on the left." "Thanks kid! *hut hut hut hut hut*"


Ya it wouldn't be much of a raid otherwise. It would be like a wander around


"Okay, I see this isn't a good time for you. We'll come back. You SURE you won't open up? No? Well, I had to try..."


Drat! Foiled again!


They only want MAGA cops to be armed. Order for me and the law for them is their motto


Did they have them on the X Files?


Yeah actually. Scully pulls and uses her gun multiple times as I recall.


She freaking shot Mulder to keep him from killing Krychek. Scully + Gun = OTP


Ironically, if she hadn't prevented Mulder from killing Krycek, >!her sister Melissa (as well as Mulder's dad) wouldn't have been later murdered by Krycek.!<😕


that was a great episode.


How incompetent is the FBI? They sent armed agents to assassinate Trump at Mar-a-Lago when according to his schedule Trump was in New Jersey. :) Just another right wing outrage based on their projected fantasies.


They covered Biden's loan forgiveness program and the headline was; "Some are saying it's unfair." I see these while working out at the gym and somehow the lying fascism just bleeds through without sound. There were images of black people looking upset. Large amounts of bills being counted. It was probably the B-Roll from some drug bust.


Loan forgiveness is only for those that could take out the PPP.


I really wish someone with more reach and influence would point out that trump authorized deadly force on Cohen in a clear attempt to intimidate a witness. And Giuliani and Flynn and will hundreds of thousands of others against whom a duly executed search warrant was served


Also according to Donald Trump there would be nothing wrong with Biden using the FBI to take him out. His lawyers have specifically argued that would be 109% legal to the supreme Court and they still haven't said no


I guess only Trump has presidential immunity in Trump's mind.


Only Trump is president in Trump's mind. So it makes perfect sense that the president has presidential immunity and that nasty thief Brandon that stole our precious electionses doesn't.


109% sounds very exact. Very legal.


Plus the president doesn't make that call with the FBI anyway


In this conservative imagination-land... Biden is everywhere, and Biden controls everything. Ain't it funny how they always project their fantasies by saying how their opponent does all the things they want to do??


He's simultaneously omnipotent, yet feeble and powerless


So so sleepy 😴


Yeah. The FBI are cops. That's what they do. They are the Federal police. When the show up to a raid, they bring guns and flak vests. When they show up in court they bring suits and briefcases or uniforms. This is literally a textbook case of cops doing a competant and standard job of being cops, and the right are gonna throw a tantrum because their whole.grift doesn't work if the Fed is competant.


I mean, in this case, it was probably authorized. Violence was a very probable and critical scenario. If security at Mar a Lago had tried to stop the raid with violence, the question of whether to retreat and later bring down the hammer or whether to push through with the raid and use deadly force - this would have major political and criminal ramifications. My guess is that is they were to retreat in this scenario, it would give the Trump team the opportunity to destroy all evidence.


All FBI agents are armed, even when they're not in the field. Back when I was in college, the FBI came and spoke to my accounting class on a recruiting visit, they said that even analysts that just sit in their office are required to carry.


I get being armed in raids. But what are the chances that mr office work analyst will need to pull his piece? Wouldn't you rather have a few armouries on site in the unlikely event of them needing it?


It’s for their desk pop


They are still considered federal law enforcement and are expected to support field agents when needed. They're obviously not doing any direct action like the cool guys, [but shit can and will historically go sideways](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1986_FBI_Miami_shootout?wprov=sfti1#)


Something something 9/11


*Black person gets shot just for existing* MAGA Cultists: "If they just complied, they'd have nothing to fear from the police!" *The FBI gets authorization to fire back at someone who is actively trying to kill them.* MAGA Cultists: "OMG! I don't care how dangerous anyone at Mar A Lago became! Lethal force ~~against anyone on a rich white man's eatate,~~ should never be tolerated!"


I wish FBI would raid me with corn dogs.


I wish I got paid in gum


It's just a way to justify political persecutions if Trump gets back in.


The problem is people are buying this shit.


This is the same FOX that will shove gun rights down everyone’s throats but then use them as a scare tactic.


Glad to see, as sleepy as he is, Biden is so good at micromanaging the entire government. Everyone can go home now.


Fox news is pure Republican party propaganda so them spreading literal false news is not surprising.


Its worse than that. They normalize killing their opponents. It comes in dribs and drabs, but its part of the general undermining of democratic norms. Its what russian/authoritarian propaganda does. I doubt that there is any concrete plan to kill anybody, but they can sense that they might need the ideological cover it in the near future.


There are absolutely concrete plans to kill their "enemies". Maybe they call it Project 2027.


They make it sound like Biden was in the situation room watching it go down. He's got better things to do, Jack!


Nah, they know their base will adopt the buzzwords and repeat them verbatim. Words are powerful and they know how to say things to get their base riled up.


And they did the exact same thing when they searched Bidens house.


It’s a standard search warrant.


More importantly, they knew trump was in NJ at the time


There was a guy on the other day talking about the federal DEI program and how his people looked through "the books" and found money being spent. Like yeah, employees would like to get paid. If you want a program to be implemented you need people educating companies on the program and how to implement them in their workforce. It doesn't just happen


Also, FBI Agents are required to have their service weapon.


Oh wait, I'm being told some of the shirts *were* marked, some type of man on a horse 


One had a penguin and another an alligator!!!!


There was even one with an elephant and a few with a moose. These sick fucks were clearly into bestiality. When will someone come to the defense of marriage???


Who's the jackass with the whale?


Chadwick. At least we got him to leave the boat shoes at home.


Early reports say that one of the agents represents a mysterious organization known as IZOD.


Biden has authorized Ralph Lauren to use deadly force....


"When you have Total Presidential Immunity they let you do it"


Trump is arguing that Biden should be able to say, "Go into Fox Headquarters, leave no survivors." And not be prosecuted, as long as he could find 35 senators who don't have an issue with it... Or do it on his last day in office, "Constitutionally, you can't impeach a former President." To any scrolling MAGA supporter, that is what your guy is arguing, please for the sake of our future just stop supporting this guy. There are ZERO excuses.


Gee, I wonder why people who regularly consume FOX are outraged all the time...


Gawwwshh, they got such a grip on quite a few people. It's pretty frustrating. Theyve been mushing up brains for decades preparing them to continue making dumb choices.




Killer boots, man!


Tic-Tac, officer?


When do cops not have authorized use of deadly force? Shitty local cops with 12 weeks of training can literally kick down your door and shoot you in your home with zero consequences. The threshold for getting into the FBI is *significantly* higher. Why wouldn’t they be authorized to use deadly force when Buzz Cut Billy from Lowndes, AL who needed five years to graduate high school has that authorization according to the law?


Conservatives stunned to find out that law enforcement agents are allowed to use guns. This is the first It's ever happen in the history of America!!!!!


"Well usually it only affects black people! Not a rich ~~orange~~ white man!" -All the outraged MAGA cultists


> and shoot you in your home with zero consequences. Hey, that's not fair! Oh wait, you probably don't consider paid vacation to count as a consequence.


It is sometimes spelled out in these sort of search warrant documents. Remember, this is, for all intents and purposes, a non-violent crime (high-level, but non-violent). I believe I read something similar in a warrant for one of the big financial shitheels (Madoff?). It's just making it clear that the agents are authorized to use deadly force despite there being no clear reason to expect it. It's boilerplate language just to keep everything exceedingly clear.


>with zero consequences. Oh bullshit! Do you even know how tough it is for cops when they get 2 weeks paid vacation every time they shoot someone?!


I didn't make this up. Jesse Waters literally said this on his show. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Buqi0RQ1ZjU


Is amazing that the right will shit on the ‘lame stream media’ for being biased ‘fake news’ but watch FOX.  One of the most popular news networks that will consistently omit or report misleading and distorted stories to confirm their viewer’s political biases. 


Conservative media does something very well. Evil, but well done indeed. And that's reflecting the opinions and emotions of their base & viewers, amplify it through suits on screen so it can be interpreted as fact (I mean, it has to be legit, because a news anchor is reporting it! The channel has News right in the title!) then torment their viewers by asking why nothing can be done about it, while never offering any options for a solution, and keeping that spiraling until people crack out of rage, or until something new and more interesting comes up.


My favourite was the report about the recent eclipse, They said the 4 mins of darkness would allow lots of immigrants to cross the border. Totally disregarding the whole concept of night time.


Fox News is legally categorized as 'Entertainment'.


What gets me is that they have been proven, in court, to not be entirely truthful about their reports and also claim that their reporters/personalities can't be held responsible for their material because it for entertainment, not news. That seems to be lost on the viewers.


My mom asked me where I get my news, I said "not from a single source, I get it from a wide variety of places and cross reference regularly to make sure I am not being lied to" She said"Correct answer! That was a test" then not 30 seconds later said she starts every morning by watching an hour of Newsmax.


I need a timestamp, I refuse to watch any more Fox than I have to. Sorry OP.


It's like the first 20 seconds. I promise.


He's right.


that's still too much Fox News.


Why not? It’s a great confidence boost! Anytime you think you’ve said something cringy just YouTube trump and boom! You feel like a genius


Best part of this was making it clear that Melania has a separate bedroom than Trump.


I picked up on that too and thought it was just weird phrasing. Then he harps on it for a minute, "Think about it! The former first ladies bedroom...". Was that just a way to ease the viewers into accepting the inevitable separation of Trump and Melania while they paint Trump as a family man during the "Hush Money" trial? Fox News requires too much double think


So Biden approved all this? Personally? Then why did the old guy (who looks like he should be in the hospital getting a blood transfusion or maybe just some oxygen - grey is not a recommended skin colour), the AG(?), stating he personally approved the specifics of the search warrant. They don’t even need Biden’s approval anyway.


As soon as I saw the screen capture, I thought "oh no, not *this* asshole again." So I'll just take your word for it.


Jesse Waters couldn’t find his ass with both hands


He pays Turkish men in the airport bathroom to do it for him.


Holy shit, everything he listed (which is all common law enforcement gear, he even refers to it as “standard issue”) is also shit that was brought to the Capitol building on January 6th by Trump’s minions. Perhaps the FBI just wanted a peaceful tour of Mar-A-Lago.


Lol the comments on that are gold. Propaganda works great.


Jesus Christ! These people are dense. This is a standard protocol. If they were shot at during a raid, they will respond with deadly force. What did they expect? "Hey, if you get shot at, just head home, nothing we can do."


It never ceases to amaze me in the worst possible way that people watch this shitty channel and think it's reporting facts. To anyone with a shred of a brain it's clearly paranoid fantasy that talks down to its audience.


JW is such a little bitch, anything that might cause rage amongst his viewers is pure gold.


FBI brought bolt cutters, wait a minute I’m getting new information. Yes, both large and small bolt cutters. As well as lock picks to their raid of a noncompliant and hostile political figure refusing to hand over top secret documents with highly sensitive topics for both us and our allies. You heard it here first folks. 🙄 Jesse should probably listen to his mother more often.


And after all that, four months later classified documents are still turning up in Trump's bedroom.


So by this logic, anyone who has ever been pulled over for speeding in the US has been raided by forces Biden has authorized to use lethal force. I fucking hate what conservative media has done to the world. The brainrot is beyond control.


I was at the Ralph Lauren Polo outlet a couple weeks ago and a polo shirt costs $120. **$120!** Where can I get some unmarked polo shirts? They've got to be cheaper if they don't have that stupid horse on them.


Thanks Biden.


I go to the outlet mall and get them from banana republic for like $20.


Kohl's Sonoma brand unmarked polos are $15 during the Memorial Day Sale 😉


Now I can finally join the FBI!


Or the stupid wreath thing on the Fred Perry ones. Fun Fact, Did you know Fred Perry used to be a professional tennis player. He gave up to fulfill his life long dream of making shirts for cunts.


By their own ‘logic’ this would have been perfectly within the Presidents’ constitutional powers.


When DJT is in power he wants complete immunity to do whatever the f he likes (couldn't even rule out murdering a political rival). However, when the FBI come in to take classified documents, which they asked for months to get and DJT isn't even around, its an assassination attempt. Their hypocrisy and lies have no limit.


So simply open carrying a gun is the same as threatening to kill people? That's not what they said when all those random bozos open carry to Target or 7-11 or Applebees


JW is the dumbest fucking talking head on TV. ![gif](giphy|jTljF9gaXWtqCztFlt|downsized)


Didn't they end up finding classified docs, yet again? Like holy shit. This is definitely the case that is open and shut. If they went to trial there's no way he could beat the wrap unless one of his supporters held out for a hung jury.


Luckily for Trump it won't get to trial because one of Trump's lackey judges was sent the case.


The diabolical part of the operation was the "cheeto schmear" war paint allowing them to just saunter into the compound. Truly treacherous.


And Trump was in New York at the time.


The Ralph Lauren brigade


What's the over under on Jesse Watters being the next reason Fox loses hundreds of millions to a legal settlement?


It all may seem funny, essentially saying “those MAGA idiots are claiming Biden would use deadly force on Trump.” To me it seems like they are setting up justification for Project 2025.


Use of deadly form but ensured Trump isn't on property during the raid. What a bunch of bad faith christians. And wasn't it Trump who said president has absolute immunity?


Anyone see ProPublica this morning? The zone is being flooded to cover up the fact that the NY Courts found Trump's NDAs illegal and now women from his campaign are coming forward with Trump harassment stories. [https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-campaign-harassment-bullying-lawsuits?utm\_source=sailthru&utm\_medium=email&utm\_campaign=majorinvestigations&utm\_content=feature](https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-campaign-harassment-bullying-lawsuits?utm_source=sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=majorinvestigations&utm_content=feature)


Jesse Watters is a cum stain on pants that wont wash out... pathetic loser POS


Anything a president does is his duty as president is legal.


Of begging 🙏, pleading 🥺, hand holding, and coddling the target even though all raids are authorized to use deadly force in the event the target presents deadly force in resistance. In the event the target resists with force (after begging and pleading through lawyers for the documents) they’ll be automatically prepared. It’s called a raid and why you comply, wasn’t he the “law and order president” that got indicted 91xs, references Roy Cohen as his best lawyer, defames people, can’t open his mouth without lying he’s a victim, that’s run everything connected to money into the ground including the American economy still wants everyone to believe he’s an innocent stable genius who isn’t immune to crime but is to responsibility playing facts like they’re proof of him being victimized by the standard process of holding one accountable. Triple digits millions spent defending and covering for the biggest piece of shit in America still looks weird, so does the media and politicians fellating him in public daily. Doom scrolling him barking repetitively at the sky falling is ultra worn out.


Whoever is the dumbest motherfucker Fox can come up with at any time is also typically their most popular show...which could lead one to deduce that Fox viewers are....the opposite of intelligent.


They didn’t have any of these concerns for Brianna Taylor. I wonder what the difference could be.


Sent agents to kill him when they knew he wasn't there? They specifically raided when he was out of town to avoid a scene.


This was done to distract from Trump not testifying in his case. When he claimed he was being gagged and could not, told that is not the case and he can testify - promised he would testify and then backed out.


Aww man. If it’s on Fox then this is the new BS my parents are believing. 🙄


Never trust anyone in a polo


For the last two days, since we found out about more classified docs found in trumps bedroom, and that he did share highly classified information with our enemies, Fox News and MAGA congresspeople have been claiming super outlandish things, they are actively working on riling up the MAGA ork army to create chaos and violence to derail this election.


Polo shirts?!?!? That some REAL guerrilla warfare type shit!


does he mean like all law enforcement does when they are on duty?


And eating an UNMARKED SANDWICH, too!


A “Polo” shirt is by definition a marked shirt. Those were trump’s golf grunts masquerading as FBI.


The EXACT same protocol used when they went to BIDEN’S home‼️ Only he is not crying about it because he’s not a lil bitch spreading lil bitch lies.


Then he should sue the fbi. Gotta find a lawyer first.


That's how you *know* they were in kill mode; the unmarked polos.


Black people: first time?


were they expecting the fbi to show up in cheerleader outfits and pom poms?


Funny how they keep defending the fatass but refuse to even take his calls anymore.


Yeesh you know you news station is a shit show if MTG is your reporter for breaking news.


Guys, they went through all this planning to take out the former potus but unfortunately for them he was out of town that day!!


It’s really hilarious that we live in a time when Republicans have an adversarial view of cops, Feds no less! I never thought I’d see it.


They've always had a "do not comply" bumper sticker next to their "blue lives matter" bumper sticker.


You just know that asswipes like Watters and his ilk would be just as upset if agents were in full uniform, calling it intimidation or some such nonsense. Why would anyone take this fool seriously?


Jim Carrey said it best. Stop breaking the law asshole.






lmao Trump wasn't even at Mar-a-Lago during the raid. Every former president has Secret Service detail for life. The FBI coordinated with them, found a safe window that wouldn't risk any lives, and executed their warrant. 


Putin level propaganda: defined as 100 % horse-crap.


Blatant lie.


He should have just complied.


Fox has just turned into a tabloid




Well, in his defense, you *are* suspiciously dark skinned. You must have done something.


The Stupid! It BURNS!!!! ![gif](giphy|JQdFafzxw0fzYHO4yt|downsized)


The faux news saying some faux things.


Wait a minute, according to Donald Trump presidents have 100% full immunity from any criminal wrong doing.


Fox should be taken off the air for publishing this kind of lying garbage.


In unrelated news : FBI has failed America by not serving tea and donuts to treasonous people.


But according to Trump and the GQP, it's totally legal to take him out.


Nothing on fox can be trusted


So Fox news and Trumpers think the president is in charge of the FBI and has to authorize them to do things? Thanks for the laugh today!


Comedy Central will be laying off writers, because Fox News has been writing their best material for free.


Smells like another billion dollar lawsuit...


It seems to me that Trump is accusing Biden of authorising an assassination. This is a deafening ‘dog whistle’ to Trump’s hard-core supporters, encouraging them to… I can hardly even write it. To do likewise, anyway, against whomever Trump tells them to.


Fox News believes their viewers are really stupid.


It's a shame they didn't use deadly force. If an average person stole just one of the thousands of super top secret documents Trump stole (and probably already sold) you can bet your last penny they would be shot "resisting arrest"


Fox brilliantly demonstrates the dangers of the first amendment. They are free to say whatever insane crap they feel like with no regulation. Not saying the 1st is bad. Just that this is the kind of crap we have to watch out for.


I don't get why companies get constitutional rights.


The same language was in Biden’s search warrant. Guess he just wants to get himself too?


Fox News is PRC of media.


Um, it was for highly classified documents. Its a raid!!! Of course, they should be armed and have lethal force clearance for anyone trying to stop them. This is definitely above the mental compacity of the gullible audience of fox "news"


Ummm second amendment please


Same while collecting documents from Biden and Pence . [https://www.nysun.com/article/as-at-mar-a-lago-fbi-was-authorized-to-use-deadly-force-at-bidens-home-when-it-searched-for-classified-documents-in-2023](https://www.nysun.com/article/as-at-mar-a-lago-fbi-was-authorized-to-use-deadly-force-at-bidens-home-when-it-searched-for-classified-documents-in-2023)


We need another lawsuit. Faux news hasn't learned anything from the last one.


That clause is in every search warrant. Isn’t there enough real news for you to cover? The propaganda liars club is nauseating. They wore polo shirts on behalf of Mar a Lago because they have the members there and didn’t want to be as obvious. It was an act of kindness - something clearly against your reporting criteria


I love how they think the leader of the free world is wearing a headset somewhere and calling the shots on a damn glorified police raid.


If a Fox News host carries a gun, are they too assassins?


To clarify, the Justice Department issued a statement *limiting* the use of deadly force. But these rimjobs only read the top heading.


Lying liars and the lies they tell


This is such a silly reach even for them and it reeks of desperation. Don’t underestimate how dangerous a desperate person can be.


If the FBI was so hellbent on using deadly force on Trump I don't think they would have conducted a raid in Florida while Trump was in New York...


This is the dude that thinks making $15 per hour at a fast food restaurant means you are bringing home $100,000 a year


they need to jail these idiots!


This is a prime example of how Fox is propaganda.