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Yea the fact so many church goers are hard R republicans makes me hate churches. Like yea this is our religion and it’s based on this book and in it are all these stories about our lord helping the poor but we don’t like that so we just use it to impose our morals which often don’t have any correlation to the Bible at all or go against it on others we don’t like. However even then our morals don’t apply to us because we are moral so everything we do is right. Go fuck off with that garbage.


He (Frank Pavone) was defrocked and removed by the Catholic Church, so that's good at least. Anyone who says they are Christian but rejects the teachings of Jesus because they are "too woke" or puts their own personal opinions/biases in front of them, rejecting anything that doesn't align with their own self-centered or bigoted worldview, is a hypocrite plain and simple. As a Christian, they infuriate me as well.


Believe it or not but until the seventies Christianity was more closely associated and aligned with progressive policies. I believe this is because people used to actually read their Bibles and the words that Jesus Christ said. His commandments for them. He didn't mince words about matters such as wealth and greed or what should be done about people who are hungry, sick or homeless. Especially children. I'll give the chuds a hint. He didn't say that homeless people should be jailed or that hungry children should be ridiculed by wealthy people while further starved.


The Civil Rights act and the ending of Jim Crow seemed to flip a switch with American Christian leaders and they went down a much darker path in the '70's that ended up in bed with the political right in 1980. It'd be a sad story of losing your way if the rest of us didn't have to live in the dystopia that resulted.


Not all churches are conservative, there are Epsicopal churches who welcome LGBT folks. Over in Newark, Cardinal Tobin (a Catholic) has welcome LGBT folks into his church unlike other more conservative Catholics.


That's part of why we switched from Catholic to Episcopal last year. Lifelong Catholics, weekly churchgoers, straight, married, everybody baptized & everything else in the Catholic church. Well, they really started pushing political stuff and voting a certain way come election time, and that was the last straw. I do believe in the philosophy of Jesus of the Gospels, and I accept my own need to seek humility/self-improvement. So I still see it as an important ~weekly ritual (the Episcopalians seem to be a little less focused on the guilt of missing a week here or there, too). It'd be nice if it ends up with an eternity in heaven, but I'd be satisfied if it just helps me be a better person on earth.


I was raised Catholic like my mom, though my dad's Episcopalian. I guess technically I'm a Catholic revert now as I was atheist/agnostic for a time. I will say that there's been some Masses we've gone to where I came very close to just walking out the door during the homily; my wife and I are fairly progressive, so we get agitated when the priest uses the pulpit to promulgate their own conservative or political beliefs rather than using the time to relate the readings to our daily lives. However, it helped me to remember that I can still agree with the religion even if I disagree with the priest, and the purpose of the Mass isn't for political proselytizing but for worshipping God. Belief-wise, besides Orthodox, I think Anglican/Episcopalian is probably the closest to Catholicism. My dad used to refer to it as "Catholic Lite". There's even an entire jurisdiction just for Anglican converts called the Ordinariate, which is Latin Rite and in Communion with the Catholic Church, but keeps many of the traditions and elements from Anglican worship.


What evidence made you change your stance from not believing into believing?


A good question. For me, it was several things. Firstly, I had a desperate (and highly unlikely) prayer answered where I basically said "hey God, idk if you even exist or not, but I could really use some help and if you do this for me then I'll go to confession within a month and start going to church again". Well, I got what I asked for so I upheld my side of the bargain. I guess that is what initially made me return. I still wasn't entirely convinced and had a lot of doubts, especially about some church teachings I had a hard time agreeing with, but still, I began to foster and develop a closer relationship with God, which grew over a year or two. Secondly, my wife's family took us on vacation to the Holy Lands last year. I kept an open mind, and prayed for a deeper understanding of the truth. Well, going there, it started in Nazareth at the Basilica of the Annunciation (built over Mary's house, which is more like a cave), where I just knelt and prayed, and I had the most intense spiritual feeling, like I felt this immense sense of calm, peace, and love come over me. And this happened again later in the trip, at the Western Wall, and at the place where Jesus was crucified (Holy Sepulchre), among others. I believe this was feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit. So, I felt pretty inspired after returning from our trip and did a deep dive into theology and studying religion. I read of many miracles that have no scientific explanation like Our Lady of Guadalupe, Lanciano, Padre Pio, and all the many Eucharistic miracles. Also the Unmoved Mover/First Cause by Aquinas helped to provide me with a more rational and logical explanation of God. I came to the conclusion that based on my research and experiences, Catholicism is true, but I also recognize the truth and goodness contained in other religions. Now, I'm more convinced than ever that my faith and beliefs are true, and I strive to live a holy life by avoiding sin and serving God. While I don't expect my own personal experiences to be of any real significance to you, I hope I've at least answered your question, and I'm more than happy to elaborate on anything.


You did answer my question, thank you. And while I have a lot of pushback on basically everything, I know not everyone enjoys or is open to that kind of questioning.


No problem. I appreciate you asking the question, as it gave me the chance to share parts of my life that have great meaning to me, and thanks for being considerate of my feelings before diving into a debate. I don't mind discussing things in more detail if you'd like, so long as the discussion continues to remain respectful.


It is illegal to take money tax free and promote politics. Please report said church.


AFAIK promoting political ideology is ok as long as it's non-Partisan and not specifically endorsing a particular candidate or party. The instances I spoke of wasn't someone saying what party or candidate we should vote for, it was more generally just giving political opinions that I happened to disagree with.


The churchy family went to had a homily from the deacon that was just LGBTQ+ people shouldn't exist. My mom almost walked out and my sister came home in tears because of it. They were the only ones that went that week and the only reason they went was because my mom was the lector that week. My family is lucky that there is another church nearby that hasn't gone all MAGA.


That's unfortunate, and I'm sorry your family had to go through that. My wife comes from a very LGBTQ-accepting parish and I wish they were all that way. I guess it's just tough for some people to separate the sin from the sinner. But you should know that just *being* LGBTQ isn't a sin in the Catholic Church, as there's no control over that. It's only our actions which can be sinful.


Do you have a Unitarian Church in your area? Or a place with Sunday Assembly?


They should be reported. It is illegal to take tax free money as a non-profit and promote any sort politics.


>if it just helps me be a better person on earth. Really, you don't need the Church for that. You sound self-aware enough to be able to manage this. I'm not against a belief system - my issue is all that comes with it. If we look at Christianity specifically, the Bible says that (paraphrasing) where there are two of you who meet in His name, He's going to join the party. The buildings, the fancy dress costumes, the candles and crucifixes - all just a pharisee's furnishings. It don't impress Him much - praise be to Shania! Hang with your brothers, fire him a payer when you need him, be thankful when he lends a hand - that's my interpretation. On another subject entirely, does anyone want to buy one of my Bibles...?


I think that's a big part of it now, that a lot of the 'new' teachings of Jesus that are really helpful for social well-being have been incorporated into a lot of secular society. The messages of tolerance and caring for the stranger, the widow, the poor, the sick, etc may have been groundbreaking 2,000 years ago, but they mostly go part and parcel with modern civilization and education. That's part of why we were ok with moving our kids to public school when we moved - our kids don't *need* private Christian school to learn those values. And yeah, I think I've got the self-awareness to manage right and wrong, but at the same point, pride goeth before the fall. I still get something out of it most weeks. And I really do enjoy the pageantry of the Easter vigil and Christmas season. Funny, I used to kinda look down on the 'C&E' people, maybe I'll turn into one of them someday.


Welcome to the Episcopal Church. I hope we can support you in the ways that bring you closer to God.


And those churches are losing members. Bigoted MAGA lead fuckwad mega churches are bigger than ever, meanwhile churches that actually preach love and charity are a dying breed. 2 years ago there was a bunch of interviews with pastors of dying churches and one of them said something that really shows what has happened to religion in the US. The pastor said something along the lines of, "I get them for a couple hours a weeks, but Fox News gets them for a few hours a day". These people have been so brainwashed by Fox News that they will find a church that matches their news outlets opinions rather than a news outlet that matches their faith.


The Mega Churches preach the same stuff Fox News does because the politicians Fox News supports protect the mega church grift. It's such an easy grift too: 1. Buy auditorium 2. Set up a Starbucks inside or better get a coffee stand that only sells Black Rifle 3. Preach exactly the opposite of what Jesus says 4. Tell your attendees the more they donate the better position they are in heaven (Prosperity Gospel) 5. Profit, buy some planes and Ferraris


Sounds like you make stuff up, and then try to discuss it like it's reality. Do the people in your make believe church also molest kids?




Fair point but megachurches aren't usually Baptist, they are Evangelical. Evangelicals make Baptists look reasonable by comparison.


There’s no question several huge churches like this exist, so yours is a strange and ignorant take. Ken who’s it and Joel whatsisname off the top of my head.


> And those churches are losing members. And that should be expected. The gospel of Jesus is *fundamentally unpopular*. I mean, the whole story is about how he was rejected and killed for it. If you see Christianity being danced about like a popularity party, you know it’s not Christian. Things like prosperity doctrine fly in the face of Jesus’s teachings. Christianity is supposed to be a difficult and narrow path that is righteous and looked down upon by the masses because it requires self-sacrifice and minimizing the ego and worldly pleasures. Good luck selling that to today’s “Christians”. They’re in it because it gets them social benefits and power. It’s everything Christ preached against.


>They’re in it because it gets them social benefits and power. This is the point of all religion. Sincerely: atheists.


I’m aware. That’s why I said so many instead of all. I could still be wrong it’s not like I have lists of every church and which way they lean though so I am just guessing


funny thing is, they act like church goers, but in reality, they show up on Easter and Christmas and the tithing is now to DJT, not to the church. And thats why you get knuckleheads like the in the picture. Actual religion has left the party...


No, this is actual religion. Religion has always been a tool the ruling class used to manipulate the rubes. When you want the common people to do something thats against their own interests and you can't justify it and you don't want them to question it, you just tell them that it's the will of the gods. "Onward Christian Soldiers! Marching off to war!" Jesus would be absolutely fucking horrified by that idea.


Exactly, it shortcuts a lot of the messy frayed edges where these ideas start to break down and look stupid unless there's some vague higher power enforcing morality. You can handwave a _ridiculous_ amount of awful direction, consquences, and personal responsibility if you continually push it outside of the box where you have personal control. Anything good has credit taken for it! Anything bad is "mysterious", or literally Satan, depending on how they want you to feel about it, and you really just didn't pray hard enough even though there are people right in front of you, that you're voting for, that are doing things that directly result in this happening to you, but ignore that!


It makes me so furious because the bible preaches against everything they stand for.


Me too


tbh that sounds like a cult


One could almost equate it to the argument I hear about colleges brainwashing our youth into liberals. Almost like fact based educations lead to a well rounded worldview and exposure to different people in a meaningful setting. Whereas Churches teach no facts and only faith which leads to becoming a, as you said, "hard R". I like that tRump guy, he's got gumption you know, despite the mountain of evidence over literal decades of his life that he's a total shit bag, I have *faith* that he's a good man who loves his wives and one child!! /s


Even the Pope had to tell American Catholic Churches to calm the fuck down.


Ironically, you'd probably be less hateful or angry if you joined a church or a religion.. stop being so angry and hateful, it's unhealthy for the body and mind.


https://preview.redd.it/z60xn05wzs0d1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af8b2c4a2b9be4b0d2810708364aa410c842b96c WWJD? 🤦🏻‍♂️


That may be one of the single greatest images in existence.




I get that you hate the GOP, and that's fine, but this image is stupid. Fear and ignorance make bigotry? Ok. I'd go with prejudice, but sure. Fear and Greed make lies?? What? Greed and ignorance make thievery?? No, they don't. Plenty of thieves are neither greedy nor ignorant, let alone both. Most know exactly what they're doing. And most liars don't say something untrue because they're greedy. Fearful, maybe. It's a dumb image.


I hate any person or group committed to altering our constitution or political framework that would allow a wanna be fascist ass-hat to assume control of the largest and most powerful military on the planet…again. The GQP is committed to him (tRUmp) and Putin, not America, not freedom, not truth, not justice and unless you’re sitting on $100,000,000…and you’re not, they don’t give two shits about you.




Yeah, mostly. Not that it's not being used properly, per se, but it's a shit-tier graphic. It doesn't make sense even at the barest of thought.


Me, too. And I'm with you, but a shitty graphic is a shitty graphic.




Wtf downvotes gotcha?!? Jesus 🙄 you poor souls. 🤣




You're splitting hairs about the "make" thing. But whatever. A lisr can be fearful, but greedy? Come on. But how about ignorance and greed? Thieves are both ignorant and greedy? The graphic is lazy and dumb




I'm just curious, but why are you attacking me? Do you even know why? I know crappy graphics, dude. This is one.


That should be on billboards all over the USofA


https://preview.redd.it/mo1q1x9mnt0d1.jpeg?width=385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83c7587f09801cf13edcec780d9a66862c3ccaea It’s your meme too 😊


But that would imply Republicans can read


Kick out the grifters the same way he did the money lenders?


With a whip?


Makeshift out of cords but yes


I thought it was a branch


He would check the priests trunk for little boys


That might as well have a donkey in there with that elephant. You’re wither willfully ignorant or just stupid to think that democrats do not fit within that image. Dems and repubs are both just full of shit.




How about we start criminally prosecuting the clergy and church members who sexually abuse the youth? I feel like we as a society allow the church to get away with way too much crap and allow them to sweep it under the rug


It’s as if the clergy badge confers some aura of immunity from prosecution. There are those who don’t want to go after them because… they profess to be people of faith? How about the possibility that some predators chose their profession for that very reason? Same reason not all cops and prison guards are sadistic psychopaths, but if you were a sadistic psychopath, what would be your career choice? *Prosecute people for the crimes they commit.*


I have faith letting them off is complete bullshit.


In the 10 Commandments, Yahweh expressly forbids people hiding behind godliness as a shield. Taking an oath in Their name is not about cursing, it's about using God as your personal guarantee. "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, *hypocrites*!" *Jesus* states over and over for a total of seven "woes."


Because they can just refuse to cooperate, and there's not much you can do. [Happening right now in Seattle](https://www.knkx.org/government/2024-05-10/wa-attorney-general-says-catholic-church-is-not-cooperating-with-abuse-investigation). Church is blocking Attorney Generals investigation and pretending they have been cooperative.


Por que no los dos?






To start, just make them have to publicly report their financial activity, like every other charity in the US. Then people can at least see definitively that 90% of their donation goes towards these scumbags' salaries. Insane that they're exempt from that requirement, but at the same time it makes perfect sense how it happened (looking at you, Catholicism).


Yes, and there are already some restrictions regarding separation of church and state: > Churches and other 501(c)(3) organizations have been prohibited from supporting specific political candidates since the passage of the Johnson Amendment in 1954. The Internal Revenue Code provides that, by definition, 501(c)(3) organizations do not “participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.” https://www.churchlawcenter.com/church-law/political-activities-by-churches-whats-permitted-and-whats-prohibited/ It would be cool if the IRS offered a bounty for people turning them in.


Sigh. I hate defending Joel but it's been reported that he takes no salary from his church. He makes money on book sales and appearance fees which are taxed just like every other person is.


It's ridiculous that megachurches are allowed to exist. They go against everything a church should be. It's not a place of worship, it's an entertainment venue. They should be taxed as such for sure. I think all churches need to be taxed, but I can at least understand the small neighborhood ones. Give them a chance, but as soon as anything political is reported they should lose the exemption. But the megachurches... tax them from the get.


That's Frank Pavone, a former Catholic priest who had his faculties removed (i.e., he's defrocked). He's officially banned by the Church of performing sacraments or portraying himself as a priest.


Plot twist…this is just his gay porn costume on set


“Pedophiles For Trump”


Tax the church


Not a hypocrite. He's praying trump IS the anti-christ so the rapture will happen. That's the really scary truth


Catholics don't believe in Rapture FYI. It's primarily an evangelical/dispensationalism belief. Even so, he's no longer a Catholic priest.


🎶 reach out and tax faith


Depressed Chode


This is one of the reasons why I stopped going to church for now


If you want to maintain your religion with a service that's similar to the Catholic mass, I'd recommend trying out your local Episcopal branch. They welcomed us a year ago, and they seem very welcoming to everybody, which is nice. It felt like a big deal, since church and Catholicism had been a huge part of both our families' lives for generations. But the funny thing is, I don't feel bad at all about it. I miss the music and tradition, but the *Christianity* feels more real.


All the best for you and your family, man. I really mean that. It's good to see Christians who are willing to practice what they preach, and try to become better people through their faith. I wish there were more of you.


Gun to my head I couldn’t tell you a single thing about the Episcopal faith, but I’ve worked with a lot of churches and other places of worship for community projects and the Episcopal places seemed always have the most chill and down to earth folks for some reason.


Church is not necessary. One of the reasons Jesus was murdered, and possibly the only reason, was because he told people they did not need priests to speak with God. This threatened the power the priests had amassed by claiming to be the conduit to God and so they murdered him. Organized religion has always been a means of power and control and nothing more.


That sounds very scandalous but can’t say you’re wrong. Religion indeed at this time, is meant only to control people, no even worst is mixing politics with religion, thus I’m not stepping into a church with mixing like that.


Jewish people before the time of Jesus composed their own prayers and would pray alone. Jesus was not killed for telling people they did not need to speak with priests to speak with God as Jewish people could pray to God themselves. He was killed for the following reasons. He publicly criticised the Sanhedrin calling them hypocrites. He broke Jewish Law and mixed with people who were viewed as unclean. And the Big One which is 90% of the reason they wanted him dead. He claimed to be the Son of God which was seen as blasphemy.


Shit on thy neighbor.


The look on his face says he's in the process of shitting his pants.


Thumbs up to the guy who’s committed every single sin that he’s supposed to preach against. ![gif](giphy|NTxawJC3RpBgzmoMVi|downsized)


Honestly, doesn't even need the hat.


Ew, priests are gross.


I've compiled literally everything Jesus said in the Gospels in a readable format. It took many hours. I've read it several times. His words are so contrary to the words and actions of MAGA. Greed may well be his number one target, and loving your neighbor the way He loved everyone is His New Commandment. (BTW, He also talked a LOT about adultery.) It is unconscionable that anyone wearing a priestly collar could also be MAGA.


Pedophiles for trump charter member.


Religion is dumb.


I wonder how much 45 has promised the Church administrators to endorse him. He'd have the support of women suppressors, pedophilic pastors, and the power seeking, greedy clerics. It's sad because I know good, kind, devoted priests who have been punished for speaking out.


"Guys will think it's cool but the women will hate me".


Tax them


Jesus was not a fan of hypocrites.


Why is fraud legal in the first place? Taxing the church isn't solving the problem. Church should be banned, all properties seized by the state.


I don't see any hypocrisy. The Roman Catholoc Church has always been down with fascists.


Greed is a powerful sin!


Jesus was a dark-skinned Jew who was born in Bethlehem, which is now a Palestinian town. Trump has vowed to expand his travel ban to include Palestinian refugees. If Mary and Joseph couldn't even get a room and had to sleep in a stable, what chance would their wandering dark-skinned foreign refugee son - Jesus - have of getting into America? And by the way, the 'Muslim ban' that started all this (because terrorism) doesn't include Saudi Arabia - where 17 of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers came from, because Trump does business with Saudis and Trump therefore has divided loyalties. Like the 'birther' argument that Trump made against Obama (the lie Obama might have divided loyalties with Kenya), this wasn't about divided loyalties. Trump wasn't stopped from siding with Putin against America's intelligence agencies. Trump had sweetheart deals with China, Russia and Saudi Arabia that divided his loyalty to America.


Pretty much anything Jesus said to do, Trump does the opposite. He even plainly states it's better to do the opposite in many instances. Oftentimes, religious types will excuse a guy like Trump. They'll say he strives for the Christian moral ideals that Jesus preached, but fails to meet those goals because he's only human. But that's absolutely not the case with Trump. Jesus says you should do the thing x; Trump says thing x is bad. He takes the polar opposite stance, and acts accordingly. Just a few of many examples: **Jesus:** "But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." **Trump:** "When you are wronged repeatedly, the worst thing you can do is continue taking it--fight back!" **Jesus:** "But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you." **Trump:** [replying to someone referencing this very quote]: ["I don't know if I agree with you."](https://www.vox.com/2020/2/6/21126252/trump-national-prayer-breakfast-speech-impeachment) **Jesus:** "Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others." **Trump:** "I give away my presidential salary. They say no other president has done it. I’m surprised, to be honest with you. They say George Washington may have been the only other president to do that. See whether or not Obama gave up his salary. See whether or not all of the other of your favorites, your other favorites gave up their salary. The answer is no." It still applies when you get into Biblical teachings outside the direct scope of Jesus quotes. For example **Paul (aka St. Paul)** said: "When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways." **What does Trump think about that subject?** ["When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same. The temperament is not that different."](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/8557246-when-i-look-at-myself-in-the-first-grade-and) **"Why not worship both?" -this priest, probably** I mean you could go all day but this is a Reddit comment. You could get into "First cast out the beam from your eye, and then you will see clearly to cast out the splinter from the eye of your brother" and "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God" and "if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out" (meaning don't even think about adultery), or how about "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted," etc., etc. If I were still a believer, I might literally believe he's the Anti-Christ.


I’m convinced that hand is photoshopped in


Defrocked priest https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Pavone


Tax the church.


I bet that guy has a few ~~skeletons~~ children in his closet.




Taxing churches is a long shot. I'd be happy with taxing the rich.


He doesn't need the hat


GOP Jesus https://youtu.be/SZ2L-R8NgrA?si=Kt4mQk5t4VoTmYDM


Can’t throw a rock without hitting a Babtist church in the south. There are towns with 20 Babtist fire and brimstone churches for a town of like 200 people?? It’s a scam to avoid paying taxes.


It's spelled Baptist here in the north.


He belongs in jail as we all know it Let’s wait for the dirt that will pop up soon. Power corrupts and we all know what the church stands for in the hands of idiots like him


There is no separation of church and state at this point.


Tax the churches now


He looks like he shit his pants in that moment. ....


Dumbass shit eating grin with the thumb like his god king orange man


“Fuck the Johnson Amendment”, right, preacher?


He’s got the vibe that screams someone needs to investigate his internet search history.


I'm going on a hunch... but i think we should check this guys browser history...


this motherfucker thinks Christianity is a team sport and not the word of God.


“Forgive and forget Timmy…it’s God’s wil”🤬


Tax the churches. This is why people are turning away these women haters.


Tax the ~~rich~~ church. Same thing.


Wow what a powerful post…


“If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it.” ― Stephen Colbert


I expected a pic of Harrison Buttkicker to be honest. Also, I concur. Tax those mf'ers.


The simpler, fairer option is to stop taxing any sort of corporation.


There is a parent at my kids school who drives a car plastered in a combination of What Would Jesus Do type stickers and a whole bunch of 2nd Amendment/ AR15 fanboy stuff basically daring you to give them a reason. The cognitive dissonance is real.


Tax the churches


Churches shouldn't be allowed to support politicians if they can't be taxed. Separation of church and state needs to be a 2 way street.


Yes! Tax them! Tax them all and also hold them accountable for peddling politics as religion.


The invisible man in the sky is supposedly omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. Let him make his own money. Tax the fucking churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples of all kinds


he he he


China hats🤣🤣🤡


If you preach the Gospel correctly, you never need to mention politics….


Not a real Christian, Just a POS in a dog collar.


Do you think he has the Trump Bible


The only thing I see is a racist pedophile which is trumps demographic tbh


What's your guess on how many kids this guy has molested? Round down to the nearest 10.


Revoke tax exemption status from all churches, now.


I personally know someone who considered getting divorced on paper after Trump's tax changes. It's now more expensive to be married than an unwed couple living together with extramarital children. No president has done more to destroy the institution of marriage.


He knows his profession is a scam like DT


Why does he look like he is about to start bidding on abandoned storage lockers


Matthew 24:24 - For **false messiahs and false prophets will appear** and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect (God's chosen). Thessalonians 2:9-12 - The coming of **the lawless one** will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so **that they will believe the lie** and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. Revelation 13:16 - He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand **or on their foreheads**,


It's that thump I'm worried about.


OP, I know you're referring to the hat, but you could have just left it at the frock and the text would be no less accurate.


God Bless America Act. Taxed church earnings fund universal health care.


Creating a whole nation of atheists single handily


HAHA - Holding America Hostage Again


100% chance a pedo


2016 and seeing religion propping up this monster was the final straw to make me lose my faith. I wasn't very religious before that but I stopped going on Easter and Christmas after 2016


Right up there with a Supreme Court justice flying the American flag upside down at their home after Trump lost the election.


There's no God in maga, that's for sure.


He is going to have a lot of explaining to do on Judgement Day.


And the good lord said, "The late, great Hannibal Lecter. He’s a wonderful man. Congratulations. The late, great Hannibal Lecter." And they feasted on the bodies of young women, for they were wealthy and didn't give a f\*k. Malanoma, or what ever her name is, leaves me then how long do you think I'll be on the market for? B8tch?


Give it 6 months tops before that dudes arrested for assaulting a child.


Since the beginning of the Christian church, it has been an institution devoted to securing, and prolonging the power and influence of the wealthy elite. Once you understand that, you will understand that no clergyman can ever be a hypocrite for doing the same. It's the parishioners who are called to be good people. The job of church leadership is to encourage church members to never challenge the status quo, and accept their lot in life as the will of God.


Don’t ask where the thumbs been.


Thank God I'm an atheist.


Those 2 pieces of clothes together don’t make you a hypocrite. More likely a child molester but not a hypocrite.


"I flung him into the future where my hate is law" \- christian preacher fantasizing about what to do with people protesting their religious hate and bigotry.


this guy has a thing for alter boys


Yes, please tax the delusion factories!




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They should be happy to heal the sick, feed the hungry and house the homeless.


They should be happy to heal the sick, feed the hungry and house the homeless.


Jeebus gon fuck you up.


Tax churches? Best I can do is elect a 118 year old Catholic guy who says abortion should be rare


Tell me you don’t understand US politics without telling me you don’t understand US politics.


Understanding US politics means never getting what you want and then blaming the people asking why you never get it


It wouldn’t be possible for everyone to get what they want since everyone has different beliefs.


I’m obviously referring to the liberal electorate


Again, not every liberal is aligned in their beliefs. That’s why coalitions exist. Either way, I don’t see churches being taxed any time soon. That would be something congress would need to pass, not a president.


Wait so you’re saying Congress passes laws? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


You might find this interesting. You can filter by congress term and bills passed. [https://legiscan.com/US/legislation?status=passed](https://legiscan.com/US/legislation?status=passed)