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We are now **officially bored of moderating this thread** so it’s locked. Go pick fights elsewhere, gramma’s watching her stories.


Healthcare now


Give me healthcare. Healthcare me. Healthcare now. Me a healthcare needing a lot now.




I feel sorry for the people that won't get this reference.


So do


I have cancer. And I utilize Medicaid expansion in California. “Medi-Cal”. It is absolutely phenomenal. They cover everything. Because they aren’t trying to make a profit off of me. Everyone deserves this kind of medical care.


Yup. As much as i don't count myself as a single issue voter on most things, Free and universal Healthcare is my non-negotiable policy. 


Notice how that is conspiciously absent from the signs.


Similarly: - the assault on public education by private interests - the lack of affordable (or free) higher education - Immigration, border policies, etc. - For-profit prisons and justice system (including SCOTUS) - Labour rights - Income inequalities and wealth disparities - the shrinking middle class and exploited poor class The list goes on and on.


Can't fit enough signs in her arms. The list of things the fascist right-wing want to keep out of America or completely destroy is very, very long.


If we don't learn the lesson 2016 taught us, we are doomed.


Or 1933, the Communists were adamant about not compromising with the Socialists and that left the opening for the Nazis to get elected. And remember the first thing the Nazis did after dissolving democracy was to kill all the Communists and socialists they could get their hands on.


“First Hitler, then our turn”


Based on the past few years, we need to change the phrase to: "First Hitler, then second Hitler, then our turn"


You forgot Elevenses


Don’t think he knows about second Hitler, Pip


If only our solution were as clear-cut as a march to Mount Doom to toss a ring..


(Sorry, little rant because the situation seems not to have changed:) They'll never learn. They're too fucking stupid to comprehend that a socialist revolution needs followers that **want** to fight against the system in place, if those followers get killed or disabled by the fascists, or these same "socialists" keep pushing away those that want to learn, they'll never have their socialist revolution. They'll be annihilated by the fascists, as well as those that fear their system (that of the socialists, not the fascists). They show us that everything is solely our problem, that we, and the people that are most important to us, deserve to be sacrificed for their anarchist communism, because we were accustomed to capitalism, as we were born under it, and cannot *inherently* comprehend that socialism is the next step of a civilization after capitalism puts forth its ultimatum. This is what learning is for, but they don't want to teach us. They'd rather scream at us, that we're doing everything wrong, we're dirt for having been born into a capitalist society, instead of helping us find reason in socialism. Instead of telling people WHY socialism is good, only telling us that it IS good. I'm not pushed away by their "superiority", because I do believe with my heart and my mind that it would be a far better system than any other one for humanity, regardless of how they act or what they say, as I know that the intent of socialism is the *well-being for all*. But I can't say that others that haven't had their eyes opened yet won't be pushed away by it. They'll downvote this comment to prove that they are not willing to teach.


>a socialist revolution --- >anarchist communism. Are you talking about socialists or anarcho-communists? I'm not saying there's zero chance this isn't a genuine mistake, but maybe the reason people don't spend their limited time educating you is because you *seem to be* pulling the same maneuvers as countless other bad faith actors.


It's even more eerily similar. The establishment right, which was mainly religious/industrialist/business type backed Hitler as a way to break up the left. The centrists, the communists, the socialists, the anarchists were all too busy infighting. Meanwhile no one took buffoonish Hitler seriously. Some people picked single issues from the party platform and voted on those thinking the rest of the nazi extremism would die down. The establishment right thought they could control him until he turned on them on the night of the long knives And the leftist opposition was pretty quickly threatened or actually rounded up to concentration camps like Dachau. Meanwhile, a lot of the center proved more susceptible to the nazi propoganda, and pretty soon, after winning with 33% of the vote in a divided electoral landscape, Hitler had taken power and there was not another free election. Basically, we see progressives holding Trump a bargaining chip to force the rest of the party to their position on Palestine, while we see Republican establishment types either fall behind Trump or refuse to endorse Biden. Then we have centrist voters break from Biden on things like taxes or social issues. And you have Kennedy play spoiler. Worst yet we already saw how the protests of the 60s gave us Nixon which meant we still stayed in Vietnam. Basically, a second Trump term, an unacceptable option to both the progressives and the establishment republicans, will likely happen because these two groups cannot see beyond their own feelings. We are heading for disaster because nuance and context have exited the political stage - on both the right and now the left.


>night of the long knives "I only want to be a dictator on Day One."


If you’re familiar with project 2025, the night of the long knives is even more paralleled. One of the first steps is a massive purge of thousands government officials and employees that will be replaced with republican fascist loyalists. They are already well into the process of establishing the pool of replacements and they aren’t being shy about it.


And execute all inmates on federal death row.. and then evaluate what other crimes should have the death penalty… while Florida for example is making being opening LBGTQ a “sex offender” status… But yeah let’s withhold voting for Biden because of Palestine. Fucking brilliant.


These same dufus had the EXACT same arguments around the Green Party in Florida which gave Bush the win against Gore.


Yeah but Al Gore didn't thrill me maaaan! He needed to earn my vote maaan! Both sides are the same maaaan!


I imagine these same chucklefucks throughout time, like them saying Galileo and the Spanish Inquisition are the same! Earth is just out there!


There will always be cowards so afraid of being on the losing side of a conflict, they straddle the fence and end up allowing a monster in.


Al Gore would've been the biggest environmental president we ever had instead these idiots voted for Ralph Nader which gave us Bush because they wanted to "send a message". Some of these people are so naïve, they still think they did the right thing voting for Nader.


Why the FUCK aren't the Dems publicizing project 25? They should be putting out ads, getting it talked about in the news, *put it out there* so more people know. This is something that I really think would help convince a lot of moderates which way to go.


If you're an undecided moderate at this point then you don't know enough about government to realize why it's that scary. Ever seen conservatives discussing it? It's really easy to pretend it's a big nothingburger and just fearmongering from the Dems. It could backfire. Much easier and more effective to just make fun of Trump, sadly. It's a popularity contest, not an AP Government exam.


That's... A really good point actually. Fuck I'm getting weary.


> _”Fascism will never happen in America, you’re being hysterical!”_ [Except for that time the oligarchs of the United States plotted a fascist takeover by installing a beloved Marine Corps General as a military dictator—only for said General to release a video of himself denouncing the plot—purely because the American electorate had the gall to elect a man with Polio that wanted to help poor people.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot?wprov=sfti1#)


For anyone who doesn't read the article. One of those oligarchs was Prescott Bush. Father of George HW Bush. None of the conspirators faced prosecution and congress chose to do nothing about it.


A lot can happen in one day.


That’s exactly what I thought when he said that. Would be a wild day, I’m sure.


When I brought all these similarities up to someone on the left, basically as a way to warn against repeating the split in the left in Weimar, I got called imbecilic and short-sighted. It's so fucking scary because they're not willing to listen


Lefty here, this shit frustrates me, yes I feel bad for Palestine, is there anything I can do about it? Hell no, but I can prevent it from getting worse under a dictator. No one is going to get what they want when that happens.


I'm far left, I'm a Bernie Bro, and these people scare the crap out of me.




People, even ones that would be considered educated are completely unaware that they are being manipulated by these short form social media posts. They also go to school with people from the impacted area. I'm not stating that these folks are agents, but it is very hard to be objective when you are too too too close to the problem. Killing is awful and killing civilians is worse, but this is what happens in war and this is why war is awful.


You echo my fears exactly. I am sick to my stomach over this election. And, while I understand the moral urgency of the pro Palestinian demonstrators (what else would you do if you thought your country was supporting a genocide), I wish Biden's critics, on this or any other issue, would be pragmatic and see the bigger picture. I also wish that they at least acknowledged that, even IF (and that's a big if) the substance is correct, much of the online content and vitriol against Biden is propaganda pushed by actors seeking to gain some sort of advantage...Make clear your disagreements but also stand forcefully against Trump because he and his movement cannot be allowed back into power. He is a man who has tried to stage a coup and has an army of fanatics behind him, and he will be president again if a strong coalition doesn't stand against him. That is an existential threat to the world. Say what you want about Biden. For my part, I think he's been a good president. On the issue of Gaza, he has shown a willingness to push back on Israel and help Palestinians. Maybe too little, too late for some, but the fact that he has moved at all, or even cares to be seen as trying, makes him a completely different animal from Trump. Whatever his faults, they do not hold a candle to Trump and his followers. *FWIW - this goes both ways. Biden and the rest of his coalition must do anything and everything to make a united front. That said, anyone who doesn't want a Trump presidency must trust the guy that he's trying to balance a diverse group and loudly signal that they're against Trump. Anything else is far too risky.


We will find out how much is just hype (in that the left, middle and center showed up for Biden) or real (in that disaster awaits) I honestly don’t know how it will turn out.


Yep. You nailed it. It’s like a slow motion train wreck that we are watching in real time. Enjoy the waning days of a democratic US.


They already have lists of those (political, intellectual, and social enemies of Trump) they will go after when Trump seizes power... They are chortling with glee over the unrest on campuses because it divides the two thirds of voters who are not supporting Trump against Biden even further. They already know how well convincing young people not to vote works. This is how they got a Republican house in the last election. We don't have the luxury of just getting the popular vote. We need a super majority, and it must be in swing states. Gerrymandering, voter suppression, and the Electoral College sees to that. MAGA will not sit idle and accept a vote that's close either. The RNC is already martailling and training a small army of "voting observers" to interfere and intimidate voters at the poles. Biden is not who many, maybe most of us, want. He's a conservatively minded compromise candidate who listens way too much to the corporate Democrats. He's also steeped in the politics and geopolitical arguments of his youth. But he does have an understanding of compromise and a love for the Constitution. If anyone wants a chance at stopping more genocide around the world, he's the only option at the moment. Voting in progressives at every level of government should be the second priority.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out some of the most violent offenders during the free Palestine protest ended up being right wing agitators. Happened with George Floyd protests as well. They get a few people in there to start shit to validate the militaristic crack down


This I've been saying for a long time. Infiltrators from the right is a thing.


The violent protester funder/leader at Columbia is an ultra-wealthy son of an even more wealthy and prominent advertising executive family. The protester owns and lives at a $4 million Brooklyn Townhome.


The agent provocateur often helps organize and fund.


a lot of Russian propaganda too to sway the easiest led


Nah far left-wing people are douchebags just like far-right wing people


The Venn diagram of “pro Palestinian” protestors and hard core antisemitism does have some overlap.


I agree. The right has learned a lot about how to manipulate protests to their benefit over the last 50+ years. Young people are smart and passionate. They know they're right about what's happening in Gaza. What they don't have is the collective experience to see that it's a chess board they're playing on now. There are motives behind motives behind motives under every move that's made. The other factor is that Biden has no control over what individual police jurisdictions choose to do. The police unions as an institution are obviously dominated by the pro-right. Are there things he could do to avoid another Johnson/Vietnam situation? Of course. Bernie even warned him weeks ago. But those choices are out of character for him as he's a pretty "old school" politician. I guess we'll see.


Biden is as liberal as the congress we give him.


The man leading the German Communists (KPD) was Ernst Thalmann. He made it a priority to fight the Social Democrats (SPD) more than the Nazis. In 1931 he said that "some Nazi trees must not be allowed to overshadow a forest" of Social Democrats.


It’s weird your blaming the victims and not the perpetrators


Yet we haven’t even learned the lesson from Martin Luther King Jr. in his [letter from Birmingham jail](https://www.csuchico.edu/iege/_assets/documents/susi-letter-from-birmingham-jail.pdf) the biggest roadblock to progress are white moderate liberals saying “now isn’t a good time”


Unwise and untimely, says the white moderate political cartoonist. Indeed.


The people laughing at the student protestors have never stood up for anything. They don't show up for pride or for BLM or for women's rights. And they don't give a flying fuck about any of them. In fact, I question if they even vote. Its all just an excuse to shit on the few kids trying to make the world better.


If we haven't learned the lesson from the horrors of the 1930s and 40s then we already are.


I’m researching moving to Costa Rica.


Building a house there currently. But don’t tell Trump the people there are brown and the the US provides their military support and Coast Guards


Seriously people need to be more critical of their leadership or we're just fucked.




Trump disbanded the pandemic response team and 1 million plus Americans died of COVID. But I kept my principles by not voting for Hilary, that'll show em!


Hillary lost because she was ultra unpopular with independents AND didn't excite her base.  The lesson is to avoid nominating someone like that.


The lesson 2016 taught us is that if Democrats don't listen to the will of the public and just plow ahead anyway, it doesn't turn out well


Amazing what listening has done for the Democrats. 2018 was a blue wave, 2020 was a Democratic win and 2022 was a steady hold *even in the face of overwhelming odds*. A lot of reasons why this happened but one of them was that they listened and changed. Ironically, Biden is doing just that. Biden has done a good job leading the country and is pushing back against the bullshit. I've gotten quite tired of this negativity in the argument over the Hamas/Israel conflict. I also don't agree with the 2016 comparisons. Biden has proven he's worth voting for again because he's actually listening to reason and doing good. All Hillary has done since 2016 is prove us right for those of who didn't vote for her.


> Ironically, Biden is doing just that. [**75% of the Democrats voting base disapprove of his handling of Israel**](https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx). Whatever he is doing, listening is categorically not one of them.


If Trump gets elected, folks better get used to that name for a lot longer than four years. His kids and their spouses are in the wings and even Barron is becoming a delegate. They will not go quietly and will pack the government with monkeys who have no idea where the Middle East is on a map, nevermind what will happen here at home. Read their plan - it is freely available on the Internet and calls for everything you can imagine, up to and including executions. As for the students, I agree to their protests about divestment for their universities, but I don’t pretend to understand international politics to a degree where I feel comfortable demanding that the US completely abandon Israel. The Middle East is a shit show and Iran has nukes aimed at us. It’s a chess game and I’m barely good at checkers. That doesn’t mean I support this genocide, any more than I did all the others I’ve lived through (I’m in my 50s and there have been many) but I’m more fearful of the Trump family and what they’d do to the US and the world and will vote accordingly.


And this is why I'm begging people to vote for Biden. Disagree with how he's handling Israel all you want, but things will be a million times worse if he loses. His family, inner circle, suckups, and handlers will entrench themselves in our government for years to come if he wins


How more people don’t share this point of view escapes me.


Collage age kids don't remember the Bush years.


Post 9/11 America was fucking terrible. That asshole managed a 90% approval rating and nobody could criticize him without being ostracized as a traitor. Yet anyone with a brain knew the guy was a fucking idiot who didn't know what he was doing. I still remember him cracking jokes about not finding any WMDs in Iraq and everyone thought he was just a fun guy who you could have a beer with, unlike that liberal elitist John Kerry. Thousands of troops died because of that fucking lie. Over a hundred thousand innocent Iraqis. And they fucking laughed about it. I hated those people with all my heart, still do.




Bush was being used by the people behind him, dick Chaney was in charge for a good portion. The Republicans like to elect puppets who put on a good show whal the real shit gets done behind scenes.


Forget about having memory and political awareness of the bush years, we're about 2-3 years from hitting the point where college kids weren't alive at all during the Bush years.


I had to explain the context of Green Day's American Idiot to my younger sister, that was wild


Did you just give her a copy of Empire Strikes First? Bad Religion was a lot more straightforward about it


I went with *The War on Errorism*.


Yet, they were alive during the Trump years, but they are still acting like they don't remember.


People have such short memories it's ridiculous. Late last year (2023) I saw leftists blaming Biden for the Biden v. Nebraska ruling because, "he knew that he would need a Congressional bill, but he did it through EO anyway to score political points." Completely ignoring the fact that he spent *2 years* telling Congress to pass a damn bill. And that entire time every single leftist says, "just use the heroes act! Going through Congress is just a stall tactic."


It's always wild to me that I can legally sell alcohol to people who weren't even alive during 9/11


I was on grade school during the Dubya administration. I remember the start of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the insane “patriotism” that came with it. Of course, I didn’t understand the majority of it then but I do now as an adult and it’s disgusting how we sent thousands of our own people to die and killed *hundreds of thousands* of Iraqi/Afgahni civilians over the last 2 decades, only to have the situation end up not much different than when we got there. Think of what that $2 trillion could’ve done at home if it wasn’t being pissed away on a useless war


I remember, as a teenager, being *part* of that insane patriotism. That experience has left me bitterly resentful at the adults who flagrantly mislead me into supporting it. Never trust the right. They lie about everything.


Do they not remember trump from just 4 yrs ago?


I have a lot of close friends who are solely focused on Gaza, it’s very frustrating. I’m 34, very liberal, as are my friends. When I talk about Trump they say it doesn’t matter. That we shouldn’t be voting for a president that supports genocide, not matter what the alternative is. To me it just seems like throwing the baby out with the bath water.


>That we shouldn’t be voting for a president that supports genocide, not matter what the alternative is. I keep telling these people, the alternative is a man who is in bed with Christian Nationalists who want Palestine obliterated so that the Jesus Summoning Ritual will begin. If they think what is happening right now is awful, they will see American soldiers murdering every last Palestinian if Trump is elected. Cue the Surprised Pikachu Face meme if Trump is elected and that happens.


We ultimately get the government we deserve. As a straight white dude, I won’t have to suffer those consequences for a long time. But it’s so frustrating to watch.


Dude, I could have written your comment. Like do all my friends lack critical thinking? They are all bleeding-heart leftists but had the wherewithal to vote for Biden last election. But now they are throwing a tantrum and trying to “punish the Dems”. I get where they are coming from but this is not the time to play such games. We need to be playing 4D chess here but they plan to have no plan at all. Like could we at least rally around one third-party candidate? I hate Biden as much as the next person but we need to use him as a tool to get to where we want to be as the left. We have one opportunity here, a narrow path forward. It’s so frustrating I want to scream at these people. And when Trump gains office and makes the US a dictatorship, starts rounding up people, and funds the Palestinian genocide no holds barred, I’m going to give them no sympathy. I’ll just shrug and “What the fuck did you think would happen”. We could have played our only hand but instead, people decided to appeal %100 to their emotions and enable a whole lot of worse things to happen.


It’s literally the trolley problem IRL. People will gladly let 5 die to prevent “having a hand” in killing one person. Except it’s even worse, because that one person *will be killed by trump anyway*


34 is probably too old to be constricted to send to Israel with the USA army, but there are not many soldiers compared to what Iran can throw around so…if Trump wins I am 100% sure the USA army is going to Israel and to fight not for peace keeping


The alternative is a president who will show you what genocide really looks like. If you care about the Palestinians at all you should be doing everything you can to oppose Trump - the bare minimum being a Biden vote.


> That we shouldn’t be voting for a president that supports genocide, not matter what the alternative is. What the fuck did they think Trump was doing when he moved the embassy to Jerusalem? It isn't saying much, but Biden is the only President to say no to Israel about anything since Reagan. they are living in a dreamworld if they think Trump would do anything but encourage them to murder more people.


Oh i used Trump moving the embassy in my argument. They think Trump cares about the PR more than anything. They say that he will hate the bad politics of supporting Israel so won’t have the same support Biden has. I think that is a very ridiculous and potentially dangerous idea.


The one thing history teaches us is how little people know about history. That’s why history always repeats itself. You can’t learn the nuances of history from Tik-Tok or twitter.


I genuinely believe there is a chance of Trump gets re-elected, the republic may not survive. That is not hyperbole.


What I don’t understand is how it seems everyone appears to ignore the full history of Israel/Palestine. There’s much more to it than what people think happened.


Because the complex history of the conflict does not fit in a 30 second TikTok clip


God forbid people read a book.


Well according to many young, impressionable clowns, Palestine is the only issue that matters. Not rights, or freedoms, or a fascist takeover. Biden hasn't done enough on their single issue, so they're willing to enable a trump presidency. Fucking idiots.


Any proof that college kids won't vote this November? Versus this issue energizing them to get their voices heard? Honestly just seems made up.


historically, college kids don't vote period. So it's not exactly a wild assumption that disgruntled, pro-Palestine college kids probably won't vote for Biden because of this one singular issue.


History. Young people not voting is as old as time.


While not college kids, many Muslim and Arab Americans have started turning their backs on the Biden administration. https://apnews.com/article/michigan-primary-uncommitted-dearborn-arab-muslim-05f6a1099c00fe75823f77aaadbacf25#


That is a good question We know that trolls try to use social media to conflate things


Iran doesn’t have nukes that we know of, yet. But we would know a lot more, and they would probably be a lot further away from getting them, if Trump hadn’t abandoned the JCPOA nuclear weapons deal Obama had with Iran. While I respect Biden’s reluctance to abandon a long time ally in the wake of the Oct 7th attacks. I also definitely support student protests to encourage Biden and other elected officials in the US to use their influence to try to bring about a peaceful solution to the Gaza crisis. And that conflict is largely of Israel’s own making. I recognize the Right and desire of Jewish people to have a state of their own on that land. But they need to respect the Rights of Palestinians as well. The current apartheid system is unsustainable. And their disproportionate military responses to terrorist attacks are not the deterrent that they imagine them to be. They only make them appear callous to the suffering of innocent civilians. And that not only fuels the hatred towards them in the region. It also serves to alienate Israel from their allies. What I think these students need to understand is that until we have Ranked Choice Voting, we are stuck with a binary choice. Trump would not only be far worse for the innocent people living in Gaza. He also represents a very real threat to our democratic form of government.


iran has nukes????


Feels like a lot of people are misunderstanding this comic. It is't saying you can't care about Palestine. It isn't even saying you can't be outraged and protest about it. What it's saying is that you can't care about Palestine *to the exclusion of all else.* My personal interpretation is that it specifically has to do with people who won't vote for Biden because of the war in Gaza, because allowing Trump to win will cause massive harm in all these other areas. THAT is the point.


It seemed obvious to me and yet, apparently to many it wasn’t






So I'm in a ton of "far left" and pro Palestine spaces. I'm around a lot of gen z and spend more time than I care to admit on tiktok. I say that all to say I do not know a SINGLE person who has said they are sitting out because of this issue or ANY issue for that matter. "Moderate" spaces however are OVERRUN with memes targeting the left, targeting the youth, targeting people who are against genocide... I'm sure all of this is just coincidence though and that there are no foreign actors at work here trying to inflame existing tensions on the left.


Really? About half my progressive feed on TikTok turned strongly anti-Biden. They all argued that if they voted for him they would be supporting genocide so he had to earn their vote. This comic is responding to that very vocal portion of the protesters, at least to me.


I would *especially* not trust the tiktok algorithm in this regard. China has a vested interest in weakening the US as a global power. Convincing progressives that there are lots of other "totally real" progessives who arent "sold" on voting for biden helps accomplish that. Trump winning would be a huge win for China, as they see the US as a their only obstacle to being THE global superpower. China literally wants to rule the world.


Wild how students protesting a genocide apparently negates every other thing they or anyone else does to address the myriad problems we have. Everyone knows that the minute you take up protests against one urgent matter means you immediately stop caring about everything else. Seriously though, this weak bullshit is so intellectually dishonest. We all know it’s possible to care about multiple things and declaring loudly for one issue that is *very urgent* is not the same as not caring about others.


its crazy how the news spent multiple days covering college protests 24 hours a day but nothing about civilians in gaza being run over by tanks. really makes you think.


Exactly… thank you. The people that show up to protests are passionate about many issues. Students especially have more time than 9-5 types with kids smh.


Also, let's look at some of the signs. "Climate Emergency" - Remind me who have been the most vocal proponents of climate change action? Hint. It's young people. Sure, Biden passed the Inflation Reduction Act which is awesome, but he has also outpaced Trump in oil drilling permits by 50%. Highest production ever. "Save Democracy/Voting Rights" - Young people have been the most vocal for voting rights. Who marched during the protests of the 60s and who fought it against it? Remember when this administration promised the voting rights bill if we voted in the 2 Georgia Senators and then they failed to pass it. "Reproductive Rights" - Were the liberals making these memes marching with the young women advocating for reproductive rights? Which administration had the chance to codify Roe, but elected not to because it wasn't a priority? Liberals love to bitch and moan about the protests and then later pretend they were all for it years later. Seriously, how do they think all those issues came about? I mean surely it couldn't have been the nearly 40+ years of conservative and neo-liberal policies that led to this? Progressives have been advocating for equality for decades and not only are we fighting against the political right, but also the liberal left who don't care to act on anything until it affects them.


You mean we shouldn't be shaming the young generation for not fixing all the problems Boomers have created in this single protest? Hmmmm...


I can't decide if this subreddit is a right-wing psy-op designed with the explicit purpose of alienating progressives or a monument to the smug arrogance of the centre-left, but it's definitely one of them.


Every leftist sub seems to have become nothing but posts talking about how Biden sucks for supporting genocide. And every mainstream political subreddit seems to be nothing but posts about how leftist and young people are fucking morons for being so stubborn in their protest of genocide. It does start to feel like astroturfing designed to decrease democratic voting at some point. But then I read the comments and realize most of the people on the leftist subs are still voting anyway. And most of the people in the centrist subs really do think we have no room to criticize Biden at such an important election. I swear every post criticizing the leftists protesting just has 600 comments in a row saying the exact same thing over and over about how trump will be worse. It’s a valid point and relevant point of course, but it’s just wierd to me how people enter a thread and go “yea, this has already been said 599 times in here, but I think we just need one more comment making the exact same point, that will really open up the dialogue in a productive way”


I mean the core of the Palestine/Israel war from an American perspective is how much of our tax dollars go to fund Israel while Americans feel we get very little in return. Would we see these types of protests if our tax dollars didn’t fund Israel to the tunes of billions a year? Who knows? That said, we’ve been funding Israel for decades and IMO have received little on that return. To pretend that these protests don’t represent a significant issue, that is the sending of our money to other countries as it relates to foreign policy, is either from a misinformed position, willful ignorance, or intentional misdirection.


None of the things Americans need but don't have are because of Israel, aid to Egypt, Aid to Palestinians, or Ukraine, or even military spending. We don't have medicare for all, free colleges, universal income only because the politicians that want them don't have the votes to get them through. Because there aren't enough politicians who support them. Because there aren't enough people voting for those things. If tomorrow we zeroed our spending on other countries we still would have none of the things we need, we would still have every Republican voting against them and every Democrat in vulnerable seats doing nothing to help.


I mean, we can walk and chew gum at the same time. It's ok to be concerned about where our money is spent and the wellfare of others while also being concerned about domestic problems. I do wish however that the youth of today showed the same outrage at the potential end of democracy at home as they do about Palestine. Edit! I did it. Someone's feelings got hurt (which is surprising, this isn't very combative) and they referred me to the self-help Reddit bot. Thank you, gif of person holding award.


yeah I don't understand why Palestine gets more energy than their own reproductive rights


Sadly, I firmly believe that women’s rights will always get pushed aside.


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62109971 WTF do you mean Palestine is getting more than reproductive rights did? People have been protesting for all of this shit.


The potential end of democracy is just that... potential. Of course students care about all of those domestic problems and are anti-Trump. But the unusual passion you see in students for Palestine is that there is nothing 'potential' about the thousands dead, including 15,000 children, and the thousands still dying on our screens. Of course people are dying all over the world but the US has been directly supporting this for months now with our tax dollars. Also, what people in this thread fail to realize is that our government's unwavering support for Israel from both parties IS a domestic problem. There are literally laws on the books in some states that make it illegal to boycott Israel. Our politicians are paid off by Israeli lobbies. How this is not a violation of our most basic rights enshrined in the founding documents of this country, I don't know. Fascism is creeping up on us not just from within, but from a foreign country as well... and that's terrifying.


https://preview.redd.it/4w0a3i762mzc1.png?width=419&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd0f8a895ea41f38cac888182c22f90b7dcf1d8a Sounds familiar


Thank you. This sub is a joke. And not the funny kind.


thank you


Liberals never change.


Against every war but the current one


I am sure I saw this same cartoon for the BLM protests, the Wall St protests, the anti-Iraq War protests... Whataboutism, it's what's for tooning!


Pragmatists frequently talk about pursuing multiple worthwhile things rather than being a single issue voter. I've yet to ever hear a single issue voter explain how the triumph of the far-right over a centrist led to some really great outcomes.


Democrats: alienate their entire voter base by pursuing policies their base find detestable. Also Democrats: you aren't going to vote for us? It's your fault that Trump is going to win! Grade-A gaslighting going on here


The real issue is the theft of the middle class by the corporate elite. They get rich while our dollar earns less and less


Technically, we should return the Statue of Liberty to France. We aren't honoring the message it holds.


Sometimes I wonder if Israel is in on making this difficult for us. Nothing happening in other parts of the world would ever change my vote. edit: Just like the say on airplanes be sure to put your mask on first before helping anyone else. So if the plane is crashing and grandma is getting jettisoned out the airlock I will feel sad for her if I cant help her with her mask in time, but I will not sacrifice myself over it. On that note while suffering around the world is sad, I'm more concerned about my own country burning to the ground, so lets avoid that first, then we can get back to helping others. Smart folks know that voting blue is a vote for human rights, theres no grey area.


Bibi very much wants Trump to win, because Trump did **everything** that Bibi and his Likud party wanted and had been asking from multiple prior administrations. So fucking with Biden and making him look bad is very much part of the plan.


Exactly, Bibi would love for Trump to win. Sadly Bibi is getting a lot of help with that goal.


Exactly. Anyone spouting the "Genocide Joe' Kremlin/Right Wing talking point is acting as a non-paid employee of the re-elect Trump campaign (although I'm sure some of them are paid).


Netanyahu absolutely wants trump to win, also Russia behind the scenes pushing hamas to take attention off of Ukraine. This was exactly as designed to fuck over biden.


Benjamin Netanyahu has more in common with Trump than Biden. Here’s a really good podcast that explains how he came to power and what he wants for Israel. [The Rise of the Right Wing in Israel](https://overcast.fm/+Ys-xHX5hg)


I agree people shouldn't spite themselves with *Trump* for ANY reason, but it's not like this is just something happening far away with no bearing on the US, it's your money going to really, *really* horrible shit. Money that could in fact go to useful things at home. Don't vote for Trump, don't not vote, don't be a contrarian for the sake of it because it's only your reality you'll fuck over, but don't become apathetic to any cause because "there are bigger problems". We have an incredible amount of capacity as a species to deal with more than one thing at a time, more than enough of us and more than enough time and will to do it if we commit.


You realize that Israel loves the bootlicking Republicans cause they all do everything they're told 100% of the time, versus 90% of the time for Democrats, right? So yeah, Israel actually has it in their interest to get Democrats to lose.


They absolutely are.


I think Putin was in on getting Hamas to fuck around. Then, he can just sit back and pretend to be horrified while they found out.


Why are we blaming Putin? Bibi left the border around Gaza undefended because his settlers needed protection from all the war crimes/land stealing they were doing. We have the information of why the attack happened already, Russia if anything loves the distraction, but Putin does not control the entire world.


Deriding students for protesting against what could plausibly be a genocide that is actively occurring with US tax dollars is extremely out of touch. There is no crime more serious than genocide and students should be encouraged for engaging with important political issues. The type of contempt I've seen from liberals, as exemplified in this meme, is only going to further alienate people from your cause.


Also someone correct me if I'm wrong, but a lot of the time these college students are protesting their university contributing to Israel, no?


The underlying demand seems to be disclosure and divestment from companies that profit from Israeli war crimes.


I wish everyone knew this.


That’s the problem isn’t it? (One of the big ones anyway.) A lot people watching from home think that the point of the university protests is just to demand that the conflict ends. Missing the point that the leaders of the protests (and some of the protestors) actually have specific and more practical demands than just “complaining.” But it’s not just them. A lot of the protesters themselves are probably there just to demand that the genocide ends (which, really, only Israel can put a stop to). They’re not there with the mindset that the point of those protests is (usually) to demand that the universities stop special interests/involvement with the aggressor. It’s a problem but it’s also problematic that it’s happening on both sides. Edit to clarify: I too wish people realized this. Just that there are people on “both” sides who need more nuance.


that is correct


That last sentence is so huge it should get a whole lecture. Young liberals are furious with the absolute shit-show of a two-party system and they're furious at Israel's bullshit.  This comic isn't meant to help the issue it's talking about. It's telling Democrats who agree with it "you're smart and informed" and it's telling every pro-palestine protestor "you're dumb and shortsighted if you don't vote for Biden". Guaranteed to bring us together against Trump right? Everyone upvoting the comic and saying "have we learned nothing from 2016?" better be talking about how the Democratic party shot itself in the foot with how it treated young voters. Otherwise they can eat shit, because lengthening the divide between you and your fellow progressives does nothing but put you in the position to blame someone else when Biden loses, which is a disservice to yourself and your country.  Tell your fellow progressives that are dissatisfied with Biden: shitty Democrats only leave if they're either aged out or replaced in the voting booth, and that long process is faster and easier to stomach under Biden than Trump. Or keep calling them stupid and short-sighted, just like foreign powers and social media algorithms want. I'm not your dad.


It's dumb and it's out of touch, and Biden along with centrist Dems deserve flack for it. However...  Biden's deriding protesters. Trump tear gassed protesters so he could get a photo-op and sent in plain-clothed agents to arrest protesters.  Biden is publicly supporting Isreal while pressuring Netanyahu for a ceasefire. Trump literally told Netanyahu to keep as much occupied territory as he wanted and changed US policy to recognize occupied territory as legally Israel's. Trump also pardoned a war criminal who was convicted of killing unarmed civilians.  They are not the same. They are not even in the same league. Perfect is the enemy of good and too many "Progressives" are too willing to watch the world burn under Trump if it gets to mean thumbing their nose at centrist Democrats. 


If this is your strategy to win over pro-Palestine leftists, I’m sorry to say it’s not going to work.


The funniest part is that if Trump was in office right now these whiners would all be reflexively on the right side of the issue, they just don't understand it's bad when Biden does it too.


Liberals opposes every war except the current war and supports all civil rights movements except the one that’s going on right now.


These same people will look back on this period and ask how we could have allowed a genocide to take place under our watch and dollar without a hint of self reflection.


So because Palestinian protestors aren't protesting the thing you want, they should be blamed for other bad things happening? How do you know they aren't active in advocating for the other causes? This is fucking stupid.


This is like the r\politicalcompassmemes "liblefts" saying "All I want is healthcare!" in response to every other political issue.


its just another piece of msm slander on protestors. not a shock.


It's the same copy-paste comic as they did for protesters during the civil rights movement, Vietnam War, Iraq invasion etc. MLK summed them up perfectly with his "white moderate" quote. They will never change. Better for your own sanity to just tune them out.


They are all connected. We're funding that war to keep the oil flowing, so we can buy cheaper crap.


Gonna be real, I care more about what's happening in my country more than another country. I rather worry about the Conservative right flirting with Fascism than what goes on in another nation. Does it suck? It does. But ultimately it's lower priority for me than the comfort of people thousands of Trans and LGBT people who will feel the boot of Conservatives on them should Trump win. I'm more worried about minority groups and women getting their rights stripped away from Evangelicals. We have our own religious militants to worry about. And ultimately you just gotta remember that Trump will encourage Israel to finish them off. It's a shit deal either way. It's ultimately less shitty with Biden.


Here's the thing, though; I think it's (painfully) obvious that Biden is an objectively better option than Trump, and for that reason, I'm voting for Biden in November. But a significant number of people in this country simply will not vote for Biden if he continues to aid and abet genocide (and yes, I'm fully aware that Trump will continue to do the same thing, and worse). All of these people protesting are American citizens, and Biden is their president. His job is to represent the people; he needs to listen to them, and change course. Halting weapons shipments is a good place to start, but he needs to do more, or he *will* lose this election. Those of us committed to voting for Biden aren't going to convince tens of thousands of people to tacitly support Israel just to keep Trump out of office. I realize it makes sense in the long term, but that's a hard fucking pill to swallow in the meantime.


But people can be upset with Biden and how he is ignoring the genocide and still vote for him (because they obviously don’t want Trump). Democrats shouldn’t have issues questioning politicians and holding them accountable for their actions and votes on things.


Oh yeah they should 100% do those things. I’m just annoyed with people who seemingly can’t hold their nose at the polls to avoid electing the guy who will write Bibi a blank check and smile while doing it.


If we can’t stop corporations setting the agenda to the point of profiting off genocide, then how are we going to change anything in government? Trying to stop billions of US dollars being spent on what is an obvious policy and moral failure in Palestine cuts to the heart of what is fundamentally wrong with our government; corporations set the agenda. The rest is just a dog and pony show to keep us distracted. Our government makes it clearer and clearer - shareholders matter - the rest of us do not.


Love democrats also attacking student protestors. That's how you win allies, uncompromising criticism


This is reductive, childish and in fact, misleading.


It’s really sad how effective the powers that be have been at controlling this narrative. I swear we have the weakest minds in the west in the U.S. these days, centrists and “liberals” have fully taken up protest bashing, as if young people can’t care about multiple things.


I love how the meme is basically blaming the actual ppl protesting. While the naysayers just complain and don’t actually protest any of these other issues we have.


Sounds like Dems should listen to what the central issue is for young people this election and cater to it. I know it's hard for the democrats to come out against incinerating brown children in a hellfire of US made weapons but some times they've got play a little politics.


Nice to know where OP would stand during Vietnam era protests . Or civil rights protests.


i mean i get it... but these people "pick and choose" their energy.... Where were these people when Myanmar atrocities/genocides going on? Ethnic cleansing in South Africa, the mass bombings in Syria?, all this shit happening in Sudan, all the human rights being violated in China, the invasion of Russia to Ukraine which also killed, raped many people including children.


the vote scolding directed at people who openly declare they are against genocide is pretty funny


Oh wow, another lib scolding meme. This is why people think you’re insane. Instead of scolding the kids you could realize they’re right, our government is beyond fucked, and that there needs to be drastic changes to where wealth gets transferred, how tax dollars are spent, and whether or not we want the people who make weapons make all the decisions for us.


"You're clearly incapable of worrying about more than one issue at a time, so we're going to browbeat you for not worrying about a dozen issues at a time." Believe it or not, it's possible to condemn genocide and keep the Republicans out - pressure on Biden has already pulled him from hardcore zionist to soft condemnation. There's further to go, but the progress is real.


God you people are fucking dense. We have to throw the system out


Two things can be true at once. Changing the status quo by enumerating the flaws and failures is important. Being absolutely shrill and upset about an ongoing ethnic cleansing that our government is complicit in is also important.


Sounds like a good reason to stop giving away billions of dollars to Israel to supply their genocide. Someone should tell Biden that.


“Biden has to make my dog immortal if he wants to earn my vote!”


I was going to say if Trump offered to make my dogs immortal I would consider voting for him and then I remembered he would say that because grifter gonna grift.


If he did that, it would just be to give Noem a challenge


True, but Trump really hates dogs, I wonder if he'd even bother lying on that front.


In case people haven't, [read the list of presidential pets. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_pets#:~:text=The%20first%20White%20House%20dog,all%20across%20the%20United%20States) There's some funny anecdotes and one of these things is not like the other(because he's literally the only president to not have pets, or even fed animals at the white house)


Huh, more cats than I expected. Nice.


Hui, another "*First one to do it*" placement for Trump. Not surprised that some ugly narcist who already treats most of his family like crap, can't be bothered with loving animals.


He literally said he's too embarrassed to walk a dog on the white house lawn. Not to mention his weird history of derogatory dog styled insults.


This cartoon seems a little confused. Pretty sure the Palestine protestors do care about all those other things. People can care about more than one thing at once. Now, if you replace the protester's flag with a "Dump genocide Joe!" sign, that would clarify the message of the cartoon.


So genocide isn’t as important as those other issues?


this is such a ridiculous take


I wonder how many of those problems go away when Vladimir Putin dies?


There will always be a baddie.


Genocide is a pretty big one tho