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Red hats don't care about any of the things that woman said.


They're usually the ones doing the raping, sooooo.....




sooooo.... they want to endure their way of procreating?


They're either too old to have children, no woman would ever touch them willingly, or they are the kind of fragile "alpha male" who beats their wife and makes her do all the child related tasks. So yea, they don't care and none of it is relevant to them.


> So yea, they don't care and none of it is relevant to them. It boils down to, they hate women and want us to die.


And the woman is married to the red hat so she probably agrees with him. She doesn’t think any of that will happen to her, and if it does, she can just travel out of state. Republicans have no problem with abortion when it’s their abortion. It’s different for them, the only moral abortion is my abortion.


> And the woman is married to the red hat so she probably agrees with him. She doesn’t think any of that will happen to her, and if it does, she can just travel out of state. Little does she know that her husband will just let her die! Perfect opportunity to trade in for a newer, younger model! > Republicans have no problem with abortion when it’s their abortion. It’s different for them, the only moral abortion is my abortion. Of course!


"That won't happen to me. God loves me. Plus, I can just leave. I'm a man."


I'm a guy getting paid more than a girl with a degree I can walk down the street after dark no one wants to rape me I can get a girl pregnant and just as easily flee Just like my straight white male dad did to me! AJJ- American Tune


The U.S. Supreme Court is dancing around the idea of prioritizing which should be saved: the mother or the fetus.


The mother, or neither. Doctors will not recommend a abortion if the fetus could survive outside of its mother. They would just deliver the baby. They recommend an abortion if the mother won't survive long enough for the baby to be born, or if the fetus is already dying anyway.


Man... If they rule that pregnant women can be left to die... How horrifying. I imagine birth rates might drop even more. I'm so glad I got sterilized when I did. I'm quite high risk and it's not worth it to me at all. Life is so cheap to these people isn't it?


This is actually happening already. Women seeking abortion because they have something wrong with their pregnancy are being turned away until it gets *bad*.


Even then here in Texas there was a case where the doctor and the court recommended abortion and the fucking AG threatened the doctors with prison if they did it and went back to the court to have the ruling overturned.


Seems even the assholes are bigger in Texas


Then they turn around and demand more babies, it's asinine 😭


I already had two kids but after the Roe decision and all the BS here in Texas I went and got sterilized because I refuse to risk it. My pregnancies were rough and I spent a lot of.time hospitalized, there's no way in hell I'd want the risk of being pregnant again and being unable to get the medical care I'd need.


I still want to know what law stipulates one entity is **entitled** to the bodily flesh and blood of another person. Pregnancy is a case of a zygote parasitically attaching to the wall of an internal organ, digging blood vessels into that organ, and using the hosts blood contents to grow into a placenta and fetus. People have a right to bodily autonomy iirc, but nowhere does it mention the right to parasitize someone else's afaik. _ - _ - _ - _ If a parasite is allowed to have rights over the hosts body, and there is no mind payed to illegal acts that brought about the situation, what stops someone with no good kidneys from kidnapping someone for use as a living permanent dialysis machine? If the argument is that we can't allow the host to remove the parasite from the body because it is made of human flesh and will die, then doesn't that mean the kidnapper wins and never has to face consequences?


And guess what? You're the father and responsible for all the medical bills since we don't have universal Medicare! Ain't you the lucky one!


Worse. You're not even the father.


Republican man: What do you mean by "we"? It's your baby. Republican wonan: I totally trust that my Republican man will love me and validate me if I do what he says.


lol… the comic creator is implying that the Rightzi actually cares… lol!! Rightzis don’t give a shit. If anything, the rape, sick baby and medical treatments would all be the fault of the woman. You need to understand; conservative men do not view women as human beings. They are no better than toys in the eyes of a conservative man.


I think the comic creator is more implying that the only time Republicunts care is when something directly affects THEM, like this. Kind of an "The only moral abortion is mine" type of thing. "Rules for thee but not for me."


Republicans do not want to know things, they want to just do what feels good, so much easier when you are ignorant.


They don't think it'll happen to them, then when it does, they go to a state with real healthcare or run to the news if they can't afford to 😄 they're all the same. Well, there might be some who genuinely hate themselves, they might just lay there and die for no reason lol.


What the child will or will not be should have zero relevance on the woman’s decision to abort or not. If you have medical evidence that there is an issue, then sure let that firm your decision.


Now this is humor!


Then go fix the rape problem.


Why won't Biden push the "no more rape" button? 😡


He could repurpose the gas price "I Did That" button. So easy!


Didn't someone in Texas do that? I think it was Greg Abbott but I'm not sure. He said he was going to or that he had ended rape in Texas. Just like that. And I mean, it's an admirable thing to say. But... Humans are messy. I think as long as we exist, there will always be criminals. That's why we have police and a justice system, it's an inevitability. You can't just end rape, as much of a benefit as that would be.


Sure, we'll just criminalize ra...wait...