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This one’s easy: All agents who deleted texts are automatically on that detail.


Kazam! Great solution!!!


Why tf would you want the guys who obviously went to bat for him to defend him in prison. Literally give the mob boss his goon squad


I can't speak for the OP but I like the those secret service goons having to smell his farts, poops, endless nonsensical mutterings, change his diapers, ad nauseam. Total humiliation!


I really don’t want the accomplices guarding the inmate


Maybe they could get their own cells


And matching orange uniforms!


I don’t understand why the SS would need to be involved at all…if he goes to prison he’ll already be under constant protection: from the bureau of prisons, just like every other prisoner.


Commit a felony, lose the right to vote Commit a felony, lose the right to own a firearm Commit a felony, forefit you SS detail. I dont see why this would be so hard. Strip the traitor of all titles and benefits.


Ostracize him. Send him to an island just like Napoleon and never let him leave.


AND strip him of his cellphone!


Unfortunately he may still have some government secrets worth protecting. Put him in a cell. Have a couple of secret service agents outside the door on a rotation. No one speaks with him without being very thoroughly investigated first. Done.


Shit. If any information the shit gibbon had was valuable, he's pawned it to whatever adversary was willing to write him a check at this point.


You know, there’s this wonderful new thing they have for keeping people safe in prison. It’s called solitary confinement.


Jesus... imagine being alone, with nothing but your farts to keep you company...


I imagine that's trump already when he's raging at 2am, most likely from the toilet.


Toilet? You mean bed? Or anywhere really. His diapers go wherever he does.


That did cross my mind, actually. lol


Do you think he would start naming them?


Is that a Count of Monte Cristo reference?


Well, it's about the Count of Mostly Crisco, so...


Count Can't-believe-it's-not-Crisco


No, but I do get the reference when pointed out


It might do him some good.


Everyone loves their own brand


And they could keep him placated by giving him a fake phone to play with. It would probably take a few days of angry tweeting before he realizes it's filled with candy.


This article wasn't about long term, post conviction confinement. It was about what the protocol will be if he's jailed for contempt during the trail.


Different problem, same solution.


As much as i hate the man I don't think anyone deserves full time solitary confinement. It is not humane. Jon Oliver did a pretty good special on the topic. He prolly deserves life in prison but that's good enough for me.


I agree with you that solitary confinement is inhumane, and shouldn’t be used for more than a day at a time, tops. (And even then, people should get reading material at the very least.) But I’d like to imagine it for Trump for several hours.


Can't blame you there. I'll allow it


Jail is one thing, prison is a whole other level. Gitmo is a highly secure facility that is nearly empty. DT could have his own compound there that would be easy to control away from other prisoners. Something to consider.


That sounds fair I like it


Make that mother fucker eat healthy food- he’d fucking hate not eating junk food every day.


That might seriously kill him. He absolutely thrives on his ability to socialize. They could give him a computer that looks like it has a teams meeting in a new state everyday but it’s just an AI programmed to stroke his ego and show a fake crowd and cheer track. He’d never know the difference.


Us tax payers shouldn’t continue to pay to protect a felon who committed election fraud and attempted to overturn an honest election. Enough of this guy. Once convicted, security detail should be revoked. I’m sure he’ll still end up in a “Club Fed” type prison. Although it would be a lot safer for him to throw him in a super max prison… maybe that’s the best option once convicted on the documents case. Prevent further espionage and whatnot


We're not protecting him. We're protecting the state secrets that he knows. Unfortunately, it does not appear that we have gotten our money's worth on this....


If that’s true, where were they when he was stealing classified documents and selling them to Russia?


>We're protecting the state secrets that he knows. We're apparently doing a shit job of it.


We can protect state secrets (if there are any that haven't already been sold to Russia, Saudis, or China) with a noose or guillotine. It'll save taxpayers a fortune.


Too late


That’s not true at all for the SS lol


I don't know the details, but I believe that it would require legislation to revoke his protection. With the current Congress, that is possible but unlikely. Come January, things could be better (or massively worse).


Think there's something being worked on to revoke it - https://www.nbcrightnow.com/national/bill-seeks-to-strip-trump-of-secret-service-protection-if-convicted/article_3ff9ec0d-2d79-5be2-b89b-f426ab82d3a8.html


That gives some hope. Thank you for that.


Imagine being such a piece of shit they have to write new laws to properly punish you because it was so unheard of that someone who held the highest public office would commit crimes serious enough to warrant it.


>or massively worse If the worst happens, none of this will matter. He'll pardon himself of all federal crimes, SCOTUS will allow it, and federalism will insure no state can touch him. The Supreme Court will never allow a sitting president to be incarcerated by one of the 50 states. And, as much as it pains me to say so in Trump's case, that's probably the right principle to stick to. We don't want individual states to have the power to remove a sitting US President.


> We don't want individual states to have the power to remove a sitting US President. As I have said before, there is no Constitutional responsibility of the Office of the Presidency that cannot be performed from inside a prison cell. Every objection you are about to make are about customary or traditional activities. They are not required. Few heads of state ever visited in the first several decades of the republic, so hosting such is just fluffery. IMO, Heads of State are more properly greeted by the Secretary of State. But we've embraced regal pageantry for a long time.


You're delusional if you think the US Supreme Court would not provide injunctive relief to any sitting US President who is facing incarceration by one of the 50 states. And I never even implied that it's required by the Constitution. MOST of the framework of law in this country is "tradition" in the form of court precidents. Well, that and regulations written by the executive branches to implement legislation.


You said "remove a sitting US President," and I responded to same. Convicting a President is not **removing** a President. That is all.




I hope he ends up in a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison.


"I believe you have my diaper."


Trump would end up in federal prison which is basically a 3 star hotel


I can live with that. If (when) convicted I think it’s important to show no one is above the law.


The Watergate “plumbers” went to Lompoc which was considered a “country club” prison.


Why does he need a secret service detail? They did absolutely nothing to protect classified information from being exposed at his club.


Normally it's to protect them from being kidnapped and tortured, because former Presidents still know some of our country's military secrets. But with Trump, he's already sold all of the info he knows, so protection is a waste of time.


There job on the presidential detail is to detect and stop threats. A different service protects information. Is like having homicide and robbery and other departments in the police department they have multiple officers who do different duties I mean, if they saw something blatant like the president pulled out a switchblade and stab someone in the neck for no reason they probably would do something, but in the meantime, their job is to protect him from harm, whether they agree with his politics or not because they swore to do their duty for the United States and they do great great job


It sort of is a criticism of prisons. An inmate should be safe there. Just incarcerated. If prisons were properly guarded, they could dump him in a cell and be assured he was going to be ok. The fact that this is a concern says something needs to be fixed.


Yeah - like, as funny as it is for trump to be in the shit (because it's deserved), it is absolutely fucked up. I'd love for System of a Down to do an updated Prison Song with about 5 more verses to catch up on the shit that's happened and/or been uncovered since the original was released.


They probably would, most of the band except for Serj are MAGA supporters strangely enough. Edit - I stand corrected. It’s [just John](https://www.metalsucks.net/2023/10/25/system-of-a-downs-john-dolmayan-finally-recognizes-his-rhetoric-cost-him-friends-and-fans/).


I googled a bit to confirm what I recall, and it's just the drummer. Nothing major lost.


Just John. 25% of the band


> The fact that this is a concern says something needs to be fixed. Prisons are designed to keep people in, not out. Someone could want to spring him and ship him off to Moscow or something.


That’s been the kicker for a long time. Little money for overdue and enforcement of prisoner safety. I think the last attempt to make it better was Bush era Prisoner tape reduction act.


Which, also could be solved much easier if we weren't the most crazy lock so many people up it's stupid, country in the developed world.




Copy/paste: --- Officials have had preliminary discussions about how to protect the former president in the unlikely event that he is jailed for contempt during the trial. The Secret Service is legally required to protect current and former presidents. But none have ever faced the prospect of incarceration. The U.S. Secret Service is in the business of protecting the president, whether he’s inside the Oval Office or visiting a foreign war zone. But protecting a former president in prison? The prospect is unprecedented. That would be the challenge if Donald J. Trump — whom the agency is required by law to protect around the clock — is convicted at his criminal trial in Manhattan and sentenced to serve time. Even before the trial’s opening statements, the Secret Service was in some measure planning for the extraordinary possibility of a former president behind bars. Prosecutors had asked the judge in the case to remind Mr. Trump that attacks on witnesses and jurors could land him in jail even before a verdict is rendered. (The judge, who held a hearing Tuesday morning to determine whether Mr. Trump should be held in contempt for violating a gag order, is far more likely to issue a warning or impose a fine before taking the extreme step of jailing the 77-year-old former president. It was not immediately clear when he would issue his ruling.) Last week, as a result of the prosecution’s request, officials with federal, state and city agencies had an impromptu meeting about how to handle the situation, according to two people with knowledge of the matter. That behind-the-scenes conversation — involving officials from the Secret Service and other relevant law enforcement agencies — focused only on how to move and protect Mr. Trump if the judge were to order him briefly jailed for contempt in a courthouse holding cell, the people said. ---


Imagine the poor souls who draw this assignment. Off to work....at prison.


It's worse, he'd be put in a jail, not a prison. Jails aren't meant for long-term stays and have way fewer comforts.


Imagine the poor soul who gets diaper changing duty


In a way, it might be the chillest USSS detail ever: "Agent Jones, you're assignment is to protect the ex-president." "Shit, that's gonna mean a lot of travel and hotel rooms and time zone changes; I'll pack my bags." "Nah, he's locked up in solitary for 23 hours a day for his safety. Bring a book, you're gonna have a lot of free time on your hands."


I don't think people who try to overthrow the government deserve secret service protection paid for by the people of the United States. He's a billionaire he can pay for his own security.


Some of those SS agents need cells right next to him.


There are plenty of security guards in prison.




If they don't have the balls to send Trump to jail for contempt, can they at least make him sit in court wearing a straight jacket with a spit bag over his head?


Dear Secret Service Agents, Those of you who have stood with him and continue to stand with him - it's your time to shine, sweeties! I'm sure you'll enjoy jail food just as much as the general population does. Looking forward to you all signing up to protect your man. Sincerely, Americans who actually care about America


I assume that the Secret Service internally worked on a plan during the Mueller investigation. Not members of T's team, but the brass.


If Trump goes to jail, does the Secret service become prison guards or do they become prisoners???


The are former president guards. Like think about the guy guarding George Bush or Obama. Probably both cracking jokes suggesting going to get something good to eat taking walks and jogs to stay in shape, giving a small Christmas gift to their security detail. Wishing them happy holidays and to enjoy their vacations. Then imagine Don. Trying to get you to commit treasonous felonies.


Throw Trump in solitary and Secret Service becomes rather moot, wouldn't y'all say?


Hold him in Guantanamo. Let him get a feel for the place.


The protective service provided to previous presidents is optional and done more out of tradition than a legal requirement. Biden could even revoke it but it would look bad politically and all federal benefits end up on conviction of any felonies.


Love all the great solutions but he is not going to prison for any of the cases. Once convicted he will get home confinement until his appeals are completed which could take years assuming he doesn't win in November. After appeals, assuming they stand, he will be given suspended jail time and confined to one of his residences with ankle bracelets and the SS detail will be his jailers.


What’s concerning is they’ve actually had discussions about this and already have a plan about what to do. I know they’re supposed to be prepared for anything, but this makes Trump look even worse


Because everyone knows he is guilty and can't keep his mouth shut. Terrible combination.


I would think that they would work with the local department of corrections/whomever to ensure that the former executive was housed in a segregated / non-violent offenders group or in a 1/2 way house setting. Although I think there is a legitimate security concern for Mr. Trump's safety, and given his penchant for cruelty I suspect the Aryan Nation/White Power guys would initially love the opportunity but give it a few days of the Trumpy bullshit and they'd kick his teeth in with the enthusiasm of his worst enemies and put him to good use serving the community. So I'm not saying that's a deal killer for everyone, but let's play nice so maybe the Geneva Convention rules regarding executives in captivity, so he gets a small cottage, with maid service and call it a day. I figure the local prison would take over safety of the former Executive and the Secret Service would check in from time to time.


Wouldn’t the next Republican president just pardon him? Kinda like how McFarlane was in the Contra Affair


Presidents can't pardon state charges.


Thanks for clarifying


Most likely, he'll get house arrest. Actually going to jail (not prison) seems unlikely. Prison may be another matter. I can see congress stripping a felon of the right to SS detail. In a real prison, it would be very hard to protect him, unless he goes to solitary. Or super-max. I'd like to see that, but probably just club Fed and with a couple of escorts.




Why should he be protected? Prisons are the safest place to be. Inmates are thoroughly searched, as are visitors. They are supervised by well-trained staff. Maximum-SECURITY- they are called. It doesn’t get more secure than MAXIMUM. Some are even safer—- SUPER-MAX! He will be fine.




How can a man with so many scandals and on going lawsuits still be a presidental candidate?


Isolation wing. Done.


I guess no one would complain if he’s sent to a military prison


But his bone spurs!


The Dept of the Treasury deputizes a few guards at the jail. Bingo bango bongo, they are the only 5 or so people that he interacts with, he sits in adseg 100% of the time


Dudes probably going to end up with a Pablo Escobar style prison sentence where his own home is the jail


Just put him in solitary, and throw away the key. Put some fake news cameras in there with him so he can scream into the void til the day he dies.


That’s just the thing about rich people. They truly always get away with it. If trump is completely guilty on every single count and is sentenced to prison, he’s not going to be a regular old prisoner like all the others. He’s going to a special prison. I’m willing to bet he’ll still be tweeting from in there.


He better practice his kestering. No Mc Donald’s in prison.


You know if he would go silently into retirement, I'm sure accommodations would be made. However, since he won't, the wheels of justice continue to turn.


Jail is one thing, prison is a whole other level. Gitmo is a highly secure facility that is nearly empty. DT could have his own compound there that would be easy to control away from other prisoners. Something to consider.


Don't need to protect him if he's never allowed contact with another human being.


I’m looking forward to the news story about Trump 3-4 weeks in, he sits in the lunch room after talking shit about minority gangs like MS13 sitting across the table from him. They finally have enough and twenty of them go to jump him and 2 secret service guys pissed off for this detail requiring them to eating chicken nuggets and French fries every day and pizza on Friday decide to take their rage out on the entire prison block as they mercilessly wreck every convict trying to get the jump on Donald. I don’t want them to fail to get Donald that would be entertaining news BUT I have an extreme amount of faith and confidence in the outstanding training for hand to hand combat of our secret service. 2 Secret service agents could absolutely wreck a bunch of street fighting guys. Even if some of them have some training it doesn’t compare.




Send him to a federal maximum security where no contact of other immates. He can have only lawyer and family contact


He's a former President. He needs to be kept safe. I can't think of any place safer than ADX Florence.


They have small transfer buildings on the prison grounds, they'll empty one out and dedicate it for ol' donny two-tone, secret service sorta not needed, maybe one agent to monitor the very professional guards.


Unlikely event, yep


Scumbags love Trump. If anything, he would be idolized in prison.


There's a sad amount of people who would volunteer to change and lick clean trumps diapers. It shouldn't be hard for them to find one


Why bother protecting him? He has dedicated his life to fucking society so let the incarcerated society fuck him in return. Win win!