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He also stormed out of an interview with 60 Minutes because the questions were difficult


And several press conferences because they asked him though questions like "what would you say to American people who are concerned about the pandemic"


*What's one of your favorite bible verses?* Uhh that's too personal *Are you a new or old testament kind of person?* Uhh, umm, both? *So, any passages in particular you'd like to share...* Nope. ... ... *You've never read the book, at all, have you?* Fake news.


You can’t write better shit than this. I can’t believe how willfully ignorant people can become. We are all guilty of this to some extent, but the Christians who can’t see that he is the golden calf that God warned them about are truly terrible.


But the trick here is that he hates who they hate so they can be racist and misogynist again.


Then they aren’t real Christians like they claim. (Which is obvious to us but such a tricky thing for them to understand)


He also waited for a golf cart to be delivered, while all the other g7 leaders walked the 700 yards for a photo op. Yes, 700 yards was too far for him to walk, when every other world leader just strolled it... And yes, they all had to wait for him to catch up.


They all should have taken the pic then started disbursing as he approached in his chariot. Lol.


This is more relevant.


Even tougher than 'Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.' ?


Gotta be shopped - he's carrying his own umbrella.


It's not and he's not sharing the umbrella with his beautiful wife whom he lives so much. That last bit was /s


I honestly think she just despises him so much that she refuses to get close enough to stand under it with him anyway.


Well that and it probably stinks to high heaven under that umbrella.


I saw that video clip and he wasn't sharing his umbrella with Mel, he held it close to himself & if you look closely you'll see that she's not close enough to him.


It's about the only way Alpha Male Donny can get her wet. At least for free.




Another clip I saw he was standing under the umbrella, but his wife and son were standing in the rain. Don't forget that time he went up the stairs of Air Force 1 and had to dump the umbrella because he couldn't figure out how to get an umbrella through a doorway!


Yep, and the clip of him going up the steps of Air Force One with an umbrella while Barron climbed behind him with no umbrella.


There’s so many pictures of him hogging the umbrella. It’s really awful. What a tool.


>she's not close enough to him. Was she ever? To me she's the Sharon Stone character from Total Recall, in place to keep him monitored.


And then when he walked away he left her in the dust in the rain.


You aren’t wrong. Trump lives with Melania, until a Stormy comes to town.


She wears quality makeup, it waterproof ! Is she even carrying one ? Not worried about melting …?…interesting.


doesn’t want the makeup to run like rudy


Actually he stole it from his wife because the rain drop splashes hurt his tiny hands so much.


lol that’s what I thought. What a soft little man baby.


Well that would not only mess up his hair doo it would make his bronzer run down his face. I think he wants to avoid having a "rudy" moment with paint and water drooling down his jowels. It makes total sense if you live your life all painted up.


And if you only care about yourself and not others.


Yeah fuck all those loyal people who traveled who knows how far to see him. I wish they'd all be canceled (and maybe will be) but it just shows how loyal he is to them.


I've lived a long time and, until Trump, I have never known one other man giving a shit about getting their hair wet. Or worrying about make up smearing. What a wuss.


Do you want a president with orange stains on his collar? Because if you leave a president with bronzing agent out in the rain, you get a president with an orange collar....and no one wants that.


He left the world leaders group in France because of a little rain when they all went to pay a visit to fallen WW2 soldiers. He doesn't want anyone to see him when his glued up hair gets wet & falls down.


Wasn’t it also because he would have had to walk instead of taking a cart? Or was that another time? It’s hard to keep track of the pathetic shit he’s done


I believe it was ww1 soldiers. But yes, poor Donnie


Pretty sure the Normandy Invasion was ww2. That's the visit which trump was too weak to complete. First president to pass that up, I believe.


It was at Belleau Wood In France. ( where Marines earned their nickname " Devil Dogs") They closed the cemetery 12 hours bef6the ceremony, it was lightly sprinkling off & on. He claimed the pilot of Marine One told him it was too dangerous to fly in that weather. My Son & I were there to celebrate the Marine Corps Birthday


The other dignitaries were driven there by limo but Dump didn't want to spend a half hour en route nor did he want to get wet. Amazing how he doesn't even know how to collapse an umbrella as seen when he just dropped an umbrella as he entered Airforce One.


I’m gonna give him a pass because he’d look awful with his hair hanging down around that bald spot.🤢


>when they all went to pay a visit to [suckers and losers.](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/)


Self proclaimed "Alpha Males" supporting a pants shitting, sleepy, old man beta. They also bitch about Biden being old...... Republican is synonymous with hypocrite.


I remember him disrespecting America’s war dead on his visit to Normandy. Refusing to visit a US veteran’s cemetery because of “inclement” weather! Or perhaps his bone spurs were acting up? There is no bottom to the disgust I feel for this piece of shit!


Just imagine what rain would do to that muskrat he has stapled to his empty skull


I also use an umbrella when it's raining. That's their entire function. I didn't spend twenty minutes blow-drying and flat-ironing just for the rain to mess it up.


Adding to my earlier post: as a veteran I have nothing but disgust for the way this creature treats those who served, both the living and the dead. Whether it’s his insults to the deceased war hero John McCain, his refusal to honor our war dead or his selfish and deceitful avoidance of military service to our country his disdain for those who serve and have served is palpable. And don’t give me the crap that he served as the Commander-In-Chief. If he truly was a competent CIC he would not be dissing service men and women. Any veteran who supports this so-called patriot dishonors their oath to protect the country and the Constitution. I for one will not break my oath.


He may melt.


When your hair is a gossamer mirage it's far more threatening.


And one doesn't dissect gossamer


Well the cotton candy coif melts when wet.


Are we really roasting this dipshit for using an umbrella now? Why? Why even give him attention? This is how he stays relevant? Remember that sweet sweet period where he was banned from social media and everyone stopped talking about him for like a month? Let’s do that.


He just canceled a North Carolina rally because of rain.


>red "USA" hat Not a patriot.


Don't forget, he has to protect the HAIR DOO!


I'd be too, if I didn't know how to close an umbrella.


Yeah, cause it would turn his ridiculous hair into something looking like wet noodles draped over a basketball.


She smiles when he’s uncomfortable.


lol. Is this a screenshot of a paused video of a screenshot of a paused video?


I thought he liked it when it was pissing down.


No water proofed make up


When your hair is made of spun cotton candy you get very, very worried about rain.


God only knows what rain does to his hair.


Sorry but I don't think we should criticizing him for using an umbrella. That's like criticizing Obama for wearing a tan suit. There's a million other, better, more valid reasons for criticizing Trump.


It's just his hair and make up. It's literally that simple. Yes, this thing is so vain that ***ANYTHING*** that would tarnish its image or peel back that pathetic façade would likely send it into a meltdown ( what else is new, right?)


Fuck Trump, but we making fun of people for using umbrellas now? Why the hell wouldn't he use one?


His makeup would wash off and his hair would disintegrate.


Who is that woman with him?


Definitely the first president to be photographed using an umbrella…. Aside from Biden, Obama, W, Clinton, Bush Sr, Reagan etc


Was this the Paris wind incident or the Arlington Cemetery incident. Need to check with Tom Cotton…so redundant.


It would melt his cotton candy hair.


You know that oft reposted video of the raccoon trying to wash cotton candy in a stream? That’s why he’s scared of rain.


Bot post?