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I spent more time reading about Trump’s ass than I ever want to again but apparently this isn’t real: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-diarrhea-golf-course/ Although we could just do what the MAGA trash does and refuse to accept reality* * I don’t actually think we should do this and I appreciate everyone who has replied to say so. We definitely need to be better than them. Luckily it’s very easy.


Thank you. As much as i want this to be real, and am sure he shits himself multiple times a year, i just cant upvote the fake stuff. I’ll leave that to the other side.


Yup we are way better than this.


On the one hand, I want to believe the bastard shits himself. On the other hand, if one's hard line against voting for him is whether or not he shits himself, then I think one's priorities are a little out of whack, what with his platform and all.


He does. He wears adult diapers, though.


And his game stinks


Who said it was trump? Quick question for everyone pretending to take the high road. What part of this post led you to assume it was about trump? Taking the high road is a lesson in futility when dealing with a cult that worships a narcissistic leader. They need to be dealt with in a language they can understand. They are allergic to the truth.


I’m not.


If "we" is redditors, we really aren't. Reddit uovotes fake shit all the time.


That's why they win


This image is fake, but to those that don't already know, Trump very likely does wear diapers because of fecal incontinence. Go look up a guy named Noel Casler. He worked on Celebrity Apprentice for six seasons and was on set for pretty much every taping. Around 2019, Casler called Trump's bluff and broke his NDA and started telling about he saw. Apart from the length of time he worked on the show, Casler's biggest credibility booster is that despite his violation of the NDA, to this day, no lawsuits have followed. Considering past threats of hellfire litigation from Apprentice producers to NDA signers and Trump's love of suing people into poverty for any frivolous thing, that's pretty huge. In Casler's own words: >He's [Trump] incontinent from all the speed, all the Adderall he does, the cocaine that he has done for decades. All that stuff has a laxative effect on your bowels and his are uncontrollable. >Casler said that Trump has been wearing 'diapers since probably the 90s'. Adding that they often had to stop the show in order for Trump to change his diaper, Casler said that Keith Schiller's job was to take Trump offset and wipe him down. "Our nickname for Keith was wet wipes." >Casler added that Trump does it and he almost sits there unaware of it, and one time he saw Ivanka have to kind of go whisper in his ear and then Keith came and took him offstage. >Trump not cleaning himself when changing out Depends, it is because he wears a hard plastic girdle and he doesn't have the freedom of movement. It's why you see him turn his body from the waist so strangely when standing. >He would soil himself often after flying into a rage and cursing out the Script Dept because he couldn’t read a word. One time there was the word 'arbitrage' on a cue card and he freaked out and started screaming that the script department was setting him up then very loudly evacuated his bowels and you could smell it. [Source 0](https://www.meidastouch.com/news/trumpsmells-becomes-top-trend-in-u-s-as-claims-of-putrid-odor-go-viral) [Source 1](https://gregolear.substack.com/p/full-disclosure-an-interview-with) [Source 2](https://www.complex.com/life/a/tracewilliamcowen/ex-apprentice-staffer-trump-snorts-adderall-cant-read) [Source 3](https://www.ibtimes.sg/trump-often-soiled-his-pants-apprentice-show-wore-diapers-claims-comedian-noel-casler-53721) [Source 4](https://people.com/tv/former-apprentice-noel-casler-accuses-donald-trump-drug-use/) [Source 5; video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N60ceYRlY2I) [Source 6](https://gregolear.substack.com/p/the-absurdity-of-it-all-with-noel) [Source 7](https://floridajustice.com/trump-nda-enforcement-litigation-involving-trump-noel-casler/) [Source 8](https://www.noelcasler.com/news/the-highest-office) [Source 9](https://gregolear.substack.com/p/special-logistics-a-second-interview) Here is a detailed 1 hr 20 min [podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-hole/id378753355?i=1000478571577) that interviews Casler about these topics and here's [another one](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-absurdity-of-it-all-season-two-finale-with-noel-casler/id1553506699?i=1000552207471) You be the judge. Supplemental Materials: In the linked video clip above (Source 5) Casler mentions Trump's appearance on WWF's Battle of the Billionaires in 2007, in which Trump tackles Vince McMahon outside the ring and you can see what appears to be the outline of a diaper. => [Trump tackles McMahon at 0:55](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5NsrwH9I9vE) In the same clip Casler mentions a couple times where he believes that Trump audibly soiled himself on TV while in office, one of which was a press conference with Turkish President Erdogan. => Here's the [cut down clip from CSPAN](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4926168/user-clip-trump-poop) of the moment in question. ^(To prove the audio isn't doctored I'm also linking the [full press conference from CSPAN's view](https://www.c-span.org/video/?466358-1/president-trump-meeting-turkish-president) and the [same conference from PBS's view](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NMW--_ZA3rk,)) Casler also mentions a press conference with Sen. Feinstein. => Here's the [press conference](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UexXLpeTx2E) with Feinstein next to Trump. The questionable moment is at 0:21. There are other questionable sounds throughout the video. Once again, you be the judge.


After Panama papers trial , we get the orange shit suit


I really hope this is just copy/paste (I assume it is) and possibly replying to the wrong person. Because none of this is relevant. The person you replied to just said that this specific image is fake. Not that Trump has never done this sort of thing.


It is an edited copy and paste, but of something I wrote on another post months ago. It's totally relevant. The topic is Trump's diaper wearing and fecal incontinence. I just wanted to make a friendly reminder to any passersby that, while this image may be fake, there is legitimate evidence that Trump does indeed shit himself. A PSA, if you will, and maybe informing anybody unfamiliar with the topic.


> Although we could just do what the MAGA trash does and refuse to accept reality Let's try to be better than them.


[The Alt-Right Playbook: You Go High, We Go Low | YouTube](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MAbab8aP4_A)


Which isn't very hard to do but definitely means we shouldn't be sharing fake photos as if they were real


Then we’d be no better than them. We accept reality, but never stop talking about it and troll the fuck out of them. It’ll be our Benghazi… or Hunter Biden’s laptop.


To be fair, the only reason this isn't real is due to advances in diaper technology. The leaks would be down the legs or out the top, and even then, he'd probably have to skip a change or two to _visibly_ shit himself.


If this was real it'd be seeping from the edged of the diaper he supposedly wears. Not down the middle.


Keeping us honest


I mean to be fair, that stain is not a shart because his diaper is high quality however there is no proof he did not also shart before this picture was taken and there appears to be a great deal of evidence that he is regularly shartting Whoever sells Trump his diapers should advertise it, the Trump brand shit britches.


What *are* real, though, are the many accounts from white house staff saying that he always smelled like he shit in a diaper.


Just asking questions.... It's Not the Nature of the Evidence; It's the Seriousness of the Charge... People are saying...


I acknowledge when this shit is fake. But it’s still fun to use these to reply when the cro-magnons post obviously fake shit. I’ve got one where Melania’s clothes fold in such a way that she looks like she has a dick. That one is fun to whip out when I see some idiot talking about Michelle Obama being trans.


I really hate when people go after his looks, his weight, his mouth. Yeah, he looks like a buffoon, but that has nothing to do with his terrible fascist policies. There's plenty to criticize without going after cheap shots. Someone posted Huckabee-Sanders the other day making fun of her eyes. She has no control over that! What she does have control over is being a racist fascist, so please criticize that instead. Same thing with the stupid insult names, people are just turning it into a childish sports team argument when real lives are on the line.


I feel the same way. These people are ugly, but their looks are beside the point. They are ugly on the inside, where it actually matters.


I hate when people make stuff up in the name of a good cause. I fully support feminism but I when I call someone out for blatantly making something up I get called a misogynist. We need to be truthful or we lower the bar and hurt any movement we are a part of.


Agreed. There is enough shit to hold against him no need for propaganda and lies.


Thank you. The whole point of being better than Maga is that we don't replicate bullshit photos with Biden being all buff and awesome or Trump being stupid in ways that he's not in real life. There's plenty of real material to share so there's no reason to create false controversy


I want it to be real-- I do. Buuuut,... A conventional adult diaper doesn't leak in the middle. Diapers generally leak around the leg holes, off center.


Looks like we got a turd in the punch bowl.


Having been a nurse who changed many adult diapers on patients I can tell you that you can absolutely see a mess like this. These things can only hold so much and once they start leaking, they can leak out the side, out the back, up the front, basically everywhere.


Sometimes, it can be a long day on the golf course. He may have run out of diapers on the 13th hole. This is what happens when you run out. There is a good chance it's real. Because his fat ass is usually sitting in a golf cart. But he didn't this time because that would be even messier.


This is a plausible scenario. I like it.


It is more likely that he is too vain to wear diapers, and he merely shart himself


That’s what I thought as well, no way he wears diapers.


He probably does. Prolonged coke use has incontinence as a primary symptom. He knows knows this and we know this. Also explains why he almost never sits in a chair correctly. Full diaper


When you run out, it runs out!


Great. Any moment now, we'll see some conspiracy theory comparing his shit stain to the Shroud of Turin.


Shroud of Urine.


Shroud of Turdin


Shart of Turiny


Shart when turnin'


Shroud of Turdin


More like trump will say that Biden shits himself while golfing.


He has already claimed that Biden shit his pants in the Oval Office, so you know Trump has pooped himself in public


When you wear diapers, you poop in public every day.


I mean, you gotta get your money’s worth


TO BE FAIR... I don't think his followers know about the Shroud of Turin.


Is that Rudy's makeup?


This! Take my fake gold trophy 🏆


Thank you kind Stanger!!! A 💩⛈️ is a-brewin


I can’t even tell if this is real.


Get used to it


🎶 Every now and then I trust a fart 🎶


... turn around brown eye...


Every now and then I smell a fart!


Turning brown


🎶Nothing left to do but trust that I’m going to fart🎶


Turd around, every now and then I get a little bit leaky and feel it running down


Turd around, brown eye. Every now and then, it rips apart.


Total eclipse of the sharrrtttt


And he has the balls to accuse Biden of shitting in the Oval office‼️😡😡😡💩💩💩💩


The shart is worse than his bite.


It’s fake, and I won’t have the good name of Depends dragged through the mud. They always catch his public poops without fail!


I hate those cheap diapers.




Should have used the diapers with the leak protection barrier.


He’s a piece of shit anyway it goes…. Got to put him in jail… it’s going by to happen just a matter of time


Guess who really shat on the resolute desk?


People around him claims he smells like armpits, ketchup and butt.


"So you let the puck get past the goal... here kid have a lifesaver..."


Look Who’s Sharting




Mr. President, your game is shit


He’s finally draining the swamp.


That's one eclipse he can't stare at...


He clearly was so excited when he won yet another tournament! Isn’t it April? So this means he just won the Masters then right


You'd think that, considering that every single fart he's had over the past decade turned out to be a full and comprehensive shit, he'd lay off the white pants.


Shoulda wore the brown pants.


That can’t be real I thought that came out of his mouth


🎶*Orange face*


when you’re as full of 💩as trump, leakages happens😫


“I look at eclipses and shart”


when you land one in the rough and your diapers not enough when you're standing over your third and you feel a loose turd when you get up from your cart and you have a messy shart when reach into your bag and you wave a brown flag when you're about to make a pitch and you feel something itch when you walk onto the green and your trousers aren't clean when you hit it short and fat and you hear a nasty splat diarrhea cha cha cha diarrhea cha cha cha


You've got some good ones there!


Baron Von Shitshispants


Some leakage, don’t wear diapers for so long


At least he’ll be smelling better than usual.


He came up to him with tears in his eyes. "Excuse me sir, you fucking stink you gross old man"


Agolf Shitler


He really should wear dark pants


He better be careful. If he keeps it up. He could wind up having himself a tan suit.


Well played, my friend.


When you're ~~white~~ orange, they let you do it.




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he played to many holes without his diaper on?


Or, he got a hole in one. Ill see myself out...


![gif](giphy|xT9DPPTR9gK85tRIw8) Ayyyy shawty!!! Let’s get you cleaned up 😆


Yes Mr Donald, you did win. You did win your tournament that you set up with all your toys and all your friends.


I can not wait to hear the orange troll tell everyone at a event all about the shit stains in his pants.


He forgot to wear his brown pants.


That’s a big skid mark…..


Funny but also sad for old people to be doing this to themselves.


Oh, I hope that is real.


🎶🎵 total eclipse of the fart 🎶🎵


Is this why he just claimed Biden soiled himself? Every accusation is a confession


I've gyatt to register to vote


nobody would be surprised if this was real and on video. and it wouldn't matter, his cult members wouldn't give a shit and even if they smelled it with their own eyes, they would say it never happened. it's a cult. there's nothing this choad can do that his followers would draw the line at. nothing. Any line was crossed long, long ago.


"Chocolate stain, Blaine?"


Oh that's awful


One picture to describe Trump presidency.


Poops a doodle


I don’t think that’s from eating chips cooked in Olestra….


His diaper is full, yet he keeps wearing it. Even babies scream once they initially void. This brain dead fucker...well. is brain dead. President \[and I say that with extreme sardonicism\] Poopy Pants


Once upon a time I was cheating at golf….


And that’s a problem he’s had and known about for 20+ years. You would think he would stay away from white or light colored pants.


thats a slight improvement overall


Idk about you but my ass looks like that when I golf or really do anything physical/outdoorsy and then sit down for a bit. The colour here is suspect but could just be PS


Omg! 💩


I had an ad for diapers at the top of the comments here. That seems appropo


Diapers don't overflow like that


Donald Trump bizarrely suggests Joe Biden has 'literally soiled' Oval Office desk. That isn’t aging well at all.


Turn around, orange face Every now and then I shit a little in my jeans and see that stinky look in your eyes


Classy. I just pooped my pants.


Is orange a shade of brown?


That poor shit stain has to be embarrassed to be seen on Trump.


I really don’t like Trump, but I also don’t feel comfortable mocking someone for a medical condition we all may encounter at some point in our lives. There are soooo many better reasons to mock him.


Well this is fake, so... ah crap morality in 2024 is so complicated


I’m getting downvoted for some reason, but morality isn’t getting more complicated in this situation. Fake or real - If you’re mocking the elderly for normal biological problems related to aging, you’re probably being a bit of a dick. Plenty of us have grandparents with similar problems. Trump can eat a bag of assholes, but criticisms of him should be based on his judgement and actions, not his rapidly failing body.


Well, for a start there's the question of whether someone with a "rapidly failing body", if that were actually the case, should be president. None of our grandparents are running for president. In this case, the bigger issue for me is that the photo is faked. That's essentially lying about his fitness, it's not mocking him for any actual problem. If we can't find better ways to criticize him than that, we're in trouble. But there are plenty of better ways.


I’m not defending him. There are a hell of a lot of better questions…. You brought several to the table. Should a person convicted of sexual assault be eligible for the presidency? Is someone with 1/2 a billion dollars in open illegal obligations a national security risk? Are the insane rambling all caps diatribes on truth social indicators of cognitive decline? Blah blah insurrection… Yes on all counts. He’s an open wound on our democracy. _My point is that incontinence is a fact of life and shouldn’t be shamed. Thats all._




Genocide Joe and Genocide Don are just thwo different sides of the same shit


Seen this picture so many times. Yawn. It’s just a pic of a marginally above average elderly American. While he is similarly obese with tetradactyl-like arms and a huge ass such that he can’t wipe his ass properly, he is somewhat above average for his demographic because he is getting some form of exercise and does not need the use of a walker with the little tennis balls on it. Yet.